Forever You

By rachelmoore1975

25.2K 503 159

Ethan James is your typical bad boy. He wasn't interested in settling down any time soon. One day, sure, bu... More

Forever You
Chapter four
Chapter seven
authors note
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
chapter 16

Chapter two

1.6K 43 13
By rachelmoore1975

Little Aye's POV- AKA Adrianna

I nervously stood in the room that would be mine for now. I can't believe I finally left him. I never thought in a million years I would have enough nerve to do it. I knew if I didn't take the opportunity that Kaylee gave me I would never do it though. I had free room and board and he had no idea that she was my best friend, let alone leaving town. Kaylee and I worked at the diner together for the last three years and she was the only one that knew my secret.

I was surprised he actually let me work.  I had a degree in Sports Physical therapy but no... I worked at a diner.  I still remember when he talked me out of perusing my career.  We weren't married yet and he said "baby, the thought of your hands on other men will drive me crazy.  I only want your hands on me."  He said it so sweetly that I instantly caved.  I went through all that schooling for nothing.  I should have seen the red flags then but I ignored them all.   

He made sure none of the bruises could be seen though. We met freshman year in college and he was everything to me. He was from old money and was the perfect gentleman. He didn't show his true colors until after the wedding. On our honeymoon to be exact. That was the first time he hit me. I was just messing around with him when he couldn't figure out how to work the sound system in our room. That was the only time any of my bruises were visible to anyone which caused me to spend the rest of our honeymoon in our suite.

What really scared me was that he didn't even apologize for it. I still remember the look in his eyes and his exact words. "Your my fucking wife now Anna and you will respect me. I'm not going to apologize because you deserved that and I promise if you ever call me an idiot again you'll think this was a love smack."

Anna was the name he called me and I fucking hated it. Love smack? He punched me in the face and then kicked me in the ribs while I was trying to get up. I never even called him an idiot just teased him about complicated technology. I realized right then and there I had just married a different man than I feel in love with. I had no idea who he was and I was scared everyday of my life from that day forward.

The rest of the honeymoon he acted like nothing had happened and every time he made love to me I had to fight back the tears. I wanted to call my dad and tell him to anal the whole fucking marriage. Just thinking about that made me want to cry.

Here I was half way across the country with a suitcase of clothes, a few hundred dollars I managed to save, and scared to death. I hated the woman I turned into be because of him. I was never a weak woman and always spoke my mind but now, now I didn't know who I was anymore.

I was grateful to have a friend like Kaylee and the fact that her boyfriend was letting me stay here for free but honestly I couldn't help but think that maybe I should go back and beg him to forgive me. Tell him I just needed time to think and went on a little road trip to clear my head. That may have worked and I may have been able to get away without being beaten to badly if I hadn't left my car in the garage. I really shouldn't have done this. If he finds out that Kaylee helped me he won't have any problem finding her.

I went and sat down on the bed and dragged in a deep breath. I wanted to cry but over the last three years I had keeping them back at a science. I was a professional at blocking my feelings off and putting up walls. Nothing could hurt me that way. Well, nothing emotionally that is. I looked over the room that would be mine until I earned enough to get a car and move to the next town.

Kaylee was the only person I had. My parents were gone and thinking about that was so not an option. Getting a job was going to be tricky. I couldn't use my name and would need to find something that would either, pay me under the table, or not have to use any of my personal information. Yeah, I'm fucking screwed.

That made me think of Sal. He was Kaylee and I's boss at the diner. He was a big grandpa to everyone and you couldn't help but love him. He didn't know about my secret but I knew he knew something was wrong. He would just walk by me if I was lost in thought, pat my head, and tell me how awesome I was. I couldn't help but smile. Maybe if I could find a small diner with someone like him they would let me wait tables just for tips.

A tap on the door drew me away from my thoughts. I said "come in" but knew who it would be. I instantly got a smile on my face when she popped her head in and said "you get all your stuff put away?" Yeah, because a suitcase takes days to unpack. I didn't say that and said "yeah." She opened the door and walked in and said "you okay?"

