The Last Marauder Standing ||...

By littlewitchbitxh

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"You know what happens when stars collide? They make a black hole. That's us. And we will suck everyone into... More

1-The Boy With the Grey Eyes
2-Black Is His Name
3-To Hate or Not to Hate?
4-"Blind" Date
6-Friend or Doe?
7-TRICK or Treat?
8- Have A Not So Happy Birthday
9-"What if Dumbledore Met Gandalf?"
11-Not Friends, Not Enemies
12-Under Unfortunate Circumstances
13-A Very Sirius Christmas
14-Sharing Secrets
15-Pranking the Pranksters
16-The New Normal
17-Just a Kiss
18-The Monster
20-Single on Valentine's Day
21-The Full Moon
23-The Wedding
25-Don't Jump
26-Black Family Tree
27-The Stars
28-Our Last Summer
30-Love at First Potion
31-Black Eye
32-The New Seeker
33-A Wonderful Us
34-The Last Straw
35-Under Pressure
36-The "Truth"
37-Written in the Stars
38-Learning to Say Goodbye

10-Cats and Dogs Do Not Get Along

757 23 5
By littlewitchbitxh

I woke up a week later to the sound of Lily's insufferable muggle alarm clock. I open my eyes and groan, but she gets out of bed easily and walks into the bathroom. It annoys me that Lily is a morning person. I roll over and look at the clock next to my bed. 7 AM, the last Monday of November. I roll out of bed and struggle to keep my eyes open. Marlene is still soundly sleeping, but Alice is getting out of bed like me.

Lily and Marlene never addressed their small fight, but they are on normal terms again, probably knowing that the other didn't mean to offend anyone in any way. Sirius and I on the other hand, well I've gone back to ignoring him and he's gone back to pestering me. I can't stop thinking about how embarrassed I felt when he suggested that I had a crush on Kace. I even have trouble being around Kace now because, well, what if I do like him a little bit? If it was so obvious that Sirius noticed and I didn't... maybe subconsciously I want to be with him? Honestly, the whole situation makes my head hurt.

I pulled myself from my thoughts and started pulling out my uniform to get dressed for the day. I was dreading today's potions class, which is very unlike me, seeing as it's my favorite subject. Although, today was different. On Friday, Slughorn told the class that today we would be working in pairs to make a veritaserum potion. I've made Veritaserum dozens of times at home before, but making the actual potion isn't what I'm worried about. Once again I have been paired up with none other than James Potter, and the last time that happened I ended up blind for half an hour and got sent to the hospital wing.

I huffed as I finally finished getting dressed and walked over to Marlene, just as Lily stepped out of the bathroom from her quick shower and Alice entered the bathroom to brush her teeth.

"Marlene, you need to wake up. You don't want to be late again, do you?" I rolled my eyes at her. She just groaned and waved me off. I sighed and grabbed her arm, pulling her off the bed so that she fell onto the ground with a thump. She groaned again, but instead of a tired groan she now groaned in pain. I tried my hardest not to laugh.

"Damnit, can't a girl just sleep in for once?" She sighed, sitting up and rubbing her back.

"Marlene, you've been sleeping in all weekend" I chuckled.

"And you were late three times last week for sleeping in" Lily spoke up, rolling her eyes. Marlene huffed and slowly stood up. Lily finished tying her tie around her neck and pulled her sweater over her head.

"Is it so hard for the school to just eliminate first period altogether? Who actually learns anything this early?" Marlene sulked over to her trunk and pulled out her uniform. Lily and I looked at her, raising our eyebrows. "Ok, I meant normal people, not you two know-it-alls" Marlene waved us off as she got dressed.

