My Long Lost Prince : Complet...

Par ChiFujiwara

66.9K 2.8K 2.5K

Highest Ranking: #2 in a slight comedy, #2 in Hawaii and #1 in Hawaiian. Book scene: He seemed to change deme... Plus

Crash and Yell (Updated)
Accidents Happen (Updated)
Unfinished Business (Updated)
Family friend. (Updated)
The Letter (Updated)
Oh No She Didn't! (Updated)
Aloha! (Updated)
The new house (Updated)
Roaming (Updated)
Hello stranger. (Updated)
In The Dark Of The Night(new chapter)
Oh boy! Here we go!( Updated)
Hello again..... ( Updated)
Stranger's Pov. Hello Stranger (Updated)
Afternoon drama (Updated)
Family (Updated)
As life goes on.... (Updated)
One last time... (Updated)
Little One.... (Updated)
Strangers Pov. Afternoon Drama and Present Day (Updated)
Suspicion.... (Updated)
Soarin Flyin!(UPDATED)
Love and Support
A Father's Intuition [A New Chapter]
Wow! (Updated)
They see me Roamin' they Hatin' (Updated)
Stranger's Pov. They see me Roamin' (Updated)
Anything but a Lazy Day(UPDATED)
Dinner for twenty. (Updated!)
What happened? (Updated)
A new beginning? (Updated)
Sebastion: A little love (Updated)
She wasn't ready. (UPDATED)
Don't forget to smile(UPDATED)
Your Highness! (UPDATED)
Sebastian's Pov. Tretchery (UPDATED)
The Ending of a Chapter
Sequel!!!! (UPDATED)

Present day (Updated)

1.1K 52 109
Par ChiFujiwara

Previously on My Long Lost Prince

"Yes mum. I know... I know..." she said as she drifted off to sleep.

"Good night..."

My little one...

"Mum..." a whisper said from a distance.




"MUM!!!" I shot up from my bed quickly.


I looked all around but she was nowhere in sight!

Where are you?! Something's wrong!

Where is she?!

I saw something move from under the blanket and yanked it off to see her there, talking in her sleep.

Thank the holy sweet breath of relief!

She was having a nightmare.

"Mummy.... I'm sorry..." she said holding onto the blanket tightly.

She's dreaming about her mum.

My poor baby.

I scooped her up in my arms, held her close to my heart and whispered in her ear.

"I'm here. Its alright. There's nothing to be afraid of. I'm here. I'm here." I said, giving her a hug and rocking her like a fussy baby.

Okay, she's calming down.

She holds onto me with a tight grip and puts her head onto my shoulder. I looked out of the window to see that the sun is still down.

What time is it?

I checked my clock and it said five thirty.

Okay! Breakfast time.

I took a blanket, pillow and Alana with me downstairs to sleep on the couch while I made breakfast.

I'll do scrambled eggs, bacon and waffles!

I placed her body on the couch, covered her with the blanket and gave her the pillow to snuggle with while I'm gone.

Okay... time to get started!

I found the frying pan and once hot, placed two strips of bacon on it, making it sizzle.

I started beating the eggs when I felt a small hand on my leg.

"Morning mummy." Alana said wiping her eyes sleepily.

Oh morning baby. Did I wake you?

"Morning baby." I said picking her up.

"Did I wake you?" she shakes her head and yawns tiredly.

"Did you sleep well?"

"Mhmm......" she said giving me a small smile.

Did you really?

She looked at what I was doing and stared at the bowl sadly.

"Do you want to help me make breakfast?" she perked up immediately and nodded frantically.

"Yes. Please." she said, calming down.

"Alright. Go to the sink, wash your hands and I'll give you something to help me with!" I said, putting her down and pointing towards the sink.

Soon, I heard the tap running and small steps walking behind me.

"Done!" she said smiling and holding her soaked hands out to show me.

"Can you toast these waffles for me please?" I grabbed the essential blueberry waffles' packet and handed her eight of the waffles inside.

She grabbed two happily and popped it in the toaster excitedly.

Look at my little chef.

Once done beating the eggs, I poured some onto the two slices of bacon and left it there to cook.

Alright. Just how Veronica likes it.

I turned around to see Alana staring intently at the toaster waiting for the waffles to pop out.

Well someone's attentive.

... Pop!

Her face lit up when she saw the now golden waffles in the toaster.

"Look mummy! Look! Look!" she said tugging at my hand and pointing at the waffles with a wide smile on her face.

