Adopted By Chris Brown(Comple...

By JustyceBrown4

6.5K 127 22

This is about a girl named Leah Sanchez. She is 16 years old and is an orphan. She has been there since she w... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12

Chapter 3

737 14 1
By JustyceBrown4

Author- To what's up. So uh we gonna skip to up about a year. So Keith and Leah graduated top they class. Keith is now 19 and Leah is now 18. Seth is 16 but still a pretty boy. Leah and Keith ain't dating. Shut they not even talkin.keith also moved out.  But I will say this they had sex. Unprotected sex. Leah had got pregnant and had the baby. She had a baby girl. Her name Jewels. Jewels☝

Leah Pov-

Bruh I'm happy but at the same time sad. I'm happy cause I bought a beautiful lil girl in the world. She look so much like Keith. I'm sad because Keith barely have to time for jewels. I also miss being his girl. I still love him. I take online college class cause I got to take care of my baby. I'm majoring in music industry of business.

Ima be honest, dad and Seth was mad at me when they found out I was pregnant. They aint talk to me for 2 months. It hurt but i got over it. But yea ima be fine though. Anyway I was at the mall with my Babygirl just walking around not really buying anything.

Jewels outfit-

My outfit-

I had her on my hip I bumped into someone. I stepped back and looked up at who it was. It was Keith. What am I going to say. He looked at jewels and I saw him frown. Wtf.

Leah- H hi. So why havent you come to see our daughter. I said getting straight to the point. He looked at me and anger instantly was shown in his eyes.

Keith- the reason I haven't come to see her I because I don't want be her damn father. I'm still young bitch. I don't want to be held down by some baby. I'll pay child support but that's it. I don't Want nothing to do with her or you. He said raising his voice.

People stopped and stared at us. Jewels started crying. I tried to shush her. Then all of a sudden I see Keith knocked out on the floor. I look from him to a guy standing in front of me. He looked pissed.

Leah- Thank you. I said to him. He was sexy af. He smiled at me and the anger disappeared.

Guy- Never disrespect a woman like that. The way you acting you don't deserve to be considered an father. Hey you alright? He said to Keith then truned to me. Keith got up and walked away.

Leah- Yes... Jewels please capm down its ok. I said trying to stop her crying. The guy looked at her and smiled.

Guy- Do you mind? He said as he held his hands out towards jewels. I nodded and he took her from my arms. She instantly stopped crying. I was shocked.

Leah- What is your name? She obviously loves you. I said as she kept giggling and smiling up at him. He kissed her cheek.

Guy- June Gray. So your the famous Leah brown. Chris brown daughter. This is lil jewels. She so beautiful and so are you. He said looking at me. I blushed and looked at the ground. I playfly hit his arm.


He grabbed my hand and we walked out the mall. I show him were my car is and he walks with me. He still had a quiet jewels in his arms. She sun never been this quiet.

Leah- So June can I ask you on a date to thank you. I asked him. He looked down at me once we stopped in front of my car. He smiled down at me.

June- Yes. I'll pick you up at 8 tonight. Just five me your number so I can call you when I get there. He said chuckling. I giggled and opened the back door. I move out the way as June helped put jewels in her car seat. After he buckled her in he backed up and shut the door. He turned to me bit in his bottom lip.

I handed him my phone and he took a pic and put his number under it. He gave me my phone back and called him. His phone rang. He saved then put the camera on me. I possed like a boss. He took it and then I gave him a small hug.

Leah- Thank you June. I'll see ya later. I said then waved bye. He walked away after saying bye and I got in the car. I couldnt stop smiling. Jewels was asleep when I checked on her when I got in. I turned the car on and drove home.

When I got home I walked in with jewels on my hip. I walked to the living room. Seth, dad, and auntie Nicki was watching wild'in out. I walked and sat on the ground leaning against the couch. I put jewels on the floor. She crawled around. My phone went off. I take it out and look at the screen. It was a text from June.

June😍- How's my babygirls?
Lee👄- We're good. In the living room with my dad,lil bro, and auntie Nicki.
June😍- Nice. So uh I was wondering if you wanted to match for the date.
Lee👄- Sure. What colors?
June😍- Ima let you decide that baby.
Lee👄- ok... how about pink and white?
June😍- Yea aight. See ya in an hour beautiful. Tell princess I said hi.😍👄.
Lee👄- Ok. See ya handsome.

I put my phone in my pocket and squealed. They all looked at me weird. I handed my phone to auntie Nicki. When she got done she squealed. She grabbed my hand pulled my to my room. Dad yelled he'll watch jewels.

