single parents


435K 13.7K 13.7K

in which two single parents meet in a grocery store and argue over who's more responsible. an ethan dolan fan... More

Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Thank You

Chapter One

32.5K 705 1K

It was a chilly Saturday afternoon when Jordan had realized that the milk had gone spoiled and her daughter ate the last of her favorite cereal, knowing she'd ask to have it again tomorrow.

Jordan sighed and threw out the milk. She walked out of the kitchen to find her daughter watching the Spiderman videos she had put on earlier.

"Kamryn, go upstairs and wait for me. We are going grocery shopping." The little girl looked at her mom with a frown on her face, Kamryn wanted to stay home and watch her videos.

"Okay, mommy," Kamryn sighed and got off from her seat on the couch and walked up the stairs with her doll.

Jordan watched her daughter walk up until she was no longer in sight and she reached over to turn off the television.

She walked up the stairs and into Kamryn's room where her daughter was sitting on her bed patiently.

"Did we run out of my fruity pebbles again, mommy?" She questioned her mother. Jordan nodded her head in response with a slight hum escape her pursed lips.

She grabbed a pair of black leggings and a baby pink hoodie.

"Here, honey," Jordan handed her the clothes and she got ready. She reached into her closet for Kamryn's pink Vans and put them on for her when she finished getting ready.

Jordan looked down at what she was wearing; a pink ribbed crop top and a pair of leggings. She loved matching outfits with her daughter.

"We're totally taking a picture after this." Jordan chuckled. Kamryn nodded her head in agreement, "you got it, mom."

They walked down the stairs and headed to the door. On the way out, Jordan grabbed her black Kate Spade shoulder bag and opened the door.

As she walked out, her hand shuffled around in her bag for the car keys. When she got it, she unlocked the car and placed Kamryn inside her booster seat.

"Since I made you leave, you can get candy. Just one though, okay?"

Kamryn cheered in the back as Jordan closed the car door and got into the driver's seat.


Jordan unbuckled her daughter's seat belt and Kamryn jumped out of the car.

She reached up to her mom's hand as they walked into the store, the cold air conditioning hit their faces as their hair flies back.

"We're gonna go get the groceries first, then we can get your candy." Jordan looked down at her daughter.

She grabbed a basket that was placed down by one of the aisles and they began to walk through the store.

"What are we getting first, mom?" Kamryn asked as she let go of her mom's hand to stick her cold hands in the hoodie's front pocket. She remembered her mom doing that whenever her hands were cold.

"Your cereal." They found the aisle then picked out a few of their favorite cereals.

Of course Kamryn was quick to get her fruity pebbles.

They then went to grab the milk and some juice as Kamryn suggested. As they walked towards the produce area, they heard a little boy shouting.

"Dad! Dad, where are you?" Jordan looked down at her daughter to see Kamryn already looking up at her.

"You heard that too?" Jordan asked her daughter. Kamryn nodded her head and they began to walk towards the little boy's shouting.

They stopped in their tracks when they seen a little boy with tears streaming down his small face.

They walked over to the boy and he turned towards them. With that, they got a clearer view of the boy's face. He was a cute little boy. His hair was a bit curly and his eyes were a nice hazel color.

Jordan knelt down right in front of him, "are you looking for your dad, honey?" She asked him.

The boy was a bit taller than Kamryn which frightened her a bit so she hid close behind her mom.

The boy nodded and replied, "I was going to get something, but my dad didn't know that I left." He sniffed.

Jordan frowned and stood up.

"C'mon. Let's go find your dad. He's probably worried now." Jordan holds out her hand for him. He looks at her unsure, but she smiles at him to let him know that it's okay. He grabs hold of Jordan's hand as she holds her daughter's hand in the other.

As they walked around the store Jordan thought about who this irresponsible man could be to just leave his son by himself, What kind of parent does that?

Soon, they heard someone yelling, "Chance!" It sounded like it wasn't too far away from them. Jordan looked down to see the boy's eyes wide.

