Leaving Hell (Book 3 in the D...

By Darkest_Rose

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Growing up in hell has been completely normal to me, being surrounded by demon's and evil soul's is nothing... More

Leaving Hell
First Day of School
Escorting the rogue
Alpha female
All falls into place
Soul Mate
Calling Out
My World
The End

Prison Cells

26.7K 1.1K 53
By Darkest_Rose

Chapter 4

The last few classes flew by as I dazed out the window. My interest levels for classes are at an all time low, I have already learned this stuff. I'm miles ahead. Turning my attention to the clock, I started to count down the last few minutes til the bell rang. Once it did, I got out of my seat as quickly as possible and headed for the door. Walking through the crowded hallways, I manoeuvred my way through the people. Once I got to my locker, I put in my lock code and dumped everything into it.

Just as I'm about to close my locker, I can feel eyes burning into my back. I guess this is them trying to scare me. Closing my locker, I turned around to face them and leaned back against my locker, waiting for Kieran and Callum. But I didn't waste my opportunity to show them that they don't bother me in the slightest. Meeting their glares with one of my own, I couldn't help but smirk at their shocked faces. They really think that their that intimidating, that a pack of pure she wolves could possibly scare me. Hell, I have been around people of pure evil that pass through our home for their judgement, them  girl's to me, are like kitten's. Sizing the three of them up, I can take them no problem, they won't even leave a scratch. Just at they are about to come over to me, Kieran and Callum appear in front of me. Turning to look at who I'm smirking at, Callum turns back to face me,

"I see you're making friends already" he laughed.

"Oh yeah, there my new besties" I said sarcastically.

"Be careful, they don't like to be challenged and they never lose" Kieran said looking at me with concern.

"Guess we have that in common, I don't back down from a challenge" I smiled as I kept my eyes on them.

"You're exactly like you're grandmother, I have never seen her back down from a fight or lose one at that" he smiled.

"That I am with a couple of extra power's mixed into it, who do you think first helped me when I first started training" I smiled.

"Definitely not pissing you off if you're anywhere near as powerful as you're mother and grandmother" Kieran smiled as he bumped my shoulder.

"Right, we better get back to the pack house and see our uninvited visitor" Callum said.

"Fuck, I almost forgot about him. I mind linked my father to tell You're grandmother that you're coming home with us" Kieran explained.

"Okay, lead the way" I said as I pushed off the locker, giving the girls a smirk and wink. I laughed when I heard one of them release a growl as we walked away.

"You do realise they won't stop, right?" Callum said as he looked over his shoulder at them.

"That's what I'm hoping, it's been so long since I have had a full out fight, that rouge was too easy to take down" I said as we walked outside.

Like before, everyone stared at us as we walked past them towards the car park. Callum and Kieran really seem to have changed for the better. I just hope it's not an act but I can hear anything off in their thought's.

The drive home flew by as they shared some of their stories growing up with my grandmother. The whole way I spent laughing at them. They have gotten their asses kicked by her on more than one occasion. They even seem proud of that, that the legendary Dark Angel as they call her in their stories took time out to train and help them develop into stronger fighter's. There lucky, I saw her a lot but not as much as mum and I would like to have seen her but we were just being greedy. I admired her so much growing up and I still do, she didn't have what mum and I had growing up, loving parent's who couldn't be more proud of us. She is strong but loving and an out and out fighter. She will go to any lengths to protect the one's she love's.

Pulling up outside the pack house, Callum parked near the door and turned the car off. Getting out, I followed them inside. I found her in the hallway talking and laughing with Seb and Alex. When they heard our footsteps, they turned to face us. She walked towards with pride beaming in her eyes.

"Hi honey, I heard you knocked a rogue unconscious on you're first day" She smiled.

"It made the day a bit more exciting for a short while" I smiled.

"How was the rest of the day? did you get on okay? make any new friends other then these two" She said as she smiled at the boys. I tried not to laugh as Kieran blushed when she looked at him.

"It was okay, fairly boring, as for friend's, no, think I made a few enemies do" I laughed.

"Let me guess, Lisa, Maria and Emily" She said looking at the boys for confirmation.

They nodded to say she is right. At least I know their name's now.

"You have nothing to worry about, their all talk and very little action. They usually use intimidation to scare the girl's early so they won't have to fight and actually prove themselves" She said.