I never minded the Hogwarts uniforms, because we all wear them differently, so it's as if we can still somewhat express ourselves in them. For instance, Lily wears her button-up white shirt and black skirt like the rest of us, but she wears her grey Hogwarts sweater over her shirt in the winter, with her tie tucked in. Marlene doesn't wear the tie at all and has the shirt pretty unbuttoned to show off some skin, but not too much so that she gets in trouble. Alice wears her's the same as Lily, but instead of the sweater, she wears her Hogwarts cardigan. I wear mine similar to Marlene, but I wear the tie with it. The teachers don't normally care, especially in the winter when we all wear our cloaks anyways. Plus, the uniform makes it easier and faster to get ready in the morning.

Once Marlene was dressed, we all headed down to the great hall together. As we were walking, Alice was telling us all about how amazing Frank is once again. I still didn't understand why neither she nor Frank have asked the other out already. I mean, it's been months since they started going on dates, I think it's pretty obvious to the entire school that they like each other, why not just make it official? But then again, what do I know? I hadn't so much as looked at a boy my age until I came to Hogwarts.

We finally made it to the Great hall and passed the Marauders. James looked up and smiled at Lily as we passed, and I saw Lily smile back and wave. Marlene, Alice, and I all gave each other surprised looks. Sirius looked up at me and grinned, looking like he was going to get up and come over to us, but I grabbed the other girls by their shoulders and arms and pulled them as far down the Gryffindor table as possible so that we were far far far away from them. We all looked at Lily.

"What?" She asked, clueless.

"What was that whole..." Marlene spoke, then imitated Lily smiling and waving at James. Lily shook her head at us.

"I told you guys, I want to be nice to him from now on. Why is that so hard to understand?" She seemed exasperated with us.

"Nuh-uh, this is more than just being nice to him. That was a flirty smile, and did you guys notice how much she blushed?" Marlene turned to me and Alice and we nodded.

"You look like Alice when she waves at Frank." I nodded, and Alice playfully slapped my arm.

"If you're implying that I like him-" Lily started but Marlene cut her off.

"Oh no way, I am not going down that road again" She groaned, shaking her head. Lily blushed.

"Even if I did like him, which, I'm not saying I do, ... what would be the big deal?" Lily shrugged, taking an apple off the table and examining it, finding that much more interesting than this conversation.

"Lily... THAT WOULD BE SUCH A HUGE DEAL" Marlene squealed, looking positively thrilled. Some people looked over at us when Marlene screamed, including the Marauders from down the table. Lily's whole face turned red as James looked at her, and she shushed Marlene, glaring at her.

"Try talking a bit louder Marlene, I don't think they heard you in the colonies" Lily sarcastically replied, shoving her head in her hands.

"Sorry but... this is big Lils... do you really think you might fancy James Potter?" Marlene whispered now so that no one would overhear us.

"I don't know!" Lily cried. "James has just been... really sweet to me. It almost feels like he's matured somehow. He's stopped pestering me to go out with him and... now that he's not being so forceful anymore... I actually think that if he were to eventually ask me out again I would say yes" She sighed, looking slightly surprised by what she was saying.

"This is absolutely incredible! You must ask him on the next Hogsmeade trip!" Marlene exclaimed, seeming absolutely thrilled. Lily was about to argue with her when I felt a tap on my shoulder and we all looked to see professor McGonagall standing behind me.

"Miss Cullen, will you please follow me to my office before class? There is something I wish to discuss with you" She looked down at me. I gulped but nodded my head. As I stood up and grabbed my bookbag, I looked at the other girls and shrugged, showing them that I had no idea what was happening. I walked down the aisle with her and she stopped near the door, right next to the marauders. Sirius looked up at us and smiled.

"Well if it isn't my favorite teacher and my favorite classmate... What brings you here today Minnie?" He grinned at us, seeming in all too good a mood for my taste.

"For once, Mr. Black, this has nothing to do with you" Professor McGonagall looked at him and I saw a hint of a smile on her face. Sirius' demeanor faltered and I tried my hardest to contain my laughter. "Mr. Lupin, please join me and Miss Cullen in my office please" She gestured towards Remus, and he nodded, looking just as confused as I felt. The other marauders and their other friends watched us as we left, wondering what we had done to make McGonagall want to talk to us. Either we did something really wrong or really right, nothing in between.

