Steve Trevor Preferences || W...

By UGottaLovePlums

77.5K 1.9K 601

Title says it all really. ;) More

Your First Date
When You're Both Drunk
When He Has A Nightmare
How He Kisses You
The Morning After Your First Time
That Song That Makes You Think Of Him
When You Give Him A Hickey
Who Knew He Liked Bubble Baths...
When He Is Late For A Date + 1K views!
When He Cries
When He's Depressed
When You Fell In Love
When You Surprise Him
When You're in Hospital
When You Wear His Shirt + 2K (Whaaaaaaaat?)
Alone Time With Steve (SMUT) + 3K Views (Are You Sirius?!)
When He Thinks of You
When You Die || Not the End of the Book
When You Cook For Him
When He Gets Sick
When You Get Engaged +4/5K???
Your First Kiss + 6K
When You Get Married
Your Honeymoon (Smut)
When You Don't Love Him
When You Take Him To Bed (Super Fluff) + 8K
When He Returns From War
When Diana Dies + 9K
When You Get Intimate (Smut)
When You're Pregnant
10K Special: Part One
When You Dress Up For Him
When You Have An Argument
When You Visit Him On A Mission
His Fatal Flaw
When He's With You Until His Dying Breath +12K
How You Met (Part 1)
How He Battles With His PTSD + 13K
When He Bonds With His Stepdaughter
Your First I Love You
His Favourite Part Of Your Body
When He Supports His Transgender Partner + 15K
The Stages of Mourning Steve
When You Leave Him (Part One)
When You Hate Him (Part Two)
When He Can't Let You Go (Part Three)
When You Keep Him Alive * Non-Triggering * (Part Four)
When They Become Concerned (Part 5) +18K
I Do (Part 6)
When Death Brings Sadness (Part 7)
When He Begs You To Love Your Body
When He Adores Your Stretch Marks
When He Wants to Help With Your Depression
When It's Time For Your Punishment (Part One)
When He Doesn't Want To Play Games
Part Two
Dear (Y/N)
When You Come Out
When He Has A Breakdown
Short But Sweet (Smut)
"You look so cute when you're all blushy and squirmy like that."
"Baby..." you murmured. "what's wrong?"
"I'll be good for you, daddy."
"Where do you want my mouth, sweetheart?" | Genderfluid Reader

Diana's Best (Wo)Man Speech At Your Wedding

1K 29 13
By UGottaLovePlums

A/N: Thought I'd mix things up a bit, so here's a Diana-centric chapter! 



Diana's POV.

My mind is frozen. My palms, sweaty. Mouth, dry.

The words on the cards before me blur as I try to read the first sentence. People watch me expectantly, becoming impatient at my lack of talking, the mood becoming awkward with the unexpected silence.

I can feel the heat of a blush crawling onto my cheeks as the minutes pass by. Why can I not speak? I can always express what is on my mind, so why on the most important day of my best friend's life, can I not say a few kind words that I know will please him immensely?

Okay, I just need to take a deep breath and calm my racing heart down. Why is there no oxygen in the room? Is the world spinning or am I the one spinning?

What on Earth is wrong with me?! Pull yourself together, Diana. Goodness sake, concentrate, don't let him down now.

I must look like a total idiot standing there with a fearful expression on my face.

Come on, Diana. Remember what you practiced...

Thank the groom for allowing you to be his best woman. This is my chance to thank him officially in front of the guests.

"Ladies and gentlemen." damn, my voice sounds shaky. "I would just like to thank my friend, Steve Trevor, for allowing me to be his best man today."

Good, good, now what next? Tell an anecdote, nothing inappropriate.

"In the time that I've known Steve, we've had some of the most ridiculous arguments I have ever experienced in my life. Mainly about (y/n) and how on earth do they put up with Steve's smart mouth." fantastic, they are laughing. Continue, Diana, continue. "So, Steve," I turn to my right and smile at him. "I have a wedding gift for you." from under the table, I produce a roll of tape. "Happy Wedding Day and may your narriage be a peaceful one for (y/n)." more laughter. This is good.

Right, now for the tricky part. I really want to impress (y/n). Acknowledge the spouse, say what a perfect choice and match the couple are.

A/N: My formatting tool decided to stop working at this point. So I apologise for the change in text type. I will attempt to rectify this issue at a later date. Thank you. 

"When I was first introduced to (y/n), I can honestly say I was a bit shocked at Steve's choice." awkward laughter, the guests are not sure how to take this remark. "However, once I got to know them, I realised that he had found his soul mate. They were both so intune with each other. He knew when something was troubling them and they knew when he needed feeding." they are laughing once again, this is a brilliant sign. "Mostly, I was in awe of (y/n) because of their patience with me. Not many people find me easy to deal with but (y/n) quickly warmed to my set ways and adjusted her life to suit mine. Sitting there, is not only a person but an angel. They have changed both Steve and I's life for the better." people are beginning to cry. I can feel the panic rising once more, have I said something wrong?

Finish, Diana. Bore you are either kicked out of the reception or told to sit down and not say another word. Raise a toast to the couple.

Oh hell, they are crying, what did I say wrong?! "Now, if you would all kindly raise a glass to Mr and (Your Choice of Title) Trevor, may you have a lifetime of arguments about pointless domestic things, a lifetime of wonderful memories and a lifetime of happiness. I wish you all the best. To Mr and (YCOT) Trevor!"

Everyone joins me. "To Mr and (YCOT) Trevor." then there more tears. I am extremely worried now, they were all so happy a moment ago. What is wrong with these people?

Suddenly I am engulfed in a hug by Steve and (y/n), who are both tearful but smiling. 

That is when I realise that I have done everything right. I have fulfilled my duty as best woman. I have made them both proud.



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