The Geek and The Girl โžธ Baekh...

By sangsterswag

264K 9.3K 10.9K

"I'm the geek, and you're the girl. It could never work." Byun Baekhyun; the schools geek. Y/L/N Y/N; the sc... More

||Twenty One||
||Twenty Two||
||Twenty Three||
||Twenty Four||
||Twenty Five||


6.3K 252 230
By sangsterswag

|Y/N Y/L/N|

I didn't sleep at all.

I wasn't sure if it was the fact I was locked in a storage room, or the fact Ying found out we spied on her.

It was probably a mix of both.

I snuggled up closer to Baekhyun on the mat. Legs intwined while our bodies fit closely together like a puzzle piece. Right now this was the only thing keeping me from having a mental breakdown.

"Psssst. Y/N." I heard a deep voice. I lifted my head slightly to see Chanyeol staring at me.

"Huh? What's up?" I asked quietly, not wanting to wake Baekhyun.

"Are you okay? You look a little shaken up." The tall male sat up rubbing his eyes.

A breathy laugh escaped my lips and I pushed myself away from Baekhyun, sitting up as well. "Not really to be honest."

Chanyeol patted the spot next to him and I quietly walked over, sitting next to him.

"I'm scared." I said quietly.

The giant swung his arm around me in a comforting manner, and held me in a warm side hug. "She won't do anything to you. I'll make sure of it." He said and stared at me.

"But what if-"

"Y/N we all love you a lot. You mean the world to us, to Baekhyun, to me." He smiled- some strange emotion lingering in his eyes.

"Thanks Yeol." I smiled warmly, fully embracing him this time. His huge figure engulfed me.

I was ready to release the hug but he clung to me still, leaving me there awkwardly. I coughed, and he released immediately.

"S-sorry." He stuttered but smiled a goofy smile.

"It's alright." I poked his shoulder. "Do you know what time it is? My phones dead."

He pulled his phone out of his pocket and checked the time. "6:35 am."

"Ah not too bad. I hope someone unlocks the door soon." I looked around the dark room, everyone was asleep except Chanyeol and I.

Baekhyun was tightly curled in a ball, Sehun, Minseok, Jongdae and Yixing were spread out on one another, while Kyungsoo and Jongin were curled up together.

Suddenly I heard the click of the door and light flooded the storage room.

"What the- WAKE UP!" A voice boomed and I awkwardly looked over to make eye contact with one of the school's coaches.

"What the hell is going on here?"

"We- we got locked in sir." I stood up awkwardly.

The boys were slowly waking up now and once they saw the coach they scrambled up.

"How do you even manage that!? Get home and get changed, you better be back here in time for classes. If not I'll be having a word with the principal." He huffed, scratching his bald head.

"Yes sir." I bowed and along with the other boys, and ran out of there.

I rubbed my eyes as we walked out, and next thing I know someone picked me up, swinging me over their shoulder.

"Chanyeol- ah! What are you doing?" I laughed and flailed my limbs around.
"Let me dooooooooowwwwnnn." I whined. "Baekhyun! Help me!"

My boyfriend skipped ahead laughing at me. "Man that sucks."

I glared at him. "No kisses for a week."

His eyes widened. "Yeolie let her down!" He made grabby hands at me and the giant.

Chanyeol chuckled, his deep laugh vibrating through his body. He put me down, and I adjusted my clothes, then punched him in the arm.

I playfully glared at the boy. "Lame-o."

"Aish." He smiled.


Baekhyun dropped me off at my house so I could change.

"I'll be back in half an hour to pick you back up."

"Thank you so much." I grinned.

"Anything for you princess."

He drove off and I quickly ran into the house, slipping into the shower.

I hummed a little tune into my head while I did everything I needed to do, and then got out of the shower, wrapping a towel around my figure.

I stepped into my room and slipped on my spare uniform. I rubbed my hair in my towel, until a door slammed.

