Queen Thorn (complete)

By TeresaSullivan427

162K 4K 1.3K

Rose was driven from court, because of the treatment she received from Dimitri and Lissa. But what happened t... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57

Chapter 6

5.1K 101 9
By TeresaSullivan427

"Me first lyubov' moya." Dimitri said. I closed my eyes just as he started thinking about just how badly he wanted to kiss me again. (my love)

I smiled before leaning up and kissing him with everything I was worth.

After I pulled back he cupped my cheek and thought, "Roza, can you hear me?" 

I just nodded at him. 

"I have missed you so very much lyubov' moya. I am so sorry for pushing you away, just when I needed you the most. I never meant to hurt you milaya moya." (my love, my dearest)

"I know that you didn't mean to hurt me, Comrade. I am so sorry for the things I said to you the day that I left. I never actually thought you hurt me on purpose. And I sure as hell didn't think that you were ever anything like your bastard father. I am very very sorry about that stupid rape comment. Can you ever forgive me for the things I said that day and the way that I acted?"

"Dorogaya moya, you were forgiven before the words ever left these beautiful lips." He said as his thumb brushed across my bottom lip. (my darling)

"Can you forgive me, for being such an zhopa?"  He asked. (ass)

"I did that a long long time ago too." We both laughed before kissing again.

After our passionate kiss. I turned to face the others with a smile on my face while still wrapped in Dimitri's strong, comfy, gentle, loving arms.

"Who's next?"

"Would you mind if I went next?" Celeste asked.

"No, that is fine with me."

"Princess, can you hear me?"

I nodded at her and then I sent her my thoughts, "please don't call me princess, unless you absolutely have to."

She laughed, "what would you like me to call you?"


"Very well."

"Thank you."

"Of course, Thorn."

"Anyone else?" 

Yuri raised his hand. 

"Go ahead."

"Can you hear me princess?"

"Yes Yuri, and please, like I asked Celeste call me Thorn unless absolutely necessary."

"Of course, Thorn. May I ask a question?"


"I don't mean to ask you to use your powers in any wrong way, but can you tell if Celeste would be open to me asking her out?"

"Let me check." 

I probed Celeste's mind, but only for that specific thing. 

"You should definitely give it a try." I smiled.

"Thank you."

"You are quite welcome, and if it gets that far. I want an invite to the wedding."

He laughed at me, "you are assured one."

"Good. Anyone else? Mommy Allie?"

"You have already shown me Rose, I believe you." Emil and Serena nodded in agreement with her.

Even though people at the academy had called Dimitri the antisocial stoic battle god, Emil was even more reserved, quiet and stoic than my Comrade. He hardly ever spoke, unless he really had something to say. I was going to have to try and change that in the future.

"Have you developed any other powers Roza?"

"Quite a few actually."

"Will you show us?"

"Of course."

I moved away from everyone and formed a very small dragon in the palm of my hand from the darkness. I let it take flight around the room before it flew over to Dimitri and hovered right in front of his face, so for a few minutes they were nose to snout.

Then it sat on his shoulder and leaned in to lick his neck near his ear. Which is his very sensitive spot, the one that makes him all hot and bothered. It caused everyone to laugh when they saw him shiver slightly. Afterwards, I dissipated the darkness with a wave of my hand.

"WOW!" Was chorused from my new guardians. Well, all except Emil, he just nodded in agreement. I am seriously going to have to work on making him more vocal.

"What else can you do milaya moya?" Asked the love of my life with eyes so fill with desire that they were pitch black. They were filled with so much lust and love that it almost knocked me on my ass. I could not tell the difference between his iris's and his pupil's. (my dearest)

I laughed, concentrating I shifted into a white tiger. I walked over to Dimitri and rubbed up against his legs. He squatted down and stroked my fur, and of course I purred from the contact.

I nuzzled my nose and forehead into his chest and then I raised a paw and rested it on his shoulder, before I licked his neck in the same spot as the dragon had. Before padding over and picking up my clothes with my teeth and walking out of the room. I could not retransform in front of everyone because when I changed back I would be naked. Once I was dressed again I walked back into the office.

"God Roza, you are amazing, lyubov' moya. Absolutely amazing." (my love)

Snuggling back into his arms I said, "thank you Comrade."

"God, I have missed that nickname so much detka." He whispered into my ear. (baby)

"I know, I can feel it." We laughed.

"So, do you have more powers?" Serena asked me.

"Yes, I can not only communicate with people physically close to me but also with anyone else anywhere in the world that I choose to. And if I want them to, then they can talk back to me like I just did with Dimitri, Celeste and Yuri. That has come in very handy on some of our missions over the past two almost three years. It does all have one drawback though."

"What is that?" Emil asked. Guess he was really curious about this.

I opened my mouth and my fangs lowered. "I now have to feed."

"Wow." Serena commented.

"Yes, but my food supply is thankfully becoming harder and harder to find. At least here in the States."

