My Husband's Girl

By aasthamishra_

19.3M 654K 75.7K

Love is Sacrifice. ❝ I don't love you and I never will, because I love someone else ❞ Ian said to Alison, hi... More

My Husband's Girl
Introduction of Characters
Book - 1
1.1 - Alison Cullen
1.2 - Letting him go
1.3 - Helping him
1.4 - S.O.S Meeting
1.5 - Asking Him
1.6 - Drowning Sorrows
1.7 - Her Feelings
1.8 - Her Outburst
1.9 - The Gala [ I ]
1.10 - The Gala [ II ]
1.11 - Trip to Miami
1.12 - The Holiday
1.13 - Beach Day
1.14 - The Accident
1.15 - Aiden Clarke
1.16 - The Surprise
1.17 - His Jealousy
1.18 - The Kiss
1.19 - Happy Wedding Anniversary
1.20 - The Bacheloratte Night
1.21 - The Wedding
1.22 - Goodbyes
1.23 - The Funeral
1.24 - Sapphire Kingsley
Book - 2
Introduction Of Characters
2.2 - His Proposal
2.3 - Nathan
2.4 - His Blue Eyes
2.5 - Alison or Sapphire?
2.6 - Dine With The Cullens
Extra - 1
2.7 - The Dinner
2.8 - Visit to the Doctor
2.9 - The Baby Shower.
2.10 - The Phone Call.
2.11 - The Ride.
Extra - 2
2.12 - The Storm
2.13 - The DNA Test
2.14 - Goodbye Dinner
2.15 - The Interview.
2.16 - His Arrival
2.17 - New Home
2.18 - The Talk
2.19 - Comforting Him
2.20 - The Note
Extra - 3
2.21 - The Carnival
2.22 - Treasure Hunt [ I ]
2.23 - Treasure Hunt [ II ]
2.24 - Let the Game Begin.
2.25 - Partner in Crime
2.26 - A Day with Emily
2.27 - The Baby
2.28 - Story of Alison Cullen
2.29 - Taking a Break
2.30 - The Kidnapping
2.31 - Saved and Lost
2.32 - The Decision
Bonus Chapter - 1
Author's Note

2.1 - Her New Life

321K 9.7K 733
By aasthamishra_

*Sapphire's POV*


The word itself gives us a sense of comfort. We know someone's out there who cares for you, loves you and will do anything to keep
you protected. I don't know if I had that kind of love in my past. Someone to relay on, someone to be called as a family but now I do. I have a small and a happy family.

"Morning Saph" Caleb's voice reached my ears.

"In here" I shouted from the kitchen where I was busy making pancakes. "Morning to you too" I greeted him with a smile. He came near me and kissed my cheek keeping the groceries, I told him to buy on the way, on the counter.

Now don't get us wrong we are just friends actually best friends but recently feelings have changed for him towards me and I too honestly started to grow a liking towards him not because he is the only man friend but he was there when I needed someone by my side and every woman looks for a man like that.

"Sapphire?" Caleb said snapping his fingers in front of me. I looked at him confused. "Yes?" He rolled his eyes before replying "You zoned out, again" he glared at me playfully. I laughed and shook my head slightly. "Can you go wake them up? It's almost time for their school."

"You are more nervous then them" he said amusedly as he removed his blazer and kept it on the couch.

"How can't I be? What if people bully them? Or worse what if Raine have an asthma attack and fail to find her pump on time" I was scared for my kids. Caleb cupped my cheeks making me look into his eyes.

"Nothing's gonna happen to them" he said with determination. I searched his eyes for any hint of doubt but I found none. Maybe I should trust my children and Caleb. I nodded at him.

"I'll go wake them up" he said and walked towards their room. I sighed and went back to cooking. After 30 minutes my bundles of joy came running out of their rooms fully dressed and ready for their first day of school.

"Mommy" Raine and Ryker came running and hugged my legs. I laughed and crouched down and hugged them closer to me.

