Beaconfall (Rwbyx m pilot rea...

By Koreilly03

11.8K 179 231

After the disaster of the paladins Iornwood invests more time to his latest project. Titanfall. Titanfall bel... More

Project titanfall
Off to vale
Class 1
Knight in training
Operation ARKOS: online PT.1
Operation ARKOS: online PT.2
The sembalance?

ARKOS: COMPLETED/ (late sorry!!!)Christmas special

798 11 35
By Koreilly03

"PILOT, ARE YOU READY?" BT asked as you sat in his hand with a massive star under your shoulder.

"Yeah all I need is precision and a shit ton of luck." You groaned as your team came up behind you.

"Hey Y/N!" Ruby yelled as your team observed the scene before them.

"Hey girls kinda busy right now." You said as BT lifted you up.

"DISTANCE 74FT ELEVATION 110FT WEIGHT OF PROJECTILE 30KG WIND TRAJECTORY NOMINAL." BT said while measuring the elements before his optic turned to you. "TRUST ME." He said calmly as he flung you to an overgrown tree. You pulled the star out from under your shoulder and placed it on the tip of the tree. You did an air fist pump before realising you were plummeting towards the ground.

"Alright just gonna double jump my way outta this one!" You said attempting to use your jumpkit as a notification appeared in the top left corner of your visor.

"Warning: Jump kit disabled rebooting shortly." A calm voice said as you sighed in annoyance and used your sembalance to teleport to the ground.

"Well done Mr. L/N the tree looks lovely this year." professor Ozpin said appearing out of seemingly no where.

"Thank you sir *pant*." Using your teleportation drains a very large portion of your aura unless pissed or drunk so naturally you were exhausted.

"Well run along now your teammates are probably getting ready for the Christmas dance as should you." Glynda said as you stood up.

"Yes ma'am." You said stumbling off to your dorm. On your way there you encountered a blonde pilot in training pacing in circles.

"Yo Jaune!" You said walking past the clearly nervous boy.

"Oh Hey Y/N merry Christmas I guess." Jaune said with a smile.

"What's wrong? Cardin?" You asked thinking of Jaune's Christmas gift if the answers yes.

"No actually, it's Phyrra I plan on asking her out tonight to the dance but what if she says no?" Your recruit panicked as you placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Jaune, it's going to be fine. You hear me, fine." You reassured him but you could tell that he was still nervous. "*Sigh* Want me to be there when this goes down?" You asked and immediately Jaune began to nod.

"If you  don't mind that is!" You chuckled.

"Jaune If I say no I cannot see whether or not you have ascended to that of a true man." You said and Jaune cocked his head. "I'm trying to see if I had taught you the ways of flirtation and seduction." (This is about three weeks after the last chapter.) You said and Jaune nodded slightly less confused.

"Alright then lets go." Jaune said taking you by surprise.

"Wait now?" Jaune looked at you with a worried expression.

"Yeah why? Is it too soon?" Your only response was putting an arm around his shoulders with a wide smile.

"You are ready, my pupil." You said as you both began to walk to team JNPR's dorm. Jaune knocked and his red head beauty answered the door.

"Hello Jaune and Y/N. Do you need anything." Phyrra asked in her usual kind manor.

"Oh I was just taking Jaune back here because he told me he had a question to ask you, Oh look at the time! Sorry Jaune gotta bail!" You said walking into team RWBY's dorm.

Jaunes POV...

'Crap! He left! Ok Jaune you can do this, just like training!' The blonde leader  turned to face his crush.

"Sooo Phyrra has anyone asked you to the dance yet?" I asked while my heart feels like it was about to brust through my chest piece.

"Actually no one's asked me out and the guy I like hasn't been picking up the hints I've been leaving for him." Phyrra said slightly saddened but it kinda saddened me too because I knew Phyrra Nikos the champion liked me and that she was dropping hints like crazy, I just wasn't brave enough to say anything until now.

"I'm really surprised about that, I mean who wouldn't want to go to the dance with you! I mean your pretty, nice, honest and the bravest person I know." I said which made Phyrra smile.

"Thanks Jaune but Y/N said you wanted to ask me something?" Phyrra asked head slightly tilted.

"Oh yeah, that. U-Um I was wondering since you aren't going to the dance with anyon- Your not are you?" I cut myself off and Phyrra just shook her head. "Great! I-I mean not great but back to the point. Ahem. Phyrra may I accompany you to the dance this evening?" I asked and Phyrra kissed me on the lips!!!

"Oh Jaune! I thought you would never ask~"

Normal POV...

"Yes! Yang, Weiss 50 lien each as we agreed!" You said looking up from the screen that displayed the scene that unfolded. Also When Y/N told the girls of his plan to make ARKOS official Yang had to make it into a bet, each winner gets 50 lien off the losers. Yang and Weiss doubted the Pilot whereas blake and Ruby had faith in him.

"Man this blows." Yang said taking out three fifties and handing them out, Weiss did the same.

"So who's the lucky guys you four are going to be dragging around the dance floor?" You asked his teammates who all shrugged in response.

"Honestly haven't had time to get a guy lately with the amount of tests Oobleck gives us." Yang said with a sigh.

"I've-" Before Weiss could finish you said something.

"You've been too busy with studying that you cant socialise even with your own team, what about you Rubes?" You asked getting a giggle out of everyone save Weiss,

"W-well guys are scary and I don't know anyone besides you guys and JNPR and CFVY plus I'd rather spend the night with my baby crescent rose!" Ruby said hugging the murder machine.

