Eyes of Fire (Gaster!Sans x R...

By pst_writes

270K 10.9K 6.9K

(FAN FICTION BASED OFF OF VIDEO GAME 'UNDERTALE') His eyes were like fire. Amber. Dangerous. But they intrigu... More

1. Stars
2. Lost and Found
3. Worrier
4. Faded
5. Stranger
6. Confusion
7. Smile
8. Hurt
9. Amidst the Questions
10. Say Something
11. Pasts That Define
12. Safe
13. Finally
14. Futile Rest
15. Stay
16. Cherish It
Holy guacamole its another a/n
17. Fragile
Friends tag or somethin idk XD
18. Runnin'
19. Again
Tag for the lolz
20. Entwined
21. Protector
A/n because your author sucks and is terrible for not updating
22. Goodbye
23. Thantophobia
24. The Bonds We Share
bubblestrout---> crying_butterflies
25. Two Hearts
yo kids
26. Save Me
27. Why?
28. Their Cruel Fate
29. In Your Arms
30. Shadowed
31. Revelation
32. Two-Faced
33. Their Souls Are With Us
34. Turning Tables
35. Endure and Survive
36. Gone
37. Home Is Where The Soul Is
#whenyou'retagged + A/N
38. Changes
39. Their People
40. Friends In New Places
41. Memories That Haunt Us
42. The Beginnings
43. I Remember
44. I Confess
45. Fragments Of A Heart
46. Hands Of The Familiar
47. Death Does Not Discriminate
49. We All Become Our Worst Fears
Epilogue & Author Note
Timetable and other info

48. All Is Lost

1.6K 92 61
By pst_writes

A/N: Play the song, if thou wish so..

G's P.O.V


"WHERE IS SHE?!" I roared, gripping the collar of some petrified human, who was quivering under my grip. He said nothing, tears falling rapidly from his squeezed shut eyes.

"I said, where. Is. She?!" I growled, lifting him high above the ground until he was whimpering in absolute fear.

"S-she disappeared! P-please don't kill m-me!" he cried, shaking furiously. Huffing, I dropped him back to the ground, causing him to crumple into a ball, and continued to stalk the corridors, trying to contain my shaking hands. As sweat trickled down my bony forehead, I could feel my heart, soul, whatever thumping wildly in my chest as my breathing broke down into shallow heaves and gasps.

She was gone.

She was gone and I had done nothing.

As soon as everyone had evacuated to the underground bunker, the fighter jets had left, leaving complete destruction in their wake. Looking through the crowds, Y/n was no where to be found. I had stupidly left her after running off to find Papyrus and Mettaton, so the worry was weighing like a thousand tonnes on my shoulders.

I searched and searched, my fear growing with every empty house and street. After reporting it to Asgore, he denied a search party, saying the safety of the population was the main concern and priority. I couldn't disagree with him, but I wasn't going to waste another second with the cowards. Finding her engraved dagger in a ruined house set me off in a mad frenzy, flinging debris and wood to and fro until I was digging through the foundations of the house. I only stopped when I couldn't breath anymore.

With the help of Papyrus and Undyne, I tracked her here, the human capital's main hospital. Without them I probably wouldn't have gotten anywhere. After finding Y/n's clothes and possessions she had with her that day, I couldn't contain myself. I probably killed a few innocent people with the rage.

Now, I was getting no where.

Walking down a corridor, I noticed knocked out soldiers and guards all over the floor, guns by their side. They probably were trying to capture Y/n again. Picking up a pistol, I tucked it into my back pocket, looking around the area. There was a crevice line running down the centre of the corridor, with cracks next to some foot-shaped holes.

Y/n must have been here.

That explained the incapacitated soldiers and dents caused by magical energy; she must have harnessed it some how and escaped! But to where?

A smashed window sat to the side of the corridor, looking out to the city beyond. It had been ruined by the war, but there were still numerous buildings intact, and the population here was much larger than ours back at home. Hopefully no one knew we were here- that would bring a whole lot more problems that we could deal with or needed.

I knew Y/n- she wouldn't have gone into the city, most definitely. The sense of her magic lingered in the air, signalling that she was only here a while ago. Maybe she... teleported? But that skill was beyond her at this stage... She still could have done it, although, knowing her magic capacity was constantly growing. Magic in humans was very powerful, comparable to the best of monsters. Y/n had only just discovered hers, so obviously she wasn't an expert in it. Still, it was possible. There was no doubt in that.

As I continued to ponder, the reasoning became sure in my mind. There wasn't anywhere else to go if she had been cornered. The very thought angered me, but I kept my calm as I returned to Papyrus and Undyne, who were waiting patiently in the main hospital room where many people lay knocked out. Papyrus tensed as he saw me trudging towards them; I hated it when he saw me like this, furious and relentless, but right now there were no other options. In the large open space of beds and racks, there had been many more civilians, but they left as soon as we had arrived, probably soon to return with even more soldiers.

"Let's go." I muttered, grabbing them both by the shoulder and teleporting out of there immediately, ignoring Undyne rolling her eyes at me. I had to ask her three times before she agreed to accompany us, still disliking Y/n passionately. There was nothing I could do about that right now.

I would find Y/n, if it took days, weeks, months. Fear gripped me, but I sent it to the back of my mind, my breathing evening out.


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