Chapter 13

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This whole week has been AMAZING! Best sex I've ever had and Adrianna is even more comfortable around me. I couldn't keep my hands off of her and she didn't seem to mind at all. We have slept in the same bed and I've never slept better. I called my mom Wednesday and asked her to do me a huge favor. Adrianna had been going through her clothes and said she didn't know what she was going to wear to the wedding. I could tell she wanted to go get something but again with the saving money to leave kept her from getting any thing new.


Well, I made sure she would have something to wear to the wedding. We were both in our rooms packing up getting ready to head to the airport. I can't believe my baby brother is getting married tomorrow. Well, Evan isn't actually the baby but I still referee to all my brothers as the baby since I'm the oldest. I zipped my bag up and headed to Adrianna's room. I didn't have to knock because she always leaves the door open and walked in a placed my bag down.


She was still throwing things in her bag and I couldn't help but find it to be cute. She was obviously nervous about meeting my family but I couldn't wait to introduce her to everyone. I leaned on the door frame and crossed my arms watched her.


She was dressed in a simple pair of jeans and nice shirt. Her ass looked amazing in those jeans. I couldn't help but smile. She looked over her shoulder and said "I'm almost done." I took a deep breath and said "no rush. They won't leave without us." I could easily text Erik and tell him I'm running late. If it wasn't for the fact that I was inside of her two hours ago I probably would. I pushed off the door frame and walked up behind her.


She still responded to me even though she was more comfortable with me and I couldn't help but wonder if that's how it would always be. I wrapped my arms around her and leaned into her ear and said "you don't have any reason to be nervous angel. My family is going to love you."


She took a deep breath and pushed the rest of her clothes in her bag. She looked back at me and said "I'm not nervous." Lie. I leaned down and sucked on her neck and whispered in her ear "liar."


She placed her hand over mine that was wrapped around her stomach and said "okay, so I'm a little nervous." She turned around and wrapped her arms around me and looked up at me. I swear I will never get tired of having her in my arms. I could tell she was really nervous when I looked at her and said "why are you so nervous?"


She closed her eyes and placed her head on my chest. Yep, this will never get old. I rubbed her back and she said "you said we will be in the same room?" Yeah, So that's what she is nervous about? We've been sleeping in the same bed all week. I said "we are."


She looked up at me and said "so are you going to introduce me as your girlfriend or a friend with benefits?" I raised an eye brow at that one. Did she want to be my girlfriend? I was totally fine with that. Only problem is if she wants that then she isn't leaving. Before I could answer her she said "I don't want you family to think I'm some kind of slut is all. I'm not trying to trap you into something you don't want."


Something I don't want? Has this woman heard anything I've said to her. I told her I didn't want her to leave and even told her no-one was going to be inside of her but me. If that isn't declaring my intentions I didn't know what else would. I smiled at her and said "no-one is going to think you are a slut but I'm not going to call you my girlfriend unless you are."

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