The Devil's Saints

By hayleydawnanne

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Aubree Carter has been living in a dorm by herself at woodly high private academy since she was 14 when her p... More

Copyright. All right reserved.
Chapter 1: Coming Home//Newest member
Chapter 2: Finding the Papers// Booze Raid
Chapter 3: I'm New Here// Start to a Beautiful Friendship
Chapter 4: That's an oxymoron// Party Invites
Chapter 5: Paid Tutor// Making a Cake
Chapter 6: What's With Him Today//Plan Set in Motion
Chapter 7: What do I Wear// Party Time
Chapter 8: I'm Going to live with who??// She's in my Swimming Pool
Chapter 9: What? // Aubree is sexy when she's mad.
Chapter 10: Bonding with Jay// Dinner time Antics
Chapter 12: Best Regards // He's one of Them
Chapter 13: I Dare You//Fearless
Chapter 14: Breathe// I'll Always Love Her More
Chapter 15:You were an accident//War
Chapter 16: We need you//Keep him Alive
Chapter 17: Like Really Hot//Mine Forever

Chapter 11: I Love You's// You Need a New Helmet

6.5K 234 7
By hayleydawnanne

> A.N. I know I suck. Here's an update.<

Aubree's P.O.V.

"Going to the park, going to the park, going to the park, park, park, park,park!"

"Shush Annie! You make everything annoying." Drake yells at Andie from his car seat beside her and Daniel laughs at her sad face.

"Boys." I'm about to be mean Aubree. "Andie invited you, being nice and that's how you treat her?" They both put their heads down ashamed. "Would you like to be uninvited?" Scolding the little boys makes me feel awful... but they need to know, I can drive home just as fast as I can drive to the park.

"No B it's okay they didn't mean it!" Andie defends her brothers even though they're mean to her.

"See" Z starts from the passenger seat beside me. "Ann protects you guys even when you're in the wrong. That's what you need to be doing, building her up not knocking her down. You three will always need each other so take care of one another." The three of them nod their heads in agreement. "Besides one day Andie is going to have a boyfriend who could, possibly, break her heart. She'll need you both for support." Z smiles and the boys frown.

"No." The boys say at the same time, and Daniel continues "get a boyfriend Annie and I'll break his arm."

"Daniel!" I scold as Z laughs and agrees with him. Andie and I both just shake our heads and roll our eyes.

"We are here!" Z shouts. All the kids clap and shout 'hurray' as we get them out of their car seats. One by one their little blonde heads are racing toward the swings. At least they're all going in one place. "Babe" Z says coming up beside me. "Wanna sit at the picnic table?" I just nod following him over. "So.. you and Jay are getting close.." He's nervous and it makes me smile just a bit.

"Yeah I guess, jealous?" I'm only teasing him, it's very entertaining.

"Yes." What? "A lot actually because you're mine and I don't want someone else knowing you the way I do." He grabs my hand. "It bothers me because nobody can see how amazing you are like I can." He pushes a strand of stray hair behind my ear.

"You think you know me so well huh?" I smile and roll my eyes.

"Don't do that." I give him a questioning look. Do what? "Don't push me away because you're uncomfortable." Shut up Z. I do know you better than anyone actually."

"Prove it." Is all I say before he's listing off everything he knows about me.

"I know that your eyes change colors depending on your mood and I know sometimes your brain can't decide what mood you're in so you have one beautiful bright green eye and one beautiful dark green eye but you know what? I don't just notice the color of your eyes, I notice the change the sun makes when it touches your hair, I notice that when you're happy you have a cute sway in your step. I know everything about you. I know when you're sad cause you get quiet. I know when you're mad cause you clench your jaw over and over and I know that in that moment you're trying not to scream because you feel like you're burning from the inside out. I know the exact moment when you're analyzing a situation in your head because you play with the hem of your shirt and completely space out. I know you and I know I love you. Let me in, and you'll see you love me too." Z is staring at me waiting for my response.

My thoughts are going a million miles per hour. "You.. you love me?" I'm shocked.. this is going so fast. "We haven't known each other for that long."

"Time cannot measure love." Is all he says before he smiles, gets up, and walks to the swings to his siblings. Z loves me. "Aubree?" He calls out. "Wanna help push it's easier with more than one person." He laughs, struggling to push the three kids.

I gather my shocked self and make my way over to them. "Yeah, sorry." I push Drake while Z pushes Andie and Daniel.