When we got to my room auntie Nicki pushed my into the bathroom. She put my hair up in a messy bun and did my make up. When she got done with that she curled my hair. She told me to strip while she got me an outfit. When she came back she handed me the outfit and I got dressed. When I was done I stepped out and she squealed.

My outfit -

We then walked back downstairs. When I walked into the living room the boys mouths dropped. Oh and uncle August and tyga I here now. I walked over to dad. Seth had jewels in his lap asleep. Dad stud up and smiled. He hugged me and then sat back down.

Then there was a knock on the door. I was going to open it when my dad got up and ran to the door. So I just staid in the living room. Then dad came in the living room with a sexy looking June.

June outfit-

I licked my lips as I stared at him. He walks up to me and kissed my cheek. I blushed and looked down at the ground. Then outa no were everybody here Dada being yelled.  I looked towards jewels and see her reach in her arms out to June. I smiled. Oh shit she as I her first words. June look at me and I nod. He goes and picks her up kissing her cheek.

June- Hey princess. He said with a smile. She cuppa his cheeks and smiled.

Jewels- Dada. She said smiling staring at him. Everybody awws. I sneak my phone out and take a pic of them. I pos I on IG,Fb, and Twitter.

June- Aw your so cute. Just like ya moma. He said smiling. He looked at me and winked. I blushed looking away.

He puts her back on Seth lap and comes up to me. He smiled as he looks me up and down. His gaze meets mine and he smiled more. Omg I seen dimples.

Aug- Aight listen here pretty boy. You better not break her heart. Cause I swear to go I'll hunt you down and kill your ass. Have a nice date. He said than sat down grabbing jewels. I look at June. He looked scared.

Nicki- Aawww. Picture time. She said squealing. Oh god.

Leah- No auntie Nicki we should really get going. I said trying to get away from my family.

June- Come on Babygirl let's do it. We gonna take pics later anyways. He said with that smile. I couldn't say no. I walked over to the white wall. June stud behind me with his arms wrapped around me. While he stared at me with that smile. I smiled back at him. Auntie Nicki took a pic and said we can go now.

Me and June walked out the house and up to his car. This nigga had all white lambo. I love this car. He opened the door for me and helped me in the car by holding my hand. Once I was in the car he shut the door and ran around to his side and got in. He turned the car on and drove off. Bruh I'm already missing my baby. But I smiled when June interlaced our fingers.

Leah- June were we going? I asked curious. He smirked. Oh no. Lol I'm weird.

June- Its a surprise baby. His relax and injoy the ride. I'll tell ya when we there. He said softly. He kissed the back I my hand and continued driving. I sighed and relaxed.

I sat we were driving for about an hour before it looked like we are here. He turned down this path in the woods. I started to freak out. He noticed and kissed my cheek. I calmed down. Is this night gonna kill me. Then the car come to a stop when the woods opened up. I looked and see we were at some beach. We got out and I followed him. We got out to the open and I see a blanket with a picnic basket. Aww.

We went and sat down. There was those fire stick things around us to bring light. We ate, talked, laughed, chased,and had total fun with each other. This is the best date I have ever been on. Now we were walking down the by the ocean holding each other hand. We were walking in silence but a happy peaceful silence. Then all of a sudden we stop walking. He stands in front of me then gets down on one knee. He takes out a ring. I am so confused.

June- Leah you are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. Your daughter is amazing and I like you both. I really like you. Will you be my girlfriend? He asked with the biggest smile I have ever seen on a guys face.

Leah- Yes. I love to be your girlfriend. I said as a tear fell down my cheeks. He stands up putting the ring on my pointer finger on my left hand.

June- Its a promise ring. A promise that you is mine and only mine. He said chuckling a lil. I giggled and wrapped my arms around his neck.

Leah- I promise I'm only yours. I said then smashed my lips against his.

The kiss was magical. The sparks that we shared felt amazing. He deepened the kiss pulling me impossibly closer. I smiled in the kiss. The rest of the night we had fun. We took almost a billion pictures. When it got around 10:30 pm we decided to go home. June was picking up everything. I asked to help but he said that he got it. He told me to just wait in the car. Like 12 mins later he gets in the car.

He holds my hand as he drives of back . I fell asleep with a smile on my face. This is the best night ever. I'm never going to forget this. I was woken up by lips on mine. I kissed June back knowing it was him. He chuckled and pulled away. I looked out to car and seen we was in front of my house. He got out the car and came and opened my door. I smiled and got out the car.