"Is that your dad?" She asked with concern. He nodded his head vigorously. They followed the man's yelling until they caught up to his traveling around the store.

"Excuse me," escapes Jordan's lips louder than she expected. As the man pulled at his hair, he turns around where she could fully see him now. The small boy looked just like his father.

His hair was also curly and a streak of the man's hair was red. He had a freckle on his cheek and Jordan had to admit that he was attractive, but Jordan was still angry at him for leaving his son in a grocery store alone.

"O my gosh, Chance!" His hands drop from his hair and he runs over to his son.

"Dad!" The man picks his son up and wraps his arms around him tightly.

He puts him down and begins to mumble a few things to chance. Jordan watches as chance nods at his father's words before pointing at me.

The man turns around and looks up at her. he finds her beautiful. As he was about to open his mouth, Jordan stopped him with her tone of voice.

"You don't have to thank me." She spat at him. The man looked at her confused, "I'm sorry?" She watched as his eyebrows furrowed when he said that.

"Look here, pal. You shouldn't just leave your child alone. You should've made sure that he was with you before walking off and you should make sure at all times!" She scolded him.

Jordan felt Kamryn wrap her small arms around her right leg.

"You know, you're exactly what I need in my life," He tells the strange woman who stood across him.

Jordan was confused at what he had said, "and what's that?"

"Some random chick telling me how to raise my kid!" He fires back at her.

"I'm just giving you some advice!" She snapped.

Security soon came and asked what the problem was.

Both parents shook their heads, "it's just a misunderstanding. Nothing is wrong." Jordan gritted her teeth as she eyed the man out.

The security left them and they both glared at each other.

"I don't need tips. I've been raising him on my own for years now. If I weren't a good parent, I would've lost him ages ago."

"Well, you lost him today."

"This is the first time this has happened. I'm pretty sure you've lost your daughter before." the man looked down at Kamryn which caused her to hide behind her mother even more.

"Wrong. I've actually never lost my daughter," she rolled her eyes.

"You don't look like a dad, and you sure as hell don't act like one." She adds while rolling her eyes.

"I'm twenty five. How about you, huh? Without a doubt that I'm more responsible than you, kid."

"I've been raising my daughter since i was nineteen. And I definitely am more responsible than you-" Jordan paused since she didn't know this man's name.


"Well, good for you-" he pauses since he doesn't know her name either.


"I don't care."

"You look like you do." She pointed out. His eyebrows knitted and his lips curved downwards.

"Just please shut up. You're annoying and I don't like you," Ethan says. "Now if you excuse me, I need to do some shopping." He scowled at her and began to walk away.

"Whatever, don't lose him again." Jordan says in a sweet voice.

Ethan turned around and stuck his tongue out at her. Jordan gasped and flipped him off.

"You should thank me, idiot!" She shouted.

"I'm not going to thank some little girl for trying to tell me how to raise my son! And you told me not to thank you, so frankly I don't care!" He shouts back.

Jordan stayed speechless as Ethan smirked at her and walked into an aisle.

"Stupid idiot," Jordan muttered under her breath. She felt her daughter tug at her hand so she looked down.

"You rock, mommy." Kamryn smiles lightly. Jordan chuckles and reaches down, picking her up and placing her daughter on her hip.

"Oh, honey, I know."

Both single parents did their own thing for the rest of the time in the grocery store. They didn't run into each other which they were thankful for.

As Jordan and Kamryn entered the candy aisle, the little girl ran over to the one thing she wanted to be when she grew up.

"Jellybeans, mom!"

As they both left the aisle to purchase their items, Ethan and Chance walked into the toy aisle.

Ethan watched as his son ran towards his most favorite thing in the world.

"Look dad, Iron Man!"

Both single parents went home that night and continued to rant to their child about how rude and idiotic the person they met at the grocery store was.

Both kids didn't care about whatever their parent were saying and instead, enjoyed the items they just got from today's trip to the grocery store.

i'm literally excited for this book.
i decided on something different.
let me know what you think!

[rip to that username
– bel 052920]

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