Scream and be Free (Zac Hanso...

By oddsnendsfanfics

17.4K 150 117

Brielle Simmons-Hanson loves her life. She loves her husband, his children, and she loves that they've become... More

Scream and be Free (Zac Hanson)
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty Two
Chapter Forty Three
Chapter Forty Four

Chapter Twenty Five

314 2 0
By oddsnendsfanfics

oh the things you learn


The afternoon sun warmed the late summer day, Brielle sighed happily walking from the garage to the house. Today had been one of the days she had decided to do something for herself, a long deserved shopping trip was what she had come up with. It was rare that Brielle ever went shopping, for herself and she had thoroughly enjoyed it. Zac's truck was been gone, which told her that her husband must have packed up his children and went out for the afternoon, it was great seeing Zac spend this time before his up coming tour with the kids.

In a few weeks her husband would be gone, leaving her and Jenna while the children went to Kate's, only seeing Brielle a handful of times in the three weeks their father would be gone. If Kate let the kids see her while their father was gone, the notion left as quickly as it came. Things just seemed to keep coming, it was as if one thing began to get better so something else had to get worse, Brielle was just used to this pattern now and did the best she could to go with it. Strolling into the kitchen, she set an arm load of bags down on the counter top, Isaac's car had been in the drive way and she wasn't all that surprised to see the eldest Hanson sitting at her table gazing at his phone.

"Hey, Ike." Brielle smiled as he stood and kissed her cheek, pulling a chair out he gestured for her to sit down.

"Busy afternoon?" Isaac asked gesturing to the bags Brielle had sat on the counter top.

Smiling shyly, Brielle bit her bottom lip and nodded, slightly. "I did some shopping." she confessed. "I called to see if Nikki wanted to go with me, but she didn't answer. I assumed she must have been busy."

Isaac shrugged, brushing a hand over his face. He hadn't spoke to Nikki in two days at least, not that Brielle would have known that, unless Jenna had told her. "I uh," he paused. "I haven't seen Nikki."

"Oh?" Brielle prompted.

"We uh, we're getting divorced." Isaac answered firmly. "She didn't know if it would be awkward for everybody else, so she has chosen to keep away for a bit."

"A divorce!" Brielle exclaimed. Talk about things that just kept coming, never in a million years did Brielle see this happening. If the labelled perfect couple got a divorce there was no hope for her and Zac ever making it.

"Sometimes people fall out of love, it happens. You find somebody who you know will suit you better, you can either try and hold on to what you have or let it go. We decided to part; Nikki says there is nobody to blame." Isaac confessed with a small sigh.

Brielle blinked, trying to take in everything that she was being told. It was a lot to process. She had never noticed Isaac and Nikki having issues, Nikki hadn't been around much in the last few weeks, but Brielle didn't see this coming. She had assumed Nikki was busy, or maybe Brielle was busier than usual and they just hadn't been able to keep in touch so easily. Raking her hand through her dark hair, Brielle reached out with her other hand, gently placing it on Isaac's forearm.

"I had no idea." Brielle spoke, her words sounded so rehearsed to her own ears.

"We didn't say anything, but I moved out this week. I managed to find a place, until I can find a house. The kids are with her, we're dividing our time for them. I cheated, I've never acted on my feelings intimately, but I know I'm not in love with Nikki and it isn't fair to string her on." Isaac made his confession, quietly.

"You were cheating? Ike, I..." Brielle stumbled over her words. If Isaac was a cheater, then it left no hope for her and Zac, this was certain now.

Isaac nodded. "I didn't know I was cheating, now I know that sounds as lame as us telling Taylor he's adopted all the time. I didn't realize what I was doing, until a few days ago."

"How do you not know you're cheating?"

"It started out as an innocent cup of tea, every once and a while. " Isaac replied quietly. Brielle's eyes went wide, he didn't have to say another word on who it was.

He had never thought of his morning meetings with Jenna as cheating, by definition it wasn't. It wasn't until the night he'd told Jenna that Isaac realized what he had been doing. When Isaac asked Nikki for the divorce he told her the truth; he wasn't emotionally or mentally in their marriage. As the truth came to light, it hit Isaac that his constant need and want to spend time with Jenna wasn't what any man in love with his wife would do.

Telling Nikki he wanted the divorce had shed some light right away. Before Isaac had finished telling her everything, she knew the reason for their divorce. She told him she'd never look down on him or Jenna for what happened. A person couldn't help who their heart decided it wanted. Isaac knew that Nikki would need time, she'd need space and eventually they could go back to being friends. Isaac had told her that he valued her friendship and didn't want to lose that.

"Does Jenna know you feel this way? Does she feel this way?" Brielle felt the questions flying out before she could get a grip on controlling them. "How does Nikki feel? What about Luke? He and Jenna have been..." she stopped short. Shrugging, she made a face depicting her guilt. "Well, they were hooking up, I don't know if they still are."