As we walked in the halls behind McGonagall, I snuck a few glances at Remus. I've only ever spoken to him once, and never had a good chance to really look at him. He has a very scarred face, and deep dark circles, as if he hadn't slept well in years. His uniform looked old and worn like he hasn't gotten a new one in a long time. He was extremely tall, the tallest out of all his friends, and he was also very thin, but in a way, he also seemed fit, as if in good shape but malnourished.

He looked over to find me staring and I quickly looked away. I felt him tap me and he mouthed something so that McGonagall wouldn't hear us talking. I didn't catch what he had said, so I mouthed back a 'what'. He moved his lips again, forming words that read 'do you know why she wants to talk with us?'. I shook my head, then pointed at him with a questioning face, as if to ask if he knew, and he also shook his head.

We finally arrived in McGonagall's office and she closed the door behind us. She motioned to the two seats in front of her desk as she remained standing, making her essence of authority ever more intimidating. Although, she seemed in a good mood today, almost giddy with excitement about something. So giddy, in fact, that she couldn't even bear to sit down.

"Care for a biscuit?" She offered me and Remus, but we both shook our heads. She sighed and put the cookie tin down on the desk, then looked at us again, "I'm sure you're both wondering why I have called you in. Something very exciting has come to Hogwarts; a very special opportunity for a select few students." She told us and Remus and I looked at each other, drowning in anticipation.

"Considering that you two are top of every one of your classes, I have chosen you to represent Gryffindor house. This is... a special project. One that will take you a great deal of time to complete, but I have chosen you two because I believe you can handle the extra work, and flawlessly execute the project." She explained, but by that point she already had Remus and I wrapped around her finger. We were hanging onto her every word, waiting for her to reveal the opportunity that could potentially change our lives.


I sat next to James in potions as Professor Slughorn explained the project and addressed all the warnings, like not to drink the potion or eat any of the ingredients (To which Sirius and James visibly sighed).

I listened to Slughorn intently, trying to clear my mind of everything McGonagall told me so that I could focus on my work for the day. Once he had finished and we were allowed to collect our ingredients, I pulled out my cauldron and turned to James.

"You are not to touch anything this time, ok? I will do all the work, and you can at least attempt to take notes on the different stages of making the potion. I will not stand to have you screw me over for the second time." I stated firmly and I heard Sirius, who was sitting at the desk in front of us, stifle a laugh. James slumped in his chair.

"Yes mum" He rolled his eyes. "How is it that I always get partnered with someone who only wants to do the work?"

"Maybe because Professor Slughorn wants you to actually learn something for once" I grumbled back, reading over the textbook description and then moving over to Slughorn's cabinet to collect ingredients that I didn't already have.

Once I made sure I had all the ingredients and wouldn't have to make a second trip and leave James alone again, I took my supplies back to my seat and got started.

"How long will this potion take to make?" James groaned from his seat, obviously bored already.

"We should probably finish right before Christmas break, but based on what I read in 'The Practical Potioneer' by Elphias Doge, I should be able to finish it a week early by increasing the stirring pattern, which gives an illusion of time passing faster" I nodded, basically talking to myself as I ground down the spine of a lionfish into a fine powder.

"Honestly, what part of you is Gryffindor? Everything about you screams Ravenclaw" James crossed his arms over his chest and I shrugged, not really paying much attention to him.

As I was making the potion, I was searching my brain for anything I had read up on recently that could potentially help me shorten the brewing time or make the potion perfect. Although I have made this potion multiple times, it's on such an advanced level that I have never gotten it exactly right. It still works as a truth serum, but it's either not powerful enough or it doesn't last the correct amount of time. Then a name popped into my head; a potion maker that I had read up on a few weeks ago after completing some potions homework. Fleamont Potter. I stopped what I was doing and turned to look at James sitting beside me, doodling in his notebook.

