Stuck In The Middle - Haikyuu...

By Lemon_Girl55

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As a child, you loved sport. You were an only child and only had your mother. You're childhood friends with a... More

Chapter 1 - Hello Again!
Chapter 2 - Match Part 1
Chapter 3 - Match Part 2
Chapter 4 - New Student
Chapter 5 - Mini Wakatoshi~Kun
Chapter 6 - Japan
Chapter 7.5 - Teams Chapter - Pt. 1 Shiratorizawa
Chapter 7.5 - Teams Chapter - Pt. 2 Aoba Johsai & Karasuno
Chapter 9 - Training Camp Day 1
Chapter 10 - Sweet Nothings
Chapter 11 - Doubt

Chapter 8 - Found The Crows

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By Lemon_Girl55

(Y/N)'s POV

"WHERE ARE THEY!?" I scream in frustration

"They couldn't have gone far!" Suga says

The two of us are currently looking for Lai, Kageyama and Hinata

"Christ." I mutter

Suga sighs and looks left and right

"Hinata!" I call out

"Kageyama!!" Suga calls out


"Let me try call them." I murmur, taking my phone out and calling Lai

A few rings later and she picks up

"Oh my God where are you!?" I ask, practically shouting in the phone

"Kageyama! Hinata! WE AREN'T LOST! Uh sorry! We're at-" She was saying when the line went dead

"Hello?" I ask

I look and try calling her again, but no response. I groan and tell Suga to keep looking as well. Just where the fuck are they...?

Lai's POV

We're in Shiratorizawa and we got lost. We have appeared to lose sight of Ushijima and his sister. I try my best calming the two down but (Y/N) calls and she didn't sound tooooo happy

"We lost sight of Ushijima & Kaori!!!"

"We're gonna die!"

The two were running around frantically

"Alright! Calm down!!" I scream

They stop and look at me

'How are they not tired!?'

I sigh

"(Y/N)~Chan just called and-"

"(Y/N)~CHAN CALLED!?" Hinata screams

"WE'RE SAVED!!!!" Kageyama cheers

"gAIZ!" I shout

They become quiet

"My phone died before I could tell them where we were." I explain

"...H-H-HAH...!?" The two screech

"Freedom...😭." Hinata cries

"Okay, we need to find Ushijima~San and Kaori~Chan. Where would they be...." I mutter

"Well, the gym for Ushijima, and maybe his sister followed." Hinata says

Kageyama and I look at him in shock

" might be right..."


Hinata whines

"Okay, let's find the gym."

The three of us walk aimlessly around the school campus. I start losing hope when we see Ushijima, standing in front of the gym door

"Ah! There you guys are!" Kaori says, appearing in front of us

"Ah, gomen. We lost." I apologise

We walk to her brother and I look up at him

'So freaking tall...'

He looks down at us and I look at the freak duo. As the three talk, I daze into my another realm. When suddenly, I overhear their conversation

Narrator's POV

"A setter doesn't deserve to be in this school if they can't serve the ace." Ushijima bluntly says

"P-Pfft. True. You don't serve anyone." Hinata laughs

"SHUT UP!" Kageyama glares at him

Suddenly, a volleyball comes shooting out of the gym. Ushijima looks at it and jumps up to catch it

Then, Hinata comes running towards the ball and Ushijima, jumping up and surpassing Ushijima's height and catching the ball

'He...' Ushijima thought

The two land safely and Hinata gives Ushijima the ball

"I'm Hinata Shouyo from the concrete. We're gonna beat you and go to the nationals." Hinata says, a serious tone in his voice

Kageyama grins and Lai just watches

"Hey! You guys aren't in Shiratorizawa! You're not allowed in here!" Someone shouts

"Gomen. We'll be on our way then. Come on crows. Let's go back to our murder." Lai says, a smirk on her face

The three Karasuno members leave Shiratorizawa

Kaori looks at her brother

"From him jumping that high. It makes you look short." She laughs


"Shut up." Ushijima sighs after flicking her forehead

"Did I hear someone say murder?" Tendou peeps

(Y/N)'s POV

"They're dead! DEAD! WE LOST THE DUO!" I scream, pulling at my (H/C) locks

"Ahaha, (Y/N)~Chan. Its been 10 minutes since the call." Suga says

"THEY COULD'VE GOTTEN HIT BY A CAR OR-" I ramble when Suga cuts me off

"There!" He points

I look and see the three running towards us


"S-Sorry....we got lost..." Lai says in between breaths

"Where were you!?" I ask

"Shi....Shiratorizawa academy..." Hinata replies

"WHAAAAAT!?" Suga and I shout

"What were you doing there!?"

"Long...story..." Kageyama mutters

"Just tell on our way back." Suga says and we all start walking back to school

"Okay, so we got lost and met Ushijima and his sister. Then we started waking to their school..." Lai explains

"I walked behind everyone, looked around. Hinata was jumping and Kageyama was shouting at him. Suddenly, Ushijima stopped walking. I walked past him and then he started to walk again. I was a bit confused and looked at him. He said nothing and just kept a straight face. After we reached Shiratorizawa HINATA DID SOME CRAZY SHIT! HE JUMPED LIKE OVER 1 METER! WOW RIGHT!? AND HE SAID TO USHIWAKA WE WERE GONNA BEAT HIM IN THE NATIONALS!? AND LIKE. KAORI HAD NO FUCKING CLUE WHAT WAS GOING ON!" She finishes

Suga and I blink

"...Who's Kaori?" We ask

"Oh...right..." Kageyama replies

We enter the gym and the three get tackled

"Where were you!?"

"We were worried!"

"I wasn't."

"Shut up Tsukishima. Are you alright Shouyo!?"

"Lai! Are you hurt!?"

"GUYS!" Daichi shouts

Everyone gets up and apologises

"We're sorry. We went to Shiratorizawa." Hinata says

"WHA-" People were gonna ask when I cut them off

"LONG STORY!" I scream

They nod

"Anyways. We found the crows." Daichi smirks


Yay! New chapter! I never published the character for the sisters. I will. But I want people to suggest some sisters of team members. Like Nekoma. Aoba Johsai. Karasuno. Etc. Alright :3. Byeeee!!! Lemon_Girl55 out!

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