Loving A Deformity

By PrinceDisabled

13.4K 355 19

Enemies since fifth grade. Cera Johnson despises Alec Rhodes almost as much as he does her. Everyday she's to... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35

Chapter Five

491 10 2
By PrinceDisabled

Alec didn't talk to anyone after that. He didn't text or call Sunday and was almost mute Monday. Kiley just figured he still felt under the weather but Cera sensed something wasn't right. Still, she kept her mouth shut, not wanting to call him out or make him uncomfortable in any way. He still took her books and helped her with other small things but he was just so quiet. It made her concerned but it didn't seem to bother Kiley at all so she tried to dismiss it. Besides, why would Alec tell Cera anything about his private life? He hated her still, as far as she was concerned. Him helping her with her books and stuff was him simply trying to make up for the minor guilt he might have. Nothing more.

After a long day, Alec was finally able to go home. I need to apologize. He thought. It won't erase what I did but at least I might feel better about myself afterwards. He tried thinking of a way he could get her alone without seeming weird as he jumped in his car. He needed to find a way to get alone with her so he could fully explain himself and sat sorry the right way. He turned on the engine when he saw Cera walking out of school. He watched her and waited for her mom to show up to pick her up but Cera kept walking pass the pick up spot and continued down the street. She walks home. He realized and started driving. He drove up next to her and said,
"Hey!" His window was already down. Cera looked, saw him, and stopped walking.
"Hey, wassup?" She smiled.
"You walk home?"
"Usually, yes. Why?"
"Hop in. I'll give you a ride." Alec offered.
"It's fine. You don't have to-"
"Cera, get in the car." He grinned politely. Cera smiled and got in the passenger. As soon as she got in, Alec locked the doors. Cera looked at the door, confused.
"I need to tell you something." Alec said and they looked at each other. "But you need to promise me you won't tell your mom you know I know." He said.
"What is it?" She asked. Alec looked at the steering wheel blankly.
"How long was it before you could get in a car again?"
"Huh?" Cera asked, stunned. Her heart started beating rapidly.
"Obviously, being in a car doesn't bother you much anymore so how long was it before you could get in another car?" He asked again, a little more forceful. Cera stayed quiet a moment.
"Three months." She said. "Most of my memories from the crash erased themselves so I guess it was easier for me than others." She shrugged. "How much do you know?"
"I know about your brother, David Johnson." He admitted. They were quiet for a moment in the car. "How does Kiley not know you had a brother? You were friends years before the accident."
"My brother may have loved me, but he was also my bossy and annoying older brother." Cera smiled. "He always told me never to tell anyone we were siblings. If I did, I got to hang out with him over the weekend. I think he did it just to bug me..." She giggled. "I never had Kiley over unless David was gone. After the accident... I didn't want to explain it. I felt... the more we hung out, the more I could pretend I never had an older brother. As long as we were friends, I could forget about him for a couple hours. I know that's selfish but... I felt responsible for his death. I didn't want to feel like a murderer all the time. Besides, I didn't want anyone else knowing. I already felt like a killer. I didn't want to be told I was one for people's amusement." There was silence in the car.
"I tormented you for years." He started. "Told you you were weak and worthless... you never even talked bad about me to your parents... you delt with grief and guilt you shouldn't have been feeling... all while I drilled into you how pathetic and useless you were... all because of some pride... my damn pride..." Alec balled his hands into fists. Cera was a little scared of him. "How the hell can you be nice to me?" He looked at her, making her jump a little. She didn't fully understand where he was going with what he was saying. "How can you even look at me?" Cera was shocked at how shaken he was. She thought he felt a little guilty but nothing like this.
"Alec, what're you talking about?"
"I treated you like crap after everything you've been through just because of a stupid thing that happened years ago- how can you be nice to me?!" He shouted.
"I wanted the torment to end. So I decided to be nice so you won't hate me." She said honestly. She was still scared of him but she couldn't move. Besides, the damn door was locked. Alec stared at her.
"I'm so sorry." He said. Cera stared right back at him. "I am so so sorry. I'm sorry for everything I've ever said... I'm sorry for my pride... I'm so sorry."
"I forgave you a long time ago." Cera said softly. "It's okay, Alec. You may have been a jerk, but you didn't break me. You had no idea what was going on in my life. It's okay. But thank you for the apology." She smiled. Relief flooded Alec. He could finally breath after feeling as if he was soffocating. In the heat of the moment, he hugged her. He hugged her for a very long time. Cera didn't dare object. She's been waiting for this moment for years. Finally, after so long, she truly felt she wouldn't have to be tormented by him any longer. She was, officially, free of his torment.


A couple weeks passed by quickly. In that time, Alec really tried befriending Cera. The torment was officially over, and their friendship was potentially possible for the first time in years.