"Jenna knows, I'm not sure how she feels." Isaac answered with a calm manner. "She and Nikki have talked about it. As for Luke, he's letting me live with him for the time being. I don't know about him and Jenna; either way I want this divorce."

It was a bit odd admitting that his ex wife talked to the woman who had stolen his heart, but this was Nikki and Jenna. They were two of the most understanding women Isaac had ever met. A few days ago, Jenna had came by the house, she had all but got on her hands and knees begging Nikki for forgiveness. Isaac had still been living in the house, making his temporary bed in the guest room. When Jenna came in, she looked terrible with a tear stained face. She had told Nikki about Isaac's confession and how she thought them getting a divorce was a terrible idea. Along with that, Jenna had told Nikki about the flowers, explaining that she assumed they were from Luke.

The two women sat down over a cup of tea, leave it to Jenna and Nikki, and discussed the situation as though Isaac wasn't even there despite him standing less than two feet away. Nikki agreed a divorce wasn't what she had expected, but she wouldn't hold Isaac back from doing what he wanted with his life. Jenna cried more than anybody, she had felt guilty even though she had no reason to. Nikki assured her that if there was ever going to be anger, it would never come back on Jenna - it had no reason to.

"You could have come to Zac and I for help. You know we'll never put you out, you're our family. If there is anything I can do to help, let me know." Brielle replied. Isaac and Nikki, Jenna too, had been so helpful to her and Zac they could return a favour.

"With everything going on, we didn't want to draw in any more attention and you needed all the support you could get. You guys didn't need to worry about problems with us and our marriage. You needed to focus on getting things in order. I'm sorry." Isaac apologized. "I know you must think I'm an ass."

"I-I don't think I could think less of you. You guys have been absolutely amazing in our situation. I just hope you're all really happy." Brielle spoke softly.

"We will be." Isaac smiled.

"Good, then I am all for doing what is going to make you happiest. I wish you both luck." Brielle stood up, hugging her brother-in-law tightly. "I know you say you're doing this, because of Jenna, just be careful. Don't rush from one thing to another, give it time." she felt like she was lecturing a school child, but Brielle felt this needed to be said.

"So, how are things with you and Zac?" Isaac asked casually.

A slight smile crossed Brielle's lips. "They've been going really well, I'm not entirely sure why he changed so quickly, but I like it."

Zac's change in attitude hadn't happened overnight, it had taken a few weeks, slowly he had began doing more for his wife and his children. Brielle knew that Avery telling Zac he treated his wife the way Kate treated him had helped kick things into action, a tiny bit. Zac loved his wife and he hated being treated the way Kate treated him, he didn't want to be that type of person. They still had a long way to go and they would get there, in time.

"I'm just scared because I know we won't have Shep back before you guys leave for tour. I think it'll really bother Zac, if he can't spend the time he wants with Shep before he goes." Brielle sighed heavily. "I don't see how Kate can't feel guilty over this."

"Sometimes people do things they regret. She'll come to realize she is wrong and what she's doing it tearing more than just you apart. Keeping Shep isolated like this isn't hurting anybody but him. I know we all feel like shit about it, but he's the one really suffering and she knows this." Isaac tried to be the encouraging one now. Patting Brielle's hand, he smiled. "I think she'll come around, give her time."

"I hope so, I don't want to add to our family and not give Shep a chance to be part of having a new brother or sister." Brielle answered with a tiny chuckle.

"Are you pregnant? Oh my god, this is great!" Isaac beamed. He could use a little happy.

"Calm down, Ike." Brielle laughed at his enthusiasm. "We're not pregnant, yet. We're waiting until the new year and then we're going to really try." she explained happily. Seeing the excitement in Isaac's face had really hit Briielle. When she and Zac decided to have a baby it was going to be something they were sharing with a lot more people. Any child they had was going to come into the world welcomed by two very different, very amazing groups of people.

"I hope it happens for you," Isaac shook his head. "No, I know it will happen for you. When it does, enjoy it. Enjoy every second of it, you deserve it."

No couple deserved happiness more than Zac and Brielle. They had truly been put to the test from the second they got married, the slightest bit of happy they got was going to do them a world of good. Isaac wanted to see them happy, he wanted his brother and sister-in-law to have something good. If having a baby was going to make them happy, there was no reasons not to be excited for them.

Parting ways, Brielle waved Isaac off, checking her phone as it vibrated across the table. Zac was letting her know that the kids had asked to go for dinner, inviting Brielle to meet them, he left the name of an arcade not far from their neighbourhood. Declining, Brielle used the excuse she had some things to do at home, maybe it was selfish of her but she wanted to take a bit more time to herself before having her husband and his children back home. On the positive side Zac spending time alone with the kids was a good thing, they didn't need Brielle butting in on all of their daddy time. She loved her husband and her step-children, but she never wanted to be one of those women who latched on and never let go.