"You don't have think so hard about it princess. I'm not expecting you to say it back till you know you feel the same." Z kisses the side of my head racing the boys to the slide I hang back with Andie while she plays in the sand. The thing is I do feel the same I just don't know how to say it yet. I just smile at him while he goes down the slide the boys hanging off of him as he does. "Alright kiddos twenty minutes and we gotta head home you all need a bath before bed."

Twenty minutes later we are heading back home Drake and Daniel have been super nice to Andie since our little talk and they prove that again when we arrive home. "My babies how was the park?" Ma asks.

"Good Annie made a really cool sand castle the best we've ever seen right Danny?' Drake is smiling at his sister and Daniel agrees with him.

"Wow that's wonderful." Ma has a shocked look on her face. "Well who's bathing first? I want no arguments here." She frowns waiting for a war of 'me firsts' as always.

"Annie can I think she's the tiredest." Daniel says right as Andie yawns.

"Thank you." Andie is grateful while she hugs her brothers and makes her way upstairs. "Best day ever." She yawns almost at the top of the stairs, Drake and Daniel close behind. They're very protective after out talk today.

"How?" Ma says looking at us. "I've tried everything to get those boys to be nice yo Ann, how did you do it in 45 minutes?" She's got wide eyes looking at us.

"I think it's different being scolded by a third party." I say chuckling. "Z made a point about future boyfriends and they wouldn't leave her side after that." I laugh so does Z and Ma.

"Thank you both I love you! Goodnight" Ma says kissing us both on the cheek and walking up the stairs to the triplets.

"Well princess, bed time?" Z holds out his hand for me to take.

"Sounds like heaven to me." Grabbing his hand we go to our room and get into pj's, Z just in his boxers me in shorts and a tank top. "Z?" I ask crawling into bed, he looks up from his phone waiting for me to continue. "I love you too." Before I can even finish saying 'too' his mouth is on mine.

"Thank. God." He says between kisses and all I can do is laugh.

We kiss for a bit, before I realize just how tired I am. "Baby girl?" Z calls into the darkness and I hum a response to tired to open my eyes. "I love you." He whispers into my hair cuddling up to me.

"You too Z" I mumble and he chuckles.

"Goodnight princess." He whispers just as everything turns black.

Z's P.O.V.

Last night was amazing, I told Aubree I loved her and she said it back. I know I'm spending the rest of my life with her. Jesus two months knowing Bree and one month living with her and being her boyfriend has me being one mushy S.O.B. "Z we gotta go!" School ugh. Last day before the long weekend that means parties from Wednesday to Sunday. None at the club of course but high school parties are still entertaining. Aubree runs into the room again "Babe let's go! Last week of school this week I will not be late. Don't make me leave you here."

I laugh at her attempt to scold me. "Alright princess, sorry let's go." She just rolls her eyes going on about her psychology exam that she nervous about, we all know she's going to ace it but I let her rant anyway. We decided last night to takes Aubree's car to school today because we are supposed to go on a date after school and it's going to be chilly later on so her car was a better option.

Walking into the school everyone was staring at Aubree, as per usual, but she was too absorbed laughing about something Jay said to notice.

"Aubree!" Some random girl runs up to her. "It's Derek he's in the cafe." Aubree rolls her eyes and follows the girl, us of course trailing behind.

We get to the cafe and see Derek in a full out brawl. "Derek!" Aubree is about to run into the middle of the fight but I grab her arm holding her back from impending bruises. "Z let go he's going to get himself killed!"

"Princess you can't go in there without getting hurt." She just huffs and watches everything unfold. "Blade dude..." I don;t even have to ask he was already on his way to interfere. As much as I'd love to see Derek get his ass handed to him, he's Aubree's brother and through everything she'll always love him.

"What the fuck man?" is what we hear from an angry Derek as he's being dragged towards us by a blank faced Blade. "Dude I had that!"

Aubree rolls her eyes. "yeah looked like you were getting far laying on the ground. You're welcome by the way. If it weren't for Blade you'd be beaten worse than you were." She crosses her arms and turns to Blade, "thank you." He just nods in response.

"What the fuck do you care? As I've pointed out. We. Aren't. Related. Leave me alone." Is all Derek says before he tries to push past us.

"One of these days Derek you're going to realize I'm all you got. I'm your only sister. You might not be my only brother." Aubree yells as he's walking away.

"Babe?" I whisper putting a hand on Aubree's shoulder. She just shakes her head with a sad smile, she touches me cheek and starts her walk to her first class.

