Twist of fate

By AnnisaQabila

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" If in the future we were to meet again , and if we were to fall in love again .. and fate has brought us to... More

Twist of fate
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
chapter 4
Chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chater 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
Chapter 24 part B

chapter 24 part A

45 0 0
By AnnisaQabila

Midorima was lost in thought . Neither did he notice that Takao had barged into his office as happily and rudely as he usually did . 

He was in deep thought .


Midorima just stood there . Looking like a lost puppy as he scaned through the jewellry in the shop . He never knew finding a ring would be ..this overwhelming . 

" What can I help you sir? " asked one of the saleswoman. 

Midorima was snapped from his dazed as the saleswoman approached him 

" Oh ... I ..was looking for ring .. " said Midorima in a low tone 

" I see . For what occasion , sir ? " asked the saleswoman 

" I ... erm . I am planning to propose .. " said Midorima as his face grew a light pink hue 

The saleswoman let out a small chuckle and smile as she said " wel .. in that case , I may have the ring you are looking for " 


Midorima stared at the ring in his hands . It was simple yet beautiful all together . Just how Tsukiko is . 

Tsukiko ... Just as his thought starts drifting of towards a certain white haired beauty , another pair of eyes appear infront of him , scanning through the ring 

" oh ..what a pretty ring Shin-chan" said Takao 

" Takao ! " Midorima was surprised to see him . " When..When did you entered my office? " 

" hmm ? Just a moment ago . I called out to you a few times but you were busy . . staring at the ring . " said Takao 

"Midorima blushed as he was caught by Takao 

" so .. Im guessing that's a proposal ring . Am I right? " grinned Takao 

" ah.. " said Midorima embarassed 

" Good luck , Shin-chan . I knew you can do it! " said Takao as giving Midorima a thumbs up 

" but .. I don't have any idea how to do it " Midorima admit 

" eh ? ?seriously Shin-chan ? Don't you read one or two romance novel ? clearly you should have the general picture of a guy on his knees .. n those stuff " said Takao 

" I feel uncomfortable doing those things in those kind of novels" said Midorima 

" hmm ...tsundere as ever " said Takao " Let's see .. what should you do .. " said Takao as he continue to think 

Just then an idea popped into Takao's head 

" aha ! Shin-chan I know ! " 

" what ? "

" well ... do you know the shrine near My apartment ? " said Takao 

" yeah . what about it ?" asked MIdorima as he raised his brow 

" well Shin-chan , they going to held a festival this weekend ! " 

" festival ? " 

" yep .. There's going to fireworks ..everyone in the neighbourhood was exited about it" grinned Takao 

" fireworks ... " Midorima doesn't seem to grab what's Takao trying to imply 

" Shin-chan , Im saying that you should use this festival as your chance to propose . It's romantic . It's at the shrine. I thought you might like the ida since the shrine will bring you good luck and so forth " 

" arigato , Takao " said Midorima as he gave Takao one of his rare smiles 


Tsukiko was eating some pocky stick while reading a weekly fashion magazine that one of her coworkers lend for her . 

" hmm ... I wonder why they get so exited over this cloths .. I dont see any needs for it " said Tsukiko as she boringly scanned through the pages 

" sigh .. and here I thought my love for fashion stuff will grow as I grew older .. How wrong I was " said Tsukiko as she grab another pocky and eat it . 

" Tsukiko? " a familiar voice greeted her . The voice that always make her heart beats faster 

" Shin-chan ? What are you doing here ? " said Tsukiko as she was surprise to see Midorima appear in her office 

" I have something to ask you " said Midorima with a serious face 

" oh ..okay . what is it ? " 

" erm .. are free .. this .. Sunday ? " said Midorima . He was feeling very nervous 

" Sunday ? Im free ." 

" then ... would you like to go to ... a shrine festival with me ? " blushed Midorima 

" Shrine festival .. " muttered Tsukiko 

" well ... I heard ..eto ..there's a fortune teller that's very accurate there and Oha-asa even approve her ..and .. " Midorima started to stuttered . " I .. I wont force you if you dont want to go " he added at the end of his sentence 

Such Tsundereness - thought Tsukiko as she let out a small chuckle 

" hai hai .. I'll go . I'm happy as long as Shin-chan is with me" smiled Tsukiko 

Midorima blushed . He was ashamed at his own tsundere attitude . Why can't he just ask her properly instead of giving her few denials ? 