Forgoing a proper dinner for a bowl of ice cream, Brielle poured herself a glass of wine retired to the bedroom she shared with her husband. It was a big house, but her bed was the perfect spot to relax with her wine and book. When she had lived in her apartment, Brielle would set at least one evening aside for herself, those nights were usually spent with a glass of her favourite red wine and a good book, curled up in bed. Sometimes she missed the little things like that, for the most part she wouldn't trade her married life for anything.

Lost in the pages of her book, Brielle was jarred back to reality by a knock on the open bedroom door. Seeing Jenna in the door way, she marked her page and set her book aside. "Hey, Jenna!"

"I uh, I heard you got the news of Nikki and Isaac's divorce today." Jenna said gently sweeping her glance across the room, not wanting to make eye contact. She felt ashamed for what was happening, even if she was repeatedly told it wasn't her fault.

"Ike was here earlier." Brielle casually informed Jenna. "You missed him."

"No, I think it's okay I missed him. Really." Jenna replied curtly. She had got a text from him, informing her that Brielle was brought up to date on everything. Jenna had replied with a simple "Okay" so Isaac would know she had saw it.

"He's staying with Luke, just to let you know." Brielle replied sitting her book down and patting the empty space beside her.

"Oh." Jenna spoke, climbing into the bed. "Do you remember Emily Hughes." Jenna glanced at Brielle, waiting for a reaction. She had been meaning to ask Brielle about this and never got the chance. On top of that she needed the subject change.

Brielle wrinkled her nose and snorted, slightly. "She's the reason I had to pity-date Caleb Braun for almost two years. Yes, I remember her."

"She's in Tulsa, has been for a year or so. Anyway, she's dating Luke." Jenna continued.

"He's dating the girl who broke his brother's heart? Wow, Caleb will flip when he hears that." Brielle whistled softly.

"She treated Caleb like shit, I mean I'm not his biggest fan, but he's a good man and he has a kind heart. I just don't get why Luke would want somebody like her. She's only going to break his heart too." Jenna shrugged. "Ah well, he's just a friend now and he can do whatever he wants."

"You have right to be upset, a little bit anyway, like you said she really hurt Caleb and Luke dating her could really cause trouble. Maybe you should casually tell Caleb." Brielle shrugged. It was a childish suggestion, but it never hurt to give somebody a heads up on things like this.

"I haven't spoke to Caleb since he called and begged me to take his brother back." Jenna explained. "Such an odd man."

"Not the brightest guy, but he's not the worst man I've ever had." Brielle winked.

"Care to explain?" Jenna asked, tilting her head and grinning like a fool. This was a story she had certainly never heard before.

"Remember the weekend you and Luke got food poisoning, while we were at that cabin?"

"You mean the cabin in the woods?" Jenna groaned. "I couldn't forget that, I think you and Caleb spent more time cleaning up after us than you did actually socializing with those business guys they had to try and schmooze." it wasn't uncommon for Caleb and Luke to go forth in place of their father, in the name of business to pitch ideas for the family forestry business.

"After we dropped you guys off, Caleb took me back to my apartment. I invited him in, it had been a crazy weekend and we had earned a drink or two. It was no big deal, until I decided I wanted to kiss him." she grinned mischievously at Jenna. She could remember it well, they were sitting in her small living room having a drink when Brielle had just went for it. She had always been curious about Caleb, he always seemed to have a girl on the go and she just wanted to see what the big deal was. It was a pretty good kiss; afterwards wasn't so bad either.

"You had sex with Caleb?" Jenna wrinkled her nose. "Oh wow. Wow!"

"Caleb really knows how to put the hammer down, but he's not the type of guy you want long term." Brielle admitted this easier than she expected.

"He made me laugh a lot, it was fun, relaxed, and just really lighthearted. No pressure or expectations, I liked that. Zac and I have that, we just click and I love it. I love that in the middle of the most intimate moments, he'll come up with some ridiculous joke and he has to tell me right then." Brielle chuckled to herself.

"Luke makes, made, me laugh. We had fun together, we always had fun, we still have fun. He was always somebody I thought would be around." Jenna dropped her gaze. Picking at the blanket on Brielle and Zac's bed, she drooped her shoulders and hung her head.

"He still is, but you have to expect this. You told him you didn't want to marry him, sure you two have hooked up since but if Luke thought it was casual, then he's going to eventually find somebody else. A guy can't wait forever, I know you miss Luke." Brielle gave her a sympathetic smile. "Even if you deny it, but Jenna, think of this as a new adventure."

"Are you telling me to take Isaac's advances?" the look Jenna was giving Brielle came off with the clear confusion she was feeling. Brielle shrugged in reply and smiled. It was never a secret that Jenna had a little thing for Isaac, if she wanted to act on it then now was her chance.

"I'm telling you to put your past relationships aside, look forward, not back." Brielle hugged her tightly.

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