I smiled at her and said "Kaylee?" I had to look down. The thought of him hurting her because she helped me made me feel sick. I looked back and said "what if he finds out I left with you?" Of course she waved it off like it was nothing. She knew he hurt me but she had no idea what kind of man he was. What he was capable of. That thought made me think of my parents again and I had to fight to put the walls up. She walked in and said "how would he possible know. Yeah, he's seen me in the diner before but we never spoke. You never introduced us. Besides, Sal said he would never tell."

The day we left town we went and told Sal that not only would he be losing one server but two. He smiled at me, patted my head, and said "I'll miss you both but I'm glad your...going with her." He said it like he knew why I was but didn't complete his sentence. If I didn't have my walls up so high I would have cried knowing I would never see him again.

Kaylee came over and sat down and wrapped her arm around my shoulders and gently squeezed me. I said "what if he notices your missing too. He isn't a stupid man Kaylee." I said all that looking down at me hands in my lap. She squeezed me again and leaned her head on the side of mine. I knew she wasn't worried about it and that is what scared me the most. She knew he beat me but she never asked details. She would just quietly help me wrap my ribs when I needed to or help me put ointment on wounds that I couldn't reach.

She said "everything is going to be fine Little Aye. Your going to be fine and I'm so proud of you for finally leaving his sorry ass." I just looked over at her and offered her a small smile. "Okay." She was right. I didn't want every moment to be consumed with when he was going to find me. I knew he would one day but it wasn't going to be any time soon. She kissed my cheek and stood up and said "okay, don't say no until you hear me out." I didn't like the start of this conversation. I was getting ready to say something and she put her hand up to stop me.

She said "I know you don't like to but Clint wants us to go meet his friends for a few drinks tonight." YEP! Not liking this at all. She said "we have never went out together and I really want to meet everyone. I want everyone to meet you too. Please don't say no. I don't want to leave you here all night doing nothing". Nothing? who said I was going to do nothing. If I recall a very large tub was calling my name. Then she gave me that look. I hate that look.

I started to plead my case and said "I'm not going to be any fun Kaylee and you know it. Just go have fun with out me." She started shaking her head no and walked over to my closet. She pulled the doors open and started looking through my things. I knew I wasn't going to win this one. She said "come on Little Aye. Think of this as the start of your new life. Jesus why didn't you grab any of your designer outfits?"

I couldn't help but smile at that one. I didn't want any of them because he got them for me. I had to play the part when going out in public with him. Funny how I never got beat when I knew a special event was coming up. Once I even provoked him and he told me not to play with fire. I payed the price for that once we were home from the fundraiser.

I stood up and said "okay if I agree to go then this is how I'm going." She turned around so quickly I knew I got her there. She looked me up and down and said "you can't be serious?" O! I was dead serious. I just smiled at her and said "when are we leaving?" She shook her head and said "we're leaving in and hour." Then she walked to the door and turned before leaving and said "you suck you know that." Yes! If she was going to make me suffer I planned on making her too.

I walked to the bathroom and at lease I brushed through my hair and put some make up on. It wasn't like I looked bad. I had on jeans and a cute tank top. I finished up and walked back to my room. I decided to get a pair of my flats out to replace my pink high top converse. This would at lease make Kaylee some what happier.

I put some cash in my front pocket and ID in my back pocket and was ready to go. I no longer had a phone because I smashed it to pieces when we left. I knew he had a tracking device put in it. I didn't need it anyway because other than Sal I had no-one else besides him that I talked to. I walked out the door and into an empty living room. I ended up sitting down and turning on the t.v.

Twenty minutes later we were headed to a bar called Sliders. I can't tell you how over joyed I was. Sitting in the back seat with Clint and Kaylee making out made me re-think the whole idea. I knew these two had been going at it since we got here yesterday. Kaylee isn't exactly quite and they couldn't keep there hands off each other. I may as well get use to spending time in my room. I watched as the city went by and my need for a cold beer got stronger and stronger.

Once we pulled up I jumped out and walked to the door and waited for the two love birds. I turned just as Clint payed the cab driver and of course had to kiss Kaylee one last time. I just shook my head. They walked up hand in hand with big ass grins on their faces. I couldn't help feel a little jealous. I remember feeling like that one time. It seemed like decades ago though.

