Blue is for Honesty (Book One)

By Creativeauthor13

6.8K 206 154

""Now, count the stars that you see." Her life has been nothing more than a cell of dark grey and magenta. H... More

Chapter One- Punishments
Chapter Two- Help me
Chapter Three- Hey You
Chapter Four- Training Buddy
Chapter Five- New Names and New Faces
Chapter Six- Awkward Moments
Chapter Seven- Future Kunoichi
Chapter Nine- I'm sorry
Chapter Ten- Stuck
Chapter Eleven-The Light At The End Of The Tunnel
Chapter Twelve- Says Who
Chapter Thirteen- Boredom
Chapter Fourteen- Truth or Dare
Chapter Fifteen- Footclan Princess
Chapter Sixteen-Danger Around Every Corner
Chapter Seventeen- Gone?
Chapter Eighteen- Who is in Control
Chapter Nineteen- The Darkness Inside Her
Chapter Twenty- Dangerously Beautiful

Chapter Eight- A New Problem

271 7 14
By Creativeauthor13

Finally! It felt like forever since Olivia had actually been above ground. She'd forgotten the feeling of the crisp wind on her face was soothing and how welcoming the full moon was while jumping rooftops. Not to mention the turtles made patrol fun, too.

So far, they'd only bashed a few Kraang droids (much to Olivia's enjoyment) and a fee PDs. She smirked, remembering how epic they all looked when they fought as a unit. Unfortunately, it made her loose her concentration. As she jumped the final roof, the lost her footing and slipped. Olivia screamed as she fell.

Luckily, Leo reacted quickly and grasped her wrist tightly. Olivia looked down at the ground below, then back up at Leo. "Are you alright?" He asked, pulling her back onto the roof. "Yeah. I'm fine." She assured. "Thanks, Leo." "Liv and Leo sittin' in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G!" Mikey sang. Leo blushed a dark shade of red while Olivia merely laughed.

"First comes love, then comes the marriage, then there's the b-" Don't finish that sentence." Leo threatened. Raph, Donnie and Mikey burst into a laughing fit. A swift motion on a nearby roof caught Olivia's attention. Her head snapped to the right, but she saw nothing. "Guys?" she called softly. They only continued to tease each other.

She saw another quick movement, this time in the alley below. "Guys!" Still, no one even glanced her way. A dark blur dashed past the building to their left. Olivia couldn't take it any more. "GUYS! IF YOU WOULD ACTUALLY LISTEN, I'M TRYING TO SAY WE HAVE A-" She was cut off abruptly by a ninja star whizzing past her face.

The guys suddenly became attentive. A weird mechanical yelp resounded, the noise echoing off of the walls. "Footbots." Leo stated, unsheathing his Katanas. The rest of the group followed his lead, taking out their weapons. Just as Leo had predicted, a large swarm of Footbots surrounded them instantly. The hair on Olivia's neck raised slightly.

The Footbots parted a bit allowing Shredder to walk through, a white wolf teen not far behind. Her silver eyes glinted dangerously. Everyone gasped. "Shredder? Here?!" Donnie asked. "Dudes. I think I'm gonna need a new shell." Mikey whimpered. "Why won't he just send another one of his errand boys to do the dirty work for him?" Raph seethed.

"My men have failed me one to many times." Shredder boomed. "You pest are still alive, despite their greatest attempts. They're foolish. The time has come for me to defeat you all myself.". Olivia's eyes widened. The wolf girl chuckled. "Winter!" Shredder called. "Yes, Master Shredder?" Winter cooed. Her voice carried a deadly edge. "Attack." Winter smirked. "With Pleasure."

She charged at Olivia, her Neko-Te shining in the moonlight. Olivia held up her Ninjato, deflecting the blow. The turtles charged at Shredder, simultaneously fighting off multiple Footbots. Winter kicked Olivia in the ribs knocking her into a Central Air Unit. Olivia wheezed a bit as the breath was knocked from her lungs. Winter let out a battle cry and charged again.

Olivia leaned to the right, narrowly avoiding being stabbed. She kicked Winter in the gut. As she stumbled backward, it gave Olivia enough time to stand back up again. She charged at winter, preparing to swipe her Ninjato. Winter, however, was ready for the attack. She used her Neko-Te and grabbed Olivia's blade. While Olivia was still shocked, Winter headbutted her with all her might.

Olivia grunted and fell backward, a small trickle of blood falling down her forehead. Winter looked at her with wide eyes. Olivia stood up with a smirk, getting into a defensive position. "My turn." She said. With that, she roundhouse kicked Winter, using her enhanced strength to knock her off the roof. She was breathing heavily, and excruciatingly tired. But she knew the battle wasn't over.

She grabbed her Ninjato and rushed at Shredder, a serious look on her face. Shredder whipped around and kicked her in the stomach. She shook off the pain and charged again, this time using her hands. She punched him in the face, watching in glee as he stumbled back a bit. Then he growled and pinned her to the ground. "You will pay for that, girl!" He seethed.

"OLIVIA!" The guys yelled in unison. Raph lept on Shredder's back, forcing him off of Olivia. Shredder ripped Raph off of his back, slamming him into the concrete roof. The force of the attack left him unconscious. Mikey lept up, hoping to get a clean attack. However, Shredder grabbed his foot, slamming him to the ground and stepping on him. Donnie attacked next, sweeping his foot under Shredder.

Shredder avoided the attack, kicking Donnie into the rooftop corner. The intelligent turtle hit his head and was out cold instantly. Olivia growled. With her anger as her fuel, she launched herself at Shredder. He, however, turned around just in time, slicing her across the chest. She screamed in pain as she hit the floor. The wound was deep and bleeding immensely. Her chest felt as though it was on fire.

Her vision blurred and her hearing was muffled. She grasped her chest tightly, trying her best to stop the bleeding. It didn't work however. It only made the pain worse. She weakly looked up just in time to see Shredder knock Leo off of his feet.

Leo was too injured to get up. Slowly, Shredder made his way to Leo, Tekkō-kagi scraping the ground eerily. Olivia's eyes widened. Leo was going to get killed! Fear took over. She couldn't let him die! She wouldn't! With determination as her adrenaline, she began to crawl over to Leo, ignoring her pain. Behind her, a trail if blood sat. It went from a puddle to a slightly crooked horizontal line. She was only a few feet away from Leo when Shredder made her way over to him.

He forcefully, yanked him up, raising his Tekkō-kagi. "No!" Olivia screamed. Using the last if her energy, she lept up and stood in front of Leo just in time to take the blow for Leo and get stabbed in the stomach by Shredder. Her eyes widened and blood spilled from her mouth and her matted blonde hair was now dropping in blood. Her shirt grew a red spot that grew slowly to cover it entirely. "Olivia!" Leo yelled as she fell. The next few minutes went by like a blur. One minute Leo's eyes were filled with fury. The next he was leaning over Olivia mumbling reassuring words.

She gave a weak smile and gently kissed Leo on the head. Then the world went black.

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