Chapter Twenty Four

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"I want you and Kamryn to come back home with me for a family party."

Jordan looked up at Ethan and shrugged her shoulders, "what's it for, baby?" Ethan took a seat on the sofa and handed her the small cloth, fixing her shirt at her shoulder, noticing it was falling off.

Jordan continued to clean Chance's throw up as Ethan helped her out.

"My mom's birthday. She really wants you guys to come." She threw the napkins and rags into a bag and handed it to ethan, "that sounds nice. I'd love to see your parents again."

"And you've never been to New Jersey before. It'd be good to give you and Kams a tour." Ethan added as he walked out the door to dump the bag into the trash.

Jordan washed her hands in the kitchen before heading upstairs into Chance and Kamryn's room. She opened the door to see Kamryn sitting in a small chair next to Chance's bed while reading a book to him. She smiled at the sight.

"How are you feeling, babe?" She felt his forehead with a weak smile curved on her lips.

He shrugged his shoulders, "I feel a little better now that I let all that nasty puke out." Chance made a disgusted face.

Jordan chuckled and tucked the blanket under him as she kissed his forehead lightly.

"C'mon honey, let's give Chance some time to sleep." Jordan took the book from her and placed it on the bookshelf.

They walked down the stairs where Ethan was sitting on the sofa while doing something on his phone. He noticed them and smiled.

"When are we leaving?" Jordan asked as she sat next to ethan. He slid his phone into his pocket, "in about two months."

Kamryn made herself comfortable on the other couch and laid on her stomach, "where are we going?"

"My mom's birthday is in two months. We're gonna take a trip to new jersey!" Ethan said excitedly.

"I've never been there. I'm so excited, I wish we could go right now."

After a few minutes, Kamryn had quickly fallen asleep in a weird position. The way she slept caused her hair to fall onto her face which Ethan quickly fixed before sitting back onto the couch next to Jordan.

"You know, I thought the trip was going to be sooner since you told me this like now." Jordan chuckled.

Ethan shrugged with a half smile, "kinda just wanted to let you know earlier so you could clear your schedule."

"When will we leave though?"

Ethan scratched the back of his head as he thought. "Ob yeah, We leave here on the nineteenth and come back on the twenty-third."

Jordan stood up and fixed her blouse, "alright. Her birthday is on the twentieth right?" She asked and Ethan nodded in response.

"That gives us plenty of time to think of a gift." Jordan smiled before heading off into the kitchen.


Ethan watched as Jordan dropped the two kids off at the front door where her mother was standing excitedly.

"Bye kids! We'll pick you up tonight!" Ethan shouted as the kids waved bye.

Jordan hurried to the car and plopped into the passenger seat.

"You think Chance will be okay?" Ethan asked as he drove away. Jordan nodded her head, "she'll make him chicken noodle soup."

Ethan chuckled, "what do you feel like eating?"

"Whatever is fine, honestly. I could go for some Chinese?" Jordan said, sounding more like a question.

"Chinese food it is."

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