Kaylee said "you ready for this Little Aye. Clint told me his friends were hot!" I just rolled my eyes and opened the door. I didn't give a shit if they were "hot". I would be lucky if I ever trusted a man again after what I've been through. I certainly wasn't looking to hook up with anyone because I won't be here long. Only thing is, I haven't told Kaylee about my plan to move around. I will, one day. Just not now. I don't want her to think I'm taking advantage of her offer and I certainly don't want her to talk me out of it.

I went straight for the bar. Clint and Kaylee were hot on my heels. I stood there and waited for the bartender to see me. He did and got a big smile on his face. He walked over and said "what can I get you?" I said "Bud Light, bottle."

Then Clint said "make that two and get this one a grey goose martini." I reached in my pocket to get my money out and went to hand Clint a ten. He shoved it back at me and said "your money is no good here Little Aye". I didn't want him or Kaylee to treat me like a charity case. I shoved it back and said "I can pay for my drinks Clint but I appreciate it."

He laughed and said "you really don't get out much do ya? Keep your money. I never let a woman pay when I'm around." I looked at Kaylee for some help but she had that dreamy smile plastered on her face. Jesus. I put the money back in my pocket and thought "fine, I will nurse every beer I get then." I brought enough money to get tipsy and planned on doing just that because she practically forced me into going out but I was fine with the alliterative. Sip my beer and sit back and enjoy watching everyone else act like idiots.

He payed for our drinks and I turned to followed them. As we approached the pool table I noticed a couple standing together and one girl holding a beer. Both girls were drop dead gorgeous and I instantly regretted wearing jeans and a tank top. One guy was bent over ready to take a shot then Clint interrupted him by commenting on hustling woman again. I couldn't help notice he had a nice body. When he stood up though the jolly green giant instantly came to mind. Then he turned around. Holy Shit! Kaylee said Clint's friends were "hot" but that would not not be the term I would have used to describe him.

He instantly noticed me and looked like someone just played the game "freeze". I knew that game all too well but hadn't played it since I was a kid. He may have looked like the Jolly Green Giant but the only thing green were those eyes. Jesus. He had the most beautiful green eyes I'd ever seen. I always hated mine. I got a mix between my dad's brown eyes and my moms greyish green ones. Mine were a soft brown that sometimes looked gold. It wasn't uncommon being bi-racial. My dad was mixed but my mom was Caucasian.

I stopped reading those books about instant chemistry between people because I knew that never really happened. I stopped reading love stories all together because that doesn't happen in real life either. I didn't want to get caught up in a fantasy I knew would never happen. It took almost a year to feel any chemistry between me and Joe. Look where that got me. Reality. No-one is going to come sweep you off your feet and love you unconditionally. NO-ONE!

I couldn't help but look away because of what "I thought" I just felt between us. There was no way I was going to let my mind drift to anything remotely close to that. It wasn't until I heard him speak that made me look up. "Fuck off Clint!" He had turned around and lined his pool stick up for the next shot. I looked down and noticed he had one hell of a nice ass and his jean didn't hide his enormous legs. He wasn't fat but, my god, his legs were huge.

When Clint let out a loud laugh and announced that we had just witnessed a first I couldn't help wonder what he talking about. Then the beautiful blonde walked up and said she would do what ever he wanted tonight. Why I felt a bang of jealous was beyond me. But I did. She handed him the beer that I thought was hers and he handed her the pool stick. When he smacked her ass I couldn't help but flinched.

Apparently they were a couple and I was the odd ball out. Great. This night just keeps getting better and better. When he turned to talk to Kaylee I got a chance to really look at him. He was absolutely beautiful and very, very tall. I know everyone seems tall because I'm only 4'10 1/2 but he had to be over six feet tall. Notice I had to add the 1/2. When your as short as I am every inch counts.

His dark brown hair, even though it was going in every direction, was sexy as hell. He had a sharp jaw line and a nose that looked like it had been broken a few times, however; sexy. Even his name was sexy. I could tell immediately that he knew he was by the way he stood. When Kaylee said it was nice meeting everyone he looked confused. I instantly looked down wondering why he would be confused about that.