"Uh... wait... Potter... Is your dad... Fleamont Potter? The creator of Sleekeasy's hair potion?" I asked him, and he turned to look at me. I'm shocked I hadn't realized this sooner, my dad used to use Sleakeasy all the time.

"The one and only" James smirked at me. I raised my eyebrows and looked back at my cauldron.

"Wow. Considering that he's your dad, you'd think you'd be better at potions" I chuckled, and James' face fell. Sirius must have been listening to us because as he was getting up he turned around to face me and spoke up.

"You'd also think he'd have better hair" He laughed, and I just couldn't suppress my smile as James' cheeks lit up red. Sirius winked at me before he moved on and got his supplies from Slughorn's cabinet.

As the period progressed, I couldn't help but notice how much effort Sirius was actually putting into his work. It seemed as if his partner wasn't doing anything, and Sirius was just taking total control of the assignment. At one point Professor Slughorn actually came over to him and commended him for a job well done, and I couldn't help but feel a little proud. It only took a few tutoring sessions, but I actually think I rubbed off a little bit on Sirius. I remember how sincere he was when he asked me for help, and it's good to know I actually did help him.

James got up and asked Professor Slughorn if he could go to the bathroom, which the professor unwillingly allowed, clearly not trusting him to just go to the bathroom and come back. Once James left, Sirius turned around to face me and I had to pretend that I hadn't been staring at him.

"Estella, I need to talk to you" He tapped on the desk in front of me to try and get my attention but I ignored him, keeping my head down.

"Not now Black" I replied. Even if I was slightly proud of his growing abilities, I still didn't want to be civil. I already tried going down that road, and it totally backfired on me.

"C'mon, I just want to apologize for what I said in Hogsmeade. I was totally out of line, and I'm sorry" He sighed. I gave him a small glance then looked away.

"Wow, Sirius Black apologizing. This is surely one for the history books" I replied sarcastically.

"Exactly! This is a very rare occurrence, so I suggest that you accept" He looked at me with hope, clearly ignoring my sarcasm.

"I said not now Black. We need to get back to work, we're in the middle of class" I looked up at him with a glare. He looked a little surprised at first, probably because he expected me to accept his apology, but he quickly shook off the shock.

"You know when I made you laugh before I thought I had actually broken through your hard exterior again, but I should have known you'd be a hard nut to crack" He smirked. "Like I've said before, I enjoy a challenge"

"Oh sod off, jerk" I whisper yelled at him so that I wouldn't draw attention.

"Alright, alright, I know when I'm not wanted" He smiled, putting his hands up in defense.

"Obviously not or else you would have left me alone back in September" I mumbled to myself. Sirius just rolled his eyes and returned to his work, finally.


Later that day I went down to lunch and noticed I got there before any of my friends. I spotted Remus sitting alone in his usual spot, probably waiting for his friends as well. I decided to go over and talk to him about the project McGonagall told us about.

"Hey, Remus" I smiled as I approached him. He smiled in return but looked very pale and tired. "Mind if I sit for a second?" I asked, and he shook his head.

"Not at all. Please..." He motioned to the seat across from him and I sat down.

"So... thinking about the project?" I asked him, and he nodded. "I think it's a great opportunity but... I would have to drop divination so that I have a free period to work on it. I mean... that isn't much of a loss considering I hate divination but... I've already invested over three months into the class" I shrugged.

"I'm actually not sure I'm even gonna do the project" Remus sighed, and I felt shocked. I thought Remus would take this opportunity in a heartbeat.

"What? Why not?!" I exclaimed.

"I'm not really much of a... magical creatures kinda guy" He shrugged it off, but I could tell he was just making an excuse.

"But... in defense against the dark arts, you scored perfectly on all tests regarding magical beasts... Especially the ones on werewolves and animagi" I questioned him and he looked up with slight fear in his eyes. He suddenly became very anxious.