"Good job baby! I'm so proud of you!" I said patting her head and giving her a small hug.

Her eyes started to water as she looked up at me.

"Really? You are?"

"Yes. I am...." I said making her smile widely and look proudly at her toasted waffles.

"Okay! No more stalling! You still have more to toast!" I proclaimed, pointing at the toaster.

She giggled slightly and nodded her head seriously. She delicately placed the golden waffles on the plate and placed two more in the toaster.

Okay. I should get back to work too.

I grabbed a plate and placed Veronica's breakfast on there. I plopped six new slices of bacon onto the stove for everyone else.

About four minutes of me flipping the crispy bacon went by and I heard a door creak open.

"Morning Lilly."

Mornin' daddy.

"Good morning daddy." I said placing the bacon on a new plate.

"Your coffee mixtures are already on the table waiting for you to brew." he sighed and scratched his head tiredly.

"Thank you love." I gave him a 'yup' and started to cook the remainder of scrambled eggs.

"Mummy! I'm done!"


"Beautifully done! Now place two waffles on each plate please." she smiled widely and said "Yes mum. " before doing her task.

Dad grabbed his laptop off of the island and started typing away, sitting by the dining room table.

You know, the usual.

"Is there a ticket ready for me?" I asked, placing the last of the eggs onto their respected plates.


I was going to wash the dishes, but he stopped me saying that Veronica will do them today.

I took out some syrup, fruits, nuts and our light whipped cream, cutting the fruits.

" Mummy? What to do now?" she asked looking up at me with those big eyes of hers.

"Go and ask uncle if he wants a fruit bowl with his breakfast please." she nodes and hastily walks towards daddy pulling on his pants.

"Excuse me unkey, but do you want a fruit bowl along with your breakfast?" he looks down at her, then at me and then at her again chuckling slightly.

"Yes please niecey."

She smiled at him and waddled her way over to me as dad smirked at me behind her back.

"He said yes please niecey. "

"Okay. Give this to him for me please." she grabs the small fruit bowl from my hands and tip toes over to dad.

"Here unkey!" she said handing it to him with a wide smile.

He raises his eyebrow at me and takes the bowl from Alana, giving her a thank you. She waddled her small frame over to me and grinned widely.

"I did it mummy!" she said clapping her hands.

"Are you ready for breakfast?"

"Mhm... " I carried both of our plates towards the dining table along with the whipped cream and syrup.

Once sitting down, we prayed then, began eating.


"Alana. I'll be right back! I left dads breakfast uncovered!" she nodded her head and continued to happily nibble on her waffles.

I left Veronica's uncovered too, but I'm not gonna put hers up too.

Who am I kidding?

I placed Veronica's in the microwave and covered dad's own up with the microwave cover.


I walked back down to my seat and ate the remainder of my breakfast.


"Yes sir?"

"You have your pass into Oahu, Hawaii, but the job there isn't clarified yet. "

"Alright, do you know where I'll be living and working?"

"You will be working and living in Iolani palace, Hawaii."

"Alright." I said finishing off my breakfast.

"Lilly?" I looked up to see him urging for me to speak with him in private. We entered the office and he closed the door.

" What are you going do with her when you go? "

"I would take her with me to live in the palace or maybe have her stay over at Anela's place if she'll let her, but I refuse to just leave and abandon her like people in her past did.

She's now my responsibility and I plan to keep it that way as long as humanely possible." he looks at me in my eyes and smiles.

"You know that one day you'll make a great mother, right? I've never been so proud to call you my daughter." I smiled.

"Your mother would be so proud. You're just like her! Well, mostly." he said looking away and making me chuckle.

"Thanks dad." I said smiling genuinely at the proud man I call father.




I practically broke dads office doors as I ran towards the dining room.


"Why the Hell are you here beggar?! I hope that you didn't steal anything because if you did I WILL press charges for breaking and entering into this home including THEFT! UNDERSTOOD?!" Veronica yelled at Alana.

She was cowering in the corner and whimpered a 'mhmm'.

Oh. Big mistake.

"VERONICA! HOW DARE YOU SHOUT AT HER LIKE THAT! FIRSTLY SHE'S A GUEST! SECONDLY SHE'S UNDER MY CARE SO SHUT UP AND BUD OUT!" I shouted at her making her face become slapped with shock and anger.

"But she stole MY food!"