Midorima stood at theTori gates, shifting his feet nervously. There were so many people around himfilling into the shrine. Men, women and children alike were laughing andsmiling. The air was static with all the excitement.. He wanted to pick Tsukiko up at her place , yet Kasumi didn't allow him to . 


" no , Midorin ! you must wait for her at the shrine " said Kasumi 

" but ... " Midorima wanted to protest 

" I'll make sure that this proposal is something both of you will remember forever " said Kasumi 

" how ..did you .. " Midorima was shocked to know that Kasumi knew about his plan 

" I heard it from Takao " grinned Kasumi 

" .. " 

" Well just leave Tsukiko to me and you just wait for her " winked Kasumi 


what were Kasumi planning ?  Midorima decided that's its no use thinking about it . He was already nervous enough to even think about anything in the first place . His heart beats faster and faster as he waited for her .

 The young man could donothing but stare as he waited impatiently.Midorima glowered,raising his head up to the night sky. He glared at the stars, trying to keephis attention on them, but to no avail. No matter how strong his willpower, hiseyes would always wander back down to the sea of people, scanning, searchingfor one in particular.

Leaning against theshrine entrance, Midorima let out a long sigh. He flipped open his phone for theumpteenth time that night, checking the clock.

It was the day of thefestival and Tsukiko…was late.

Smiling weakly, Midorima realized that his impatience wasn't due to the fact that he had been waitingfor nearly an hour, but the fact that he wanted to see Tsukiko .


The warm lanternlights glowed, strung along in the courtyard of the shrine. The festival was infull swing. The smells of food sizzled in the air, takoyaki, yakisoba and otherheavenly aromas wafted towards Midorima.

For a second, hethought of grabbing a nice fresh off the grill platter of yakitori…or maybesome okonomiyaki. His mouth was watering now, his stomach growling in protest.He hadn't eaten for the whole day.

However, as Midorima began to think about it, he knew he couldn't abandon his post. What if Tsukiko showed up while he was stuffing his face? It wouldn't be a very pleasantimpression…

" Shin-chan ! " 

Midorima turned,recognizing the voice. and saw Tsukiko .She was walked quickly in herwooden sandals, the tight yukata restricting her movement. She was wearing a black yukata with white and pink flower design . Her hair was styled into something that really brought her elegant . Midorima was speachless . His heart was beating faster than it was before 

"Hah…hah…S-Shin-chan. I'm sosorry I'm late. It took longer than I expected to put this thing on…a-and it'snot very easy to run in as you just saw…" In one hand, she held a smallpurse, while the other was clutched firmly onto Midorima's arm, keeping herbalance

"I-It's fine, Tsukiko . I didn't wait that long anyway. It's really good to see you." He had completely forgottenabout being angry. It was more than just a wave of relief that washed over himwhen he saw her

"liar! I know you've beenwaiting for a while. You should be mad at me! Ask me to make it up toyou!" Tsukiko giggled, swatting playfully at the man.

"I-I uhh…" Midorima didn't know why, but he could feel his heart hammering in his chest,threatening to jump out.  Tsukiko's laughter pealed outso clearly and ..that yukata .. "Y-You look very nice today " 

"W-what kind ofpunishment is that…? It's a little off topic, but thank you." Tsukiko shiedaway as a light pink coloured her cheeks. She moved away from Midorima as shemodeled her yukata, spinning around a couple of times. "Do you really likeit? Kasumi insisted me to wear this one ."

Pensively, Midorima stared. The black yukata hugged hercurves graciously, accentuating her hourglass figure, her slim waist and hershapely breasts. Moreover, Midorima's eyes were drawn to how tightly the pink obi was tied. Not only did he wonder if it was painful, but also why Tsukiko hadto torture him with such feminine traits. His collar was getting a littletighter already.

"I think you lookstunning, Tsukiko." Midorima offered a sincere smile, although the voices inhis head were a tad more lecherous.

" Thank .. You .." blushed Tsukiko again 

"W-well then,shall we get going soon?" He cleared his throat, gathering his coolcomposure.

Nodding enthusiastically, Tsukiko hooked her arm through Midorima's, pressing herself close against him. 

The end ( to be continued ) 

note : guess i have to devide this chapter into 2 parts ..or else will be super long Xd

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