Chapter four

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Little Aye's Pov-

It's been a week and I haven't found a job yet. Kaylee found one the first day she was here. Of course if I just gave them my personal information I probably wouldn't be job-less right now. I didn't want to risk him finding me sooner though so I saved what money I did have and Clint refused to take my money to help with groceries. He said if I cooked that was payment enough. I was finding it easier and easier to get out of bed and to my surprise was starting to really enjoy spending more time with Kaylee and Clint.

I cooked every night and they would help clean up. Then we would sit around the table either talking or playing card games. I wasn't sure if Kaylee told Clint about Joe and he never seemed to treat me any different so I'm guessing she didn't. I was even finding myself laughing again. That was something I never thought I would do again. 

I slowly climbed out of bed and made my way to the kitchen. I walked into Clint dressed ready for work with his arms around Kaylee. The bang of jealousy that she had someone to love her wasn't as bad as the first few days. I was happy that she had someone like Clint. You couldn't deny the chemistry they had together.

I smiled and walked in and said "good morning." They both turned and looked at me but stayed in their embrace. They smiled at me and said in unison "good morning Little Aye." I just shook my head and made a bee line for the coffee. If I planned on getting my ass back out there to find a job I was going to need a few cups of this delicious concoction. I opened the cabinet and got on my tip toes to get a mug down.

Why Clint had the coffee cups on the second shelf was beyond me. I heard them both giggle and I turned around. Clint said "your so short." Really? I put my hand on my hip and said "why do you keep these on the second shelf when this is about all any of us drink?" Clint kissed Kaylee on the head and released her and said "I gotta go. I'll be home for lunch.  Will you guys be here?" Kaylee walked over and got a mug out for herself and said "yeah, I'm off today. I thought me and Little Aye could spend some time together." She winked at me and clearly having no problem getting her mug out.

Tall people suck sometimes. Clint said "well you guys have fun and don't re-arrange my cabinets. Just go buy her a step stool." He was laughing when he said that and I just gave him the finger. I was smiling like an idiot though so he walked out and said "see you guys later."

I pushed Kaylee out of the way and poured myself a cup of coffee. Kaylee started laughing and said "Jesus! no need to get violent." Don't mess with me when it comes to my coffee. She knew it was my addiction. The only time I could enjoy a cup was at the diner. Apparently the smell of it made Joe sick. That should have been my first red flag to not get involved with that man. 

That will be the last time I get involved with someone just because of their looks. I couldn't help but think about Ethan that very moment. I just shook my head and brought my cup to my lips for a much needed drink. Kaylee poured her cup and turned to look at me. She started laughing again and said "you act like that is better than having sex." 

I closed my eyes and brought it up to my nose and smelled it. I opened my eyes and said "this is way better than sex." Then I took another sip. She started laughing again and said "so what do you want to do today?" She knew what I was going to say. I had to find a job like yesterday. I went and sat at the table and said "I have to go find a job Kaylee."

I couldn't help but sound depressed. I hated getting turned down and everyone thought I had some felony record because I didn't want to fill out any paper work. I even offered to work for tips. You would think they would jump at the chance. Kaylee landed a job at The Beach House. She made a ridiculous amount just in tips. The owner almost gave into me but decided it wasn't worth getting in trouble if someone found out I worked under the table.

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