"Good morning munchkins" I tapped their nose and they cutely scrunched up their faces. They inherited my looks except for their blue eyes. I wonder did my fiancee or ex-husband had blue eyes?

Caleb told me that when we first met he saw a ring on my finger but he didn't know whether I was married or engaged. I always had blurred images of some man with blue eyes but other than that I can't seem to hear or clearly see what the dream is about.

"Mommy" Ryker tucked on my apron breaking my train of thoughts. "Yes, baby?" I asked with a smile. "Me hungry" he whined.

"It's 'I am hungry' idiot" Raine commented as Caleb picked her up and placed her on her seat. Ryker turned around and glared at his sister sticking his tongue out. "Now Raine is that the way to talk?" I scolded her and glared at Caleb for cussing in front of them. He just shrugged at my glare. "Sorry mommy" she looked down with a pout. Ryker turned towards me with an angry frown for making his sister sad. I really can't understand their relation sometimes. They fight like they can kill each other any moment and almost kills the person with their icy glare if you make either one of them sad.

"Let's have breakfast" Caleb broke in with excitement and sat beside Raine tickling her making her laugh. Ryker stood beside the chair and huffed since it was tall for him to reach. I chuckled and picked him up placing him on the chair and kissed his hair as he smiled at me. I placed the pancakes in front of them and started eating.

This is what I was talking about. My small and happy family.

Caleb fed Raine while I fed Ryker as we know that they will feed their clothes and faces more then themselves.

"Get in fast" Caleb shouted from the driver seat as I buckled Ryker safely in his seat after doing the same with Raine. "Calm down" I said and slided down in the passenger seat buckling myself up. "Why are you so anxious anyway?" I asked him and looked behind to find Raine and Ryker looking on either side of the windows with hands across their chest and an angry pout.

Just great. I leave them for two minutes and they already fought.

"I have a meeting next week with a big hotelier and if we crack this deal I will be able to bare my roots in New York" he said.

"That's great Cal. When is this meeting?" I asked excited. "Next week" he replied.

"Then what's the matter?" I asked confused by his behaviour.

He looked at the rear view mirror to see the kids glaring at each other. "Maybe later" he gave me a look and I nodded in understanding. Soon we reached the kids school and unbuckled them. Caleb and I crouched down in front of them as they stood patiently with their cute little bags on their shoulders.

"Best of luck kids and stay safe. Make alot of friends but choose the good crowd" I said and brushed Ryker's hair away from his forehead. "and Ry. Take care of your sister" Caleb added. Ryker answered us by holding Raine's hand in his.

We waved them goodbye as they walked in hand in hand.

"Next stop, the cafe" Caleb smiled his pearly white smiled and buckled himself as I did the same. The ride was silent beside the soft humming of a classical song from the radio. I noticed the stiff look on Caleb amd honestly I was worried about him. The dark circles beaneath his eyes gave away alot.

I kept my hand on his that rested on his lap.

"I know this deal is important but you must take care of yourself Caleb. I know you didn't have lunch and dinner yesterday and from the dark circles you also didn't sleep well" I said. He looked me and squeezed my hand on his lap. Suddenly he looked a lot tired than before.

"I don't know Saph. This is something I will be doing on my own. This is something that will be named as Caleb McKenzie's work not Joseph McKenzie" He sighed slumping his shoulders. By now we were pulled over in front of my cafe. I rubbed his shoulders to comfort him.

Caleb is one of those people who like to be independent and stand on their own feet and I was proud of him for that.

"Caleb I trust you, the twins trust you, Joe trust you and now it's time you should trust yourself. Don't prepare for this deal like a businessman. Prepare for this deal like Caleb McKenzie who wants to build something that can be called his" I encouraged him with a smile. He looked into my eyes and smiled before nodding his head.

My smile grew wider and I got out of the car waving him goodbye till he disappeared fron my sight.

I turned around and looked at my second home,my cafe - McKenzie's. Few years after my accident we figured that I loved baking and my coffee were the best, according to Caleb and about the baking, my kids said so.