"Got that vibe that they would be all glares and growls" I told her.

"Right, let's go speak to this rouge and see what he has to say for himself" Alex suggested.

"Lead the way" She smiled.

Walking through the house, I have no idea where we're going. After a few minutes of walking down hallways, they stopped outside a large solid oak door, that has at least ten bolts and it's reinforced. Alex unlocked the bolts and pulled out a card that he swiped over a scanner on the wall that I didn't notice. I could hear more bolts moving and when they stopped moving, he pulled the door opened. Lights automatically turned on, lighting up the once dark room. Looking around, I have to say I'm surprised at what's in front of me. The wall's are a plain hospital white, at each side of the wall's are at least ten large prison cells with thick mental bars. Inside each of them are a thin wooden bench to lie on and a toilet. There all empty except for one. The rouge from earlier is conscious and lying back on the bed as if this place is home to him. When he heard our footsteps, he didn't turn around to look at who is coming. He only looked at us when we were directly outside his cell. With a smirk, he moved himself into a sitting position to look directly at us.

"Wow, I feel special, I didn't expect so many for my welcoming party" he smirked, trying to look fearless. It worked til his eyes landed on me. His eyes showed fear before he hide it again. He didn't stay looking at me, he quickly averted his attention to Callum and Kieran with a cocky smile.

"Really, you want to start this out being a smart ass. None of us missed the fear in you're eyes when you looked at Kara. How did it feel to be knocked out with one punch, you didn't even get a chance to scratch her before she knocked you out cold" Kieran said smirking.

"Ha, you think I'm afraid of a little girl like her" he said looking slightly embarrassed. I didn't open my mouth, I leaned against the small section of wall between each cell and watched him.

"So you would have no problem fighting against her if she went into the cell with you? Seb smirked.

He looked at me and then back to Seb, his face hardened but he didn't speak or look towards me again.

"That's what I thought" Seb laughed as the rouge looked away from us.

"What were you doing on our land today?" he asked him.

Still, he didn't answered.

"You can have the chance to tell us before Ariel or Kara search you're mind for the answer's to my question's.

"So it is true, you have the Dark Angel protecting you're pack" he said looking straight at her.

She tilted her head sideways and locked eyes with him. I know that look, she is searching his mind for the answer to that question.

"Oh, times up, I already got all the answer's I need. You can sit here expecting you're rogue Alpha to come save you but one thing about rouge Alphas is that they don't care what member's they lose, they only care about how quickly they can replace you" She told him.

"He will come for me, I guarantee you that. I'm not some ordinary member, I'm his brother" he smirked.

"And you think that I don't already know that information. He will leave you to rot in here until he is ready to attack. But one thing I can guarantee you, he won't get close enough to save you. I can see how destructive he is, he is unstable, to consumed with the thought's of power and how he can gain more. That won't be happening here" She told him as his face dropped. Knowing everything she has just said is the truth.

"We'll see" he said trying to hold onto the hope his brother will come to rescue him.

Looking through his memories, I have to admit I feel sorry for him. He doesn't want this war that his brother is trying to start, he just wants his brother's approval. The strange thing is I can't get a clear picture of what his brother looks like. It's a mash of the man he use to be and the man he is now.

She turned around and nodded at me to follow her out. The other's soon followed behind us. Once we left the cells and locked the door. She turned around to face the other's.

"Release him tonight, he isn't a threat to us, he is just looking for his brother's approval, it's not him we should be concerned with, it's his brother. We don't gain anything with him being here" She told them honestly.

I found myself surprised to feel relief for him.

"Are you sure Ariel, we will have to make sure he is escorted off our land" Alex said.

"Will you do it Kara, you're the only one he is truely scared of, he will be too afraid to try make a move against you whereas if one of us escort him he will" She asked me.

"Yeah no problem" I told them.

But what the other's don't know is that she sent me the look to say read her thoughts, she wants me to try convince him to leave the rouge pack, he doesn't fit in there and he will only end up dead in his pursuit to try win his brother's approval.

"Okay, that's settled. Kara will be back when it's dark. Right now, I'm going to take her home so she can get settled in" She told them.

"Okay see you later Kara" Callum and Kieran said.

Walking out of the pack house, I went through the memories I saw in his mind to try find a way of convincing him to leave. But right now I'm coming up blank.

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