Messages » Larry AU

By digitalashton

553K 24.9K 46.2K

Louis starts getting cute little messages from a secret admirer and gradually feels himself falling more and... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

Chapter 3

42.2K 1.9K 2.5K
By digitalashton

I didn't sleep well at all that night. My thoughts managed to keep me awake for most of the night, and when sleep finally took over at 3 am, it was my dreams that prevented me from having a peaceful sleep.

It wasn't bad dreams though, no. They were actually quite pleasant, but so confusing. As usually I couldn't remember one bit about them in the morning, only one thing stayed in my mind. A voice. His voice.

As weird as it may sound, the beautiful voice of my "Secret Admirer" was so intruding, I couldn't stop thinking about it. Not for an hour, not even for 5 minutes. It kept getting back into my mind. So of course, the first thing I did after waking up, was checking my phone for more messages, but except for the few he had sent me yesterday evening, asking if I was mad at him, there were none.

Despite my tries to not let the guy affect me and my feelings too much, I couldn't help but feel disappointed to not find any messages. It may sound stupid, but I was really hoping for one to have arrived over night.

Hoping a nice, hot shower might help to banish every thought about my "Secret Admirer" from my brain, I slowly got up from my cozy bed and made my way to the bathroom attached to my room. Of course it wasn't as easy, even after putting music on and singing loudly along with it, he just wouldn't leave my thoughts. And since dreaming and thinking were things I would do all the time, I couldn't just stop doing them and concentrate on something different.

I got done with my shower half an hour later and put on some clean clothes, before blow-drying my hair. I intended to go out with Liam and Niall later, so I wanted at least my clothes and hair to look presentable. Because after looking into the mirror I had decided my face, or rather my eyes looked more zombie-like than human-like, due to my lack of sleep.

After eating a bowl of cereal for breakfast, I went back into my room and turned on my laptop. Checking for any news on Facebook, trying to take my mind off him. I groaned in frustration. I honestly behaved worse than the main character in one of those stupid, soppy teenage love movies.

I was about to slam my laptop shut, when the familiar sound of an incoming message from my phone made me stop dead in doing so. Before I could mentally tell myself to calm down and get the phone in a calm, manly way, I had already jumped up and was skipping over to the phone, laying on my bed. So much for not acting like a 10 year old.

"Like white waves crashing on a restless sea

Beautiful blue as sky in summer's day

Your eyes appear so wonderful to me

And marvel me in so many ways.

Your eyes are stunning, love <3 Hope you're not mad at me anymore! :) xx"

Reading the message over and over again, my heart literally made backflips. As cheesy as the poem was, it still was really damn adorable. I mean, come on, how often do you get someone writing a poem for you? Grinning like a fool I typed a reply, not wanting to waste any time, even though it probably made me seem a little bit too eager.

"You're kind of really cute :) And nope, I'm not mad anymore. Haven't been mad at you anyway, just at myself."

Remembering what Niall had said the day before, I added an "x" at the end of the message and hit reply, after reading it over one last time. I then placed my phone down on my desk and continued scrolling through the internet, my left hand laying right next to the silver, shiny object, able to grab it as soon as another message would arrive. It took no time at all for him to reply and I hastily unlocked the phone to read what he had answered.

"Aww, but why would you be mad at yourself? You're utterly perfect xx"

I couldn't help but blush at the message. No one had ever called me perfect. Sure, some guys, even girls, had called me cute or good-looking, but no one had ever gone as far as calling me perfect. A warm feeling started to spread throughout my whole body, making my fingertips tingle and my heart flutter in the best way possible. I thought a moment about what to write, before typing a quick reply.

"Why thank you! I'd say the same about you, but I know practically nothing about you, besides your love for Coldplay. Tell me more about you? x"

His reply came even quicker this time. Apparently he enjoyed texting with me as much as I enjoyed it with him. The smile that had appeared on my face while reading his previous message was still on my face as I opened the new one.

"No need to thank me, love. <3 Hmm, I spend most of my time online, and I love playing football with my cousins. And if you can't find me doing either of these things, I'm probably busy with reading books and listening to music xx"

I was pretty happy to read that we had the same interests, that we even liked football. Yes, I had a secret love for the sport. We seemed somehow to be extremely perfect for each other.

"Well, judging by these facts you seem pretty perfect to me as well! And we have loads in common! Being that awesome you must have a lot of friends, why do you bother befriending me then? x"

This time his reply took a little bit longer. Thinking I may have been invasive in some way with my question, I was about to tell him to forget about what I had said, when my phone vibrated once again.

"I guess you can say I have a lot of friends, but they don't like me for these reasons. As a matter of fact, they don't know half of the things I've told you. They don't like me. They like the person I pretend to be. And for why I want to be friends with you, as you've said: We have loads in common and I could really do with a friend that likes the person I truly am xx"

His reply startled me for a moment. Why did he feel the need to pretend to be someone else? He seemed pretty cool to me, maybe not like someone who'd be really popular in school, but surely like a pretty awesome friend.