I could feel him looking at me and I'm not going to lie, I was scared to death to look into his eyes again. I slowly lifted my head and instantly regretted it. Jesus he was beyond beautiful. He smiled at me and then said I was "beautiful?" What the hell!. Jesus, my panties were soaked and his girlfriend was standing five feet away.

I knew Joe wasn't faith full to me and I never wanted to be like him. I had plenty of chances but I knew what would happen if I even thought about cheating on him. I quickly looked back down. I knew this was a bad idea. I was glad when he excused himself to get another drink. I wanted to nurse my beer but as soon as he walked away I couldn't help but take a long sip. I may need to get drunk tonight. Fuck just getting tipsy.

When the blonde followed him I couldn't help but feel jealous all over again. I knew what I needed to do. Put those fucking walls up and forget about the sexy as hell green eyed giant and that's just what I did.

I couldn't help but wonder, when Ethan came back with the blonde and she sat on his lap, if I would ever let a man touch me again. I had to close my eyes at the thought because in that moment the only one I wanted to touch me had someone else in his lap. God! I so wish I would have stayed home tonight.

The night got better when we all moved to the table. The bar was packed with drunken idiots and I couldn't help but notice that Ethan wasn't all over Samantha. The only thing that disappointed me was I could tell he was trying not to look at me. I sat and drank my beer listening to the conversation that flowed around me. All the guys took turns buying rounds and I wanted to protest but I also didn't want to buy Samantha and her friend any drinks. I did need to save money and I wasn't about to buy them any more. They clearly were to the point were they didn't need them.

When they went to the bathroom and Chris jumped up to get them another round I couldn't help but look down. Kaylee and Clint were once again sucking face leaving me and Ethan alone at the table. I didn't know what to say to him. Looking into those eyes were so not something I needed to do right now. Not in this state of mind.

Then someone talking broke my train of thought. I looked up to a nice looking man asking me if I wanted to dance. My wall instantly went up. He was creepy. Who am I kidding. Every man was creepy to me and I trusted no-one. There was no way in hell I was going to dance with this guy. That would involve him touching me and I felt myself tense at the thought. I told him I wasn't interested but this jerk must of not taking me seriously.

When he grabbed my arm Ethan shot up. I couldn't help but tense up. I didn't see that one coming.  Ethan got in his face and I swear Joe scared me but the expression on Ethan's face was ten times scarier. He was defiantly mad. When he told the guy to let go of my arm he did. Instantly. Then the jerk stepped back and announced the obvious. I was alone. Thanks for that one jerk. Then Ethan punched him. Holy shit! I didn't expect that one.

Apparently the only thing that could keep Clint's lips off Kaylee's was that. He was by his side in a split second. Neither one of them seemed to upset about Ethan breaking the guys nose. Once the jerk pulled himself up and walked away Samantha asked what they missed. I looked at Ethan watching him walking away and every muscle in his body was tense. I could tell by the stain in his shirt and I knew because that was what I went to college for.  I wanted to reach out and message every muscle in his body.  Fuck!  I can't believe I just thought that.  I let out a breath when Samantha asked if he stuck up for all women like that.

No! Men don't do that. At lease that's what I told myself. When she wrapped her hands around his neck and sat on his lap I could tell he was the type that didn't let that happen. Everything in me, in that moment, believed it. Then the bang of jealous hit again. I wanted to tell him he didn't need to stick up for me just to prove to his girlfriend that I wasn't some home wrecker. Then again she never once looked at me like that. She hadn't paid a bit of attention to me all night. That thought was interrupted when he quickly excused himself to the Men's room.

O! SHIT! When I seen the look on his face I instantly thought "he is going to go finish this guy off". That thought alone would have normally scared me but I didn't want Ethan to get in trouble over me. I was going to make sure he wasn't in the bathroom pounding on the poor jerk. I slowly stood up and didn't need to announce where I was going. No-one seemed to care.

I stood outside the men's room and listened for any signs of a struggle. I would have broken it up if I did hear that. That's what I told my self anyway. When the door finally opened and Ethan walked out I couldn't help but get nervous. I haven't talked to him or looked at him all night. Okay, that's a lie. I looked because he clearly wasn't looking at me.

