To Love A Wild Irishman

By conleyswifey

482K 16.8K 696

***Finnegan Callahan is the son of an Irishman. He loves rye whiskey, women and gambling though he always lea... More

To Love A Wild Irishman
Prologue: Hanged
Chapter One: Nether Regions, Impressive Mustaches and A Bad Time
Chapter Two: Chess Games and Secrets
Chapter Three: An Unexpected Visitor
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four

Chapter Seventeen

4.6K 293 16
By conleyswifey

Chapter Seventeen

Finnegan ducked quickly, managing to dodge an angry blow from Vincent Little. With little thought to what he was doing, Finnegan moved Cassandra out of the way and stood toe to toe with the big angry man.

Finnegan couldn't help but laugh as he sidestepped and dodged a number of punches while Cassandra yelled at her father to stop.

"Hold still and fight me like a man!" Vincent panted as Finnegan spun around Vincent and the older, fatter man nearly fell as he turned to face him again.

"I won't hit ya, Vinnie. T'would break poor Cass's heart to see her man knock her papa on his fat arse."

"Finnegan!" Cassandra scolded. "Papa, stop this nonsense!"

Finnegan laughed and even began to whistle a little tune, thoroughly enjoying himself as Vincent swung and he sidestepped yet again. He reached out and swiped a bit of sweat from Vincent's temple. "Ya should calm down, Vincent. You have worked up a nice sheen of sweat there."

Vincent huffed and then stopped suddenly. He turned his back to Finnegan and leaned against the poker table. Finnegan could hear Cassandra telling him to come but he just couldn't resist getting one more jab at the older man.

He laid his hand on Vincent's heaving back and clicked his tongue. "Do not feel bad then, Vinnie. I'll be an old man one day myself and no longer be quite so quick on me feet."

"Finnegan, that's enough," Cassandra hissed as she grabbed his arm and tried to tug him back.

Vincent froze and then, before Finnegan knew it was coming, the man spun and brought his hand, (and the whiskey bottle he had grabbed from the table), down upon Finnegan's head.

Finnegan was faintly aware of Cassandra cursing as he slumped to the floor and the train car went black.


Cassandra rushed to Finnegan and curses flew from her mouth when she saw the blood oozing from the cut on his temple.

"Cassandra Little! You are not to ever speak that way!"

"Dammit, papa, why can't you see that I'm not your baby girl any longer? I am a grown woman with a need to have my own life free of societies expectations." Cassandra knelt beside the Irishman and shook Finnegan's shoulder gently but the man seemed to be out cold.

Before anyone else could say anything three train attendants came bursting into the car looking more than ready to fight, "Alright! What exactly is going on here?!" The tallest and oldest of them bellowed.

"These three are fighting and causing one hell of a ruckus," one of the card players replied.

"We don't allow fighting on this train," another of the attendants said as he rubbed at his tired eyes. His clothes were slightly disheveled and it was clear he'd been sleeping before the fight had started.

"Sirs, I apologize," Cassandra spoke softly hoping to appease them. It would seem that her father had suddenly forgotten how to speak as he lowered his head sheepishly. "It was a simple misunderstanding and I can assure it won't happen again."

"I know it won't," the tall attendant replied with a snort. He crossed his long arms over his skinny chest. "The driver is stopping the train and the three of you are off it. We'll allow you ten minutes to get your belongings and whatever is still on this train is ours."

"Do you not find that to be a bit harsh of a punishment?!" Cassandra demanded incredulously.

"No. This train has never allowed fighting and therefore has become the safest train running from here to the west. Any disobedience is met with the strictest penalties. You have ten minutes." The man flipped open his watch, "And your time starts now."

"Let's go, Cassandra," Vincent urged.

"No, I won't leave Finnegan lying here helpless," she replied.

"Well you will have to because he is out cold," her father countered.

"Your time is counting down," the tall man with the watch warned.

Cassandra glared at him. Thanks to her father and Finnegan she was being booted off a train in the middle of nowhere in the middle of the night! As badly as she hoped this was all a bad dream, she knew it wasn't. Now how was she going to wake Finnegan up?

Cassandra glanced up at the table and saw a half-finished bottle of whiskey. She grabbed it and held it under Finnegan's nose. She saw his nostrils flair and then his eyelids began to flutter as he gained consciousness.

