Perfect Places | FDTD

By KiirstyLouiise

19.6K 431 26

❝ I'll find strength in pain ❞ Audrey Fuller was the eldest daughter of Jacob Fuller and the older sister... More

Epigraph + Disclaimer


1.7K 38 2
By KiirstyLouiise

As everyone began getting ready to leave, Jacob had walked over to Seth and convinced him to let him have a moment with his children due to the fact that if they were calm and focused they had a greater chance of success.

Jacob walked over to his children as they all stood around him. "I know you're disgusted with me right now, and I know this is more than we bargained for when we started on this road, but it is what it is."

"What did you mean by all the Judgment stuff?" Scott asked as her referred to the earlier conversation Jacob had with Seth.  Kate stared at them in confusion. "Wait... what judgment stuff?"

"He was talking to them like this was supposed to happen. Like he deserved it or something." Scott filled her in. Audrey frowned at this. She zoned out when they were talking about it and hadn't realised that was what he was talking about.

"I was trying to distract him." Jacob began saying. Listen very closely, when I'm not here, you'll do exactly what they say. You follow every instruction to the letter." He told them. Audrey wanted to comment on the fact that they'd probably get shot if they didn't but she kept her mouth shut. Scott began complaining at the idea of it. "You trust these freaks?" He asked in disbelief.

"No, but i trust the fact that they want to get to Mexico and they can't do that without all four of us alive and we're gonna survive this because we're a family. Were minus one and god knows I miss her deeply." Their father began saying, referring to their mother. "Do you daddy?" Kate asked skeptically. 

"Kate! What the hell?" Scott asked in disbelief. Even Audrey was slightly confused at this and wanted to know why she would ask that. 

"Okay family meeting adjourned. Let's go pops." Seth said as Jacob began walking towards him. Despite the fact that Audrey was still quite angry with her dad right now she still feared what was going to happen. She just hoped that their father stuck to plan and didn't do anything  stupid.

As Jacob left the room, everyone else sat in silence. Seth checked his watch. "Alright, getting close."

Audrey was stood near Richard and Scott as she waited impatiently. "You like Bruce Lee?" She heard Richard ask Scott casually. She raised her eyebrows at the random question but decided not to comment on it. 

Scott was taken aback at the sudden question. "Huh?" He stuttered. Richie looked unphased. "Bruce Lee. Do you like him?" He repeated. Scott looked down for a moment before he mumbled a "Yeah."

Richard nodded. "So do I. You seen any of his early stuff?" He asked. Audrey was listening to their conversation with a frown on her face. She glanced at Seth who noticed her staring and he shook his head as he turned to check his watch again. It seemed at this point Audrey noticed that Seth was used to his brothers odd habits.

"Mhm...yeah." Scott said in response to Richies question. Richard looked surprised. "Really?" He glanced at Scott with a slight smile on his face. "Can you understand all of the stuff they were saying?" He asked.

Scott shook his head a little. "K-kind of...not much." He stuttered as he glanced at the floor again. She saw Richard grin a little and nod his head impressively. "You kind of look like Bruce Lee." He commented. Scott looked up with a small glare on his face. "Why, because I'm Asian?"

The small smile that was on Richard's face vanished at Scott's attitude. "No, because you look like Bruce Lee." He stared at Scott for a moment or two before looking away. "Just payed you a compliment." He muttered, sounding slightly offended that Scott practically rejected his compliment.

"Okay boys, showtime." Seth suddenly said as he walked towards them and opened the door. Richard let Scott go before him so that he could keep an eye on him as they made their way to the RV. Once they left the room Seth closed the door again.

"Then there were three." Audrey muttered under her breath as she leaned against the wall. Seth glared and held his gun up at her threateningly. "Lose the attitude princess before I blow not only your brains out but your sisters brains out as well. Capeesh?" 

Audrey glared at him for a moment, her eyes moving to her sister for a brief moment. She saw how scared she looked. Her eyes moved back to Seth's. "Capeesh." She mumbled out as she crossed her arms. Seth lowered his gun and backed off a little.

A few more minutes passed and Seth checked his watch again. "Okay it's time." He said as he looked at the two girls in front of him. "You two ready?" He asked them. Audrey walked over to her sister and placed a hand on her shoulder comfortingly. Both girls nodded their heads silently in response to his question.

Seth glanced at Kate. "Listen, erm...did my anything to you?" He asked skeptically.

At his question Audrey's glare hardened. "He better not have." She hissed out. Over the last couple of hours her patience had worn thin and her attitude was making more of an appearance. 

"He scared me." Kate replied quietly. Seth sighed. "You're not the only one." 

Audrey raised her eyebrow at his answer but kept quiet as she looked down at her sister who was staring at the floor. Seth looked at them both. "Look at me. You do what I tell you when I tell you and you'll get out of this without any bumps or scrapes." He told them both. Audrey wanted to believe what he was saying but she doubted his words.