"I'm just a big studier. Once the test passes the information doesn't stick too well. It really just doesn't interest me" He cleared his throat. I was about to speak again until I heard laughter enter the great hall. We both looked up to see James Sirius and Peter all enter together. I rolled my eyes and looked back at Remus, giving him a half-smile.

"Well, that's my cue to leave" I sighed, grabbing my bag and standing up.

"It's been nice chatting" He offered me a smile.

"By the way Remus" I looked back at him before I walked away and he looked up again. "I really think you should at least study and take the test at the end of the year. You might regret it if you don't" I gave him a friendly smile, and he returned it, nodding his head to let me know he will think about it. I turned on my heel and walked down the table to my usual spot where I meet Marlene, Lily, and Alice. As I walked away I heard Sirius questioning Remus.

"What were you two talking about?" He asked almost eagerly.

"Oh you know... school stuff" Remus shrugged. I smiled to myself. I think Remus and I would get along very well.


Later that day I found myself once again with all the Marauders in Defence Against the Dark Arts. This was the third class we have spent learning how to produce a patronus, and although I have read a million books on how it is properly done, I just can't seem to get it right. The most I can produce is a small wisp of light that dissipates seconds later.

"Expecto Patronum!" I exclaimed for the thousandth time, a dozen other students all around me trying to do the same thing. I groaned as I had the same result I always did: nothing. No Corporeal Patronus, just a silly little strand of light that wouldn't protect me against peeves the poltergeist, let alone a dementor.

Suddenly a large glowing stag ran past me, with a shaggy dog racing at its heels. A few other students and I watched in amazement as they chased each other around the classroom before disappearing into thin air. I heard two people laughing, and looked behind me to see James and Sirius high-fiving. My jaw dropped as I realized they were the ones to cast the patronuses.

James, Sirius, Remus, and Peter have all been goofing off the past few days in this class, which is strange for them. Any time they tried to produce a patronus you could tell they gave it no effort and were sometimes mocking another struggling student, and now, all of a sudden, James and Sirius decide to show us all that they've known how to produce a patronus this entire time?

Sirius caught me looking at him and he smirked, walking over, and so James followed him. I huffed and felt my cheeks heat up as I turned back around and tried to return to my work.

"If you need any help, I am available" He spoke up from beside me. "And by available, I also mean single, if you know what I mean" He smiled and winked playfully at me to which I rolled my eyes.

"Leave me alone Black" I mumbled, turning away.

"Damn Pads, she really does reject you every chance she gets. I thought you were just kidding" James chuckled, clapping a hand on Sirius' shoulder, and now he glared at him a bit.

"You too Potter. You may have Lily fooled, but I know you're nothing but a bunch of idiots" I sighed, hoping they would leave me alone.

"Lily? Has she been talking about me? What does she say?" He asked me eagerly, grabbing my elbow. I pulled my arm away hastily, and Sirius slapped James' shoulder.

"Prongs, we talked about this, calm down" Sirius rolled his eyes.

"Listen, stop wasting my time. Unlike everyone else around here, I'm not fooled by the fact that you wear clothes, mastered a rudimentary level of communication, and somehow manage to feed yourselves. I see you for what you are: children. So do me a favor and let the grown-ups do their work." I fumed, glaring at both of them. James looked offended by what I had said, and I'm glad because he finally huffed and left the conversation. Sadly, however, it seems that Sirius is just too used to me insulting him and his friends, and so he stayed, unfazed by what I said.

"Really though, do you need help with your patronus? Clearly, I'm a natural" He placed a proud hand on his chest, ignoring my annoyance as always.

"Your cockiness makes me want to vomit" I grumbled, looking down at my wand in my hand, adjusting my grip.

