Dear Evan Hansen, It's Connor...

By Teeny-weeny-coconut

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Evan Hansen watched the taller boy take off with his letter, thoughts of what he might do with it rushing thr... More

Bonus Chapter: Valentines Day
!!Read Me!!


877 33 7
By Teeny-weeny-coconut

As we progressed even further into the year, the days became shorter and the air began developing that familiar crisp coldness that signalled winter was on it's way. The brown leaves had just about completely fallen onto the ground, the older ones that had been there a while forming a gross sludge that I made an effort to avoid on my journey to school. 

"Good morning Evan," Connor called as I greeted him. A translucent missed formed from his breath in front of his face as he spoke. I smiled, returning the greeting before beginning to walk in the direction of school. We had found a way to plan our routes so we could walk together, even though it added an extra ten minutes onto the journey and meant we both had to wake up earlier. I didn't mind though. It was worth it. 

Awkwardly, I slipped my hand into Connor's pocket, where his own hand resided. It was warm- a definite improvement from the chilly air outside. He glanced down at me, though seemed to not mind me holding his hand. We were both already comfortable with each other- with us being best friends- but we were still getting used to the whole 'romantically together' thing. It was something we didn't mind taking slowly, and I savoured every moment of this development. 

I removed my grip on his hand as we turned the final corner on our journey, not wishing for anyone else to see. It was our last year, so why should we bother being open to these people who we know would disapprove anyway, when we could wait until we leave and not have to deal with potential ridiculing from peers. 

I sat down at my desk, struggling out of my tight coat and wrapping it around the back on my chair. Almost immediately, Alana and Jared both simultaneously trotted over. 

"Evan," The girl hummed, trying to keep an essence of politeness. "You and Connor were supposed to meet us yesterday to work on the Found Project."

"Oh...gosh...sorry, we completely forgot..." I retorted guiltily. 

Jared scowled before resting his hands on the desk. "This is the third time you've both simultaneously missed it." I felt my body shrink inwards, trying to avoid this interrogation. 

"I said we're sorry...we'll make it next time..."

"Are you even bothered about the Found Project anymore?" Alana finally hissed. "Do you care about all the people you've helped with your speech?  Or can they all just be forgotten now?" 

"Of course not! Don't you think you're both over reacting a bit? Aren't we allowed a life outside of helping with the project? We've only missed it three times, that's not enough for you to start snapping at me." I folded my arms, though immediately regretted lashing out. The two dispersed, still visibly annoyed with me. 


The double period eventually ended, the students that filled the class leaping to their feet and gathering their bags, excitedly bounding towards the doors to enjoy their break. Alana and Jared left without saying a word, both still angry. I gathered my belongings and began to leave the classroom too. 

As soon as I stepped out of the classroom I felt a light tap on my shoulder. I turned around, my eyes meeting with another pair of familiar, warm brown ones. Smiling, we both headed outside of the school building, eventually sitting on the secluded bench we'd usually hang out at. 

"Today is dragging," He hummed, resting his back against the wall and sighing. 

"Yeah..." I retorted as I rested my head on the taller boy's shoulder. "Jared, Alana and I aren't on the best of terms either, so I had no one to talk to." 

"Why? What happened?"

I sat up, turning my body towards Connor. "Because we didn't go meet them to discuss the Found Project a few's not exactly the end of the world..." I fiddled with my fingers as I spoke out of habit.

"We'll go next time. There's no point in falling out over this." I nodded in agreement. Eventually, the bell sounded once again and we inevitably had to split into our own classes. My walking was sharply stopped by the taller male tugging on the handle of my backpack. 

"Hansen, before you go," He smiled, releasing his grip on my bag and turning his cheek towards me. I giggled, placing a light kiss onto his flesh and waving goodbye before disappearing into the classroom.

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