"You make me feel special :). And please be absolutely yourself when you talk to me, I'm pretty sure I'll like you better that way x"

Hitting the send button I noticed the time in the right top corner of the screen: 11:30

I was meant to have lunch with Liam and Niall in less than thirty minutes. I quickly turned my laptop off and jumped up, searching my room for some shoes to wear. When I finally found some, I quickly put them on and grabbed my coat from where I had thrown it after school the day before. After putting it on, I quickly skipped down the stairs and rushed into the kitchen, leaving a note for my mum in case she'd come home from work before me. I didn't want to worry her after all.

I left the house after that and walked the short distance to the bus station, where I had to wait for only a fair few minutes until the bus that'd take me into town arrived. I sat down in one of the seats in the back and pulled out my headphones, plugging them into my phone. The ride into town would take at least 15 minutes, and I didn't want to spend them being bored as hell. Checking my phone, I noticed another message from him.

"You are special, love <3 I promise I will, because even though we don't really know each other, I kind of feel like I can trust you xx"

I smiled at his reply. He really was unbelievably lovely and adorable. I couldn't imagine how amazing he had to be in real life. If only I knew who he was. I surely had seen him at least once in my life, after all he was in the same school, even the same class as me. But as much as I thought about it, I just couldn't think about anyone who'd write such cute things as he did. I decided to try and ask him who he was, knowing perfectly well that he wouldn't give it away.

"You say you trust me, doesn't that mean you can tell me who you are then? x"

After sending the message I started concentrating more on the music coming from my headphones again, dreamingly looking out of the window, watching the passing cars on the street. My lack of sleep started to make itself felt as my eyes started to get heavy. It took me a lot of willpower to prevent them from closing, but soon the bus stopped and I got out, glad for having something to do now that involved fresh air and moving.

Before entering the restaurant I was meant to meet Liam and Niall in, I checked my appearance in the window of a car to make sure I didn't look like I had just woken up or something, because I sure was as tired as that. My phone vibrated once again and I quickly checked the message.

"Hm, I guess I could... But I don't think I will. It's more fun that way ;) xx"

I shook my head in amusement, he really could be a pain in the arse at some point. Putting my phone back into my pocket, I quickly entered the restaurant as I was kind of late already. I looked over all the tables until I found Niall and Liam and approached them, grinning widely, feeling oddly cheerful. Little did I know who was causing my good mood.

"Hey guys!" I called happily, when I sat down next to them. "How're you?"

"Pretty good. Though apparently not as good as you. What happened, Cheshire Cat?" Niall joked, making Liam next to him chuckle. "I have no idea what you're talking about Niall." I laughed.

"Well I can guess why you're so happy. Has Mr. Secret-Admirer finally revealed himself?" Liam asked, a jokey smirk still showing on his face, his brown eyes twinkling in amusement. I poked my tongue out at him playfully, but shook my head giggling. "Nope, but he wrote me a poem and we talked a bit about our hobbies and stuff. We have quite a lot of things in common."

The rest of lunch with them passed rather eventfully. Neither of them asked any more questions about my "Secret Admirer", well aware that I wouldn't give away much anyways. I had rather started to see him as my own little secret that I didn't want to share too much of. But Liam and Niall understood and I was glad they didn't make me say more.

We left the restaurant an hour or so later and decided to just hang out in town a bit. I remembered the message from earlier at some point, and quickly typed a reply.

"You're so annoying, ughhh. You can be happy that I find you kind of cute otherwise I wouldn't bother talking to a stranger. x"

His reply came quicker than I thought it would have. He obviously had waited quite a time for me to answer him.

"But I'm not a stranger! :p You know me, you've even talked to me already! xx"

His answer managed to confuse me even more than I had already been before. How could I have met him without noticing how amazing he was? But then again, he had said himself he was hardly the true him with other people around. So maybe it wasn't too surprising.

However, I decided not to talk to him until I got home, as some kind of "punishment" for teasing me and not telling me who he is. The rest of the day passed by rather slowly and uneventful. Nevertheless it was as much fun as it always was to hang out with Niall and Liam.

When I got home around 6, my mum was already waiting for me with dinner. "How has your day been, dear?" She asked after I had sat down. I told her about my day with Liam and Ni, the both of us laughing whenever I mentioned something funny they had said or done. I always enjoyed talking to my mum. She sometimes reminded me more of a girl my age rather than a 40 year old woman. The company of my mum almost made me forget him.

However the first thing I did when I entered my room after dinner, was checking my phone where his earlier message was still opened, waiting to be replied to.

"Yeah well, I still have not the slightest idea of who you are x"

I decided to read a book to keep my now almost unbearable tired eyes from closing. To my luck I hadn't waited long, as his reply was already on my screen a few minutes later.

"You'll just have to wait, love. Don't wreck your brain too much about it xx"

I sighed, Why couldn't he just tell me who he was? It was just frustrating. Knowing there was that one apparently perfect person out there, but not being able to meet them or at least know who they are. I laid back on my bed for a moment, the tiredness starting to overwhelm me. And soon enough I was out like a light, catching up with the sleep I had missed the night before.

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