Calidisi (Slowly updating)

By SapphireMarie99

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{Falling in love is when she falls asleep in your arms and wakes up in your dreams.} Secrets. Danger. Love. M... More

Chapter 1: Discovery
Chapter 2: Mevel Academy
Chapter 3: Poems and Shopping
Chapter 4: An Odd Encounter
Chapter 5: Liam?
Chapter 6: Shiiii...zingers!
Chapter 7: The Ride
Chapter 8: An Uncertain Meeting
Chapter 9: Dating?
Chapter 10: Learning Day by Day
Chapter 11: Sisterly Love
Chapter 12: Losing Doubt
Chapter 13: Nothing More, Nothing Less
Chapter 15: First Kill

Chapter 14: Fine or Forgive?

22 2 1
By SapphireMarie99

 Chapter 14: Fine or forgive?

Evie knocked on my open door as I did some homework on my bed. I smiled up at her.

"Hey," she walked in.

I moved some of my school stuff off my bed, "Want to sit?"

"No, it's fine," she smiled at me, "I just wanted to let you know that Damon and I are going to go out tonight. Will you be fine by yourself?"

I smiled at her, "Yeah that's fine. You two have fun."

She put a piece of her light colored hair behind her ear, "Hey I saw Liam and you on front page news," she winked at me.

"Oh god!" I buried my face in my hands, "It's so embarrassing."

Evie laughed and picked up my face from my hands, "It's adorable. Don't worry about what others say, just be you."

I gave her a small smile, "I know."

"Okay well I'm going to go home and get ready for my date tonight," Evie hugged me.

"Have fun," I hugged her back and we let go.

She closed my door behind her and I grabbed my English book. I started reading the book but my thoughts kept straying to the fight I had with Xander.

Who did he think he was? He was just being paranoid and after everything he couldn't trust me. We shared everything, food, movies, homes, minds, thoughts, dreams, and he still couldn't find it in himself to understand what this means to me. I lived through misery when my mother was taken away all because of a stupid fear and if I could change this fear, I would take that chance no matter what.

A tear fell down my cheek and I wiped it away.

I refocused my eyes on the book in front of me and read. I finished the next two chapters but the constant nagging for knowledge of the people I was dealing with kept hanging in the back of my mind. I shut the book and pulled out my laptop.

I brought the graphics up from the screen to free float in front of me and scrolled to find my search engine. My holographic keyboard popped up in front of me when I clicked the search tab and I typed in Calidisi.

Calidisi: The Biggest Threat...Calidisi: Mutants, Monsters, and Murderers...Unite Against Mutants...

I scrolled through the first few links cringing at how negative they were. I finally found a link that seemed interesting. Calidisi: The Myth

Mutants are the biggest threat in today's world and many countries have united against this huge threat under the protection of the overseers. Calidisi are human mutants who are unnatural yet look like any other human. Calidisi are the superior kill because they blend in so well and the overseers will reward anyone who can bring a Calidisi to them.

I scrolled through more and found the section under myths.

Calidisi have been said to have fangs or crazy eyes but the fact is that they look like humans. The only way you can figure out if you have a Calidisi is if they use their 'powers' or confess. It's been said that Calidisi mind read and have a special power of their own. However, there are still studies going on whether Calidisi come with a 'special' power or not.

It's been said that they are ruled by their own counsel called 'the elders'. Whether 'the elders' exists or not, it's disturbing to our livelihood. If they can organize themselves and get around the overseers, which is seemingly impossible, then it seems they might plan an overthrow of the overseers.

There is also a myth going around that the Calidisi have bled themselves into our everyday society (see Leor and Lissanda). The overseers have made it their mission to keep the lineage of mankind pure and search to exterminate any Calidisi. It's very unlikely that Calidisi have escaped the eyes of the overseers since they have spies protecting and investigating us from threats.

I closed out the website and typed in the search tab 'the elders'.

Some old movie titles came up but nothing more did. I closed my laptop frustrated that I couldn't find anymore in depth information. The overseers have made sure to restrict knowledge on the internet of anything and everything and it constantly frustrated me.

I grabbed some of my school work and focused on it until I fell asleep.


 I groggily opened my eyes and the smell of cookies entered my nose. I rubbed my eyes awake, stretched, and yawned. I looked over to my holographic alarm and I had woken up before my alarm. I turned on my side happy to get some more rest.

"Nai," Xander's voice startled me.

My eyes popped open and I sat up straight, "What the hell are you doing here!" I covered my mouth not knowing if Evie came back from her date. I pulled my hands down to my sides and gave him the evil eye.

He sat on my bed and stared at me.


He stared some more.

You're starting to really creep me out. I hugged my comforter closer to me.

He didn't take his eyes off of me.


Cookie? He held out a container of chocolate chip cookies. The devil knew they were my favorite.

Huh? I sneered.

I'm sorry. He pouted.

I pulled my covers over my head and laid back down. I don't want your cookies and I definitely don't want to see your ugly face.

Nai! He whined.

No Xander! You went too far this time.

He poked his hand under the cover to grab my leg. I kicked his hand off and pulled my cover from my face to give him a death glare. Don't touch me.

He pounced on top of me and held my hands back. I won't let you go until you forgive me.

God he was such a five year old sometimes but a small smile broke through my face.

Xander gleamed. I'm sorry now it's your turn.

You're an ass.

Eh. Wrong. It starts with an F and ends with an E.