His brown eyes locked with hers when they opened and then he glanced over at the bottle and tried to reach for it. Cassandra shook her head and put it back up on the table. "I don't think so, Finn. You've had quite enough for tonight. Thanks to you and my father acting like an angry ogre and a mischievous leprechaun, we've been kicked off the train and have ten minutes—"

"Eight," came the attendant's dry voice.

Cassandra rolled her eyes. "Eight minutes to get our belongings before they throw us out on our backsides."

"Did you just call me a leprechaun then, Little Cass?" Finnegan questioned quietly. "That's hurtful."

"You will be fine," Cassandra assured him. She stood up then and held out her hand. Finnegan took it and she helped him to his feet. Instantly he grabbed the table for support with one hand and grabbed his head with the other.

"I feel as if a mortar round burst in me head," he moaned.

"I wish I'd killed you," Vincent growled.

"Papa..."Cassandra warned and Vincent raised his hands and took a step back.

"You now have seven minutes," the man with the watch intoned. "I would suggest you move with haste."

Cassandra took Finnegan by the hand and began to lead him toward their passenger car and bedroom. He stumbled and nearly fell multiple times and it was all Cassandra could do to get him to their door.

"Stand here, Finn," she said as she leaned him against the wall.

"O'course, Little Cass. You only need ask and your will shall be done. You are my—"

Cassandra had been sliding open the door when Finnegan's voice trailed off and she realized he was sliding sideways, unconscious and she jumped forward and attempted to catch him.

Unfortunately the man was half a foot taller than her and a considerable amount heavier and she couldn't support his weight so the two of them fell into a heap on the floor. Cassandra was thankful that her father had gone on to his room in the second passenger car and they were alone in this hall.

Cassandra tried to shove Finnegan off but he was nothing but dead weight on top of her. "I had to give my heart to an Irishman," she mumbled.

With a grunt Cassandra slid from beneath him and went into their room. Quickly she gathered up their belongings, stuffing them into the sack. She knew that Finnegan had the treasure map tucked into his clothes and so with one last glance to ensure she had everything else, Cassandra slid the door closed as she stepped back into the hall.

Now she had to get to the car where Theo was put up. But how was she supposed to do that with an unconscious Finnegan? Her worries were eased when she realized Finnegan was awake once again and standing against the wall.

"Your papa did a number on my head, Little Cass," he moaned. Cassandra could see the pain in his brown eyes but she felt no sympathy for him.

"You and your big mouth deserved it," she informed him. "Now let's go get Theo."

It wasn't until Cassandra, Finnegan and her father were standing out in the dark and watching the train pull away and leave them behind that Cassandra remembered the third member of her and Finnegan's treasure hunting party was still locked in his room.

"Oh dear! Finnegan, we forgot Seamus!"

Finnegan laughed as he patting Theo's neck lovingly. "Well won't he be right pissed off then."

"Seamus?" Vincent asked as he studied Theo carefully. "Your brother Seamus?"

Finnegan cooed against Theo's ear and then nodded. "Aye, my brother."

"That is my horse...." Vincent whispered. "You stole my damned horse!"

"Papa—" Cassandra intercepted him as he lunged for Theo's reins. "Is that really important just now? I am with Finnegan so Theo is in my care."

"I suppose you're right," Vincent grumbled as he rubbed at his face. "And why is Seamus going to be angry?"

"Cuz he's tied up in his room," Finnegan replied with a grin and a wink in Cassandra's direction.

"You tied a man in his room!?" Vincent demanded of Cassandra.

"Yes," she replied weakly.


"He would not listen to me and do as I wanted," Cassandra replied sheepishly as she picked at an invisible stain on her skirt.

"And yet you want me to see you as a grown adult woman who can think for herself? You want me to believe you mature when you are tying up men in their rooms simply because they will not do your bidding?"

"Yes," Cassandra replied, glaring at Finnegan who was laughing at this point.

Vincent shook his head and with a grunt he swung himself into the saddle of his large chestnut gelding. "I have nothing else to say to you other than this, Cassandra," he sighed. "You have a choice to make. You can either choose to come home with me now and your mother and I will take your desires in life into consideration or you can continue on this foolish adventure of yours with this worthless, no-good, joke of a man and bid your home farewell for good."

