Rejected than Excepted. No th...

De ChelseaSarahMeredith

37 1 2

Luna is a girl werewolf who get's rejected by her mate, she runs away but comes back for her payback. This is... Mai multe

Rejected then Excepted. No thanks Goodbye!
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5

Chapter 4

5 0 0
De ChelseaSarahMeredith

Luna's POV

I woke up to find my curtains open and the sun shining in my eyes I rolled over and snuggled my head into my pillow more. I felt something around my waist tighten more and I felt shocks. I looked down and saw arms around my waist.

Following the arms up to a chiselled chest, neck and finally the face of an angel my mate. He looked so calm and relaxed I didn't want to wake him up. I reached my hand up and caressed his face. I started out lining all of his features. His mouth, eyes, nose, and his stubble on his jaw.

His arms tightened again and his face unconsciously leaned more into my hand. I smiled at the thought that even when he is asleep he still wants me right beside his as close as possible. I reached up and kissed his forehead, cheeks and his chin.

I heard his heart pick up speed and knew he was awake. I kissed his nose and then I pulled away his eyes shot open. His arms tightened and he gave and a sleepy smile/smirk.

"Good morning my beautiful mate."

"Morning handsome." I replied.

I snuggled up to him more and he kissed my forehead. I yawned and asked "So how was your sleep?"

His arms loosened a little so he could play with a strand of my hair. "Best sleep ever." He looked at me with so much love and smiled. He kissed my cheek and "Only because I could sleep with my mate in my arms all night."

I blushed and looked down at his chest and kissed it. "Me too." I mumbled. We stayed in each other's arms not talking or saying and single word.


I looked down at Dom's stomach and put my ear to it.


I pulled back and looked and him he chuckled and gave me his signature smile/smirk.


I looked down at my stomach looked back and Dom and blushed. I hid my red face in Dom's chest. He chuckled "Well I guess our stomachs can't wait any longer. Come on my mate let's get you some food we can't have you going hungry now can we."

He got up out of bed with only his boxers on and pulled his on his jeans. He tossed me his shirt and walked over to my dresser and opened a drawer and pulled out a pair of sweatpants bottoms and threw them to me too.

I got out of my bed and walked to the bathroom shut the door. Threw on the clothes Dom gave me and brushed my hair out. I waked out of the bathroom and Dom grabbed my hand and pulled me out the door heading to the kitchen.

When we got to the kitchen I saw the twins and smiled at them they smiled back. I walked over to the breakfast bar when I got there Dom picked me up and sat me on the stool.

Dom walked over to the fridge and opened the door. "What do you want for breakfast Lu?"

I thought for a minute. "I feel like French toast and orange juice. What about you?"

"That sounds good to me but I think I'll have coffee instead of juice."

He got two eggs, milk and the juice out the fridge. He grabbed the cinnamon, sugar, bowl and frying pan got to work.

He grabbed two cups as the French toast was cooking and poured one cup of coffee and a cup of orange juice for me. He set my juice in front of me and gave me a smile I smiled back. He walked back over to the stove and flipped the toast.

He grabbed two plates, two forks and the maple syrup from the fridge. He turned the stove off set the plates, forks and maple syrup in front of me and grabbed the frying pan. He dished the French toast out and put the frying pan back on the stove to cool.

He sat down and we both dug in.

After breakfast I hopped down off the stool and put our dirty dishes in the dish washer. I turned around and Dom was in front of me. I smiled and him and grabbed his hand.

I ran up to my room dragging him behind me I grabbed socks and my running shoes as I pulled on my sock he did too. By the time I was done tying my shoes he was standing up with his already on and offering me his hand.

I grabbed his hand and pulled him to the gym. I grabbed two towels off the rack and two waters out of the fridge. I walked over to the docking station and put my iPod on it and selected a good starter song. I dropped Dom's hand when I started to walk over to the treadmills and hopped on. I set my water and towel down and started the treadmill.

45 minutes later I was done the treadmill and now was working on the punching bags while Dom was doing weights, which was not helping because my hormones and wolf were going crazy to make matters worse he took off his t-shirt too. So now me and my wolf could see our mate's muscles ripple and seeing the strength our mate has.