"Right, What about you blake?" Your question got a shrug in resones along with.

"Most guys are jerks." You nodded in agreement.

"And you Y/N?" Yang asked with a look in her eyes.

"I'm doing maintenance on BT some A-hole cut one of his pipes while Windows was updating." You said reaching under his bed and pulling a tool box out.

"Have fun girls." You said walking out so they can get changed.

In the garage...

"SHOULDNT YOU BE AT THE CHRISTMASS DANCE PILOT?" BT asked while you fed Blizard who was now the height of your legs.

"Well santa's slacking tonight so I'm stepping in for team RWBY." You said pulling out a duffle bag full of lien. "Good ol' dad always had some extra money somewhere."


"Story for another time buddy." You said messing with Blizards fur one more time before leaving for Vale.

A few hours later...

"Okay Cookies for Ruby, Signed Ninjas of love for Blake, A yellow bike helmet with a black dragon on each side for Yang and for Weiss a new dust chemistry set consideting how the other one was a victim of a half awake Ruby." You said to yourself as you walked back to the bullhead you felt as if you were being watched by a strangely familiar aura. You shake off the feeling after a minute and begin the flight back to beacon.

End of the dance, Ruby's POV...

"Yang work with me here!" I Groaned as I carried my drunk sister Back to the dorm.

"Its not her fault someone spiked the punch." Jaune said as he carried Phyrra in his arms as she too Had fallen victim to drunkenness but she was a sleepy drunk where as yang is a loud, angry, emotional and sleepy drunk all at once.

"Need a hand?" A voice came from behind us revealing Y/N In a thick coat and a bag in his hand.

"Hey Y/N can we trade?" I asked voice slightly strained due to the weight of Yang. Y/N However chuckled.

"Yeah sure, But Don't look in the bag." He said handing me the bag and then proceeding to pick yang up like a princess. Y/N Had now taken notice of Jaune.

"My man." He said as he held out a fist. Jaune repeated the action and thus created the fist bump.

"~Merry Christmas to all and to all get druuuuuunk~" Yang sang still asleep.

"*Sigh* Lets get her to bed, G'night Jaune." Y/N said opening the door.

"Same to you Y/N."  Jaune replied Opening his dorms door as you and ruby did the same.

"Seems like you all had fun." You said putting yang in her bed.

"It was alright. How's BT?" Weiss said already in her night ware as was Blake

"He's fine, minor performance issue but now the pipes back in order he should be his usual badass robot self." You said taking the bag from ruby and placing each gift under the tree along side the other gifts.

"Night girls." You said walking to your bed and falling asleep almost straight away.

The next day...

You were awoken by a hyper ruby.

"Y/N Wake up it's Christmas!!!!" She excitedly yelled in your ear.

"Yeah yeah I'm up." You said as you lifelessly fell out of bed and onto the floor. When you sat up you saw everyone shared your expression  of tiredness so you went to the kitchen and put the kettle on.

"What time is it even?" Yang asked before yawning.

"IT IS 5:30 AM MISS XAIO LONG." BT said from your helmet.

"Who here drinks coffee?" You asked getting a cup form everyone in their respective colours and there was only two cups left A yellow and A black one (choose wisely)

"Who cares we can drink after we open the gifts!" Ruby said dragging you to the tree in the corner opposite from your bed. Everyone tore open their presents even Weiss surprisingly. Once all the presents were open. Ruby was left with a pile of cookies and weapon upgrades. Blake had books and she had hidden your one before anyone could see it and is currently glaring at you with a light blush. Yang got concert tickets, posters and the helmet you bought. Weiss got dust and a tea set.

"Hey Y/N Why didn't you open your gifts?" Yang asked and you cocked your head to the side.

"I got gifts?" You asked spotting four gifts under the tree. "Holy crap, usually don't get those." You muttered the last part. The first one was from ruby and it was a load of dust rounds and different sights for your wingman.

"Thanks Rubes using Iornsights are hard as hell to hit accurate shots with a hand cannon like this." You said and Ruby smiled while eating her cookies with milk in her red cup. Weiss's gift was a binder.

"What's this for exactly?" Weiss sighed in annoyance at your question.

"Since you don't use your copies for anything other than drawing you might as well keep them somewhere they wont be lost." Weiss said with her arms crossed.

"Now that I think about it i have lost some good pieces of art lately. Thanks Weiss." You said with a smile before looking at your next gift. you took one that turned out to be Blakes. It contained a signed copy of (Favourite book) You sat there for a solid minute with wide eyes.

"Y-Y/N Are you alright?" Blake asked.

"I've been trying to get a signed copy of this for years. Thank you so, so much Blake." You said with a wide smile and Blake sighed in relief.

"Ah so you saved the best till last?" Yang said.

"If that's hat you think then I wont pop your bubble."  You replied. When you opened the present you found a pair of tickets to (favourite band) playing in Vale. "Sweet mother of  Oum." You said.

"I take it you like them?" Yang asked.

"Well they were sold out yesterday and that was the reason I was moping about like a Zombie." you replied.

"Right coffee now?" Weiss asked You nodded walking to the kitchen and were faced with a dilemma what cup to chose

The yellow cup

The black cup.

HAPPY NEWYEAR FUCKERS!! Sorry had to get that out of my system. Anyways hope you all had a great Christmas or whatever it is you celebrate and lets hope 2018 isn't a complete shit show.  PS I was thinking of writing a DDLC book would you guys be Ok with that or will i stick to this? Anyways peace!

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