Accidental love

By nochillmad

125K 3.9K 1.8K

Some times love is accidental literally More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chappter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 34 part 2
Chapter 34 part two and a half
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
39 part two
Chaper 40
40 fuckin5
Youve been blessed‼️
And it begins, sequel out now

The end

1K 34 18
By nochillmad

*10years later*
"Mami" Isaac questioned squeezing my cheeks together.

"Yes mijo" I say playing attention too the road.

"You love me?" He asked with a smile.

"Yes mijo" I replied.

"Haha Mami loves me and not you" he gloated pocking his tongue out at Bella.

I smacked his chest causing him too grunt.

"Your my favorite princess" I say before she started too cry.

"I was you favorite" Isaac says as I pull into the drive way.

"My princess will always be favorited, fall in like peasant" I shoo him off getting out and opening the door for Bella.

I walked inside with them following behind me.

Mani walked out from the kitchen greeting Bella with a hug and kiss then me with kisses and a hug.

"Why you crying Icing?" Mani asked opening her arms.

"Mommy am I your favorite?" He asked walking into her arms and sniffling.

There was a pause before she answered "I... I love you" she hugged him rubbing his back.

He quickly pulled away wiping his tears angrily, "Ima go live with My auntie since she actually loves me" he sniffled pulling his phone out.

I shake my head, "what did I say?"Mani asked.

"Nothing he's just a mamas boy" I replied.

"Come too Mami" I open my arms for him.

"No, I, running away" he clenched his jaw.

"Your such a mamas boy" Isabella says

"Shut up your adopted" he said back

She shot him a bird quickly.

"You think I'm gonna let you, my first baby leave the nest early, absolutely not" I walk over too him forcefully hugging him.

"No, I don't want your fake love, Y'all all ugly anyways" he said.

"Yeah okay ice" I say forcing him too hug me back.

"Your always gonna be my baby" I kissed his head rocking us side to side.

"I love you Mami" he sniffled.

"Te amo mijo" I replied.

"Stop crying I didn't raise a bitch" I say wiping his tears.

"Says you, you nearly died twice" he said wiping them on my shirt.

"Mami almost died?" Isabella said.

"It was before you were born, the good old days" He added.

I smack him upside the head in return.

"If we're being honest the second time was your brothers fault" I clarified.

"Thank you Mami for pointing out what a bad son I am" he says letting me go.

"Mom met Mamma the first time she almost died and then they got married a couple months later the second time she almost died"

"Isaac had a crush on mami when he first met her" Normani laughed.

"I did not" he gasped blushing.

"You did, and you've had a crush on untie Dinah for the last 4 years son get over it" I say hugging Mani from behind.

"You like mommies sister ew" Bella said making a sour face.

"None of them are actually related and it wouldn't matter because I'm adopted" he says taking his phone out.

"No, you came from Mami and I came from mommy" Isabella says.

Mani and I looked at each other before bursting out into laughter.

"Ain't no babies coming from me" I say through my laughter.

"Like I said, I'm adopted, the only one who loves me is Untie Daya" he said putting his phone on speaker phone.

"Hello" Zee says answering.

"Hi my most favorites auntie/ role model in the entire world" he smiles

"Hello my favorites nephew from next door whom I love more than my own kids" she replies.

"Seeee, this is what love sounds like" Isaac raises his voice at us.

"Can you come over I need your presence right now it makes me happy" he added.

She mad a siren noise, "on my way!" She says before hanging up.

"Mani our sons a bitch" I shake my head.

"No you the bitch" he yelled back

"Don't talk to my girl like that" Normani pushed him as she walked by.

"You know what both of y'all fight me" he huffs taking his shirt off.

Mani ran up but he moved and kicked the back of her knee making her cal apse I sceam in laughter falling to the floor that j made the record in my brain scratch I roll on the floor Putting my face in the pillow.

"Mani he just fucking folded you" I wheeze as tears practically escaped from my eyes.

