Their Next Chapter

By donmaryfan

118K 2.7K 367

This story follows Love is the Best Medicine. I wrote this about 4 years ago. I only have a few chapters of i... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 39
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85

Chapter 40

1.3K 35 7
By donmaryfan

"Baby, what was a dream?" Don asked confused. "Did you dream when you passed out?"

Meryl shook her head as she squeezed his hands. "No, the big awful fight. Me going to the hospital the day of your party. The kids not letting you near me. The divorce papers and letter. The bridge. It's all a dream."

"Sweetheart, you must be confused because of your episode." Don said with a kiss to her cheek. "Unfortunately it happened; but it is NEVER happening again."

Meryl sighed at his anguish. "Don, we dreamed the same thing. The kids had no idea what I was talking about. They said I haven't been to the hospital since Indianapolis. Louisa reminded me we had your party. Give me your phone."

"What?" Don asked thinking she had really lost it.

"Give me your phone; mine is at home." She said as Don did as she instructed. She quickly unlocked it and went to his pictures. "Look, your party and The Iron Lady Premiere. How could that have happened if we weren't talking and separated? Sweetheart, it was a dream."

Tears came to Don's eyes when he realized it was a dream. "Oh, thank God. Knowing I sent you to the hospital and you could have died because of my stupidity was more than I could take."

"It didn't happen, Don Man." Meryl said with a kiss to his hands. "It was an awful dream; but I think it's kind of neat."

Don looked at her confused. "What is?"

"That we're so connected we dreamed the same thing." Meryl finally smiled even though she was feeling like shit.

Don smoothed her hair back and kissed her forehead. "Me too. Even if you didn't have an episode in real life since Thanksgiving; that is still several in the past few months. We are NOT leaving this hospital until we know why. I am going to be right there with you."

"I know." Meryl smiled. "Baby, relax. It was a tense week leading up to your party but we really are okay."


The morning after getting back from DC Meryl and Don were making breakfast for the kids while Meryl was also trying to secretly field calls about Don's surprise party. She meant it when she said she wanted it done up big. It had been a hard year for him, he finally had the father he deserved, and she couldn't wait to celebrate him. Her cell phone rang and Don reached for it causing her to panic. "Don, that's my phone!"

"I was just going to get it for you." Don said surprised be her reaction.

Meryl huffed at him. "It's my phone and I need some privacy."

"Oh." Don was really caught off guard. "Okay."

Meryl quickly took the phone and ran into another room. He couldn't help but follow her. "Hey, thanks for getting back to me. It's becoming harder and harder to hide this from Don. I know, I can't wait until this weekend either. It's been too long since we've done something like this. Now, I just can't let Don find out."

Don's heart sunk. No, he was misunderstanding. He only heard part of her conversation. It couldn't be what it sounded and looked like. This was Meryl. His Meryl. His wife of 33 years. Things lately had been better than ever. She wouldn't cheat on him. He had recently accused her of that and it almost ruined their marriage; he couldn't allow himself to go there.


"Mom is looking hot." Grace was telling Louisa as they were in her room looking at pictures from the weekend.

Louisa giggled. "There are all these articles about how she's the most fuckable actress over 50. All the men are swooning over her."

"That's gross." Grace shook her head. Not knowing their father had walked by the door and was listening. "Do you think she and Dad will be okay? I mean with all these articles saying she is out of his league."

Louisa shrugged. "I hope so; but think about it Grace. She's getting hotter and Dad is well, Dad. He doesn't have the greatest fashion sense. He's going bald. He's not in the Hollywood life. He doesn't seem to care. I mean she just goes off and does whatever and Dad is totally fine with it. It's like he's not even trying to keep her. Dad's got to step up his game."

"Maybe." Grace said. "Look at how they were in DC though. I just can't see anything happening to them."

Don walked away with all of this playing on his mind. Was he letting himself go and losing his wife in the process?


Meryl noticed Don had been quiet all throughout breakfast. She hadn't meant to snap at him earlier in the morning but she had. She just so badly wanted everything to go right for him for his birthday; she didn't want anything to dampen his surprise. He was everything to her; and after the way she acted on the way to DC, and him thinking she didn't want him there with her, she wanted to make sure he knew. She walked past the living and saw Grace and Louisa in there. "Hey, have you girls seen your father?"

"You mean mopey?" Louisa teased.

Grace nodded. "Did you guys have a fight or something?"

"No." Meryl shook her head. "I don't know what's going on."

Louisa shrugged. "He's definitely not himself."

"Yeah, I know." Meryl sighed. "I'm going to go see what's going on."


Meryl walked into their bedroom and saw Don in the bathroom sucking in his stomach, moving side to side, and running his fingers through his hair. He was definitely down. She just figured it had something to do with his birthday. She hoped they weren't going to be fighting especially because things had been so amazing. She stopped in the doorway. "There's my handsome husband."

