When Darkness Falls >>f...

By _riverstyx_

188K 3.9K 790

In this story, Hermione has to cope with something she had never imagined. She wasn't a filthy mudblood anymo... More

Chapter One: The News.
Chapter Two: The Meeting.
Chapter Three: The Train and New Friends.
Chapter Four: School Again.
Chapter Five: A New Day.
Thank You!!
Chapter Six: An Odd Situation.
Sorry! XD
Chapter Eight: Friend or Foe?
New stories!
Chapter Nine: The Gaunt Princess.
Le Art!
Chapter Ten: Death?
Chapter Eleven: Death's Master.
New Schedule!
Chapter Twelve: A Pull.
Chapter Thirteen: Realization.
Chapter Fourteen: Explaining to Do.
Chapter Fifteen: A Revelation.
A few changes!
Chapter Sixteen: A Change of Heart.
Chapter Seventeen: Confidence.
Name change!
Chapter Eighteen: Regrets.
Chapter Nineteen: Detention.
Chapter Twenty: Plans.

Chapter Seven: Gryffindors are Idiots.

7.1K 184 12
By _riverstyx_

Hermione sighed. Ever since she had figured out why she was changing so much, she seemed to change even more. Draco had picked up on it too. One day he started chuckling. "My, Miss Riddle has quite a temper, doesn't she?" to which Hermione had replied, "She does now."

Draco seemed amused by this fact, often chuckling at her when she yelled or ranted at Saint Potter and the Weasel. Hermione gradually became more and more Slytherin-like, her personality changing for the worse, but in her father's opinion, for the better. She didn't seem bothered by this fact, mostly because she didn't really notice it.

Hermione was brought out of her thoughts by the appearance of food on the Great Halls' tables. She smiled, putting a small amount of food on her plate because she never was very hungry. She took a sip of pumpkin juice, listening to Millicent Bullstrode argue with Theodore Nott. Their squabbles were actually very interesting.

Hermione listened in on the Gryffindor table for the first time in a while, listening to their whispers of "Hermione's a traitor" and "How could she?" She smiled to herself, thinking about how little she resembled a Gryffindor at this point. Draco seemed to notice her smirk as he said, "What's so funny, Riddle?" She looked at him with an amused smirk. "The Gryffindors, they're still bothered by the fact that I'm no longer a lion. It's amusing, really. Harry keeps trying to believe I'm still a Gryffindor at heart."

Even Draco had to laugh at this. "Really? After all you've done to them already, he still believes in you? I think Potter's in love," he exclaimed. Not loud enough for everyone else to hear, of course. Hermione rolled her eyes. "As if. He doesn't have a chance." She grinned. He really didn't.

Draco smirked again. "We all knew that, Riddle. No way a Gryffindor Golden Boy would steal the Slytherin Princess's Heart," he mused, earning giggles from some girls and grins from the guys. Hermione nodded slowly, smiling. "Heh. Slytherin Princess. I like it," she said, grinning. "A very fitting nickname," Millie agreed.

After agreeing that would be her nickname, Hermione went to Potions, being greeted somewhat kindly by Snape. Kinder than all the others, anyway.

She took her seat next to Draco and prepared for class. "Today, we will be taking a quiz," Snape said silkily. This was met with groans and huffs of frustration. Saint Potter just looked frustrated, not making a sound, unlike Weasel. "Why do we 'ave to 'ave a quiz today?" He groaned. Snape said, "20 points from Gryffindor for questioning authority." Slytherins grinned while Gryffindor shot deadly glares at Weasel, who flushed a deep red and sunk back into his seat.

Ah, Gryffindors really are idiots.

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