Head over heels

By the_imperfect_tone

426 28 9

Elizabeth 'Ellie' Pearston had it all figured out; from where her career would stand five years from now to h... More

1| Silence
2| Countdown
3| No feelings, only business
4| Breathless
6| Of accidents and Rules
7| Curiosity
8| Home sweet home
9| Story time
10| Open Books

5| Two's company, three's a crowd

35 2 3
By the_imperfect_tone

A hotel had been booked for the both of us, only for today. The lawyer insisted on showing the 'newly wedded' going off to celebrate the marriage. Tomorrow was Monday, which meant back to work; but today I was going to have to spend it with him, and from how the car ride went, it was going to be in absolute utter silence.

We entered the hotel room, and I barely placed my bag down when he spoke the four words:

"I have a girlfriend."

I looked at him; he's got to be kidding. He kept looking at me and shifting his gaze, please tell me this isn't some stupid joke. After a few seconds of silence I realized it wasn't and I probably should say something.

 I opened my mouth but nothing came out, I closed it.

Opened it, closed it.

He shifted his position, removing his hands from his pockets, "She doesn't know about, this."

This time I kept my mouth closed, and he kept his eyes on me; for a good five seconds until I threw my bouquet at his face.

"Are you insane!?"

"My thoughts exactly!" he exclaimed ducking to avoid being hit.

I opened my mouth to say something, but he beat me to it.

"Before you say anything, there's something else you should now."

"If you tell me she's pregnant, I swear-"

"No! No."

I let out a breath of air, him having a girlfriend was one thing, him not telling her about us another, but if there was a baby involved, I was out.

"She's coming here."

I gave him a long hard look and when that didn't suffice, I tried counting to ten. I didn't even make it to six when I walked the three steps to him and started swatting his arm.

"Hey! Ow, geez, stop it."

"What do you mean stop it." I gritted out, continuing to hit him, "You're supposed to tell me these things before!"

"We never talked! And, I-" he paused midway grabbing both my hands and held them by his shoulders. I realized how tall he was, or how short I was, as I tilted my head at a ridiculously obtuse angle to meet his face.

"Let go", I said blowing the stray strands of hair from my face.

"I was told you were calm and sweet."

"Well they told wrong," 

He raised an eyebrow at my unsuccessful attempts to break free from his hold, "Clearly."

"Let me go" I gritted still struggling.

"If you stop hitting me."


I took a step back as he let go and huffed rubbing my wrists.

"You're very violent."

"I am not!"

"You just hit me up for telling-"

"Me that you have a girlfriend, that she doesn't know about us, and that shes coming here. I'd say I handled it pretty well," I concluded for him.

"Look, I didn't mean for this to happen," he said exasperatedly. "It's been one year since we first kissed or something and I was on the phone with her when mom was telling me about the hotel arrangements, I had to say that it was a surprise for her."

"You could have said anything! You could have said it was some business related thing, you could have said you wanted to relax" I threw my hands up, "You could have told her the truth."

"One, telling her it was a business meeting would lead to too many questions and two, I plan on telling her, soon."

"Soon? Not now?"

He winced, "Wouldn't be a very good anniversary gift would it."

"No, but why do you want to hide it, it's not like this is all means something."

"How would you feel if you're boy fried told you he was married to someone else for a business deal," he deadpanned.

"I wouldn't have minded if he told me right away, if he told me after the marriage? Yeah I'd be pissed because he hid it from me, but if I truly loved him then maybe I'd still be fine because at least, he told me."

"Vanessa isn't like that, she'd freak out." He said agitated, and clearly annoyed with me. 

Wait, a second, I'm the one supposed to be annoyed with him, my irritation at him flared up a bit more.

"What do you mean 'she'll freak out', of course she'll freak out, whether you told her yesterday, or whether you tell her tomorrow. Just hope, she'll realize you're point of view and understand you."

"That's not how Vanessa works."

"How do you know?"

"Because I've known her for almost a year!!"

Oh right.

A knock at the door diverted both of our attention from bickering.

Our annoyed stares became wide eyed ones; we were still in our dresses, albeit mine wasn't a traditional wedding dress and my hair was all undid, it was still pretty obvious.

I ran to the bathroom, grabbing the bouquet on the way, while he opened the door.

"Hello sir, we have booked another room as you requested," I sighed of relief and stepped out.

"Oh, thank you very much."

I frowned at Luke as he conversed with the bell boy, with everyone but me he seemed like a genuinely nice, collected person.

He still might be, a part of my brain argued.