"Did you check in the microwave Veronica dearest? I'm pretty sure that that's where your breakfast was placed manually by yours truly." I said intertwining my fingers and giving her the sweetest look ever.

Her eyes widened as if realizing what she did was wrong and what does she decide to do about it?

She rolls her eyes and walks into the kitchen as if nothing happened!


I turned to the corner to see her small frame shaking in the corner.

My poor baby.

I walked up to her an whispered "Alana. Its me. Don't be afraid. Its all over now." she slightly moves her hands from over her face to show her watery orbs, overflowing with tears.

"Mum!" she said, springing into my arms and gripping my shirt tightly.

"It's okay. That was just Veronica. As you can see, she's not on the nice side so try to avoid her as much as possible okay?" she nods her head and places a hand on my shoulder.

"Dad. We're going upstairs!" I said, jogging upstairs with Alana resting on my shoulder.

I heard an 'okay' as I closed my room door and placed her down onto the bed.

Veronica knows her apparently, so she must know what she's like, but desperate for some food yesterday she came here anyway.

I looked over at her to see her eyeing her red hands intently.

"Did you injure yourself?" I asked holding her hands and inspecting it.

She shakes her head 'no' and looks as depressed as ever.

I want to cheer her up....

"Would you like to go to Hawaii with me? I'm volunteering there." she looks in my direction.

"Really?" she asked tilting her head to the side.

I guess that we were both left alone when our guardians went away. Huh?

"Really, really." I said in a deep voice.

Her face beamed happily and she jumped on the bed saying "Yes!" over and over again making me chuckle.

"But first, we must take a shower, get dressed and I'll let dad know while you stay upstairs. Okay?"

I don't want her to see Veronica again.

"Okay!" she said clapping her hands and stripping her clothes.

Kids these days.

I locked the room door, took off all of my clothes and turned on the shower waiting for it to turn warm.

"Showers ready! " I said climbing in and helping her get in.

I cowered over her most of the time so the water doesn't completely fall on her.

I wouldn't want to make her trauma worse.

When our shower was done, we brushed our teeth and Alana wore my shirt as a nighty.

I clicked on the television and went downstairs to speak to daddy.

"Veronica! You must conduct yourself better than THAT in front of guests and until then, you're not going to get anymore money or gifts from me until you've learnt your lesson!"




Their bedroom door shut loudly and dad stomps into his office.

I should leave him alone right now, but Alana's more important to me than anything now.

Sorry daddy.

Knock! Knock!

I opened the door quietly and stepped inside.

" Wife troubles, huh?" he looks up at me from across the table.

"You have no idea. Your mother was sweet and once in a while, difficult, but NEVER like this."

I'm kinda happy because of that.

"You did the right thing though. You already spoil her too much and she's used to getting what she wants." he nods and scratches his head.

"You're right."

Of course I am.

"I hold no regret whatsoever, but do you need something?"

Oh yeah!

" I'm taking her with me. I'll pay for the extra ticket." he sits up and opens up his laptop.

"Nonscense. It's the least I can do for my new granddaughter." He chuckled.

I smiled.

"Mr. Bowe explained it to you didn't me?"

"Of course." He nodded and I smiled, giving him a hug.

"Thanks daddy."

"No problem hunny."

I went upstairs to see Alana dancing and I laughed.

"What are you watching?"

"I'm dancing to the doggy singing to the kitty cat! " I shook my head.

Of course.

Turns out, she's watching Oliver and Company.

Once the song was over, we flopped our bodies on the bed.

"I have some news for you. We're gonna travel in four days and cousin Shelly's gonna take you shopping for the trip!" She looks at me happily, then confusingly.

"Who's cousin Shelly?"

Oh yeah.

"She's decently close family." she looks back at the television and said "Ooohhh. Okay! "

"She's probably gonna show up tomorrow and when she does I'll introduce you."

"Mum, how do you know that she's gonna come?"


"Shelly tends to sneak outside of her house to mine once she hears that something's happening to me or her.

I don't know why, but its just her way. Besides you're going to love her as much as you love me."


"Okay." she said gripping onto my hand rather tightly.

"Hey? Do you trust me?" I asked looking into her eyes.

"Yes mummy."

"Then don't worry about my decisions. Whatever I do, I try to do it all out of love, but you have to give me a chance. Okay?" she tears up and smiles at me.

"Okay mummy. I love you. " she said turning back around to watch the movie once again with a smile.

"I love you too baby. I love you too...."

Continuer la Lecture

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