Falling In Love With A Vampire

By CassieSalvatore

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Cassie Mitchell is a 17 year old girl who, ever since she was a little girl, was obsessed with vampires, espe... More

Chapter 2 He Asked Me To The Ball
Chapter 3 The Weird Dream
Chapter 4 The Masquerade Ball Part 1
Chapter 5 The Masquerade Ball Part 2
Chapter 6 The Masquerade Ball Part 3
Chapter 7 Damon Tries To Get A Confession
Chapter 8 Damon's Reaction
Chapter 9 Do You Love Me?
Chapter 10 The Complicated Friend
Chapter 11 The Special Visitor
Chapter 12 The Big Problem
Chapter 13 Kidnapped
Chapter 14 Tortured
Chapter 15 The Plan
Chapter 16 The Choice's We Make While Protecting The One's We Love

Chapter 1 The Meeting

534 8 3
By CassieSalvatore

(NOTE: Some of these characters and locations are based off the TV Show 'The Vampire Diaries' All rights reserved to the writers of the show!!! I don't own anything except me, Cassie Mitchell, because she really is me)

I am driving my car down a road. It isn't anything fancy, just a black Ford Mustang Shelby Cobra GT500 with a red stripe down the middle. I am driving to a little town called Mystic Falls, Virginia. The reason I am going, I'm not sure. To be honest, I just feel a slight pull there. That's the best and only way I can describe it. So, I'm not completely sure why I am going, I just know I am.

My name is Cassie Madison. However, my real name is Cassie Mitchell. I'm a 17 year old girl with black hair down to her shoulders and forest green eyes, who has been trying to run away from her problems for as long as I can remember. My dad left my mom when I was around two and I lived with my mom and brother for years. When I turned 13 my mom was murdered. My brother had just turned 16 and he didn't take it to well. We were put in foster care, but I didn't care, I was numb. I had lost my mom...I mean, wouldn't you feel kinda numb?

Well, anyways, I hated foster care. The guys there...they actually expected me to think of them as parents...I never thought it possible. Sometimes, I got a little comfortable, then I had to go to a different one, so I just ran away. I ran away and never looked back. I went anywhere I wanted and I enjoyed it. So basically, for a while, I was on my own...living life the way I wanted. When things got to complicated for me, I moved. For a while it was like that...until now. Now I am heading to some place I know nothing about...To be honest I'm curious as to what will happen while I am there.

I finally enter town and as I drive down the roads, I look around. I find out quickly that Mystic Falls is a small town. While driving down a road, I spot a place called 'Mystic Grill' and think "Why not?" and pull into the parking lot. I shut my car off, noticing how many people are now staring at my car, but not caring. I get out and the stares focus on me, but still, I don't care. I walk up to the front door and walk in, looking around when I get in. I go over to the bar and sit down. A boy that looks my age and is kinda cute with honey blonde hair and blue eyes walks over to me.

"Hey. You must be new. I'm Matt Donovan" he says, extending his hand to me, smiling. I smile back at him and shake his hand.

"I'm Cassie Madison" I say.

"Nice to meet you Cassie. What can I get you?" Matt asks.

"Um...how about a bourbon?" I say, flashing a stunning smile. Matt seems like he is going to ask me something, then like he realizes something, then just nods and fills a glass, then walks off. I smile again and take a drink. I look around again and see only a few other people here. I focus on two people at the other end of the bar.

One is a girl. She has brown hair a little past her shoulders, chocolate brown eyes, olive-tone skin and she's just plain beautiful. The other one is a guy. He has black hair that is as shiny and black as a crows feather, piercing blue eyes, pale-ish skin and he is just plain hot! He is also failing at trying to flirt with the girl.

"Come on Elena. What does Stefan have that I don't? I'm the better, hotter, superior choice" says the guy.

"Hmmm, what does he have that you don't? I don't know, Damon. Oh wait, how about a conscience!?" says the girl, who I assume to be Elena. The guy-who I assume is Damon-just stares at her, a fake hurt expression on his face. "Oh wait, maybe I should dumb that down. You probably don't understand that. A sense of right and wrong!" says Elena. She then gets up, grabs the bottle she had ordered and walks away, grinning as if she had won. To be honest, I say she had. Damon just frowns, watches her leave, then downs the drink in his hand.

I know I am staring at him, but I can't help it. For some reason, besides the fact he was totally hot, I can't look away from him...it is as if he is the reason I am here. No he's not! I think. God, could you be any more stupid? There is no way one guy can be the reason you came to Mystic Falls, Virginia. So just look away from him!

But I can't look away. I am staring, I am ok with it...until he feels someone staring at him and looks around. When his eyes land on me, I see him smirk before I am actually able to look away from him. Oh my god! I think. His eyes are so blue! This is impossible. There is no way I feel this way...just impossible! I down my drink and get a refill and when I look back at his seat, he is gone. I shrug, slightly confused as to where he went, but make it as if I don't care. I take a drink of the glass in my hand, staring at the counter top.

"Hello there" says a voice from beside me. I jump and turn to find my forest green eyes staring into Damon's ice blue one's. I almost melt right then and there...on the inside anyways. On the outside, I am able to make it look like he doesn't faze me in the slightest. I look away from him and take another drink of my glass.

"Hi" I say. He smirks at me and takes a drink of his glass. I don't turn to face him again even at his next words.

"I haven't seen you around here before. You must be new. I'm Damon Salvatore. And who might you be?" Damon says, holding out his hand to me. I don't take it. Instead, I down my drink.

"I am new, nice to meet you, my name's Cassie and what do you want?" I say. I get another refill on my drink and still don't turn to him. His smirk falters slightly because he is shocked at my slight rudeness, but he recovers quickly and continues to smirk at me.

"Well Cassie, I wanted to talk to you since you were staring at me" he says, smirking wider. "Oh, and the name Cassie is a beautiful name, for a beautiful girl." I scoff. Does he really think I am going to be his rebound girl? I think. If he does, he is sadly mistaken. I am no one's rebound girl. Also, he may look hot, but he sucks at flirting.

"Ok look Damon. First, I am not going to be your rebound girl. Just because you couldn't get that other girl, doesn't mean you can try and fail miserably to flirt with me. I'm not anyone's rebound girl and I am especially not going to be a rebound girl for a player asshole like you" I say, then stand up, down my drink and walk out of Mystic Grill.

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