The end of the school day and the end of the school week. Aubree and I have decided to postpone the movie date and and go to the coffee house after school with the guys, then head home and get ready for a party Gunner told us was happening tonight.

Making our way in to the coffee house, almost everyone from our grade was here, but we still manage to find an empty booth by some freak chance. "Welcome to 'The Bean' what can I get for you all?" Everyone orders a coffee and we start on the conversation.

"This party is supposed to be crazy! So I'm not drinking, just in case the cops show up." Jay is always the brains of our bunch.

We've agreed Gunner Jay and I aren't drinking, Aubree isn't either so we are taking my bike. Jay is taking his bike and Gunner is driving his truck while, Kid, Oby and Blade go in the truck with him so they can drink and have a way home.

We sit in the booth for a while talking and drinking our coffee when, some girl from school comes and sits down beside Aubree. "Hey!" She's smiling, Aubree smiles back and leans into me searching for comfort, so I put my arm around he giving her the comfort she needs. "I'm Lanney! I just wanted to say your jacket is adorable! I love it!"

Aubree smiles and looks away, something she does when she's uncomfortable. "Thank you so much my mom got it for me for my birthday last year.."

"I see you at school you wear it almost everyday!" Lanney is beaming that Aubree is actually talking to her. normally Bree doesn't make conversation with anyone outside our group. "It's not a bad thing either cause it goes with everything! Is it real leather?"

"Yeah she bought it in Europe when she went there." Aubree just smiles at the memory.

"That's awesome! Hey I gotta pee come on!" Lanney invites Aubree with her.

"Huh?" Is Aubree's response, and us guys laugh.

Jay pipes up, "It's the cultural norm for girls to go to the bathroom together, they call it 'girl time'"

"Okay?" Aubree gets up and Lanney takes her hand and drags her to the bathroom. Blade takes this time to make a whipping noise and the boys laugh.

"What?" I ask unamused.

"We get it you like her dude but you get tense every time she leaves the room without you."

"At least I have someone to get tense over." I mutter.

"Fuck right off." He says while everyone laughs. "She's back Romeo." He says, I flip him the bird and everyone is still chuckling.

Aubree waves and sits back down beside me, Lanney walks over to her own table. "Well that was abnormal.." We all laugh and wait till our server comes by with the bill.

We show up, the party in full swing, cups and teenagers litter the front yard. We park our vehicles and go inside Aubree is instantly recognized by Lanney who waves and hugs her before skipping back to her group of friends. We decide to go out back where the music is louder, there's people in the pool and dancing on the make shift dance floor on the lawn. I grab Aubree and drag her to the dance floor she's laughing and dancing with me, everyone joins in dancing too. From across the yard I see Derek and Stacey glaring at Aubree, choosing to ignore it, I grab Aubree's hips and pull her closer we half sway and grind to the music her hands around my shoulders.

When I look up Derek is gone but Stacey is standing there fuming for some reason.

It's getting really late and Blade is wasted out of his mind he keeps telling Aubree how much he loves her and how he wishes he could be her older brother so he could, help her with homework and boy problems. He;s such a dork. Oby keeps trying to trip Blade while Aubree and I are trying to keep him upright, dragging him to Gunners truck. "Oby honey?" Aubree asks, Oby hums with a stupid drunken smile on his face as a response. "You're about as helpful as a headache right now."

"Jesus." I laugh, as Jay cracks up in front of us, "I love you."

Aubree giggles "And I love you."

"Gross." Is Blades only input as we drag him in to Gunners truck.

"We'll meet you at home?" I ask Gunner. He just nods in response.

As we're driving home I can tell someone is trying to catch up with my bike, and at a stop light I can see exactly who it is. Derek. I don't know what Stacey yells through the window but I do see Aubree flip her the bird, the light turns green and he cuts me off then brakes almost causing me to run into the back of his car. I pull into a parking lot to see if Aubree is okay. Derek pulls up right beside me.

I know Aubree is mad when she rips off her helmet and whips it at Derek's wind shield, smashing it. "You bitch!" Stacey is shrieking while she gets out of the vehicle. Aubree takes this opportunity to knee her in the stomach, smash her face off the hod of Dereks car and then kicks her back onto her ass.

Aubree gets back onto the back of my bike, while Derek is picking up his screaming girlfriend. Aubree leans into my ear and says, "I don't fuck around I play to win." Fuck she's so sexy when she's mad. 

"Well princess I guess you need a new helmet." Is all I say before i get back onto the road and drive home listening to Aubree giggle half most of the way there.


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