She grabbed at his leg instead grabbing his pants, he grabs them as he held her down on her stomach and put his but on her face.

Tears escape and I run out the room my girl j got bodied omg

"Next" he calls pushing her to the side.

"You want it?" I ask taking my jacket off.

"Whop him Mami" Bella calls assisting to her mother whom was playing dead.

"Step up pussy" he calls.

I shrug and give him what he asked for.

"Nextttt" I call after he tapped out

"Mommy you mad at me?" He asked his quiet mother on the couch looking traumatized.

She pushed him away from her crossing her arms.

He jumps on her making her take kisses, "no" she yells shaking from his grip.

"You put your balls on my face I never thought I'd have that again.

Isaac and I look at her in disgust

"Next scene bruh fuck that" Isaac called walking away.
I was shaken awake by the bed moving and a nun clear voice.

"Mami" Isaac whined.

"What?" I say tiredly opening one eye.

"Scoot over I wanna sleep with you" he says rubbing his chest.

I hum in a comfortable spot.

"Your a grown ass man but you wanna sleep in the bed with me?" I ask closing my eyes again.

He just whined and pouted in response.

"Go sleep with your mother" I say putting the cover over me more.

"She's on the phone with Auntie Dinah" he says trying too roll me over.

"Go sleep with your sister" I replied.

"I don't like her" he simply stated.

I groan annoyed, "I'm have too be at the field in the morning Isaac" I yawn.

"I just wanna sleep in the bed with you" he whined.

I blow out a breath in frustration before scooting back and opening the covers for him too climb in bed with me.

"Yay" he laughed quickly hoping in the bed and turning over too be with little spoon.

He turns putting his cold toes on mine I wince opening my eyes to see him smiling so hard his cheeks had to hurt.

I look into his big brown eyes my little boy wasn't there anymore he wasn't missing his two front teeth anymore his scare from falling in the drive way was heeled he was tall with a chiseled jaw and hair growing on his lip and jaw.

He messes with nose ring and squeezes my cheeks.

"Te quiero, nene" I smile running my fingers through his long bouncy curls.

"Te quiero más mamá" He interlaced our fingers my heart flutters my sonny poo is the best.

"Mama you wanna meet my girlfriend?" He questions.

"Yo what?"I question furrowing my eyebrows.

"Mami don't" he says knowing I'm bout to get extra.

"Don't what? You don't have no girlfriend" I say closing my eyes again.

"Mami I'm being fr, her name is Shae she stays in the groves" he says in a low tone.

I huff in frustration sitting up, "I'm tired Isaac stop playing" I clench my jaw.

"Look" he huffs reaching over me to grab his phone.

I sit quietly against my head bored waiting for him to stop wasting my time.

His phone rings a few times before connecting.

"Hi Shae shae" she smiles enthusiastically.

"Hey baby" a girl replied.


I wipe the tired out my eyes I got time today.

"I miss y-" I snatch the phone

"Who are you?" I question looking down at the little girl.

I mean this in the most non pedopholic way but she's not ugly.

"Hi I'm shaylen, I'm Isaacs girlfriend are you His mom?" She asks.

I look at her for a second

"¿Por qué no me dijiste que tenías una novia pendejo? quieres que te la chancla"

"mamá deja de que me avergüences...ser amable con ella me gusta mucho"

I huff, "how long have y'all been together?"

"4months" she smiles

I run my tongue across my teeth, and look at Isaac.

"Mommy stop" he says resting his head on my shoulder

"Ima beat yo ass" I say flaring my nostrils.

He sucked his teeth snatching his phone back.

"I'm sorry babe, you just got off work?"

"Yea, I miss you can we chill?" She asked.

Bring her here I mouth getting up from the bed.

He rolls his eyes,

"you wanna come over?"

"Really? Your gonna let me meet your moms?" She asked excitedly.

"Yea" he chuckled nervously.

"Okay ima come get you" he says sliding out the bed as well.

They cup cake a little more before he hangs up.