Seth opened the door to the motel room and Kate stepped out first. She looked forwards in surprise and Audrey was curious to know why as she too stepped out of the room. She saw a ranger and as Seth stepped out of the room the ranger raised his gun up. "Hey!!" He yelled aggressively just as Seth placed his arm around the bottom of Audrey's neck as he pulled her back and began shooting at the officer. Audrey reached out instinctively for her sister and pulled her back with her. 

Audrey's heart was racing at what had happened or rather what was still happening. She looked around in panic and held onto her sister's hand tight as the three of them stood next to the door, Seths arm still across Audrey's neck. There was a crash at the door as someone booted it open violently and Seth held his gun up immediately only to see it was his brother. "You having fun brother?" Richard asked sarcastically.

"Jesus Christ, Richie. You know a little 'hey it's me' before you fling the friggin' door open would go a long way in keeping you alive." Seth yelled in frustration.

Richie looked unbothered. "I moved the RV around back." He stated. Seth narrowed his eyes. "You what?!"

"I told you we had too. We gotta get outta here before Ranger Ricardo makes his way in. Just as Richie said that there were gunshots at the door opposite them. The four of them all looked towards the door, Audrey and Kate looking at it in fear at what was going to happen and Seth and Richie looking towards it as though it were a small issue to deal with.

Seth immediately opened the door they were all leaned against and everyone piled out of the room. When they were outside again Richard grabbed Kate whilst Audrey was still in Seths arms and the four of them began running in hopes of escaping. She heard the ranger from earlier yell at them all to freeze and Seth stopped for a moment and fired numerous shots in his direction. Seth was shot in the arm and Audrey screamed in surprise. "Oh my god! Are you alright?!" She yelled at him as he grunted in pain. He didn't answer her question, instead firing more shots as he told Richard to go. Richard listened who began dragging Kate with him. Since Audrey was still wrapped in Seths free and injured arm she couldn't move and she nodded at Kate who looked back at her in concern as she was dragged off.

Seth began firing more shots at different officers and Audrey hid her head behind Seth's shoulder. Her heart was racing in her chest and she was surprised she hadn't passed out yet from the shock of it all.

After firing a few more shots Seth began running again, dragging her with him. She tried not to lean on his injury too much in the process of it all because despite the fact that she was being held against her will and being forced into this situation, she still felt bad that he had been hurt,

The pair of them arrived at a railing and he let Audrey go. "Jump over." He demanded. Audrey didn't argue and she jumped over and onto the small roof of the motel. Once Seth had jumped too he grabbed her arm and began pulling her away before they had to jump onto another roof. The two of them moved towards the edge and realised there was no where to go. They turned around and saw the ranger from earlier and Seth immediately grabbed Audrey again as leverage.

Seth fired his gun just as the ranger fired his and Audrey closed her eyes in fear. When she didn't hear any shots she peeked an eye open and realised both of them had run out of bullets. She sighed in relief and opened her other eye. 

The ranger began talking about Seth's ex who had apparently given up and how the Gecko's had a knack for pissing people off. Seth rolled his eyes and said something else as he let go of Audrey. The ranger had charged at Seth who looked at him unsurprisingly. "Oh we're gonna do this?" He asked just as he was tackled. Audrey screamed as the two of them fell off of the building. She raced closer to the edge of the roof and saw that they had landed on top of the RV with a bang. Seth began punching the ranger who eventually fell off of the RV with a thud. He glanced up at Audrey on the roof.

"C'mon jump down." He yelled up at her. Audrey looked at him in disbelief. "I'll catch you." He reassured. Audrey knew she didn't have a choice and she knew she didn't have a lot of time. She climbed onto the edge of the building and closed her eyes for a brief moment before opening them again and staring down at Seth who had his arms wide ready to catch her. Audrey shook her head slightly. "I can't believe I'm doing this." She muttered to herself before sighing. "Geronimo." She said before her feet left the building and her body began falling down at a fast speed.

She squealed as she fell but as promised Seth managed to catch her although she knocked him down with a thud as she landed on top of him. He groaned as he lay on his back and Audrey let out a groan of her own as she lay on top of him. She realised she had probably hurt his already injured arm some more and she immediately felt bad.

The sheer force of the fall hurt and the fact that she fell on Seth hurt even more. She looked down at him for a moment as her hair fell across her face. "You alright?" She asked him. Seth glanced back up at her for a few moments before he answered "I'll live" with a groan. Audrey smiled a little before she felt cheeks suddenly heat up when she realised her position and she quickly got off of him. Seth got up as well as he began walking to the back of the RV with Audrey on his tail. He climbed down the ladder and knocked the window to signal those inside the RV to start driving. Audrey stood at the top of the ladder as she held on whereas Seth was standing on the bottom. The vehicle began moving and Audrey sighed in relief.

She looked down at Seth who also looked relieved to be on the move and he glanced back at the ranger on the floor who was slowly coming back around. Audrey looked at the ranger as well and couldn't help but feel slightly bad for him. He had fallen off of a high roof and then was beaten up and rolled off of the top of an RV. 

However she had a feeling this wouldn't be the last she was seeing of him. As she stared at him, his figure was getting smaller and smaller as the RV drove down the dusty road. She sighed to herself. What next?

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