I kissed the Golden boy

By AnniPea

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Jordan never noticed Juliet. Juliet had given up to get his attention. And if they end up hiding together in... More

Chapter 1 - The freakishly short ponytail
Chapter 2 - Attention
Chapter 3 - Proposition
Chapter 4 -Stick in your ass
Chapter 5 - Apologizes
Chapter 6 - Men
Chapter 7 - The Speech
Chapter 8 - The Kiss
Chapter 9 - His POV
Chapter 9.1 - His POV
Chapter 10 - Afraid
Chapter 11 - The fight
Chapter 12 - The savior
Chapter 13 - The dance
Chapter 14 - The Game
Chapter 15 - The brown haired girl
Chapter 16 - The night
Chapter 17 - First time meeting
Chapter 19 - The first CS Game
Chapter 20 - Graduation day
Chapter 21 - A mistake
Chapter 22 - The return
Chapter 23 - The closet
Chapter 24 - The confession
Chapter 25 - The untold
Chapter 26 - The Epilogue
Let's Connect

Chapter 18 - His sister

2K 91 0
By AnniPea

It is crazy the way people fall in love with each other. One moment there is nothing, your soul is empty and lonely and in the next there is someone who breaks through and steals a spot in your heart. You can't kick him out, he won't leave voluntarily.
This is how it felt for me. I was talking to Matt in the hallway, talking about the craziest summer I had spent. I told him how a childhood friend came to stay with me for two weeks and how we went swimming. I told Matt how my friend pretended to be drowning and how I run to the rescue, only to get thrown with mud in my face. He laughed and caught people staring.
Just then Jordan Decker, the guy all girls had talked about during the summer, walked past us with his best friend.
He noticed me waving my hands in the air and with that I made a complete fool out of myself. I lowered my gazes as Matt told him hey.
I had heard how good looking he was but all the girls description didn't do him justice. He looked more than nice.
And on the first day of school I had already embarrassed myself in front of him and his friend.
I grabbed my things and walked up to my locker, shoved a couple of books that I really didn't need into my bag and headed to the first period.
Matt left with his step brother and I figured he had to talk to him about something.
I kept staring at the floor as long as I could, and raised my head before turning the corner in the hallway. Jordan stood in the middle of it, Matt by his side. He had a questionable expression on his face and the asked something from Matt. I heard the words 'sister of the captain of our football team' and he narrowed his eyes. What ever they were talking about, it had something to do with me.

Colleen and I spent a great night, talking and eating. I asked Lory if I could just hang out and let them take care of the rest of the night and she gladly said yes. You earned it. Go have fun! She said and I did.
For a tall and slim girl like Colleen, she could eat a lot of food. I am almost certain she tried half of the choices from the menu.
"You said earlier that you think your brother has the hots for me. That can't be true." I cut a piece of my fish roll and put it in my mouth. Delicious.
Colleen had ordered a salmon cream soup and was done with it.
"I don't know. Maybe I am wrong. He is so hard to read sometimes that my brain starts to hurt when I talk to him." She says, placing the spoon in the bowl and pushes it aside.
"I don't think he feels anything toward me. Guys like him date beautiful and rich girls. Like Tiffany for example." I say.
"Yeah, I wanted to ask you about that. I heard they broke up."
I nod my head, chewing another piece of my dish.
"Finally, that skank always got on my nerves."
I laugh at the word skank but somehow think it describes her perfectly.
"So what are your plans for the summer? Are you moving out from King Valley?" She asks me, tapping her mouth with a napkin.
"Yeah, I am flying out the next day we graduate. I got into NYU and now I am on a search for a job. I was thinking working all summer and then start college in autumn."
"That's great."
I put the final piece of my food in my mouth and chew. She was the one person I could ask the question that has lingered in my find for weeks.
"Um... Does Jordan actually only applied to Lyre?" I ask.
Colleen shook his head.
"Nah, dad told me yesterday that he applied to ten different schools and got the acceptance letter from all of them. I don't think he is hundred precent sure he will go to Lyre."
"Oh.." I reply , surprised
"And what's funny about all of this is that he also wanted to go to New York University, but a couple of weeks ago he suddenly changed his mind."
I take a sip from my wine and set the glass down.
"Do you know why?" I ask Colleen and she shakes her head.
"No, I just figured dad told him something to change his mind. He has been controlling his life from the freshman year and he hasn't stood up to him. I think Decker wants the best for himself and takes dad's advice for it." Colleen takes a deep breath and continues.
"He tried same with me but since I am a rebel, he couldn't get me to do what he wants." She huffs out a laugh.
Decker's dad had a control over him? It was weird. Your parents should support your decisions and dreams but not pressure you to do what they think is best for you. I thank God for my mother and her undying support.
"Well, its getting late. I should go." Colleen stretches her limbs and pats her stomach.
"It was so fun hanging out with you. We should do that more often."
I nod my head.
"Yeah, I have been so stressed for the past weeks, getting this place ready to open." I say.
"And you did it. The food, the atmosphere and the service. It's all so great." Her words make me blush.
"Thank you."
Colleen asks for the check and convinces me to pay for my food herself. After some arguing and laughing I finally give in.
When she calls Decker to come pick her up, she asks me to come wait with her outside. I grab my coat and follow her.
People start to leave and stop by me to thank me for a great night.
The feedback is great and I feel the huge stone fall off my chest.
"He said he will be here soon!" Colleen zips up her jacket and tucks her hands into the pockets.
Her flaming red hair is ruffled by the cold evening air as we walk up to the curb.
Few minutes later, a familiar engine sound is heard in the distance and then Jordan pulls up in his Challenger.
"I had a great night. Thank you." Colleen hugs me and then starts walking over to the car. "Drive safe." I yell when she is about to open the door to the car.
But before I can start walking back toward the restaurant, I hear a car door slam shut and Jordan call out my name.
"Juliet. Wait up!"
I wrap my coat tighter around my freezing body and turn.
"I had to give you this." He hands me a fifty dollar bill.
"Thank you. I thought you forgot." I fold it in half and put in my pocket.
"I almost did but Kyle reminded it to me." He tucks his hands down in his pockets and takes the position I had grown to love. Since he was way taller than me, he usually lowered his head and stared at me with hooded eyes.
"Good you have friends like this." I smile and he bites his lower lip.
"Yeah. Usually they are a pain in my ass but... they keep me on my track." He half smiles.
"That's great." I reply.
This conversation is all so awkward.
Suddenly Colleen hits the horn on Decker's car and we both jump from surprise. Jordan turns to hold a finger up to her, suggesting she'd wait for a second.
"I have to get back inside." I say and jiggle the coins in my coat's pocket.
"Yes. Sorry for making you stand outside in this cold." He replies softly.
"Can't believe its so freezing outside. For Gods sakes, it's June."
He laughs.
"Yeah. Talk about global warming... its the other way around."
Its still awkward. Now we are chatting about weather? As much as I enjoy talking to Jordan, my ass is about to freeze off.
"I do need to go inside. Do you..." I think of asking him come back here if he drops his sister home but then change my mind. "You should go. I think she is getting bored in your car." I point at the Challenger and Colleen who had her head leaning against the side window.
"I guess I go then. See you in school?" He asks and I nod, my hands shaking from cold.
When I watch him walk back to his car and open its door, I can't get my eyes off him. Just when I had stopped obsessing over him, he comes and puts a spell on me.
Deemet', I start falling in love again.

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