We walked inside the house. When we got to the living room, everybody was still here and up. I giggled. Auntie Nicki saw us hold in hands and squealed. I giggled wrapping my arms around june torso. Uncle Aug,dad and uncle tyga was smiling at us. Seth was glued to the tv. Jewels was playing with her bear.

Aug- How was it? He asked curious like all them. So that's all it took for me to start rambling about what happened. I showed them the ring and everything.

When I got done I looked up at June. He was blushing. He leaned down and pecked my lips. I blushed and looked down at the ground. I went and picked jewels up. She smiled when she saw me and said mama. I walked over to June and sat down on his lap. I set jewels down on my lap and she crawled to June. He chuckled and held her against his chest with his free arm.

Jewels- Dada. Dada. Dada. She repeated. We Al awwed. June and jewels were so cute together.

June- Now I got both my babies. He said and hugged both us in his arms. I pecked his lips smiling like an idiot.

Aug/tyga/chris- We approve. They said in unison. Me and June laughed at that.

Chris- Oh June you should stay tonight. It real late. Don't want nothing bad happening to my son-in-law. My eyes widen at that. June smiled wide. I his my face in the crock of hun neck. Then Seth came up to us with a frown.

I pulled away from June and wrapped my arms around Seth. Why is my baby bro dad. I don't like it when he's like this.

Leah- Seth what's wrong? I asked him concerned. I felt bad for some reason.

Seth- Does this mean out tradition is going to end? He asked as a tear ran down his cheek. I wiped if away.

Leah- No. Our tradition is forever. No one can break that. I said kissing all over his face. He chuckled and pushed me away. He wiped the lipstick off his face.

Seth- Ok. But never do that again. He said laughing. I giggled and stud up.

I picked up a sleeping jewels. I grabbed him hand making him stand up. I said goodnight to everyone and we walked upstairs. We walked to my room and I put jewels in hers. Jewels room is connected to mine. After I laid her down I went to my bathroom. As I took of my make up June wrapped his arms around me kissing on my neck.

June- You shouldn't put make up on. You have natural beauty. He said against my neck. Once all of it was off i leaned into his arms. He was still kissing my neck.

Leah- Mhm. Baby i... fuck. I moaned out. He was making it hard to say what I wanted.

I turned in his arms and smashed my lips against his. He tapped my thigh. I jumped up and he held my up by my ass. He walked us to my bed and through me on it. He climbed up and hovered over me attacking my neck again. His hands slid under my shirt and slowly made there way up to my breast. But I stopped him before we got to far. He pulled away and stared down at me.

Leah- I'm not ready yet. I'm sorry. I said feeling bad. I'm not ready for this. We just started dating. I don't want to go fast in the relationship. He nodded still out of breath.

June- Nah it fine baby. When ever your ready. I can wait. But till then can I us your bathroom to fix my problem. He said nervous. I giggled. That when I felt his friend. My eyes widen.

Leah- Y your s so l l l l long.omg sorry. Yea you can. I said and covered my face embarrassed. Why the fuck did I just say that. He chuckled and removed my hands.

My eyes widen again as he put my hand on his friend. We was gazing into each other's eyes as he moved my hand up and down his friend. I bit my lip. He let my hand go and held onto my waist as I continued rubbing him. He moaned out me name. It was sexy as fuck. It made me so wet.

I flipped so that i was on top. He smirked at me. I started to grind on him. He just made me so horny when he moaned out my name. My hands was on his chest as my head fell back as a series of moans start to come out my mouth. His hands were holding my waste as he moaned too.

June- Fuck.... Leah. He moaned out.

So y'all know what happened then. Tall iant gonna know all that. Anyways, the next morning i woke up to something weird. I leone my eyes and looked around. Then my gaze fell on June. He uh... He was licking my kitty. I moaned when he started to eat me out. Fuck he good. A few minutes later when I cumed he came up to me and pecked my lips smirking. I giggled.

Leah- You crazy. Come on let's take a shower and go have breakfast. I said giggling. We got up and took a quick shower. When we got out he had grabbed my sweat pant and put them on. They were boy sweat pants anyway.

I went to my closet and put on a cute outfit. It's supposed to be got today so I didn't put that much on. But I can tell you it was sexy.

Once I was done getting changed i went to jewels room. But she wasn't in there. I went downstairs and into the kitchen to see June feeding jewels. I smiled and sat down next to them. Dad and Seth was eating and talking about football. Seth is on his schools football team. He is quarterback but he failing all his classes. I over heard Seth say that the principal got tho need girl helping out. She is supposed to come over later.