Fuck off.

Fiesty! But no, that doesn't end with an E. Give it another guess, c'mon I know you can do it!

I tried to struggle out of his hold but I couldn't. I didn't want to forgive him so easily, he made me so mad and he hurt me but I knew that I could never hold a grudge against him for too long. We've gone through too much to be mad for long.

Fine! Ha!

Hey! That's not fair! It's forgive, not fine!

Should've been more specific loser!

He grabbed the sides of my waist and began to tickle me. I tried to hold my laugh just in case we weren't the only ones in the house and I begged him to stop.

Okay! Okay! I forgive you!

He stopped tickling me. See was that so hard now?

I crossed my arms on my chest and looked to my side. How am I friends with you? Now get off of me!

Why? Am I making you uncomfortable?

I looked at him. A guy is on top of me without my consent...yeah that's as uncomfortable as a person can get.

Tell me how can I make you feel more comfortable? He wiggled his eyebrows at me.

Ew! I used my power on him to lift him off of me. I knew he hated when I used my power on him but he asked for it.

Get out pervert!

You liked it.

My jaw dropped. I did not! Ew!

He smirked at me. See you at school! He teleported out of my room and now I felt very alone.

I saw the box of chocolate chip cookies he brought for me on my bedside table and I devoured them. As I wiped the cookie crumbs off my pajamas I realized that Xander got up very early just to say sorry. I laughed to myself, I guess he felt really bad if he got up earlier than I do. I looked at my clock and it was time for me to get ready for school so I got up and got ready.

I walked out of my room and tried to look for any signs of Evie. I didn't see her purse or her keys on the foyer table so I figured she had stayed with Damon at their home. I entered the kitchen and a maid was wiping down the kitchen counter.

"Good morning," the large, soft-spoken lady greeted me, "What would you like to eat this morning?"

"Nothing difficult, I'll get it," I went to the pantry to grab a granola bar.

I walked out of the kitchen and grabbed my school bag from the couch were I had thrown it earlier.


Oh Liam! Good morning!

Good morning! Hey I was just wondering if you would like for me to take you to school today? To, you know, make our relationship more believable after that magazine got a picture of us.

I blushed to myself. You saw that too?

Yeah it was everywhere but arriving to school together will make it seem more official.

My blush deepened. Sure, sounds great!

Cool! Be there in fifteen minutes.


"Ready?" Liam asked me as he parked his car in the shared student parking.

I nodded my head at him, "What's the worse that can happen?"

Liam smiled at me, "I'll open your door."

A blush crept on my face as he came around the car and opened my door. He held out his hand for me and I grabbed it. I stepped out of the car and Liam intertwined his hands in mine.

My heart beat came fast and deep as I felt the stares.

 Liam pushed me up against his truck and I stared at him surprised. He leaned into me and whispered, "It'll be okay."

He held up our intertwined hands for me to see, "I'll keep holding on, I won't let go of you."

That same feeling that I could never shake when Liam was around sparked.

"I'll hold on too," I smiled at him.

We walked away from his car and felt the stares but it didn't matter. I only paid attention to him and he paid attention to me, we made our own little world.

"Liam," I spoke his name as he led me to the front of my school.

"Hm?" He looked back at me.

"Thank you."

He smiled at me, "Like I said Nailah, I'll be here for you."

We stopped in front of my school.

"Well looks like I won't be able to see you again in a few hours, " Liam began, "But you know we can always keep in contact," he smiled at me and put a piece of my hair behind my ear, "I think we did our job Ms. Riccardi."

I looked around as I saw people gossiping and open-mouthed, "We did, didn't we Mr. Jeffers?"

He laughed at my coyness, "Coming over today?"

"I said I wanted to train, didn't I?"

"You did."

"Okay then." I put my arms around him and gave him a hug, "I'll see you later."

"I'll wait for you at my car afterschool then," Liam hugged me and then we parted ways.

 I walked into my first period English class and there was only one other person in class besides the teacher. I barely sat down until I saw the door open with Yina walking right through it, mouth gaped open.

"What the hell Nailah?!" she sat down at the desk next to me, "You guys put on quite a show out there!"

"What do you mean? We were just holding hands," I scoffed.

"Just holding hands?! It seemed like you guys we're in your own universe and"

"So what?"

"Adorable!" she gushed, "You guys are just like perfect looking together. Oh my goodness, I love it!"

I laughed.

"I mean it Nailah," Yina urged, "You guys are the new 'It' couple. It's like Mara and Xander on again off again thing is so old news and you and Liam, it's like wow. The new guy sweeps Nailah Riccardi, the gorgeous, mysterious girl, off her feet. It's such a fairytale!"

I blushed.

Her eyes lit up, "Are you blushing? Oh my gosh you're blushing!"

"What?! No I'm not," I covered my cheeks with my hands.

Yina flipped her now dyed, orange-red hair over her shoulder, "How sweet is it that we both find someone we really like," the first bell rang, "Welp I got to go to math aka the seventh hell."

I laughed and she left my class. People started to file into class and I grabbed my tablet and keyboard. The eyes of many people kept straying over to me but I kept my eyes down and tried not to pay attention.

The late bell rang and I looked up at the journal entry for today that was projected on the screen.

Journal Question: Examine this quote, “We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be.” Give an example of this in your own life or an individual you may know.


A/N: Gave you guys a little something fun for this chapter! (:

Love SapphireMarie99

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