There was torment and bullying from other girls and guys but it was durable. Her main focus was the homecoming dance next week. She was excited for a reason she couldn't place. Still, she dreamed about it in class to the point where she'd space out. One time, the teacher stepped out of class, leaving Cera to day dream. But she soon felt a paper ball hit her cheek that snapped her back to reality. She looked and saw Derek, one of Alec's old friends that used to make fun of her.
"Hey, freak, stay focused. You're bad enough at math." He warned, laughing.
"She has a better grade than you." Alec said aloud as he answered questions from the homework assignment. Cera tried to cover her smile and look at her assignment. "Speaking of, we still on for Wednesday? I could really use your history notes."
"Yeah! Kiley said she moved her schedule around so she can make it too."
"Perfect." Alec smiled and returned to his work. Derek eyed them both.


After class, Derek pulled Alec aside.
"What happened between you two?"
"Cera and you. You've both been acting weird since you and Kiley got together. Is there some side action? Are you into cripples?" He laughed and Alec rolled his eyes.
"Shut up. It's not like that. After Kiley and I got together, we decided to settle our differences. Honestly, she's pretty cool." He said.
"The girl you've been talking shit about for years is 'cool'?" Derek raised an eyebrow. Alec sighed.
"I got to know her. She's a really nice person and I'm glad we're starting to be friends. It's what's best for everyone."
"So, what, I'm not allowed to make jokes about her?"
"Well, I ask you try not to. Again, I kinda wanna be her friend. With that, I'm going to defend her."
"Isn't she the girl that-"
"Yes, she is. But she doesn't deserve what she's been experiencing for me or anyone for that matter."
"But, she-"
"Is my friend. And I'm going to act like it." Alec said and went to his next class.


Lunch can by and Cera was smiling like an idiot.
"What're you smiling at?" Alec called her out, sitting across from her.
"Earlier, you defended me." She said. "No one's really defended me before, besides Kiley. It was refreshing. Thank you." She smiled up at him.
"Of course." He smiled back. Kiley shifted uncomfortably under Alec's arm.
"So where are Gabe and Chris?" Kiley asked to change the subject.
"Some football thing. Usually, their football things are scheduled of Fridays but there was a bit of a mix up so they're going today. Won't be back to till Thursday." Alec said.
"Oh, Is that why they aren't coming to study with us?" Kiley asked.
"Oh, they never come. They hate studying." Cera said, making Kiley uncomfortable again. Kiley wasn't normally able to make it which ment Cera and Alec would be alone together on Wednesday nights. It was weird but, she didn't like it.  Still, she didn't say anything. "Oh, are you going dress shopping with me Friday? I don't know why but I'm actually not reluctant to go to the dance next week." Cera giggled.
"Of course!" Kiley smiled through it. "I'm really excited too." She looked at Alec. He smiled at her quickly then at Cera.
"Thank you, by the way. Because of you, we won't have to be suspended and I still get to dance with my girl."
"You sure the Principal won't let you off the hook?" Kiley asked, again, uncomfortable.
"We tried. He thinks we're just trying to get out of it. But, good news is, after this, you'll be able to go with each other! I'm very happy you both are happy." Cera said, making Kiley feel selfish.
"What if I make it up to you? I'm sure there are plenty of guys at this school who'd love to go with you." Kiley said. Cera snorted as if she was joking.
"Yeah, okay, good luck finding a guy like that. I'm just going to hang out with Gabe and Chris while you two dance and keep an eye out for the Principal." She shrugged.
"Why is finding a guy interested in you so hard to believe?" Alec asked.
"Fifth grade." Cera said simply as an explanation.
"That was years ago-"
"You of all people know it still haunts me, today." Cera said and took a bit of her lunch. Kiley felt she was missing out on something.
"What exactly happened back then?" She asked. Cera and Alec exchanged glances. After a minute of silent communication, Alec smiled at Kiley.
"It doesn't matter. We don't really want to dwell on it too much." He dismissed and kissed her cheek. Kiley tried to keep from sighing.


It came time to have the little study group on Wednesday. Cera's mom came and picked them up to bring to Cera's house, which, Cera was grateful for. They went to the house and set up their stuff on the dining room table.
"We're not going to your room?" Kiley asked confused.
"Not to study." Cera said as if it was obvious.
"It's hard to study for me without a table. I can't balance a textbook and notebook on my legs." She laughed and Kiley relaxed. So they probably don't go in her room alone. She thought. The group sat around together and was picking at different subjects but it got weird for Kiley once they got to math.
"Wait, what do I do with the exponent, then?" Cera asked Alec.
"I told you you should've already taken care of it. PEMDAS, Cera."
"No, I mean after you plug x back in."
"PEMDAS again."
"Wait, what was the formula for question sixteen?" Cera started rummaging though her papers. Alec sat next to her and decided to help her by explaining better what the teacher was trying to say about that question. Alec explained things better so the whole studying on Wednesday was really pushing her grade up. Kiley sat in silence, watching them interacted.

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