Nice? Maybe.

Collected? Definitely not.

Luke closed the door and let out his breath of relief; then he turned to me, "We should probably change."

I nodded, "Yeah."

He put the key the boy had just given in my hands, "Here's your room key," he grabbed my bag from the floor where I dropped and handed it back.

See, he's nice.

Or just eager to get you out.

"Thank you," I said giving him my business smile and taking my things from him.

"You're welcome."


My room was three floors down, on the second floor.

I showered and changed into a jeans and T-shirt, it wasn't until I laid down on the bed and searched for my phone that I realized I left it up.

I quickly tied my hair up into a pony and hoped his girlfriend wasn't there yet. I rang the bell deciding to claim 'wrong door', if the girl, Vanessa I think, opened it.

I was greeted with the ever-present questioning face of Luke.

"Is she here?" I whispered


"Oh, thank god, uh, my phone."


"My phone, I think I left it in here."

"Oh," he opened the door wider, "Where?"

I walked towards the TV, and picked it up from the remote stand, "Over here. Thanks, bye."

I made my way back to the door where he was still standing when I remembered I didn't have his number yet.

"Oh, wait, wait, wait. Your number," I said as I was about to step out


"Your phone number," I stated "To contact you."

"Oh, you don't have it?"

I furrowed my brows, "Do you have mine?"


"Was that a question?"


My frown deepened, "You're weird, just give me a call later, I'll feed it."

I barely took a step outside when I slammed into the face of his girlfriend.

"Sorry, I thought this was,"

She was cut of mid-sentence as he flung the door open.

"Hi," She said to him, and then turned back to me mirroring the expression Luke had when he opened the door seconds ago. Questioning.

"Hi Vanessa, meet my cousin."

I turned around to him,'cousin'? We looked nothing alike.

He motioned with his eyes towards the door, and I internally sighed, the things I did for my 'cousin'.

"Oh my gosh, is this Vanessa?" I said turning back towards her. "I've wanted to meet you for so long," I said enthusiastically, faking it to the core. Not that she would notice anyway, out of the very few things I was actually proud of, it was my ability to fake like a pro.

"I was just helping him completing the preparations for your one year, kiss anniversary," I said stepping out of the hug I'd given her.

She looked at me and Luke, "It's actually our one year hug anniversary."


I looked behind me to Luke, from the expression on his face he had honestly no idea.

I coughed, "I should probably get going."

We both side stepped each other and as she walked in, I walked out.

As the door closed behind me I couldn't help but smile, I had a bed waiting for me in my room; a peaceful sleep at last.


I woke up at 10:00 p.m.

I sighed sitting up after ten minutes of rolling around. I wasn't going to get any sleep in the night.

My stomach grumbled. That's what happens when you don't eat lunch.

I threw the covers off, and got up. The restaurant was probably closed but it was worth a try for my moaning stomach. I pulled on a jacket and headed out.

The elevator stopped on my floor revealing the two people I had the least interest in meeting. I confirmed my theory that I was definitely Hitler in my previous life.

"Hey." Vanessa said as I got in, probably wondering what his cousin was still doing here.


"Hi," I said to Luke.


It was silent after that. No one in their right mind would buy Luke and I being cousins who helped each other plan anniversary gifts, and as the awkward silence enveloped us, apparently he realized the same. 

As the elevator opened on the ground floor he tried to strike up a conversation, "Where too?"

"I was hungry, wanted to see if the restaurant was still open."

"Same here," Vanessa said, "You should join us."

"Oh no, no. I don't want to barge into your celebrations."

"Nonsense, I'd love to know his family better. I never got to meet anyone other than his mom and younger brother," She rolled her eyes at Luke, "He's scared they'll all scare me off." 

I gave her a smile, they were dating for almost a year and he still didn't let her meet his parents formally?

"Are you sure? I mean-,"

"It's okay Elizabeth," he said throwing his hand over my shoulders. I stumbled forward wide eyed; cousins, we were cousins, right. "You don't need to be so embarrassed to be with us."

I decided to played along, not that I really had a choice, and shoved my elbow into his stomach. "Don't make me look weird in front of her, Lucas."

He frowned, "Luke."


"What?" Vanessa said reaching out for Luke's hand.

Well, we just got past formal names, it's a milestone.

The restaurant was closed. 

"We could go out, I'm really hungry," Luke said.

"Me too." I looked at Vanessa smiling as we spoke together, she returned the smile.

"I guess that clears it."