"Papa, you don't mean that...." Cassandra whispered but Vincent hardened his jaw and looked in her eyes with sadness.

"I do mean it, Cassandra. Make your choice."

Tears filled Cassandra's eyes but she held them back. She glanced at Finnegan and he was glaring angrily at her father. "Why would ya want Little Cass to make such a choice? Can ya not see that she needs this kind of life? What do ya wish for her? To stifle her spirit? To turn her into little more than a gigglin', mindless ninny of a woman who looks pretty but is good for little else?"

"Of course not!" Vincent snapped. "But you cannot keep her safe out here."

"I would never let harm come to Cassandra. Not now, not ever again."

"Again?" Vincent growled his gaze snapping back to Cassandra. "You've been harmed once?"

Cassandra's head was spinning. God she was so tired of men trying to dictate her life! Seamus, her father, every man she ever came in contact with.... Everyone accept Finnegan.

"I choose Finnegan, papa."

"You do?!" Both Finnegan and Vincent demanded with surprise as they turned to look at her.

Cassandra nodded and raised her chin. "Yes. He is the only person in this whole world who does not seek to change me or have me be something I am not. I gave him my word that I would help him on this quest he is on and I mean to keep my word. When we're done perhaps we'll have another adventure or perhaps I shall go and have adventures of my own. It is my sincere hope that it was merely your anger speaking moments ago and I will still have a place to call home with you and mama when I come to spend time with you both."

"Are you certain that's your choice?" her father asked, his eyes not meeting hers.

"Yes," Cassandra replied, her heart twisting painfully.

"Then I..." Vincent's voice broke. "I wash my hands of you. Enjoy your adventure." With that he turned and galloped off the way they had come, clearly heading for home.

Cassandra had always prided herself on her strength, her toughness if you will, but just now she felt anything but strong. Her father, the man she had grown up admiring and adoring had just turned his back on her simply because she would not do his bidding and live the life he wished her to live.

She wrapped her arms around herself and broke down in tears.


Whatever drunkenness might have still been flowing in Finnegan's veins faded when Vincent Little rode away. Cassandra had just denied her father and stood up for him...hell the crazy lass had chosen him!

No one had ever had that kind of faith in him before. Only his Little Cass.

Damn but that made him prouder than ever and scared the shite out of him all at the same time.

What if he let her down?

What if he caused her to regret her choice?

The next sound Finnegan heard was the sound of Cassandra's quiet, heart-wrenching sobs and they shot through Finnegan's aching head like a bullet.

Quickly he dropped Theo's reins and went to her. He stepped behind her, wrapped his arms tight around her waist and pulled her soft body into his chest. Finnegan buried his face in her thick golden curls which were hanging down her back and murmured softly against her skin.

At first Cassandra stiffened and Finnegan knew it was because she did not like appearing weak but then she let out yet another sob and leaned her body back, sinking into his arms.

"I'm sorry I got ya into this mess, Little Cass," Finnegan whispered as she began to quiet. "Ya do not need to be so loyal to me. I can take ya back to your papa if ya wish. I do not like knowin' ya are so sad."

"Oh Finn..." she sighed. She turned his arms and Finnegan found himself breathless as he looked down into her beautiful green eyes lit up in the moonlight. "I chose you because I wanted to choose you. If I wanted to go with my papa then I would have. And besides, if I leave then who will read your treasure map?"

Finnegan frowned, he had nearly forgotten about that map. He saw something flicker across Cassandra's face. Unease? Doubt? Guilt? Something. He was not sure what the emotion was and just as quickly as it had come it had also gone leaving Finnegan no time to study it more carefully.

"I've never had anyone choose me when given the option of somethin' else," Finnegan replied honestly. "I'll have to be sure to give ya the adventure of a lifetime."

Cassandra's lips curved into a slow smile and then she rose on her toes and kissed his lips. The kiss was fast and gentle and it left Finnegan wanting more—so much more.

It was then that thunder rumbled in the distance and Finnegan felt fear in his gut. "We should get to town," he said quickly.

Cassandra laughed and the sound was a nice sound after the tears she had cried. "Are you still afraid of thunder?!" she exclaimed.

The laughter was not so nice when it was directed at him and his fear, "O'course not, but poor Theo begins to shake and shiver somethin' awful."