I stood up alert and confused. "Mom? Dad?" I yelled. Wait- they weren't even here when I got in. Which was odd.

I walked out of my room, down the hall and down the stairs. The front door was wide open.

Frick frick frick, what if this is like a horror movie?

I ran my hand through my wet hair as I internally freaked out.

Serial killers smell fear, don't show it Y/N.

Baekhyun will be here soon, everything's alright I probably just forgot to close the door. I told myself.

I closed the front door, locking it, and quickly bolted up the stairs as if someone was chasing me.

As soon as I reached the top a pair of hands grabbed me. A scream escaped my lips but was quickly muffled as a hand found its way over my mouth. My eyes were closed as I was to scared to open them and reveal the person that was probably going to kill me any second. I fought back, pushing and kicking but the person pulled my hair.

I opened my eyes, revealing one of the people I fear most.

"You're gonna get what you deserve bitch." The words slurred off the lips of the devil as the cold hands wrapped around my neck. Air desperately tried to reach into my lungs, but I was left breathless. I kicked and twisted with all my might, but it just wasn't enough.

"See you in hell some day."

With those final words, I was pushed down the stairs, and my vision blurred.

I heard someone scream my name and shake my body, but I descended into darkness.

|Byun Baekhyun|

I pulled up to Y/N's house and waited outside for her. As soon as I was going to text her I arrived, a scream wailed from the house.

I panicked and immediately ran towards the front door, hurdling it open.

As soon as I did her body landed at the end of the stairs and I rushed to her aid.

"Y/N!" I yelled, grabbing her face and holding her head in my hands. Blood stained my fingers and tears welled up in my eyes.

"Princes, baby, answer me. Stay awake please, please baby. I need to with me right now. Come on angel."

Her eyes closed and my fingers went towards her neck where I checked her pulse.

Her heart was faintly beating.

Clapping filled the halls and that's when I finally looked up towards the top of the stairs, where a figure came into view.

"Bravo, bravo, Prince Charming failed to save his princess."

"What the HELL HAVE YOU DONE!" I screamed, my vision was blurred by my tears.

I stood up pushing her shoulders into the wall. I was angry.

"Nothing she didn't deserve." She smiled, licking her lips.

"You're psychotic Ying." I yelled. "I'm calling the cops."

I turned around, grabbing my phone. As soon as I looked back, Ying was gone.

My lips trembled and I quickly called the first person that came into my mind, instead of the cops.

"Chanyeol-" my voice cracked. "I-i need your help. Come to Y/N-N's hous-se and call the cops-s."

"Baekhyun-ah! What's wrong?" He sounded concerned, and I could hear him running.

"J-just come." I hung up, dropping my phone to the ground. I ran into the kitchen grabbing a towel and a water bottle. I quickly held the towel on her head and poured some water onto the back of her head, where she was cut open.

"Y/N." I whispered, shaking her slightly. "Y/N!" I raised my voice slightly.

I don't understand how something so childish- popularity and friendships- could bring a person to do this to such an innocent girl.

Something needs to happen with Ying now. And this needs to stop. Our project is due in two days- but I don't care. We need to show it now. The sooner the better.

I held Y/N and kissed her forehead. She's going to be okay, right?

I kept telling myself she was going to be okay, but a head injury like this, especially when it's happened before couldn't be good.

I squeezed my eyes shut and took a deep breath through my nose- I heard siren approaching.

"Baekhyun!" My best friends voice followed heavy footsteps and soon Chanyeol kneeled with me, grabbing Y/N's hand.


He was lost for words.

I took a shaky breath. "Ying. Again."

Chanyeol stood up and his whole demeanour had changed. He was angry.

"Where are you going?" I yelled.

"I'll be back." Chanyeol said with anger in his voice. The dark haired boy stomped out the door way, into his car and slammed the door. He drove off without a word. Leaving me confused.

Paramedics arrived and pulled Y/N into the stretcher. I grabbed for her but a woman's arm held me back.