I kept pushing those thought to the back of my head and tried to focus on just punching and kicking. Focus on your pattern I tolled my self.

Right, left, kick, right, right, left, round house kick. Repeat.

Right, left, kick, right, right, left, round house kick. Repeat.

Right, left, kick, right, right, left, round house kick.

I felt a presence behind me but acted like I didn't notice anyone there and when I can to round house kick I turned around and round house kicked and person behind me. They blocked my kick by going down and crouching and kicked my legs out from under me.

They jumped on me and straddled my waist I felt tingles and knew it was Dom. I looked up into his eyes and smiled at him. "What was the point of that?" I asked.

He chuckled "Of course you wouldn't notice you're using all of your strength on the punching bag and have gone threw all but one of them plus your hands are bleeding and I had to stop you and this seem like the easiest way to."

I looked around me and saw punching bags on the ground. I looked back at Dom and gave him a smirk. I felt pain in my knuckles and saw them bleeding and a couple of my knuckles broken.

Dom grabbed my hands and lifted my knuckles up to his lips and kissed them. He licked them and they felt better straight way (in case you didn't know a werewolves mate's salvia can heal their mate faster then the healing time).

I sighed and looked him in the eyes. I stretched my arms out and flipped us around so I was straddling him instead. I got down and rested my head down on his chest it was sweaty although me and my wolf could care less. I kissed his chest and man did it taste good.

I wolf was jumping all over in my head and canting me on to do it again but I took the step further. I licked his chest and my wolf was drooling at the taste of him. I kissed his chest again and sighed in content.

I snuggled up to him more and he kissed my forehead before I felt my eyelids become heavier. "Go to sleep Lu. I will watch over you and always protect you. Get some sleep my beautiful mate."

With his final words I fell asleep in the arms of my mate lying on his chest.

I woke up to hear people arguing but in a whisper. I was still laying on Dom because I could still feel the tingles and shocks. I kept my breathing even so they wouldn't know I was asleep.

I listened to Dom's heart and it was uneven I knew that he had to be awake then. I listened to the people arguing and found the twin's voice and Dom's. I was still sleepy so it was hard to understand what they were arguing about.

All I could catch was "...No you will not do that to my mate. She may consider you her brothers but I know for a fact that..."

"Oh come on where is your fun. We know she is your mate but she always gets away with a lot of things and..."

I decided I was tired of waiting and decided to do a subtle way of waking up. I hugged Dom's waist tighter and snuggled my face more into his chest. His arms tightened more and I sighed in content.

I lifted my head up and rested my chin on his chest. I looked into his chocolate brown eyes and smiled. He smiled back and I put my face back down to rest on his chest. I kissed his chest and I felt him get cold chills (the good kind). He kissed the top of my head and tightened his arms even more.

I snuggled even more into his chest and rubbed my face on his chest. I mumbled a small quiet "Morning."

I felt his chest vibrate with his chuckle "Morning my beautiful mate how was your sleep?"

"Good and yours." I responded looking back up at him.

"Great even though I fell asleep on the training mats and the twins were trying to pull a prank on you. Other than that second best sleep in my life. I fell asleep with my mate in my arms and woke up to her in my arms. Best wake up call ever." He finished looking at me with such love in his eyes.

I lent forward and kissed his cheek. "Me too." I mumbled.

I rested my cheek on his chest and looked around only now just seeing the twins. I blushed and hid my red face in Dom's chest.

I felt his chest rumble with his chuckle and his arms tighten.

I mumbled "This is so embracing." into Dom's chest. I closed my eyes and wished for them to just walk away and out of the training room. I opened my eyes back open and they were still there.

I felt and heard the beginning of a growl form on Dom's chest. I kissed his chest and sent him calm thoughts within seconds the growl stopped. I lifted my head to look him in the eye he smiled down at me and said a quiet "Thank you." I smiled and put my face back down into his chest and kissed him again while mumbling a quiet "No problem."