After 4 years of convincing me Caleb built me this cafe, far away from the big hotels and diners of Amsterdam. This cafe is a place where you can come to have a break from your busy life and enjoy some quality time looking at the splendid view of greenary behind the cafe.

The bell above the door dinged announcing my arrival as I entered the cafe. The strong brew of coffee hit me giving me a feeling of home.

"Sapphire" Judy, exclaimed in relief as I made my way towards the counter. There was no rush in the cafe expect few people who were already tended to, then why was she so worried?

"What happened Judy?" I asked.

"There's a three layer red velvet cake order and they'll be here to pick it up by 5" she said slightly worried. I just smiled at her.

"Don't worry I'll do it. You just handle here" I said and entered the kitchen tying an apron around me. "The kid ate the cake here few days ago and she demanded her mother to have that cake for her birthday party tonight" Judy informed me.

"Oh! So it is for a birthday girl? Then the cake must me more delicious then I usually make" I winked at Judy and started removing the ingredients I need. Judy rolled her eyes and went back as the bell chimed announcing a customer.

It took me 5 hours to finally complete the cake. I was done by 3 so I decided to do something more. Though my hands were busy but my mind continued to wander back to my kids. Are they enjoying? Are they safe? And so many thoughts raced my mind. I can't help it.

Mother's heart.

I was washing my face to get rid of the flour when Judy came in "They've arrived" she said with nervousness.

"They?" I asked and wiped my face clean. "Yeah the one who ordered the cake" I opened my mouth in realisation and removed the apron around my neck and followed Judy to the front.

A lady stood in front of me with her brunette hair tied neatly in a bun and dressed simply but yet elegantly with her was a cute little girl, maybe around five years with blonde hair tied in pigtails and her brown eyes eyed the cookies that were kept on display. I chuckled under my breath. Kids.

"Hello, I'm here to pick up the cake order" the lady said in a gentle tone. I smiled at her. "It's ready ma'am. We'll help you load it in your car" I said to her and nodded at Judy to do the necessary work.

I took the white cookie box in which I had freshly baked ice-cream cookies that all the kids love and a small red rose for the birthday girl. I crouched down in front of her with the biggest smile on my face.

"Hello there, beautiful" I said to which she blushed and hid behind the lady but peeked at me shyly. Kids are so adorable.

"These is a small present for the birthday girl" I said and extended the box towards her. She looked at it then back at me and then back at the box before slowly coming forward and holding the box with her small hands. I caught the box from below as I know she won't be able to carry it. She looked up at the lady and handed her the box.

"And this too" I said and gave her the small red rose that matched the colour of her cheeks. She accepted and sniffed it before smiling widely at me. She came near me and kissed my cheek. "Your welcome, beautiful" I said and tapped her nose.

"Come on Siana we need to leave" the lady said urging the girl to move.

"Siana? That's a unique name" I commented but by then the lady and the girl were out of the door. She waved at me as their car left to which I waved back.


I was about to go to sleep when the front door opened. Besides me only Caleb has a key but why is he here at midnight? I switched on the light and Caleb looked tired than morning with his tie loosened to the point that it's knot will be undone any moment, few buttons were undone and his sleeves were folded till his elbows while his blazer was nowhere to be found.

I was beginning to worry about him now.

"Caleb?" I called him and helped him towards the near room that happens to be mine. I made him seat on my bed. He was weak to even talk now. He opened his mouth to say something but I shut him up.

"You need rest" I said and laid him down removing his shoes, shocks, tie and unbuckling his belt.

What? the poor guy needs to sleep without any disturbance.

I brushed his hair out of his face to look at his now peaceful face. He was out like a light as soon as his face hit the pillow. I kissed his forehead and covered him with the duvet before switching off the light and checking on my munchkins who were also fast asleep in their bed.

When they came back from school I was more then happy when they began to tell me about the friends they've made and how much they enjoyed. Now maybe I can be a little less worried about them tomorrow.


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