"Mama why you gotta be so mean to her?"he asks

"Mean? I haven't started being mean you better hope I like her" I laugh humorlessly.

"Why you so mad?"

"I'm not mad you have a girlfriend I'm mad you didn't tell me, I'm mad you experimented without me, I'm upset you talked to a girl without me coaching you on your game first...your not my little Isaac anymore and I'm mad" I hug unclenching my jaw.

"Mama" he smiled "I'm sorry I won't grow up anymore" he squeezes me tightly resting his head on my chest.

I hug him back letting a deep breathe go

"Promise" I ask resting my chin on top of his head.

"Promise, and you better be nice to her" he replied.

"Okay I'll be nice son, but guess what?" I ask.


"I'm telling mommy" I laugh running out the room.

"No no no no!" He screamed chasing after me.

"Mani" I scream running down stairs to the kitchen.

"Bitchhhhh" I laugh when I finally lay eyes on my queen.

She gave me a puzzled look setting her cloth down.

"Yo son out here-" he puts his hand over my mouth before I could finish.

"Mommy don't listen" his voice cracks as I fight to get him off so I could talk.

"What is it son?" Mani questioned . I seal my lips and wait for her reaction.

He looks at me waiting for me too blurt it out.

After about 30 seconds of glares shared with each other he speaks, "Mommy I um.."

"I might like this girl, and she's kinda my girlfriend" Normanis deep brown eyes ignite with fire.

"What?" I She asked lowering her body

I blow a raspberry knowing she boutta kill my only son

"What you smoking and drinking now to?" She yells.

I look to him waiting for response, "no mommy I promised of I was ever going to I'd only do it with y'all"

"Don't forget to tell her she's coming over now" I laugh

Mani bit her lip in anger,

"Mani don't fight out son" I say he stands behind me cowering.

"So you knew?" She asked furrowing her eyebrows.

"Do know how much game I have?" Mani asked in disbelief.

I scoff in response"none, his game came from me"

"Shut up white girl the blacks are talking" Mani spat.

"perra disculpame" I spat

"Don't call mommy that have some respect" Isaac smacked the back of my head like I always do him.

I looked at him and he ducked before I could grab him.

He ran to around the counter grabbing his keys and jacket,

"be careful I love you" I tell him.

"I love y'all more, I'll be back in 10" he says running out the door.

Mani had her nostrils flared and her nose tuned up at me.

I groan in frustration, "I was just trying to sleep and he was like met my girl"

She crossed her arms, "he gets that sneaky shit from you"

I'm taken back by this statement, who pissed in her Cheerios?

"He gets that stank ass attitude from you" I spat back.

"Shut up" she replied throwing her rag at me.

"Yooo" I say catching it, "what's your issue?"

She crosses her arms again tilting her head.

"You don't love me" she yells

"BITCH WHOOOO?" I ask in disbelief at this bafoonary.

"You think I married you 10 years ago cause I just thoght you was cute? think I bought this big ass house Put money on your books whilst you were in jail got you pregnant took care of both of yo kids and still withcho crazy ass for fun??"

"Why I gotta be a bitch?" She asked in a whiney voice.

I flare my nostrils knowing she about to go all baby on me.

"Daddy I miss you" She wines wrapping her arms around my neck.

"Mani I'm here almost everyday" Your the one who be working all the time"I say resting my hand on the small of her back.

"Laurennnn, I told you I can't just be a house wife I need to do something productive" she so cute I can't be mad at her.

"You can pop me out some more babies that's productive" I say feeling her tone flat stomach.

"My biological clock is ticked past then" Normani laughs

"You still got another 10 years left in there" I say slidding my hands down to her labia.

She hums in response with a lil freaky smile.

"Get me pregnant again daddy"

I grab a hand full of that ass, I'm so glad I spent that 100$ on these tight ass shorts.

"Mani give me a baby" I say kissing her neck.

"You have a baby up stairs you want our kids to be 10 and 15 years apart?"

"Just one last time"I plead.