Seth now-

Oh god. I know that type of high school story. He about to find the love of his life. Anyways, I ate my plate then went to brush my teeth. When I got back to the kitchen no one was in here. I went to the living room and there they were. I went and sat next to June as jewels played with his keys.

June- So, I got to head to work in a lil but I'll come back to see after I'm done. He said with a sad and nervous face. I giggled and pecked his lips.

Leah- Baby after your done with work your gonna be tired. I rather you go home and get sleep. I don't want my man worrying bout me to much. I said giggling. He smiled and pecked my lips a couple times.

June- ok... I love you. He said again nervous. I smiled wide and cuddled more to him. He wrapped an arm around me.

Leah- I love you too. I said and stared down at our hands interlaced.

June- Bae... I um... bae I'm a strip club owner. When he said I pulled away an looked at him crazy. He's a what owner.

Leah- Bae don't home around about that. I said with a slight giggle. He put jewels down on the floor and stud up.

He started to pace back and forth. He was talking to himself. I felt bad, he serious about this shit. Oh god. I stud up and wrapped my arms around his neck stopping his pacing. He looked into my eyes with so much worry and fear. I leaned up to him smashed my lips on his. He wrapped his arms around me and calmed down instantly. I pulled away and smiled at him.

June- I don't want to lose you Leah. You actually the only girl that gets me. If my work is going to affect our relationship. I'm just going to sell it. He said serious. The worry and fear that sloped his mouth was evident.

Leah- Baby you not going to lose me. I love you nothing going to change that. As for your job just keep your distance from the girls. I said serious with a smile. He busted out laughing. I backs up and looked at him weird.

June- I'm sorry. You thought it was girl strippers... hahaha no bae it's males. For the males that like to dance I give them a chance. If they good on amiture night then I give them a job. They dance for all the woman. Oh god you thought they was girls. He said laughing. Dad and Seth came in the room and looked at him weird.

I crossed my arms and sat down on the couch. June told dad and Seth what happened. They bust out laughing as well. Ok now I'm a laughing stoke. Ok watch when they don't get nothing from me. June came and crouched down in front of me. He stopped laughing but kept that smile on his face.

June- Awww I my angle mad. Baby come on ya got to admit that was funny. You should have seen your priceless face. Come on don't be mad. He said chuckling a lil. I kept a straight face. I have a fake smile than instantly frowned.

I pulled my phone out and ignored him looking at me. He then took my phone from me. I looked at him like he was crazy. He was staring at me with those puppy dog eyes. I couldn't help but smiled and peck his lips. He gave me my phone and sat next to me.

Seth- so sis ima have a girl come over soon. Ima need you to bring her down to the basement and spend time with her. If she ask for me just say I'm doing something important. He said with that pretty boy smirk. I looked at him like he was crazy.

Leah- Hell nah. She supposed to help get your grades up. You want to go to the NFL. Ya need good grades. Last time I check your failing all your classes. Oh and that this girl is a suppose nerd. I said smirking. He sighed and looked down at the ground. We all looked at him smirking.

Seth- Look aight. I like this girl but i... i can't be near her. I'm scared of my feelings for her so to make those disappear i... I bully her. She hates me. I tried to stop but every time I get close to her I freak out and bully her. He said as tears streamed down his face. I was shocked. I looked at dad and June. Dad looked kind of mad and June looked just as shocked.

Chris- Now you know damn well I ain't raise you that way. Seth if you got feelings for her tell her. Don't fucking bully her. He said serious. Seth looks at him then the ground. Just then the door bell rung. Seth jumped and ran to the door.

I heard talking then footsteps coming to the living room. When the walked in I took in the girl. She was thick as fuck. Short. Big ass medium boob but thick. She was so pretty to. She was wearing black leggings with a short white crop top. It said Team Angles. She was also had black retro 12 wings. Damn she got swag.

The girl-

She stud behind Seth almost like she was scared. Seth was staring at the ground. I felt so bad. I stud up and walked up to them. I grabbed the girls hand and bought her into a hug. She was so cute. She looked up at me and gasped. I giggled and kissed her cheek. I guess you could say kissing someones cheek is my thing.

Leah- What's your name beautiful? I asked with a encouraging smile. She backed away and hid behind Seth again. Aww.

??-  I it's Re Renee Rose Rodriguez. She said nervously. Seth turned and tried to reach out for her. She flinched back. Seth turned back around with gritted teeth. Hurt in his eyes.

Author- Ooohhh whats gonna happen. What's gonna happen with Seth and Renee. See next chapter. Cause it's gonna be in Seth pov.

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