Nothing More I Want. Blake Gr...

By AlexusCrockett

25.4K 455 66

Previous stories, Some Kind of Madness and A Few Things About Love, have all lead up to this. || Jordan Haske... More

;;Part 1
;;Part 2
;;Part 3
;;Part 4
;;Part 5
;;Part 6
;;Part 7
March 31, 2014 :: Blake x Jordan 1 Year Anniversary
;;Part 9
;;Part 10
;;Part 11
;;Part 12
;;Part 13
;;Part 14
;;Part 15
;;Part 16

;;Part 8

1.2K 18 3
By AlexusCrockett

Stephan and I spent 4 hours in one night just going over the screenplay and talking about my inspiration for it. That, of course, made us sidetracked and we started talking about random things and branch off into a totally different conversation. I didn’t get home until 11 and by then, I was so tired, I just fixed myself something to eat and then I went straight to sleep.

          The next morning I woke up at 10 am to my phone alarm, blaring. It scared the shit out of me because I wasn’t expecting to hear it. But when I looked at the reminder on the screen, I yelled “Oh, shit!” and jumped out of bed.

          I was supposed to up an hour ago.

          Today was first day attending school UCLA, and I was already late.

          Typical Jordan Hasket.

          It felt so much like summer that I totally forgot that I still had to finish out my semester of college while I’m out here. It didn’t help that the weather is incredibly warmer and better than Wisconsin; if you told me that it was still June here, I’d believe you.

          I missed my first class and my second one was already in session, so I went straight to my third one; after spending a couple extra minutes trying to find out where it was. I walked to the campus, seeing as though it would be more time consuming and pointless if I tried to get a ride. By the time I got there, the other students were just now entering the room, and I quickly found myself joining them.

          It was another writing class. I wasn’t sure if it were going to be similar to my former class at Marquette, I didn’t have time to ponder on that because I locked eyes with the professor, and she was already making her way towards me.

          “Hi,” the short, and adorably sized professor extended her hand out to me. “You must be our new student for the semester, my name is Mrs. Aclan.” Her eyes almost twinkled through her glasses as she smiled and I instantly felt at ease with her. She was an adorable little lady, how can you not smile back?

          “Yes, thats me,” I said as I shook her hand. “Jordan. Jordan Hasket.”

          I didn’t have to face the class to know that everyone was staring at me. Probably wondering where the hell did I come from. I thanked God that Mrs. Aclan didn’t try to introduce me to the class. I expected her saying “This is our new student, Jordan! Everyone say ‘Hi Jordan!’” and then everyone with awkwardly groan out “Hi Jordan” like the tired and probably hungover kids they were. Instead, she just told me to pick any open seat, so I just darted towards the closest one in the front.

          As a high schooler, I’d honestly say I liked attention. I’d always want people to notice me -- mostly notice my achievements rather than just notice what I’m doing. But I loved making jokes and making everyone laugh. I surely caught everyone’s attention when I talked back to Mr. Wholestead and totally dissed him in front of the whole class. I enjoyed making them laugh; as long as they were laughing with me. But when people just stared at me for no particular reason? I don’t know why, but that annoyed me. And it still does today.

          Fifteen minutes into the class I could sense the girl next to me looking at the side of my face. I was lazily taking notes but in the corner of my eye I could see that she was basically facing me with her whole body. Umm?? Shouldn’t she be doing something productive?

          “What? Is there something on my face?” I said without looking at her. I said it just loud enough for her to hear, but not loud enough for Mrs. Aclan.

          “I think I know you,” she said at the same volume. I had to look at her, just in case we actually knew each other, but when I saw her brown eyes and curly hair, I didn’t see any recognition in them.

          “From where?” I raised an eyebrow.

          “I think I saw you --”

          “--Jordan, do you know what iambic pentameter is?” Asked Mrs. Aclan, strategically catching us talking. She put her hand on her hip, and even when she was ‘irritated’ she still looked adorable. She reminded me of a real-life Mrs. Potts from Beauty and the Beast.

          “Ummm, yeah, it’s like…” I said, but I couldn’t form the answer into words. I was trying to quickly recover from getting caught talking, so I didn’t have time to think. “Uhh,” I snapped my fingers, “I can’t really explain it, but it goes like, bah-Bum, bah-Bum, bah-Bum -- you know? Like a heartbeat.” I heard a few snickers in the back but I disregarded them. I knew that I was right.

          “Yes!” She gasped. She got a little too excited about my answer. “That’s exactly right! That’s what I’ve been trying to explain to you all…” She she went back to lecturing and I noticed that the girl wasn’t looking anymore. I didn’t hear the last thing she said before Mrs. Aclan interrupted us, and now I was curious…

          When the class ended, I took my time with packing my things back into my backpack. It was lunchtime, and I had two options: eat alone at a random restaurant, or call Blake and go somewhere with him.

       Ooo the second option sounded really fun. A cute little lunch date, out in town or even on campus -- er… maybe not on campus. I’m sure Blake would rather not be bombarded by loco college fans this early in the day. But then again, maybe he wouldn’t mind. Actually, I really didn’t know for sure how he feels about his publicity. Other than the little… incident that happened over the summer.

          His manipulating publicist didn’t want him dating me, and she was trying to persuade him to stop seeing me. Her intrusion almost ruined our relationship. But thankfully, things turned around and got better. In fact, I guess you could say it made our relationship stronger. It made us realize how we really feel for each other. We love each other more than anything.

          A lunch date sounds absolutely amazing, but maybe not today. But it’s definitely going to happen. Just before I could look up some close food places on my campus map, that girl from earlier spoke up again.

          “You going off campus for lunch?” She asked.

          “I really don’t know,” I half laughed. “Not sure where everything is.”

          “I could show you some places, if you’d like,” she smiled a little. “I was thinking about going to this sushi bar just a block from here. I dunno, do you like sushi?”

          “Haha, yea that actually sounds really good right now,” I didn’t even realize that I was really hungry until she mentioned that. “If we have time afterwards, I could go for a smoothie, too.” I laughed, but I was completely serious. She laughed too and agreed with me. I was glad to see that she wasn’t a creeper or anything, based off of how we got acquainted.

          “My names Rachel, by the way,” she said with a smile as we walked out of the room. “I’m sorry about earlier, I could have sworn that I’ve met you before but I think I was mistaken.”

          “Haha, it’s okay, honestly. It was actually pretty funny.”

          “Yeah, or pretty creepy,” she said.

          “Hey, well… you said it; not me.”

          When she laughed, I felt 100% more comfortable than how I felt when I first stepped into the room. Maybe school here won’t be too bad, if the majority of the students are as cool as Rachel. But I have a feeling that I’ll still have to deal with more awkward stares.

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