This was Clint's friend though and I wanted to thank him for what he did even though he broke the guys nose. He was clearly surprised by me standing there. I didn't waste anytime letting him know why I was there because I knew if I waited too long I wouldn't beable to form words.

"I just wanted to say thank you for sticking up for me. I wish you wouldn't have broken the poor guys nose, but thank you." Then he took the few steps and closed the space between us. Jesus this guy is fucking tall. I normally wouldn't let anyone in my personal space if they were of the opposite sex but I couldn't seem to move.

He looked down at me and I swear those green eyes would be the end of me if I had to look into them everyday. He said "what does the A stand for?" Huh? O! My name. Not sure why he wants to know that but I told him "Adrianna". A small smile lifted the side of his mouth and then he closed his eyes for a moment. Looking at him this close I'm not sure calling him beautiful did him justice.

He looked back to me and then repeated my name. Holy fucking shit. He just fucked my name. If the wall wasn't behind me I probably would have fallen over. That was the hottest fucking thing I've ever heard and it was just my name. I swear to god I must be dreaming because then he lifted his hand and wrapped it around my neck. O! God! What the hell is going on. His lips curled into that half smile then he bent down and kissed me.

Why I wasn't pushing him off of me and slapping him in the face was beyond me. I've seen that in movies but I just let this "God like creature" kiss me and I would be lying if I told you I didn't feel something. He quickly released me then winked at me. Holy shit!

I can't believe that just happened. I thought he was going to kiss me again when he leaned down into my face again. Then he said "you need to breath angel." I quickly released the breath I was holding. This should have pissed me off. Who goes around and kisses someone when the girl your with is sitting at the table waiting for you.

Then he stood straight up and said "it was nice to meet you Adrianna." Jesus! It's a good thing a had the wall there to hold me up because I swear he just fucked my name again. I have never in my life had someone just come up to me and kiss me like that. I also have never been so turned on in my life!  This was fucking crazy.

I watched him walk away and I just stood there in complete and total shock.

O! Fuck. I have to go out there and face his girlfriend. I put my hands over my face and hung my head. This is so not me. I don't go around and mess with people's relationship. I can't believe I just let him kiss me. Why the hell did he do that?

I was interrupted from my conversation to myself when I heard someone say "you okay?" I looked up at the man that asked and pushed off the wall. There is no way I'm going to get stuck in the hall way with another man. God only knows if this one is as crazy as Ethan. I said "I'm fine thanks." Then unfortunately walked back to the table unsure of what was going to happen.

Kaylee looked up when I made it to the table and smiled at me. Okay? I smiled back and sat down. I noticed that Ethan was gone and couldn't help but be disappointed in that. He must of taken Samantha home and that thought started pissing me off. Tanya was still hanging all over Chris and all I wanted to do was go home. Well, go back to Clint's and fall asleep and forget this ever happened.

I looked at Kaylee and said "when are we going to leave?" She cocked her head to the side and said "you okay?" No I'm not okay. I just left my abusive husband, I'm alone and scared out of my fucking mind, o! and don't let me forget the best part, Ethan just kissed me and do not call me crazy but something happened. I can't explain it but......Jesus! I touched my lips and still felt his on mine.

"Little Aye?" I looked back to Kaylee and forgot she even asked me a question. I just smiled at her and said "I'm getting a little tired is all." She nodded her head and turned to look at Clint. She didn't even have to say anything and Clint announced to Chris that we were leaving. I stood up and liked Clint even more.

We said our good byes and started for the door. I looked over at a woman laughing and stopped dead in my tracks. It was Samantha hanging on some guy. What the? Kaylee said "Little Aye?" I turned and looked at her and she looked confused by why I wasn't following them to the door. I shook my head and started for her. Once we made it outside I said "why is Ethan's girlfriend in there hanging on some guy?"

Clint started laughing and said "she ain't his girlfriend. He just met her tonight. Hell, I'm still in shock he didn't go home with her." He wasn't looking at me to see the expression I had on my face. He hailed us a cab and we all climbed in.

What the hell is going on?  She wasn't his girlfriend? I touched my lips again and couldn't help but smile at what Clint said last. He didn't go home with her and it wasn't his girlfriend. I wanted to ask why that shocked him but I remained quite until we reached Clint's apartment.

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