"Really, I'm not kidding. You've helped me with potions for weeks, let me return the favor" He shrugged, but I still ignored him. I felt him put his hand on my shoulder and my headshot over to him as I instinctively pulled away from his touch, glaring. "It's ok to ask for help you know," He told me genuinely. I softened my expression a little bit and nodded reluctantly, half knowing he wouldn't leave me alone and half knowing I could use his help. Obviously, he's known how to do a patronus for a while.

"Fine, but don't go getting a big head" I rolled my eyes. I turned away from him and raised my wand, thinking about a happy memory of mine, and performed the charm with, of course, the same results; nothing but a wisp of light. I groaned once again in frustration, not used to struggling in class. "I don't understand! I've read four books on casting patronuses, studied the exact hand movements and technique, and even memorized the history of them and why they were created, and somehow I can't even conjure one!" I exclaimed.

"You know, conjuring a patronus isn't about reading the instructions and just doing it like a lot of other spells and charms. You need to feel the emotion. What memory are you using to conjure it?" He asked me.

"The day I got back my final exam report after my first year at beauxbatons and I had a perfect score for all of my classes. I swear that was the happiest day of my life" I sighed, reminiscing.

"That isn't anywhere near strong enough to cast a corporeal patronus! I'm surprised you were even able to cast anything!" Sirius exclaimed, half laughing.

"As I said, happiest day of my life" I shrugged.

"Ok, so there's no other memory you have that makes you even the slightest bit happier than your grades?" Sirius asked me in exasperation.


"That can't be true"

"I haven't exactly had a happy, walk-in-the-park, kinda life" I rolled my eyes, crossing my arms.

"Everyone has a memory that makes them happy" Sirius tried to reason with me. "Even those of us with a rough past"

"Look, I'm telling you right now that I don't-"

"And I'm telling you right now that I'm just trying to help you" he reasoned.

"Why though?!" I exclaimed. "Just because you feel bad for what you said in Hogsmeade? I don't hold grudges, Sirius. If you're trying to get on my good side, don't bother. I think you need to accept the fact that maybe, just maybe, I don't really like you all that much" I finished my short speech.

"Ok, one, I know you're lying because I've seen you have a good time with me. You can't really have a good time with someone you dislike" Sirius pointed out and my cheeks heated up. "And two, I want to help you because I genuinely want to. Not to mention paying you back for all those tutoring sessions in which you tolerated me, which I know must have been unbearable for you" He rolled his eyes.

"Ok, ok, just shut up, I'm just frustrated. Maybe... Tell me what memory you use to give me an idea" I sighed, every bone in my body telling me to push him away and do this on my own.

"Well... It's kinda a long story... but I'll give you the short version" He shrugged and I rolled my eyes at his dramatic personality. "Basically, I'm not that close with my family. I've spent most holidays and summer vacations with James and his family. One night, back in my third year, I was staying the night at his house and went to get a drink of water from the kitchen. I bumped into his mum and we had a very touching, heart-to-heart conversation" He wiped away a fake tear and I tried to hide a small smile. "That was the night she told me she considers me one of her own like a son" He nodded, and I looked down at my feet, thinking about what he told me.

"I just..." I trailed off, trying to phrase my words correctly. "I feel like any time I ever felt true happiness is tainted with everything that has changed since that memory took place" I sighed.

"Then don't just think about the memory, put yourself back into that moment and think about how you felt back then. Thinking about how happy you were won't help, you have to feel it." Sirius explained. I took a deep breath and nodded, turning away a little bit and raising my wand.

I thought back to the first time I was in Diagon Alley with my parents and Sadie. I was only eleven years old, and Sadie was five.

My mum sat Sadie on her hip, and as she carried her my dad took my hand and led me down the bustling streets filled with witches and wizards carrying colorful boxes and cages filled with magical creatures. It was the end of July, a few weeks after my eleventh birthday, and my parents were taking me to get my first wand.

"Dad, what's that over there? In the cage in the window?" I asked eagerly. "Oooo! Or over there! Is that a brand new broomstick in that window? Oh boy, I gotta join the Hogwarts quidditch team as soon as possible! And oh! Look over there!" I exclaimed. As a first-timer in Diagon alley, I found there was just too much to look at all at once.