We asked the receptionist of any good dinner places, and she said most would be closed today considering the fair going on. I then proceeded to learn how much Vanessa liked fairs as she begged Luke to go there instead.

And long story short, that is how the three of us ended up spending two hours in a fair.


"I can't believe Luke actually did that!" Vanessa said bending down with laughter and gasping for air. I leaned onto a pole of a nearby stall laughing with her.

Being his cousin meant I could create the most random stories about him and he couldn't argue. Of course he tried to do the same to me, but between the two of us, I was a much better storyteller. I looked towards him standing with his arms folded across his chest refusing to be amused, but the faint smile across his lips told otherwise.

We both caught our breath and clutched our sides.

"Oh, that's a tarot reading stall. Right?"

I looked at the stall we both had been leaning against. "I think so," I said my voice a bit hoarse as I read the board: 'Come see your future with the Destiny the Seer'. That rhymed.

Vanessa grabbed onto Luke's arm, "You have to get this done, it would be so fun!"

"No way."

"Ellie, help me."

I turned to Luke giving him an apologetic look, "Do it?"

They both gave me very unimpressed looks.

"Come on baby, you never get it done."

"What's the point of wasting time on something not accurate?" As much as I hated to admit it, I agreed with him there.

"Come on, for me, for our anniversary."


I watched them both continue to try to convince the other. They were seriously cute, a bit too cute with all the hugging, kissing anniversaries, but still, cute.

I felt a small something pull at my chest and sighed, he should really tell her.

"Fine, fine, I'll do it."

She had somehow convinced Luke and we made our way around to the front of the stall; there was a curtain blocking the inside view, unlike all the other booths, which made Vanessa more exited and Luke much less. I was curious; I'd never been to one before. I don't even remember the last time I was at a fair.

We stepped into the stall, to be greeted by a woman sitting behind a desk. There was only one chair, which Vanessa graciously forced Luke into, while we both stood on either side of him, crammed into the tiny space.

"Hi?" He said.

"Hello. Give me your hand."

He hesitatingly put it forth, "Ah, very complicated huh?"

He just stared, his expression growing more and more wary by the passing second. It was kind of cute; wait, cute? No no no, not cute, not cute, not cute! I quickly wiped the smile of my face and watched as she made him pull out cards, chose pebbles, and even simply stared at him for a good amount of time.

I didn't know where this was going but watching him squirm was definitely enough worth for my money. She finally took his hand again and for the first time looked behind him at the both of us; first at Vanessa, then at me.

She smiled, "You think your wife is pretty aye?" My back shot up straight from its relaxed stance, my face going stoic.

"He's not married," Vanessa said slowly.

I looked to Luke through the corner of my eye; he was half shocked, half sputtering, and a hundred percent blushing.

"Aha, you definitely do," despite the situation, color tinged my cheeks. Elizabeth! No!

"You'll do good in business, continue your amazing growth. They say behind every man's success stands a woman, well you certainly choose the right one. She'll help you well along your journey."

On my deathbed, I thought, there was no way in hell I would help out the Vargaras in their business.

I shot a look to Vanessa she was a bit shocked, a bit glowing. She thought she was the wife, okay, as long as she didn't suspect me.

"Now, do you want to know how many children you will have?"

Luke seemed to have found his voice as he sputtered and said, "No. None. That's how many, none."

Both our faces turned an astonishing shade of red. I wanted out.

"Luuuke," Vanessa whisper-cooed.

This was in no way a good idea. 

"How 'bout you?" I squirmed as the lady addressed me, "Would you like to know how many?"

I looked at Luke through the corner of my eye to find him staring straight ahead, "Sure," I deadpanned not even bothering to put up a fake emotion.

She looked back at his hand. "Three."

Have you ever heard the phrase, 'my eyes jumped out of my sockets,' well I never understood what than meant, until now.

"A boy, a girl and a boy."

"Enough," Luke said pulling his hand back and standing up, "I'm not even married."

The lady smiled, "Don't worry," she said looking at me again, "Give it some time, you bo-"

Luke dragged both of us out by our elbows, Vanessa slapped his hand away and I was in too much of a shock to do anything. "That was so rude," she made her way to go back in, but he held her back, "Vanessa," he said a warning note in his voice, "I don't like this."

He turned towards me, neither of us meeting the other's eye, and handed me a ten dollar bill, "Can you?" he said gesturing to the stall.

I nodded, taking the money and heading inside. I sincerely hoped she wouldn't say anything out loud. I was pretty sure Vanessa was forcing him to be silent outside, so they could hear.

