Finding Elphaba (Book 2 in En...

By Somesunshine1

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This is a Sequal to Memories of a Witch. This is Elphaba's struggle to remember who she is. I do not own any... More

Incident With A Stranger
Odd Happenings
Rainy Day News
Annoying Wakeup
A Walk in the Woods
What Happened in the Clearing
A Hint to the Past?
Animals Should Be Seen And Not Heard!
Pondering a Dream
Spin the Bottle
An Invitation For an Outing
A Day With Glinda and a Question Answered
First Time for Everything
To Feel Again
What Glinda Knows
Beginning to Realize
What Glinda Told Her Mother
What the Letters Reveal
What the Letters Reveal (Part 2)
Contemplating New Information
Being Nosy
Changed For Good
Smoke, Water, and a Trap Door
Remembering a Night of Terror
In Her Own Words
Shattered Glass
Putting the Pieces Back Together
What the Glass Showed Bessie (Bessie's P.O.V.)
Faded Memories
Broken Again
Losing Elphaba Again?
Clearing the Air
Embracing Wicked

The Final Letter

388 18 10
By Somesunshine1

Entering my room I put my journal away and get ready for the night. Once I was done with that I take out the letters and settle down on the bed. I stare at them for a few moments, and go to take the next letter, but something seems to stop me. It was so odd, but it was as if I shouldn't read that one, and so I took a letter that was almost at the very bottom of the stack. I am not sure why I am scared to death to open this letter, I but am.

The address on the envelope has been smudged, and it was written with a very shaky hand. I stare at at it a few more minutes. I don't want to open it, but I... I think I need to, and so I take a slowly open it. The first thing I notice is that it's greeting is different.

Dearest Momsie,

I am sure you have heard as the rest of Oz has that Elphaba is now dead, and while they celebrate the death of the Wicked Witch of the West I mourn the loss of my best friend, and the one person I loved the most.

I know the last time I wrote to you I hadn't seen or talked to her since her sister, Nessarose, died, and I had paster her in one of the halls. She never even acknowledged me when I had said something to her. She was so pissed at me, and I don't blame her after all it was my fault.

Anyways, I went to see her a few days ago. I figured out she was staying at Kiamo Ko in the land of the Winkies. I flew out there to see her and she had changed so much. Momsie, she was very pale, thin, she looked as if she hadn't slept in weeks! Not only that she was not the same person I knew, and yet... and yet she was still there, deep down.

At first Elphie was not pleased to see me, and she pretty much told me to go away, but I couldn't. I had to warn her. I couldn't let the witch hunters that the Wizard sent after her get to her before I could at least try and talk to her. I had to let her know that I was sorry for... for everything!

Momsie, she was so calm after a few a minutes of me being there, and she gave me her Grimmerie. I told her I didn't want it, but she insisted that I take it, and learn to read it. It was then that she told me she was limited even with all her powers, and that I was able to do more than she could do. She also told me that it was now up to me, for not only me but for her as well. Momsie, I cried when I began to realize that no matter what I wanted she was ready to give up the fight.

We hear the witch hunters getting closer, and that is when I realize I need to tell her just how much she means to mean. I tell her how I wouldn't be the person I was today if I hadn't known her. She also told me that I would always be with her like a handprint in her heart. It further broke my heart when she asked me to forgive her for all things she had done that I blamed her for. I hadn't realized until that moment just how much I blamed her for stuff that happened. Things that seemed so pointless now, and all I could tell her was that it she wasn't the only one to blame, but that didn't matter anymore.

It wasn't long after that that all hell broke loose. She gave me a hug, kissed me, and shoved me into a corner where I wouldn't be seen. Elphie, made me promise to stay there despite what happened. Momsie, she knew I would try to intervene if she didn't have my word to stay put.

What happened next will forever haunt me. The witch hunters broke through the palace door, that retched girl Dorothy burst into the room, and started arguing with Elphie, but I couldn't hear what it was about, likely her sister's shoes that I gave Dorothy, but it doesn't matter in the end. There was suddenly a smell of smoke, and the next thing I know I hear water slosh and Elphaba was screaming! Her scream lasted forever, and yet so briefly. I knew what happened. Dorothy had killed her. She killed my Elphie! My Elphie!

I can almost hear her growling my Elphie and the look of hatred in her eyes, and I shudder.

My worst fear was confirmed when the guards started praising Dorothy for killing the "Wicked Witch." I had to bite my fist to keep from screaming at them all and stay put. It wasn't long before they all left, and surprisingly it was a few minutes after that before I was able to force myself to come out. What greeted me when I did made me sick!

There was nothing left of her. All that remained were her clothes, hat, and Oz knows what from when she was melted. I literally got sick before I could do anything else. After that I somehow managed to pick up her hat, and it didn't even feel real at first, and yet... and yet it was. It was my hand picking up her hat. It was me holding it close, and hugging it.

All of it though seemed like a dream, but it wasn't! Not a damn bit of that horrible night was dream! It was in fact, it wasn't even a nightmare! It was something worse, much much worse! It was as if my entire world shattered. Nothing, nothing can ever change that! Nothing can ever bring her back, and I will never be able to hold her again. Never be able to hear her laugh or see her smile. I won't ever be able to tell her how much I need her, and I will never be able kiss my love again.

It has only been a couple days, but it feels like a lifetime. Momsie, she's... she's gone! My Elphie is forever gone, and I don't know if I can go on without her, but I know I have to try, because that... that is what she would want. Elphie would want me to keep living and try to change things for the better like she did.

I am going to close to close this letter now, and just in case I haven't told you lately I want you to know that I love you and Popsicle so very much.

Hugs, kisses, and love to you,

Galinda Arduenna Upland

I sit there feeling numb after reading the letter. I am not sure what to feel or respond to what I just read, and so I just stare at the letter. I notice then that there are blotches on the page and that she had been crying! I blink a few times realizing that I too am close to crying. I lean back, set the letter aside, and close my eyes. I am very overwhelmed. 

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