The Not So Perfect School For...

By LittleFireBug

2.8K 236 13

When Jack is shipped of to boarding school, she plans on being the most rebellious student to have ever walke... More

Leaving Is Not The Hardest Part
Good First Impressions Are Hard to Come By
Bedroom Madness
Don't Eat Too Much
Groups And Principals
Popularity Boundaries
Even Bad Boy's Cry
Unexpected Visits
School Sucks
Lights and Ice Hockey
Mornings Are The Worst
The Most Important Meal of The Day
Adjusting to a Less Normal Life
Truth, Lies and Manipulation
Requiring Advice
Off With The Faeries
Kissing Games
The Top Student, The Rebel and The Teacher
The Willing Heart of a Wolf
Lost Found and Bound
The Wolf and The Snake
No Rest For The Good Guys
Some Necessities Are Luxuries
The Priorities We Share
The Opposing Sides
Truth From Lies
The Other Side
Wings Of Fright

Loved And Lonely

89 10 0
By LittleFireBug

Chapter 12

Jack's POV

Luke carried me with such care, like I was a fragile object that would shatter if he held to tight. He was taking me to my room but as we climbed the stairs I could barely feel his feet touch the ground, when we reached my room he tried to gently place me on my bed but I clutched tighter to him, I felt empty and alone, someone had dangled completeness in front of me and then taken it away, I needed to feel some form of touch, something that reassured me that I wasn't alone.

"Please don't leave me." I whisper desperately, my voice sounds raspy, I barely recognize it, I feel him hesitate and my heart sinks deeper into an oblivion as my only friend rejects me.

"Hey, I would never reject a request from you but are you sure you want me to stay? Maybe I should get Alice."

"No, I'm sure, please, please don't go." My voice sounds like I haven't had a particle of water for days and it was so distracting, I sounded weak. As if on cue, Luke tenderly tucks me into bed, goes to the bathroom and comes back with a glass of water.

Where did he get that glass from?

Shut up, I'm tired, just go inhabit someone else's head for a bit.

I can't, I would of left years ago, if I could.

Just shut up then. Luke chuckles to himself in the corner, his voice is smooth and comforting but nothing like the voice I heard in the ice rink, that was perfect, wonderful and made me feel complete, I wish I could hear it again.

There's a knock at the door, Luke goes to answer it, I close my eyes and he opens the door to Alice.

"Why are you here?" She scolds, she sounds surprised maybe even shocked.

"She asked me to stay, Alice, jeez what kind of guy do you take me for?" He replies, clearly offended.

"You are many things Luke and caring friend is not one of them. I'll take it from here."

I hear her try to walk in but she doesn't get far. "She asked me to stay Alice, not you, just let her rest."

I can hear her begin to protest but then she sighs. "You're right, just look after her ok."

"Ok." He closes the door and he sits down in my chair but yet I don't hear his footsteps. Odd.

I think you mean freaky.

I told you to go away.

Well I came to tell you that you forgot about what's in your hand.

I don't have... Oh. I do have something in my hands.

You're welcome.

I run my hands over the delicate object, I want to lift it to look but my arms are fast asleep and they aren't waking up anytime soon, so I stay in my bed stroking what feels as soft as fur but more together, my mind wonders off thinking about what it could be and I get the sudden urge to sleep, within seconds I'm gone.

Luke's POV

Her eyes are closed but she's not asleep and that bugs me but my influence doesn't work on her so I can't make her. Suddenly she feels more at peace and she drifts to sleep. I breathe a sigh of relief but guilt hangs on my shoulders, she considers me to be her only friend and she thought I was going to leave her.

I begin to remember earlier, I had heard her scream and I just knew I had to get to her so I dropped everything, then I ran thinking of how much blood would spill if those stupid werewolves had touched her. As I had arrived my skin began to burn but I ignored it, running towards the light, running to Jack as they just stood there, they seemed shocked to see me there, all except Dillon who looked like he wanted to kill me as I picked her up. I didn't care though, I had bigger problems than him.


I had bigger problems than him.

I had dropped everything, but in what class, my head began to sting, my neck was burning with sweat and panic, what class?

What. Class. Crap. Now I remember.

"I'm glad you found your answer." Shivers ran through me as the High Master glided into the room. "A soft spot for the new comer? How sweet. She is spicy isn't she?"

"Just leave her alone. She didn't do anything. I will take my punishment."

"I know you would, but see that is what punishments are for, to remind you not to disobey. If I punished you, you wouldn't learn, you would spend eternity in peace knowing you saved her from that fate. Now, that wouldn't remind you not to disobey at all, no, that would remind of your saviour moment and we can't have that can we?"

"Please." A tear ran down my face, they can't hurt her. "Don't hurt her."

"Oh, I won't, but you will."

"What..." The High Master had left, slithering back to the hole they came from leaving me in mental torment. I had to get away from her. What if I did hurt her, like I did Mallaurie.

Alice's POV

"You told me to leave." I say as Luke opens the door to Jack's room.

"I know." He says, defeated. "But I just have to get away from her."

"Well you are a blood sucking vampire and she is a blood pumping human."

"Look, will you look after her or not, I didn't know who else to ask." He sounds distressed, desperate even.

"Are you ok? Did something happen?"

"What would you care? You would stake me any day remember?"

"Are we going to have this conversation now? I was angry, I said things I didn't mean and I wish I could take them back but I can't, ok."

"Sure you did and then you ran to Dillon. Which by the way hurt me more than any of your words ever did."

I blink, shocked and he sighs. "Will you look after her or not?"

"Yes." I say, walking in. "I will look after Jack."

"Thankyou." Is all he says before he walks out the door. It's so cold in here. I go to turn the heater on but it already is and it shouldn't be cold. I turn around, searching the room but there is nothing in sight, just the cold.

Mallaurie's POV

I kneel beside her bed, concentrating so I don't fall through the floor, Alice is searching for an explanation to the cold but she can't see me so she won't find one. Right now, however, my focus is on Jack. How can I kill someone so good, so pure, so wonderful? How can I kill someone like her? A tear glides down my skin and on to her bed. Only the most precious of being have a Guardian Angel.

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