"How is that love?"

"I don't feed from humans."

"Who do you feed from then?"

"Strigoi. I decided that they have frightened, killed and tortured millions of people by feeding on and terrorizing them. So, I turned the tables on them. Now, I return the favor, they are scared to death of me and my teams."

"If you manage to rid the world of strigoi how will you feed then Thorn?" Yuri asked me.

"I have no idea, but I will have to figure out something."

"Have you tried feeding from a dhampir or a human, Thorn?" Celeste asked.

"No, as long as there are still strigoi out there they will be my blood source. Baba has set the teams up to where they can drain some of the strigoi before dealing with them. And he has blood stored up in all of our compounds." (daddy)

Turning to my father I continued. "Although, you may have to get it all shipped here since I can't go out hunting anymore."

He nodded, "I will get Pavel and Sergei to contact our compounds and have that done kizim. Thankfully, I thought to have the refrigerators stocked, on the jet, before we left Turkey." (my daughter)

"Thank you, baba." (daddy)

"Like I said before, taking care of my kiz bebek is just a part of my job as your baba." (baby girl, father)

I felt Dimitri's mental and emotional pain spike when he thought that he would not ever be able to give me children. 

"Yes, you can actually." I said, while looking into the bottomless dark chocolate depths that were my soul mate's eyes.

His eyes stared intently into mine for a minute, before excitedly asking, "seriously?!"

"Yes." He quickly wrapped his arms around me and spun us around in joy.

"I love you milaya moya, I love you so so much." (my dearest)

"I love you too, my Russian god."

"Are those all of your powers Rose?" Alberta asked me a few moments after Dimitri had set me back on my feet.

"Not even close." I closed my eyes again and in a few minutes Mason appeared.

"So, my little sister is becoming queen of the entire moroi and dhampir world huh? Why is it that nothing you accomplish ever seems to surprise me?" 

I laughed and went to hug him.

"Wait, he's solid?" Dimitri asked me.

"Yep, come over here Comrade." 

He did as I asked and I turned back to Mason. "Big brother, let me reintroduce you to my soul mate, the best guardian in the world, Dimitri Belikov."

Mason stuck his hand out to shake Dimitri's. "Do not, hurt my little sister again, Dimitri."

"Not if I can help it Mason."

"Good, then we will get along just fine." Then they both chuckled.

"See you later Rosie."

"Mason, I am going to kick your ass." He just laughed and disappeared.

"You have some amazing powers Rose."

"You haven't even seen half of them Alberta. One day, after the coronation, we will take some time and I will demonstrate more of my powers for all of you."

She nodded then said, "I think I am even more terrified of and for you now than I was before." She and everyone else laughed.

"She is a force to be reckoned with that is for sure." Dimitri said, as he looked at me his eyes filled with awe. 

"She is my amazing one woman army." He finished as he ran his finger through my hair.

There were a few more minutes of laughter, before my aunt spoke up. "All right, let us all sit down; we need to discuss the Dragomir/Ozera angle."

Everyone sat down in varying places around the room, but I never left Dimitri's arms after I was back in them. 

"Rose had Guardian Ryan Aylesworth assigned to Princess Dragomir. Now, we need to assign Natasha a guardian in the hopes that she will leave court, and hopefully stay gone for good. Do any of you have any suggestions?"

"Well, she has been sleeping with Ethan Moore the whole time that I've been gone, so why not just assign him to her?" I suggested.

"That sounds like a solid plan to me Thorn." She smiled at me.

"Thank you, I would also like to assign both of them three of our returned guardians. That way we will have eyes on them if they try anything. Also, when I ask them to leave court they can't refuse on the grounds that they will not be safe."

"Now you are sounding more and more like a true queen Rose. Unfortunately, politics is like an endless game of chess. You must set up your defenses before anyone else even realizes what you are doing. The next thing that we need to discuss is Rose's coronation. Only those of us here, as well as Nathan, Daniella and Hans Croft of course know that Rose is to be crowned queen soon. The question is how soon and how do we keep her hidden until then?"

"Well, I only have one thing that could hold up the coronation."

"Ok, what is that?"

"I would like the Belikova's, as well as Oksana and Mark to all be here. If we could get them here today then we could hold the coronation tomorrow for all I care."

"Abe how long would it take to get them here?" Aunt Tati asked.

"I could have a car sent to pick them up in a few hours and take them to the nearest airstrip. After that it would take less than ten hours to get them here. So, all in all, I would say it would take about fifteen hours."

"Wonderful, please get on that." 

My father stood up and walked away to contact Dimitri's family as well as Mark and Oksana.

"Once they arrive I will have five dressmakers go to their suites. So that the ladies can pick out dresses to wear to your coronation as well as the banquet and the ball. So, they will each need at least two dresses."

"They will also need dresses for a three year old little girl and a two year old little girl and a suit or tux for an eight year old."

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