I flipped off his chest and stood up. "So my brothers I heard that you have a need to play a prank am I right..." They both nodded there head's at the same time. "...well let's go wake up the pack shall we." I gave them my trouble smile and they mirrored my look.

I felt the tingles behind my back and knew Dom was standing up now right behind me. I felt his breath near my ear "Can I help with your prank my beautiful mate...Please?"

I nodded my head and he rapped his arms around my waist. I blushed and looked at the twins "Twins go get the megaphone from my room it's in my closet top shelf in a box. Oh and grab the blow horns while your there and the big earplugs enough for all of us." They nodded their heads and walked off.

I felt Dom's warm breath on my neck and shivered. Ok we better get into the hall before I do something I'm not ready to do I thought. I walked forward with Dom's arms still rapped around me and his face snuggled into the crook of my neck.

By the time we got into the hall the twins were already there with all the stuff I told them to get. "I held out my hand for the blow horn and megaphone. While Dom held out his hands for the big earplugs for me and him.

Dom put my earplugs on me kissed my temple and then put on his own. The twins put on theirs and then we all walked silently to the room hallway I turned on the megaphone counted down from three and then pushed on the button for the blow horn and put it up to the megaphone.

After about a minute and a half I turned off the megaphone and took my finger off the blow horn button. Dom's arms loosened around my waist and he took my earplugs off then his. I heard people cussing and falling out of bed.

Me the twins and Dom started laughing our heads off. I felt Dom's arms tighten around me waist as I stared gutting myself with laughter. Door's opened and people stumbled out of their bedroom doors. Tom and Adam started to growl at me. I felt Dom's chest vibrate behind my back and I knew he was going to growl. I put my hand on his arm and mind linked him 'Please calm down Dom their family and I want you treat them as my family." I felt his growl stop and felt his arms tighten more on my waist.

'Thank you Lu."

I turned around in his arms and rapped my arms around his waist and hugged him. I squashed my face in his chest and he put his face in the crook of my neck. I felt him breathe in my sent and he calmed down.

I pulled back and looked up at Dom I reached up and kissed his cheek and whispered in his ear so only me and him could hear "Good boy..." and giggled.

I felt his chest rumble with a chuckle. I turned around in his arms and faced my boys "Well are you going to come and get me or are you afraid of the big bad wolf here?"

They started advancing on me I felt and heard Dom let out a little growl just for fun. The boys steps faltered and I giggled a little bit "I take it you are afraid of the big bad wolf. Don't worry he's just a big old teddy bear." I felt his arms tighten and he put his face in the crook of my neck.

"Ya maybe to you but to us if you get hurt in anyway he will..." Chester started. "...kill us or even worse torture us and I don't want to die because of you..." Conner said. "...No offence Lu it's just I want to live as long as I can." Chester said. "Me too." Conner stated.

I laughed and pulled out of Dom's arms and looked him straight in the eyes "You have to let them be like my brothers please. That usually means that when I do something like I just did that you have to let them chase me and get me back for the prank. Please." I said giving him my puppy dog eyes and make it start to look like I'm about to cry.

I saw his eyes soften and he pulled me into his arm "Ok Lu I'll let them be your brother's, but if you get hurt at all my wolf will not stand for that. Ok." I pulled back stood on my tip toes and kissed his cheek and nodded my head as a yes.

I pulled out of his arms "Well boys are you going to get me or not. Come and get me!" I yelled while running away. I heard a growl and looked over my shoulder for the source of the noise.

"Lu you are making this hard on me and my wolf. You know it's in our blood to chase after our mates and from this view you sure look truly fine." Dom said through our link. I blushed and said back to him "Sorry Dom, but try to resist and maybe I'll let you chase me later."

I heard another growl but more of a lust filled one I turned around faced Dom winked and blew him a kiss. I saw his eyes light up and he cracked a smile and mouthed back 'This conversation in not finished. Until later my Love.'

I blushed turned back and around and ran like my life depended on it. I ran down flight of stairs and through tons of doors until I came to the library. I ran in and bolted to the very back of the library. Looking around for somewhere to hide I ran over to the oldest books in the library and hid behind the shelf pushing right back into the row of books.