"Oh." Don looked at her as he immediately stopped what she was doing. "Hi."

Meryl walked over to him and placed her hands on his chest. "I missed you. You disappeared as soon as breakfast was over. Are you okay? You just don't seem like yourself."

"I was just giving you space and privacy like you said you wanted." Don said sadly as he walked out of the bathroom and into the bedroom.

Meryl sighed. By trying to surprise him she had overreacted. "Don Man, you should know I don't want space from you. I'm sorry about earlier. I am just tired from the weekend; and it's Christmas and Birthday time so I have lots of balls in the air."

"And secrets?" Don asked.

Meryl shook her head. "Never secrets from you; just surprises."

"Okay." Don said with a peck to her lips. What she said made sense but he couldn't get her phone call and the conversation the girls had out of her mind. "I'm headed out."

Meryl looked at him in surprise. "What? I thought today was an us day. You know, me and my Don appendage. The kids are all busy which means we can do whatever we want."

"I have work to do, Meryl." Don said as he grabbed his coat. "I can't just follow you around everywhere."

Meryl knew he was still hurt. She just hoped what she was planning would help bring him out of his mood. "I know you do. Okay, see you for dinner?"

"Don't wait up." Don said as he walked out of the room.

Meryl's heart sunk even further. No kiss. No "I love you." No hug. No nothing. She told herself she just had to wait a few days and hopefully it would all be worth it.


The next couple days were tense ones for the Gummers. They had planned on going out to Connecticut that week which they did; but Don insisted they take separate cars. He thought being in Connecticut would be good because he would have more space to think; but also get himself in shape for his wife. If he wasn't swimming, running or working out with the weights in their home gym then he was out in his studio working. He left the house before Meryl got up and came back in after she was in bed. She was sleeping in the spare bedroom. They weren't texting or calling each other. The stress of the situation was getting to Meryl with her constantly being nauseous and not sleeping. Whenever they did talk it just ended up with them fighting over stupid little things. Meryl knew he was in a mood but she hoped that would all change after his party on Saturday. She knew then he would see what she meant to him and hopefully that would make things better. 


It was the day before the big party and Meryl just couldn't get her stomach to settle down. She knew it was because of the tension between her and her husband; and she also thought it was because she was trying to make everything perfect for her husband for his 65th birthday. She wanted to do some last minute checking on things and went to the office to get on her computer surprised to see her husband opening her MacBook. "What are you doing in here?"

"I have to do some billing and I guess mine's fried." Don answered simply.

Meryl quickly went over to him and took the MacBook from his hands. Not wanting him to see her email up and messages about his party. "It's my MacBook, Don."

"Right." Don said getting up. "I guess our sense of shared everything isn't what it used to be."

That was it for Meryl. "You want to talk about our sense of shared everything, Don? How about our sharing what we're feeling and COMMUNICATING with each other? You won't speak to me. Hell, you will barely look at me. We have an amazing time in DC, come back, and you won't even fucking touch me."

"Why don't you tell me, Meryl? You fucking started this?" Don yelled storming out of the office.

Meryl followed him down the stairs. "Started what? I don't know what the hell this is?"

"You being secretive all of a sudden. Freaking out if I touch your phone or computer. Having secrets conversations on the phone about keeping things from me." Don blew up. "Listen, I know I'm not what you want anymore. I heard the girls; I know. So, just tell me who the fuck it is you want."

Meryl's eyes got huge. "You think I'm having an affair?"

"I heard the girls." Don shrugged. "I know it's not me anymore. You freak out when I touch your phone or OUR computer. What the hell am I supposed to think?"

Meryl felt like they were getting somewhere. "Donald Gummer, you should KNOW that YOU are who I want. Who I have ALWAYS wanted and who I will ALWAYS want. I thought YOU were having an affair. You are constantly blowing up at me. You're never home. You're working out all the time; which I have never seen you work out this much."

"I was doing it for you." Don decided to come clean. "I heard the girls; so I wanted to be someone you would be proud to be with; to be seen with."

His words were like a knife to her heart. That's what this was all about? He thought she was embarrassed to be seen with him. She knew they needed tot talk. She grabbed his hand, grateful he didn't retract it, and pulled him to the den so they sat on the couch. "Baby, I am ALWAYS proud to be seen with you; I'm so damn proud to be your wife, you have no idea. You get my blood pumping every single day just looking at you. I don't understand. Where is all this coming from? What do you mean you heard the girls? What were they saying? Everything was amazing in DC and then this week from hell happened."

"That morning when your phone rang I went to get it from you but you freaked out on me." Don said as she nodded. "I shouldn't have, but I listened to your part of the conversation. How it was becoming harder to keep this secret from me. You couldn't wait for this weekend; that it has been so long."

Meryl sighed. "I can see how that's incriminating; but Don, this is ME. I would NEVER cheat on you, sweetheart."

