
De fourseasonsflewby

62 3 1

He was a dumb conceited boy,though he thought he was a man and she was a girl barely making it by so cliche I... Mais

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23 1 1
De fourseasonsflewby

A/n yo before you read just know this book is all over the place and so unrealistic The main character ^
Saara's p.o.v
"What do you mean 'bankrupt'!? I thought my father took care of it!"A deep voice awakens me.The fûck.I thought I told that kid to get lost? I get up from the bench and look down to see a tall man arguing about money I presume.I used to be like that.Always worrying about money whether that be having too much or too little,but then I ran away.I'll admit it's hard at times but I had a home,though it only was a rooftop it was something.I've managed to learn how to live like this.It's a lifestyle now,but while this is fun and all I need to find a home,the cops are onto me and if I don't find a real home soon I'll be going to jail.

I decided to go to the streets to do my daily 'begging' which is just me and my ukulele.I sing for a living.Somewhere in between my singing and strumming I bump into the man who was on the phone earlier.You can imagine how surprised I was when I saw it was the one and only Harry Styles,I've only seen him in magazines from what I saw he was a really nice person.

"Watch out you prick!" He seethes not so nice after all.

"Whoa hold on it was an accident!"he glares at me but he soon notices the group of people with cameras.

"Wow you sing almost as good as me!"he fake smiles and puts a 100 dollars into my raggedy hat.

"WOW THANKS MISTER!" I fake smile right back at the bitçh.

"But you need this more than me" I hand him the 100 dollars and he takes it as if it has some sort of sickness on it.Bitçh.I may be poor but that doesn't mean I'm dirty! I see the group of people left probably bored of us.

"Listen here little girl you sing horrible and I don't need your pity or money!"he sneers throwing it on the ground.

"Technically it's yours..."I point out.He grabs me and pulls our faces closer.He better not do what I think he's doing.

"I don't give a fuck if it's mine.I only did that for the paps.I'm only here to make sure you don't tell anyone what just happened."I smirk Haha revenge is so sweet.

"Oh that you're bankrupt?"I say in an innocent voice and bat my eyelashes.

"WHO TOLD YOU!?" He puts his hand over my mouth.I lick his hand and he grimaced.

"Ew poor people germs!"he pulls out hand sanitizer and washes his hands.Wow.

"You did,you speak really loud.Is it cause people can't hear you over all your bulłshit?" I snap on him

"No! But you won't be able to speak after I'm done with you if you even dare tell anyone that I will-" he then proceeds to lift his hand up to slap me.Oh hell no.I grab his arm and twist it behind his back grabbing both of his arms and keep a tight grip on him.

"Now you listen here, first of all don't you dare even think about slapping me again or you will loose a lung,2 I won't tell anyone... On one exception...you let me live with you!"he groans immediately saying "God no I'm not having a poor person in my house."

ok he asked for this."HARRY STYLES IS BAN-MYMYKTKRKE" he put a hand over my mouth again.

"OK!OK! I'll do it! Just shut up!" He grabs me and throws me over his shoulder.Not like I can feel pain or anything.

"Can't you just order an uber?" I ask still upside down all this blood going to my head can't be good for me.

"I'm bankrupt dumbass"oh,that's right this guy must be really be poor if he can't afford an uber but who am I to speak.A few more minutes into our walk a few girls run to him and ask for his autograph mind you none of them questioned why he had a girl over his shoulder.

"Who's that?" A blonde bimbo spoke.I spoke too soon they noticed me just not in the right way."Irrelevant that's who"Harry jokes but secretly means it.

"She's ugly" the blonde says in a high pitched voice flirting horribly.

"BITÇH WHERE? IF ANYTHING I AM A BEAUTIFUL BUTTERFLY COMPARED TO AN ORANGE WITH CAKEY FOUNDATION!" I bang against Harry's back trying to get out but he just tightens his arms around my waist.

"AHHH!" The blonde and her friends leave terrified.

"YEAH THATS RIGH RUN BITÇH RUNNNN!" I say in a deep voice.

"Fûck off...what's your name?" Harry ask.