"Don't worry, she is in good hands."
She offered me a sincere smile.

I nodded.

"You're welcome to ride in the back with her, and you can explain the situation to us then. What are you to her? Brother? Cousin-"

"Boyfriend. I'm her boyfriend." I said.

"Alright. Hop on in then." The woman responded and wheeled her into the ambulance. They hooked her up to a breathing mask, and stuck tubes in and around her body. Staring at this scene triggered something within me.

~ Flashback ~

I was young.

The red and blue lights filled my eye sight and blinded me, causing me to close my eyes and question if this really was reality, or some sick dream.

A girl with h/l hair and s/c skin was laying on a stretcher.

Her youthful glow was barely able to radiate through the look of pain and confusion on her face.

"I wanna go!! I need to go with her! Lemme go!" I jerked my way through my friends grasps. I chased after her with my little legs.

"Hello son, may I help you?"
A friendly man in a paramedic uniform asked.

"I need to go with her."

"I'm afraid I can't as you are too young."

"I don't care. I love her, so I'm going anyway." I crawled into the back of the ambulance, barely being able to make it due to my height.

"What are those thingy's?" I asked a person who was attaching weird tubes to my best friend.

"These will help her breath and keep her alive till we get to the hospital. She had a pretty big fall."

I just stared at my best friend, mouth apart, eyes watering.

I grabbed her tiny hand and wrapped my small fingers around her own.

"It's gonna be okay Y/N. Don't be scared. Just uh, picture like you're the most beautiful princess going to a castle. Don't worry."

I kept telling her to not be scared, but I was terrified myself.

~ End of Flashback ~

|Y/N Y/L/N|

My head hurt, my body ached, everything was in pain.

I couldn't remember what caused the pain though.

I opened my eyes revealing sixteen boys standing over my bed.

All of them smiled, but one in particular stood out. He suddenly grabbed onto me while a few tears came out his eyes.

"Get back everyone, she could still be in shock, you don't want to hurt her more than she is."

"Thank God you're okay." The boy with brown hair who hugged me said, grabbing my face and kissing my forehead.

I gave him a funny look, as well as everyone in the room.

Who the hell are these people?

"Where am I? What happened?"

A man in a white coat and clipboard stood by me now, placing a palm on my forehead. "You're in the hospital, you took quite the fall. It's been two days since you're injury and well you've been out cold since then. Your friends and boyfriend are visiting you at the moment. Even been here each day."

I stared confused, and then suddenly looked down at my fingers. I played with my hands. Boyfriend? Friends?

"I-I'm sorry. But I- who are you people?" I looked at all of them. Their expressions changed from joy to heart break, especially the boy with fluffy brown hair and chocolate eyes.

"This can't be happening." He whispered, voice cracking. "Not again." He rubbed his eyes on his sleeves and turned around, leaving the room. A tall boy with funny ears followed him.

"Will she ever remember us doctor?" said a boy with mint green hair.

"If something happens to trigger her memory, yes it's possible. However since this happened when she was younger and she was still facing trauma from that injury, there is a high chance nothing will work."

The boys looked at one another, and then me.

"I think I know what will work." Said a tall male with dark hair and cold facial expressions. "The partner project."



Sorry you probably hate me so much right now 😂 I just need some more seasoning to this story ya know?

Anyway looking past that, was this a good idea? Or no? Please be honest :3

ALSO EXOS FREAKING COMEBACK- holy flipping beans shiMMY SHIMMY KO KO BOP- I flipping love it- also the eve choreo!!??!? Holyyy muffinssss 😫💖 my hearteu. It's like super sexual and I'm kinda like EXO wYD but boi they ain't afraid to try new things. Forget artificial love, the eve is taking over now-

Sorry I kinda just nerded out.

I'd really appreciate it if you guys would vote for this book in the 2017 wattys!! You can find more details @ TheWattys  :3

Hope you enjoyed the update! I love you all very much!


- Hailey xx

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