Chapter 12

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We finally made it out the door and parted ways to work. Today was turning out to be the best day EVER! I can't believe I even thought that. I never act like this just because I got some. I couldn't help it though. The only complaint I had was that I didn't last long. Not that it mattered when it came to pleasing Adrianna. I have never had a woman respond to me like her. Sure I've given plenty of women pleasure but never like that. I can't wait to get home so I pleasure her all night.

I've also never had sex in the morning and man was it nice waking up to that. I couldn't wait to get home and have my way with her and if I'm lucky get to do it again in the morning. I pulled up to the police station and jumped out of the truck ready for the day to be over with.

I walked into the station and greeted everyone. Don't think I didn't notice the looks I got. Yeah, Fuck you mother fuckers. I'm in a good mood so fucking sue me. I didn't care and strolled into the conference room to get our assignments for the day.

I took my seat and looked over at Charlie. He raised his eyebrow at me and I turned and ignored him. Well I was going to ignore him until he said "what's with the smile asshole?"

He's lucky I knew he was fucking with me. I turned and looked at him and smiled and said "your mom sucked my dick last night. Let me tell you... I have never had better."

He let out a short laugh and shook his head. He knew I was fucking with him too. He said "your a fucking dick you know that." I couldn't resist and said "I bet if you asked your mom about my dick she would tell you how much of a dick I was last night."

The Captain got our attention and told us what was going on today. BLAH! BLAH!BLAH. Not that I didn't love being a cop but today I just wanted to get through the day, alive, and make it back to my angel.

We were finally dismissed and Charlie said "good luck today man. See ya later." It was never a question. I slapped his shoulder and said "you too. See ya later."

We all parted ways and went to our police cars. Charlie leaned over the hood of his car and said "your going to have to tell me what really but that smile on your ugly face someday." I smiled at him and pulled my shades on and opened the door. I said "fuck that. I'll just introduce you too her someday!" I slid in my car but not before I seen the smile on his face.

I have never mentioned introducing someone to him before. Or any of my co-workers for that matter. Charlie was a great guy. Married to the love of his life with two kids. Jeremy and Josiah. He met his wife, Tessie, five years ago in a coffee shop she worked at. It was his first year on the force. They didn't waste any time getting married, or have kids, Jeremy was 3 and Josiah came fourteen months later. We gave him shit for that for years. He took all our shit about it though because he was happy.

I couldn't help but wonder if I was going to be in the same spot with the guys. I didn't care though. They could fuck with me all they wanted to if Adrianna stayed in my life. Granted I still wasn't planning on getting married and having children any time soon but I would take their shit if she stays. I slipped into my seat and started the car. I was actually shocked that word hadn't already spread around the police station about "my girlfriend." Dane worked another shift than me though so it's not a complete surprise the word hadn't been spread around the station. NOT YET!

With what I just admitted to Charlie I bet it wouldn't take long. I pulled out of the station's parking lot with a smile on my face. God, I hope nothing too bad happens today because I don't want to go back to the apartment in a shitty mood. Seeing Adrianna, though, would no doubt make anything bad that I've ever seen, or haven't, fade away.

I drove around for a few hours and took a few calls. So far, so good. Two speeding tickets, one public intoxication, and one call from a ninety year old woman thinking someone was trying to break into her house, my shift was almost over.

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