I closed my eyes and listened for the sound of the boys I found that they were on the floor above me in one of the bed rooms I ran into. I opened my eyes and let out a quiet sigh and rested back more into the row of books I was leaning against. Tick tick tick SNAP.

All the sudden the book shelve was gone and I was falling through the air I landed on cement cold floor and the books shelve went back into place. I stood up realised that I just found a trap door into a hidden passage. I looked around and there was torch's lit along a corridor and a set of stairs going up I grabbed a torch and started up the stairs.

As I went up the stairs I lit and torch's as I came across them. I counted each step I took and by the time I got to the steps I was a tad winded and realised I climbed 350 steps. I looked ahead of me and saw a door. I walked up to it and saw I crest on the door.

I was a shield, with a crown and wolves on it. I traced the crest as soon as I touched the door I got a shock all through my body but not like the shocks that Dom gave me. These shocks felt like my whole body was on fire. I screamed and started to go into convulsions.

After about five minutes I think I fell to the ground and the torch fell out of my hand and rolled away from my hand. "Lu where are you? Are you ok? ANSWER ME PLEASE! Lu please answer me." Dom yelled in my head. I groaned and sent him a message. "Dom I'm fine I think? Meet me in the library at the very back. Please and I will show you." "Ok I'll be there in three minutes and the boys are coming too."

"Ok see you soon." I sent back. I got up grabbed and torch and ran as fast as my body could go down the 350 steps. I reached the bottom in four minutes and ran to the door after putting the torch back. I looked around the door for the way out and found a button I pressed it and the door opened. I stepped out and Dom and the boys came running around the corner. Dom saw me and ran right for me he picked me up and held me in his arms. I groaned in pain still sore from what ever that door did to me.

Dom pulled back a little me still in his arms and walked over to a chair and set me in it. He crouched down in front of me and looked me all over looking for any injuries. When he went to grab my right hand that I touched the crest with I pulled it back and hissed in pain. Dom let out a low growl and looked at me pleadingly. I nodded my head and gave him my hand.

I felt him run his hand over the back of my hand it helped cool and soothed the back of hand. He turned my hand over and rubbed his hand over my palm it was cooling until he got to were my thumb meets my palm. I whimpered in pain and Dom kissed there.

I pulled my hand back and looked at it I saw that I have a cut that was in the shape of a crown and it was already healing. I eyes widened in shock and I shot right out of the chair and headed to the book shelf. I felt Dom behind me I reached the door/shelf and looked around at it looking for a button or lever then I remembered that it opened with pressure or weight.

I pushed against the shelf and it opened again. I grabbed Dom's hand and walked through the door with the boys following us I grabbed a torch and Dom grabbed it out of my hand I pulled Dom with me and I walked up the stairs with the boys following us.

When we got to the top of the stairs I pulled Dom up to the door and pointed to it. "I found the door while hiding from you boys. I reached this door looked at the crest and then I started to trace the crest when I got a shock through my whole body. It felt like my body was on fire. I started to have convulsions and then finally I fell to the ground that was around the time when you yelled at my through our link Dom."

I looked at all of there faces and saw shock I sighed "So now is the time where I ask you all if you know what that crest means?" All I got was there mouths dropping open I sighed and decided I was not going to wait. I opened the door this time I got no shocks just this giant gust of wind that the energy from it seemed to go right into me. It knocked the air out of me for a second but then I felt great.

I walked into the room and the torches were all ready lit. I looked around and found this a room full of jars. There must have been hundreds. Each one was filled with something different, some were filled with sand, while some had herbs. When I took my next step all the candles in the room lit.

I looked over my shoulder at Dom I knew my expression was of wonderment. The look on his face was like he was seeing me for the very first time. I looked at the boys in the room, they looked shocked and frightened.

I walked up to one of the jars with herbs in it grabbing it I brought it up to my nose. Taking a whiff, I pull my head back and nearly dropped the jar. Setting the jar on the table and steadying myself. Dom rushed over to me and gathered me in his arms before I fell.

My eyes shut and everything went black but not before I heard Dom curse.


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