"Umm, the ten dollars," I said placing it on the table. 

"I'll.." I pointed to the curtain, taking a step back; one more and I'd be out.

"Take care of him," She said.


"And he will of you."

I stared at her, gave a quick nod and took an even quicker step out.

"Why did she say that?" Vanessa whispered, I looked at her, than at Luke, who averted his eyes.

"I don't know," I said looking to the ground, "We should probably get back to the hotel, it's really late."


"Okay," Vanessa said, shrugging off our sudden solemn behavior.

We walked in silence till the car, Vanessa tried to make conversation, but the tension in the air was so thick, I was surprised we could even walk. Luke opened the passenger door for her, and surprisingly, as I reached the backseat, for me too.

I raised my eyebrows at him, and he simply stared back. A small frown took up my features, sometimes I could be around him and look at him and be completely fine, and then sometimes I felt like a volcano was erupting inside me. I looked straight back at him, both of us frowning, trying to figure the other out. It might have been so much simpler if his face wasn't so close to mine.


We broke out of our stance, and I took in a breath of the cold air.

Breathless, again.

I got in and he shut the door with much more force than necessary.

I sighed, this was one long day, and I had a year more of these to do.

As he walked around to the driver's seat Vanessa quickly said, "I-think-all-this-means-he's-going-to-propose!"

The moment he opened the door she went dead silent and looked out her window as if admiring the half full parking lot.

I however, wasn't so discreet with my emotions and Luke caught me staring at the seat in front like a goldfish.

"What?" He said doubtfully. I stared at him too, with my mouth still opening and closing.

Say something.

"I realized I have an early meeting tomorrow?"

He frowned, "Was that a question?"


His frown deepened for a second before he shook his head and turned back to the front.

A sudden wave of deja vu from our conversation in the morning hit me. Forget summer solstice, this was the longest day of my life. 

"Where do you work?" Vanessa asked.

"In my dad's company, I oversee most of our promotional works and also head the research team for my dad."

"Oh, you're into business too. You're dad is related to Mr. Vargara?"

Me and Luke winced, "We call each other cousins, but we're actually family friends," I said.

"Oh, so you're family friends?"


"What's your company's name?"


"Pears and apples production company."

I stared mortified at Luke,'Pears and apples production company?'

He shot me a glare through the rear view mirror and I shot him one straight back. Okay, so maybe I should have realized she would know we were lying if she recognized the name but still, Pears and apples?

"That's nice, so you have a farming company?"

I wished so badly that I could reach over and smack him across the back of his head.

"Yes," I said, maybe a bit harshly.

He gave a wicked smile, that's it, "So Luke, what's with all this marriage talk? You hiding something from us?"

Apparently he didn't get or appreciate my joke, and took a sharp turn, making my shoulder hit the door hard. A smile grew on my face, he could drive as rashly as he wanted, but I still won the conversation. 

When did you become so petty?

Shut up, I told my consciousness, and my smile remained the whole ride.


"She's a really nice girl." I said trying to break the silence as we waited for the elevator, Vanessa had gone to quickly use the restroom.

"I know, very much unlike you."

I rolled my eyes, "You have to tell her."

"I will," he sighed.

I shook my head, "Not 'soon', I don't like lying like this."

"How did you get into business then?"

"I'm serious. I refuse to be a part of the 'Let's make a fool out of Vanessa' club."

"I'm not making a fool out of her," he said, voice hardening.

"Yes you are," I said walking in as the doors opened, "Don't- oh!" I stumbled backwards, loosing balance as my heel got stuck in the space between the hallway and the elevator.

I was about to hit the ground when he caught me around my waist.

I sighed of relief, and after few seconds in the same position; "This isn't exactly comfortable," I said as he continued to stare at me. 

"Oh thank god I didn't miss the lift."

He quickly let go on hearing Vanessa's voice, making me fall straight to the floor.


"Whoa, you okay?" She asked seeing me on the ground.

"Perfect." I grumbled getting up and dusting off my now sore behind. 

He smiled all the way up to my floor, and I suspect even after.



Authors note:

Hey! So here's the next chapter, I hope you all enjoyed it, and if you did please give it a vote and make sure to comment below! So, who do you think actually 'won' in the end, Ellie, or Luke?? Also, a small disclaimer, I might have said it earlier, but I'm not exactly competent in the genre of romance. So sorry if the scenes aren't all that great, I promise I'll try my best.  <3<3

If you are reading this, comment 'four's a party' :)

Note: unedited

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