"If I told you that I would have to kill you." I joke but his eyes widen.

"Calm down buddy the names Saara."

"Fuck off Saara."of course he would only want my name for that.

"Oh look we're here!"he puts me down and I stumble around like I'm drunk.Rude.I look up to see a three story mansion.Bankrupt my asś.I follow him into the house.We walk into a room with seven guys.Oh god no guys.Its funny how I can kill a person if I really needed to but I get weak near guys.They were all attractive.

"Oi!Harry is this the stripper?" A blonde boy called out.I really hope he was joking if he knows what's good for him.I don't tolerate people belittling me.

"Uh...yes."Harry smirks.Oh that's how you wanna play ok two can play at this.

"Um...yes!blondie is right I bought the stripper!" I grin and point to Harry.They all burst out laughing.

"Harry did you seriously get one though cause I was kidding when I said that." blondie says.

"Oh I didn't know." he really is testing my nerves right now.I can guarantee I am NOT stripping.But let's just say someone might loose a limb if they keep doing this.

"Show them what you got SAARA"Harry winks and shoves me so I'm front and center.Hold up...I can sing!

"Say my name,say my name if no one is around you say baby I love you if you ain't playing games" I sing a snippet of one of the only songs I can remember.Cheers and woo's! Erupt from the boys.All except Harry who is pouting in the corner of the room.Probably jealous.

"YASSS!YOU CAN SING HUNTY!"a boy who can only be described as a twink but better yells out.

"I'm Saara by the way, Harry's new roommate!"I introduce myself.

"Oh well I'm Niall."blondie says and then introduces me to Luke,Louis,Calum,Mikey,Ashton,And Liam.

"Do all you guys live here!?" I hope not I don't know how I could live with eight guys!

"Oh god no! That would be hell."Luke chuckles.god.HIS ACCENT.

"Do you all live in mansions?" I'm basically playing 20 questions with them.

"Yeah but none as big as this"Liam gestures to Harry's house.I noticed Harry leave and decided to spill the tea.

"Okay be honest is Harry nice?"


"ha no" That no was Louis.

"Explain I'm intrigued now."



"Whoa one at a time!"We start with Niall.

"I think Harry was nice but he's changed over the years like fame got to him" then Luke

"Um yea the dude is really coincided at times." Next Mikey

"H-he's trying" aw he's so shy!now Liam

"I think he needs someone to put him in his place!...Like you!"uh oh this could either go really good or really bad.

"Yeah we'll pay you and everything!"Calum's bribe is tempting but this is so wrong but I do need the money...

"Please...I need my Haz back."Louis tears up.

"Um...ok"I hope this goes well.

"Cool we'll pay you...60mill.?"Liam suggest while I choked on air.'Yes's' fill the air and I nearly faint.

"SIXTY MILLION I'LL DO IT FOR FREE!" I gasp.They all laugh their poshness coming out.Like you got mulla we get it.

"Honey 60mill is nothing." Louis helps me up from my dramatic pose.

"What! That's more money than I've ever had!" They all gasp at me.

"Whaaaat!?" Louis says shocked.

"what's going on?"oh shît it's Harry.

"Nothing!"I say suspiciously.

"Did she steal something!?"Harry ask.

"No! It hurts that you would think that!" I put a hand over my heart.

"I've only known you for less than 24 hours!" He yells this guy has some serious anger issues.

"Um...we'll just leave..."they awkwardly scoot out the door.Wow what friends.

"What the fûck did you do?"Harry growls eyes a dark green shade he must be hella mad.

"N-nothing!"I squeak as he grabs my arm and tries to seduce me into telling him.

"Nothing at all?"he bits his lip and leans in close.

"uh..."no way was I falling for his tricks.I decided to play along and lean in he breaths quicker and just as it seems I'm going to kiss him I tickle him because dude needs to chill.

"What the-stop S-stop!"he laughs his signature smile showing and those damn dimples and his dream eyes and his- hold up!snap out of it! You are not here to catch feelings!

"Saara?"I must've spaced out.

"Fûck off." I storm off I can't become attached...not again

Continue lendo

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