"Calm down Estella, we have all day to look around the other shops and answer all your questions" My dad chuckled.

"We need to get your wand first Stella, isn't that what you wanted sweetheart?" My mum smiled down at me.

"Oh yes! I've dreamed of this moment for so long! I hope I get a dark wand with pretty carvings in it! Or, Ooh! Maybe a beautiful stone-encrusted into the wood, or-"

"Honey, it isn't about the looks of the wand" My dad chuckled. "It's how you connect with it. How it makes you feel"

"Well, I'll feel pretty happy if it's pretty!" I exclaimed in a sing-song voice, skipping on the cobblestones next to my dad. My parents chuckled at me, and soon they led me over to a store called "Ollivanders". We stopped outside as my dad turned to speak with me.

"This is it, Stella, ready to become a real witch?" my dad kneeled in front of me and looked at me with his kind eyes. I nodded my head frantically.

"Stella!" Sadie exclaimed, grasping towards me from my mum's arms. She set her on the ground and she walked over to me. I kneeled to match her height and she wrapped her arms around my neck in a hug. I smiled and hugged her back.

"I love you Sades" I smiled, then pulled away and looked at her. "Ready to see big sis do some magic?" I asked her energetically and she smiled widely and nodded her head with just as much enthusiasm.

"We're very proud of you Estella. Hogwarts will gain the brightest witch of her age, this year. I know you'll do great things there" My mum looked me in the eyes, and I hugged her instantly.

"Hey, don't I get a hug too?" My dad pouted and I giggled, running into his arms. "Now c'mon, what are we waiting for? It's time to get our little girl a wand" My dad smirked, grabbing my mum's hand as he led the family into the dimly lit store.

"Expecto Patronum!" I exclaimed, after what felt like hours but was really only a minute. I opened my eyes slowly, as they felt like they had been glued shut, and what I saw amazed me. A beautiful silvery-blue lioness ran from the tip of my wand up to the ceiling, where it disappeared only seconds later. It wasn't particularly strong and it didn't last as it should have, but I did it, and that's a start.

"Very good Estella!" Professor Obarin commended me, and then he continued looking at the other students' progress. I was still in shock that I had done it, but once it finally hit me my face broke out into a huge smile. I was so happy, in fact, that I basically jumped on Sirius as I wrapped my arms around his neck in a hug. He seemed surprised but immediately wrapped his arms around my back as he returned the hug. Once I came down from my happy high, I realized that I was hugging Sirius Black and I quickly pulled away from him, looking surprised by myself. Sirius looked surprised too but gave me a happy expression.

"You did it!" He exclaimed, and I nodded, averting my eyes. I stole a glance at him and he now looked slightly concerned. He took a step towards me and I fully looked up at him as his hand reached towards me, cupping my cheek as his thumb stroked under my eye. "Why are you crying?" He asked genuinely. I reached a hand up to the cheek he wasn't touching and felt my face, noticing now that it was wet. I quickly pulled away from him, embarrassed.

"Oh, uh, it's nothing, don't worry about it. Just uh, tears of happiness, from finally getting it. I've been working for days... you know how happy my grades make me" I shrugged it off, quickly wiping off my face. There was an awkward silence between us and it appeared to me that Sirius was deep in thought over something. Then he spoke up.

"Of course I like the girl with the giant cat patronus. It's like the universe is just screwing with me at this point" He shook his head and rolled his eyes, turning around and walking back to his friends. I barely even processed what he had said before he turned around and spoke again. "You're welcome by the way" He smirked and turned his back to me once again.

I decided to ignore what Sirius had said, knowing that when Sirius "liked" someone it didn't mean anything; he just wants to snog them, or, in this case, I guess, me.

I pushed everything out of my mind except my happiest memory and continued practicing my patronus.

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