"Anything to make my baby happy" she replied.

"Really?!!!" I smile.

She nods and I pick her up and spin her around excitedly.

She giggled and that smile I fell in love with appeared.

"I love you so don't be telling yo self something different, I grab her ring off the counter and slide it back onto her finger before kissing her hand that's mine forever.

"No I love youuuu" she say pecking my lips, I pull her in close cause she still makes me nervous.

"Babe stop you so cute" she grabs my slightly shaking hand.

I bury my face in her neck hiding my blush, she grabbed my chin kissing me over and over and over.

"Can we dance like in the movies?" I ask.

She smiles wrapping her arms around my neck I slide mine down to her waist as we sway perfectly together.

I begin to sing softly in her ear
"I found a love for me
Darling just five right in,and follow my lead well I found a girl, beautiful and sweet
I never knew you were someone waiting for meeee.

She joined me resting our foreheads together,

"Cause we were just kids when we fell in love not knowing what it was I will not give you up this time but darling just kiss me slow your heart is all I own and In your eyes your holding mine-"

I paused seeing a shadow moving by the door.

My bestfriend and Dinah stood in the door swaying them selves.

I continued drop sing so I don't ruin there moment, everybody joined in and it sounded magical

"Baby, I'm dancing in the dark with you between my arms
Barefoot on the grass, listening to our favorite song
When you said you looked a mess, I whispered underneath my breath
But you heard it, darling, you look perfect tonight"

My bestfriend and I smile at each other hi fiving we had got the girls of our dreams and a professional job it couldn't get any better than this.

We link arms before meeting each other in the middle and swaying one time, we spun each other before we were face to face with each other's wives. We always had a pact that if something ever happened to one of us we'd take care of each other's wife's and families.

"Mani" I stop knowing with out looking she has her hands on Zs ass she always loved her lil but even though she has my butt.

She giggled sliding her hands back up,

"They do this all the time" Isaacs voice is heard through the dining room.

He and his girlfriend apear at the kitchen door moments later causing us to stop dancing.

"You guys have amazing voices" she smiled, Mani looked at her then me causing me to laugh, she reminds me of Mani that's why I keep looking at her.

"You jaureguis have a type huh?"  Normani crosses her arms.

Isaac and I laugh Mani's a little jealous but it's okay she's still the queen of the castle.

"Thank you" I spoke up reaching my hand out for her to shake, "I'm Lauren isaacs cool mom"

"No I am" Mani puts her hand out.

I smile slapping her hand away and shaking Shae's hand.

"This is my also cool mom Normani these are my aunts who live next door Zee and dinosaur"

They both wave and smile,"I'm Dinah" she spoke up glaring at Isaac and shook her hand, Zee did the same all eyes shifted to Normani who still had a stank look on her face.

I nudge her to shake her hand but instead she hugs her, I let out a sigh of relief I thought this would end badly.

"Your beautiful girl" Normani smiles.

"Thank you so are all of you" she replied Isaac set the Popeyes Down taking his tension and jacket off my son doesn't carry stress well.

I take the drink from his hand sipping it

"Are y'all having sex?" Normani asks blatantly causing me too spit out the drink.

"Mom" Isaac says furrowing his eyebrows.

She gives him the same look awaiting an answer.

"Huh?" Shae asks taken back.

"Has my son put his penis in your vagina?" Normani asks again opening the Popeyes.

"Um no" she replied kinda of scared.

I laugh putting my arm around shae "she's a nurse she always asks personal questions"

"Mom were not" he says before looking at me.

I sigh, "you need condoms?" I whisper

He nods, "we've been taking about it a lot, I'm scared"

I laugh, "you don't have too if you don't want too,"

"I want too I just I don't know might..." he trails off.

"Nut to fast?" I ask

He face palms and nods "switch positions" I say humoressly

"Shaylenn do you need birth control?" Normani continued questioning her.

"Damn Mani can you be at work first asking her in front of everybody" Ze says snatching the chicken out her hand.