Cassandra looked at Theo and Finnegan followed her gaze to see the gelding grazing calmly and simply swishing his tail when another loud rumble of thunder filled the air. Finnegan let out a squeak and jumped while glancing up at the sky.

"Okay then, Finn," Cassandra soothed. "Let's get Theo to some cover before he injures himself in his fear. Do you have any idea where we are?"

"Not a clue," Finnegan replied. Lightning lit the sky and the following crack of thunder was so loud and booming that Finnegan felt his teeth knock together. He leapt for Cassandra and cowered behind her.

"My brave protector," she muttered dryly. Rain droplets began to plop almost lazily upon them and the dry ground upon which they stood.

"Let's head into the woods," Finnegan replied, choosing to ignore her sarcasm. "We'll have some protection from the rain there and we'll follow the train tracks once the light o'dawn shines for us to see by."

Finnegan got into Theo's saddle and lifted Cassandra up behind him. He felt his heart swell when her arms wrapped around his waist and her head rested against his back. As scared as he was of the thunder and the storm it couldn't erase the love he felt in his heart for this woman who seemed to believe in him no matter how many reasons he gave her not to.


They did manage to find an abandoned shack that would serve to keep them a bit dryer. The storm was raging outside and each roll of thunder had Finnegan tensing and muttering curses under his breath.

While Finnegan settled Theo down on the far side of the shack, Cassandra spread the single bedroll she had managed to grab from the train. It occurred to her, as she looked down at their makeshift bed upon the moldy wooden planks of wood, that she and Finnegan would be sharing that tiny amount of fabric tonight.

Excitement and apprehension both swirled in her belly as she stole a glance at the Irishman. He was feeding Theo a handful of oats from the saddlebag and Cassandra took a moment to study the man while lightning flashed around them.

It was easy to see that when it came to manly good looks that made women's knees weak, Seamus had been the blessed brother, but Finnegan had something else. He had a boyish charm and a face and smile that simply drew people in. You could practically see his goodness in the light of his smile and when he winked and grinned that devilish grin of his you knew that there was more than that sweet innocence inside the man.

He rose to his full height, just barely six feet, and rolled his broad shoulders before cracking the knuckles of his hands. Hands that were big and long fingered, perfect for dealing out cards, and palming them as well. She was certain those hands were very good at many other things—things

that she trembled with anticipation just thinking about.

Then Finnegan turned and his eyes squeezed shut as his hand went to his head. His legs weaved dangerously beneath him.

Cassandra ran forward and caught him around his waist, helping to hold him stead as he caught his bearings. "Did you truly drink that much?!" she demanded.

"No," Finnegan replied weakly. "T'would seem your dear papa packs a healthy wallop."

Cassandra looked at the bloody welt on Finnegan's head and sighed, "I believe it was the whiskey bottle he held in his hand."

"Yes that could be," Finnegan winked but Cassandra could tell it was half-hearted. The man needed to lie down and rest. Anger coursed through her toward her father for hurting Finnegan so badly yet, then again, Finnegan had been asking for it.

"The bleeding has stopped," Cassandra offered. She was worried about Finnegan but there was nothing to be done for him now. Head injuries were funny things at times and dangerous as well. She could only hope that rest would heal whatever damage had been done.

"He only beat me cuz I wouldn't hit him back, ya know. I could have very easily wiped the floor with his fat arse but chose not to cuz I thought that might bother ya," Finnegan assured her as Cassandra led him toward the bed.

"Yes I know," she soothed. "Thank you for not hitting my father."

"I'll deck him in his throat next time."

"There won't be a next time," Cassandra warned. She helped Finnegan to lie down and then lay down in the dark beside him. They both were lying on their sides and Finnegan pulled Cassandra closer, causing the back of her body to be pulled tight against the front of his.

"Goodnight then, Little Cass."

"Goodnight Finn."

Cassandra wanted him badly but it was clear the man was in pain and not feeling himself. She contended herself to merely lie against him, feeling safe and warm as she listened to his steady breathing.

It was not long before he was snoring lightly and Cassandra knew that were his head not pounding this night would not have been so lacking in excitement. She could not help but smile. It may very well be the last good night of rest she had for a while.

As she drifted off to sleep Cassandra could not help but wonder about her father and she found herself praying that he was somewhere just as safe and dry.

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