"Then why all the secrecy?" Don asked. "Why get so upset when I tried to use the computer or try to get your phone for you? I mean, I know it's mostly yours but still."

Meryl understood where he was coming from; but since he mentioned the girls' conversation so much she wanted to know about it. "I promise I will tell you but I want to know what the girls said."

"I saw them looking at pictures of us from DC. Saying how hot you are. Which you are; so fucking hot and sexy." Don said smiling at her for the first time in days. "They said how you're the most fuckable actress over 50." Don saw her shake her head. "Anyways, they said how I've let myself go. I'm going bald. I'm gaining weight. That I just let you go off to Hollywood and don't fight for you. That all these men swoon over you. I know they do. They talked about articles saying you are out of my league. I would never stop you from doing what you love. I was just trying to be supportive; I didn't know that meant I was letting you go. They think we're not going to make it. Anyways, it put all these doubts in my head. I heard James say how I was never going to be enough for you. So, I started working out constantly trying to tone up and get in shape. I guess I hurt you before you could hurt me. I know I'm not attractive anymore, M..."

Meryl held up her hand as she choked on her tears. "You stop right there! I'm not going to let you believe this for one more fucking second. Don, you are the most gorgeous man in the world to me. Sweetheart, you went through health hell last year and you were TOO thin. You are FINALLY healthy and at a good weight. I love your hair. I love every line and wrinkle because it is a road map of our life together. The things that the girls said are so fucking ridiculous. One reason you are so fucking attractive to me is because of how much you love me. Because of how supportive you are of me and my career. Baby, you haven't let me go. You have given me space to be filled artistically which makes me love you even more. Those articles are fucking ridiculous. I could strangle the girls and James for making you think this. Baby, do I not tell you how much I love you? Do I not spend enough time with you?"

"You do." Don said kissing her hand. "It was just hearing that while you were being so secretive and freaking out on me got me wondering. Meryl, I would NEVER cheat on you. I was doing all this for you."

Meryl shook her head. "Don't; I just want you in any and every way I can get you. I don't care about all that fucking shit, Don. All I want is my partner of 33 years."

"Me too." Don said. "But, the secrecy? What have I done to make you freak out on me and sleep in another room? For these stupid fights which I know are my fault."

Meryl knew that for him she needed to tell him. "You were born."

"What?" Don asked laughing.

Meryl smiled at him. "The fights aren't all your fault. I've been so excited for this surprise for you that I've been afraid I would spill the beans. Don Man, I'm being so secretive because I'm planning a surprise party for you tomorrow here at the house. I told you I was going to do 65 up big."

"Shit." Don said feeling really badly. "Really?"

Meryl smiled as she nodded. "I don't want you to think for one second that I'm cheating on you. This week has been so awful between us that it has made me physically sick. If telling you clears everything up then I decided to do it."

"Baby." Don sighed at the thought of all this making her sick. "I am so sorry; I really should have known better. It's just after what I heard from the girls and the secrets..."

Meryl stroked his cheek. "I can see how it could happen but sweetheart, please just talk to me. These past few days could have been avoided. One of the MANY things I love about our partnership is how we communicate everything. How we share everything."

"I'm sorry for the way I treated you; so incredibly sorry." Don sighed. "I was hurting at the thought of not being what you wanted or needed. Of embarrassing you."

Meryl shook her head vehemently as she wiped her tears. "You could NEVER embarrass me. You are EXACTLY what I want and need. Please don't listen to James' voice; or even our children's. Listen to mine. The woman who loves you more than life. You are EVERYTHING to me; and are so god damn sexy you have NO idea. Please don't change for me or for those fucking art groupies. You are MINE, Gummer, ALWAYS."

"Forever." Don said tenderly kissing her lips. "Thank you for the party; I am so sorry I ruined the surprise; and that all this made you sick. You are too good to me, Mrs. Gummer."

Meryl smiled at him. "I couldn't let this go on. You and your feelings are more important to me than even surprising you. BUT, you have to PROMISE me that you will act surprised."

"Will you give me acting lessons?" Don flirted as she laughed. "I promise. I love you, baby."

Meryl closed her eyes as their lips touched. "I love you, Don Man. Happy 65th."

"Missed you." Don moaned as their kiss deepened and he pushed her down on the couch.

Meryl closed her eyes at the feeling of her husband's weight on her and his lips wild across her neck. "Missed you so much."

"Damn it." Don sighed as the phone rang.

Meryl looked at him apologetically. "I'm expecting some calls about your party tomorrow."

"Okay." Don said with a kiss to her lips. "Later? You'll sleep in OUR room tonight?"

Meryl nodded as she gave him one more kiss. "That's a promise, handsome. Oh, you can use my MacBook."


A/N: Okay, I got this one up as quickly as possible. I hope this flashback of what actually happened in the story clears up the dream confusion!

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