Eyes of Fire (Gaster!Sans x R...

By pst_writes

270K 10.9K 6.9K

(FAN FICTION BASED OFF OF VIDEO GAME 'UNDERTALE') His eyes were like fire. Amber. Dangerous. But they intrigu... More

1. Stars
2. Lost and Found
3. Worrier
4. Faded
5. Stranger
6. Confusion
7. Smile
8. Hurt
9. Amidst the Questions
10. Say Something
11. Pasts That Define
12. Safe
13. Finally
14. Futile Rest
15. Stay
16. Cherish It
Holy guacamole its another a/n
17. Fragile
Friends tag or somethin idk XD
18. Runnin'
19. Again
Tag for the lolz
20. Entwined
21. Protector
A/n because your author sucks and is terrible for not updating
22. Goodbye
23. Thantophobia
24. The Bonds We Share
bubblestrout---> crying_butterflies
25. Two Hearts
yo kids
26. Save Me
27. Why?
28. Their Cruel Fate
29. In Your Arms
30. Shadowed
31. Revelation
32. Two-Faced
33. Their Souls Are With Us
34. Turning Tables
35. Endure and Survive
36. Gone
37. Home Is Where The Soul Is
#whenyou'retagged + A/N
38. Changes
39. Their People
40. Friends In New Places
41. Memories That Haunt Us
42. The Beginnings
43. I Remember
44. I Confess
45. Fragments Of A Heart
46. Hands Of The Familiar
47. Death Does Not Discriminate
48. All Is Lost
Epilogue & Author Note
Timetable and other info

49. We All Become Our Worst Fears

1.9K 102 85
By pst_writes

A/N: Please play the song. It describes and fits the chapter perfectly.

G's P.O.V


It had been 3 weeks since Y/n disappeared.

It was like history was repeating itself, like fate had it out for me.

Over the past few days, all I knew was I needed to find her. Nothing else mattered. Giving up hope was something that I would never, never do. Not like last time, not like with Fri-

"G, give it up. We're never gonna find her." Undyne growled, staring around at the dark, shadowed glade we had entered.

"If you don't want to you can leave." I responded, my voice hoarse from dehydration and crying too, damn, much.

"Fine. Teleport me back." she retaliated, an ever present scowl on her sapphire coloured face. Within two seconds I teleported her back to the monster capital, coming face to face with the rest of the group, sitting at the table in the main hall. Asgore, Toriel, Alphys, Mettaton, Papyrus, even Flowey was sitting there, a frown on his face. Their heads snapped towards me, a few of them attempting to consolidate me, before I zapped out of the room, forcing the tears away and replacing them with a cold, hard demeanor. It was required.


3rd Person

"I'm really worried about him." Papyrus whispered, stunning the entire room with his unusually quiet voice. A few heads nodded, eyes trained on their laps or on the table laid out before them all.

G Sans had been coming and going from the capital building, never once speaking to any of the monsters present. Papyrus was the worst damaged, as expected. He ate and slept less than his brother, and Sans hadn't eaten in days; if he did, it was for energy to continue searching. Fortunately, the humans did not attack a second time after the last one, and very few lives were lost on that day, albeit a good number of casualties. They should have been happy, joyful in the success of the evacuation and rehousing of the civilians, but no one was. Everyone was caught in silence, unsure and afraid. Sometimes, G Sans would come back almost dead, or he would have a panic attack in the building, wrecking the place because he would lose control of his magic.

No one could do anything about it, not even Papyrus. The only person who could do something about it was gone, probably dead.

Papyrus would go home after work and find G knocked out on the sofa, or on the floor. Most nights, he would not come home. Whatever he was doing for hours, days upon end was ruining him- it was ruining Papyrus. At night, he would wake to the sound of screaming, and it was evident that G was being tormented not just by the absence of Y/n, but by something else, something supernatural. He could sometimes hear Sans' muttering through the walls, crying things like 'I'm sorry', 'bring her back', and 'don't touch her'. Something told Papyrus that it wasn't just Y/n who he was dreaming about.

G Sans had resorted back to smoking and drinking as his only comfort, back to the time before Y/n came into their lives, when he would come home drunk or beaten up.

In truth, it was scaring everyone, but scaring G himself the most.

He could only watch as he turned into someone he never imagined he would become. A reckless, selfish and suicidal maniac, nearly killing himself everyday and night. G feared that soon he would lose control over the monster he had now become, losing sight of the person he once was. It was a constant fear which he could do nothing about, and that was always the most terrifying thing about it - losing control, and boy, was G doing so.

G knew he was finished, he knew his time was up, when after nearly a month, he experienced a vivid dream with a true monster who had been invading his slumber every single night.

It was Chara, alive and well, and with Y/n. G didn't know if she was really being held captive by Chara, or it was just another of her twisted mind games, but it was slowly poisoning him from the inside. His mind was being plagued with endless cries for help, all of which he could do nothing about. It was the same voice, Y/n, screaming for him to help her again and again, but it was futile. G was an empty void, a hollow shell of the person he once was.

The vivid dream was the same petrifying torture which he went through every night, except this time, it was silent. Y/n, was silent. Chara materialized before his eyes in the nightmare, a twisted grin permanently etched onto her skin. Suddenly, Y/n also appeared before him, but instead of crying for his help, she said nothing. 

For she was dead.

Everything became numb. Chara's metallic shrieks of laughter rang in his ears before he awoke, cries and screams of horror trapped in his throat, clawing at his bones to escape.

It was then that G Sans became numb to the world, leaving his brother and friends behind to live alone in an empty part of the city, with criminals and vagabonds for friends.

It was then that G Sans became a real monster, the monster that he never wished to become, but finally did.

We all become our worst fears, in the end.


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(Cover art by @pumpkinbday!!!) Just a bunch of Papyrus x Readers! Requests are closed. Thanks for everything :)