"How do you know?" He asks confused.

I smile grabbing Normanis thighs and bending her over, I hump her and run before she can hit me.

"Ew mama" Isaac groaned.

"You asked boy" I shrug

"You ever tried the helicopter?" Ze asks me

"Shut up y'all are predators there's children present"

"When you put your thumb in her butt and make her do squats?" I question



"Whatttt? Get out" she points to the door.

"Mommm" Isaac groans pausing his actions.

I giggle to myself jumping up On the island.

Normani shakes her head giving me her biscuit,

"with out anything to drink?? Oh you want me dead?" I ask in disbelief she hands over her tea rolling her eyes and continuing her conversation with Shaelynn.

"Son can you get me some ice cream?" I ask with a big smile even though I was next to the refrigerator.

He moves into action instantly like the good son he is, Normani and his girlfriend giggle cause in giggle me to be nosy.

"He talks so much about both of you, he always says he has the best parents in the world" shay Awws admiring him from across the room.

"Icing" Normani smiles

"you said that?" She asks running over to hug him.

I slide to the other side of the island jumping on both of them for a bear hug.

"Come on shay" I fall her over to join us, his aunties come in as well crowding around him.

He knows he loves it he might try to play it off cause his girl is here but we all know.

"I'm the king of this castle" he smiles squeezing us all tightly.

"You letting it go to your head I run this shit son" I pat his chest taking my ice cream.

"Mama let me have my moment" he groaned.

I just shake my head and eat my ice cream.

"I want some" Normani says taking my spoon.

"You don't want shit till I have it" I roll my eyes.

"Hi zeze" Isaac picks up his niece as she lays her head on his shoulder.

"Hi mama" Normani waves causing Zendaya the 2nd the wave back.

"Okayyyyy" I say taking my spoon back she laughs taking the bowl.

I hop back up on the counter awaiting my bowl back.

"Here" she began feeding me my ice cream.

"Mmmmmwah" I kiss her after ever spoonful.

"Look" Mani whispers watching how shae and Isaac react with a kid.

My son is gonna be a perfect dad, he fed zeze while shae held her.

I smile and go back to admiring my wife.

"We need a cheers" Dinah announced.

I smile thinking she'd get the wine but instead she got the tequila.

"Oh you trynna get us lit okay" Normani says pulling out shit glasses.

"This Is about to be funny" Isaac annonced to shaylyn

"They began poring shoots 4 shots" Normani grabbed 2 more making my eyebrows quirk.

She poured it and slid It toward Isaac.

"Dead ass?" He asks.

"Your gonna be a man soon, fuck it" Normani reply's.

"To 10 years of happy healthy marriage  commitment and many more too come too Isaac and shaylen and too being 30 going on 21"

"Cheers" we say In unison, I tap the table before throwing it back and wincing.

Isaac and shaylen both gag and cough at the taste.

The four of us laugh handing over a chaser.

"We celebrating right?"Normani asks drinking from the tequila bottle.

She passes it to me and I do the same before passing it around.

I already feel it, and so does Mani she gave me the Henny look.

"Man let's turn up" Ze says connecting too Alexa A-boogie plays through the speaker I know manis on she pulls me down off the counter.

"Ooooo and fucking with no off brand bitch" I sing letting her wine them hips on me

"Oh shit" I laugh after I slipped and made both of us fall.

We later there and laughed for a second before the music was stopped.
It's dead fucking silent and my ears are ringing what's going on.

"Isaac what the fuck put that up" his aunts call.

"Isaac the he'll are you doing" shae calls as well.

I turn and my eyes just about fall out my fucking head.

He giggled wobbling around,"she has a spider on her don't worry I'll get it"

"STOP" me and Mani yell in unison.

He pointed the shot gun from the pantry at his girlfriends shoulder and pulled the trigger.

we all scream and cover our eyes what the fuck just happened.
—————————————————Final fucking chapter 😂😂how y'all like a cliff hanger?

Do I smell a sequel?

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