Not What You Expected, Right?

By hyfryd101

9.9K 213 23

Nirvana Blake was a simple 21 year old girl who likes a party. Her friends and her party a lot, and her paren... More

Not What You Expected, Right?
Chapter Uno!
Chapter Dos!
Chapter Tres!
Chapter Cuatro!
Chapter Cinco!
Chapter Seis!
Chapter Siete!
Chapter Ocho!
Chapter Nueve!
Chapter Diez
Chapter Eleven!
Authors note D:

Chapter Twelve

253 11 0
By hyfryd101

Sorry! This updates a little late but... Ok, I had serious writers block and was actually considering killing Nivvy.... 

Anyways, I actually figured out That in the last chapter I said Daisy was 10 months... Yeah, I added it up wrong. She would be, like, a year and a month.... Woops....

And, to that person(sorry, can't remember your name...) she's a werewolf, so she develops faster than normal humans and can talk sooner... It probably also has to do with my crappy maths...

Anyways, to the story!!!!



Chapter Twelve

I liked my lips as I gazed at her. Daisy was sitting on my lap, coloring crazily with crayons as she sang along to a made up song. She was grinning though, and everytime she glanced up at me her grin would get wider. 

Turns out even though she HAD improved, she didn't wake up. It's been another three months since then. They want to run more tests on her to try and find out why she isn't waking up. 

"Baby, please wake up." I muttered quietly as I rubbed her hand in mine. I closed my eyes, burying my head into Daisy's hair. She giggled at the well-known gesture, trying not to move. 

"Dada, can I hug mama?" She asked quietly after a few minutes. I looked up at my daughter, smiling weakly. That's all she did on her 1st birthday. Stay here and tell stories to Nivvy. You could tell by just talking to her, touching her that Daisy would be OK. 

"Go on then, honey." I gently placed Daisy on the bed. She crawled up towards Nivvy, wrapping her small arms around Nivvy's waist. She placed her head on her chest with a sad look on her face. She glanced up at Nivvys face longingly. 

"Mama, please wake up." She said softly. I closed my eyes at this, trying not to cry. "I don't like not heawing you voice." I chuckled quietly as she messed up on the words. "And I don't like dada cwying." She still can't pronounce 'R'. I looked up at her again. 

"I don't, either." My head whipped around to see Nivvy glancing at me with a small smile. "Hi Mase."

"Nivvy!" I exclaimed, feeling my eyes grow wet again as I hugged her and Daisy gently. "Please don't leave me again, please. I'm sorry, so, so sorry." I sobbed as she slowly wrapped her arms around me. 

"I won't, Mase. I promise." She whispered into my neck, her breath tickling it. I pulled back to smile at her. 

"Mama!" Daisy exclaimed with a grin. 

"Daisy, honey!" She hugged Daisy tightly, tears falling down her cheeks slowly. 

"You've missed so much." I said quietly once things had settled down. Daisy fell asleep on the bed wrapped up in Nivvy. "Her first birthday, Charlie and Drew mating, Xavier telling Drew about him and Ty..." I trailled off, looking at her. "And I've missed you so much." 

"I'm sorry." She whispered. I grabbed her hands, squeezing them untill she looked up at me. 

"Don't be." I whispered back. "It's my fault. I let the power get to me, I let it turn me into a jerk. I will never act that way again, I promise. Those six months you've been gone, they've been the worst in my life. All I could think about was what I would do if I... If I lost you."

She smiled sadly as a few tears leaked down my cheeks. She leaned over to me, watching not to jostle Daisy before kissing away my tears. She then slowly caresed my cheek.

"Don't worry, Mase. I love you, always have and always will." I closed my eyes with a happy smile, leaning closer to her touch. "I'll never leave you again."

"Me either." I answered, opening my eyes. "Me either." I pulled her closer, kissing her hard. "Me either."

* * * * * *

Daisy gripping her arms around my neck as we walked into the ice cream parlour, her eyes glowing with complete happiness as I ordered us some ice cream. 

Nivvy was having tests all day today, and ordered us to go out and have fun. Daisy, obviously, wanted to go to the park and have ice cream. We had spent almost three hours in the park before walking here. 

We settled down in a seat, Daisy trying to climb up onto the desk. I chuckled at her clumisness(just like Nivvy) and helped her sit down. She grinned in thanks, licking her ice cream. 

"Mason Blake?" I looked up to see four people from my old school.  Jason, Luke, Whitney and Rebecca. I smiled slowly at them, nodding. 

"Oh my God!" Becca exclaimed with a squeal, sliding into the oposite bench. I shifted uncomfortably in my seat, holding Daisy quite tightly. She looked at me, cocking her head to the side in confussion before shrugging it off and licking her ice cream happily. 

"Blake man, good to see you." I smiled at Jase and Luke, nodding. 

"Yeah, it is." I replied, using a napkin to clean Daisy's chin. "So..."

"Is what Sandie and Brand said true?" Whitney asked bluntly. Becca glared at her slightly. 

"Urm, what did they say?" I asked awkwardly. Whitney looked at Becca and the guys before back at me. 

"That you met you're mate! And, had a little girl who is, and I quote, 'Beyond cute!'." I licked my lips uncomfortably. 

"Uh, yeah. It's true." Becca looked livid while Whit and the guys looked beyond happy for me. 

"Is this Daisy?" Luke asked, looking at Daisy in my lap. At the mention of her name, Daisy's head shot up with a cheeky grin on it. 

"Hi!" She exclaimed, her bright blue eyes glowing with happiness. Whit bit her lip, looking at her in complete awe. Even Becca looked at her like that. She squinted at Jase for a moment before giggling as she threw some ice cream at him. Jase chuckled at her, clearly amused. "You'we Jase!"

"Uh, that's right..." He said with a confussed expression. Daisy grinned up at me. 

"Dada said you'we his best fwend!" She exclaimed, pulling herself to stand on my lap. She spun to look at me. "Can we go see mama now?"

"You finished you're ice cream?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. She nodded eagerly at my question, throwing her arms around my neck. "Let's go then, sweety."

"Bye!" She exclaimed to everyone over my shoulder. 

"It was nice seeing you guys." I said to them before leaving. "Bye."

"Bye." They all waved before we left. Daisy tangled her hands in my hair, meeting my eyes. 

"Dada, do you luv mama?" I looked at her in shock. 

"More than anything in the world, other than you of course." She giggled as I flicked her nose softly. 

"Good. Cawse she towd me that she luvs you vewwy much!" I grinned at this, hugging Daisy closer to me as we got to the car. 

"Yeah? I think she loves you much more!" I winked at her as I buckled her into the car seat. She giggled at this, nodding. 

"Yeah!" I chuckled, going into the car seat. "Dada?"

"Yeah, honey?" I asked, looking in the rear view mirror at my beautiful daughter. She smiled crookidly. 

"I luv you."


Soo... I don't think theres much longer of this story... Sequel? Who knows?!

Anywas, I would like to say something quickly. If anyone here is a fan of LieToMe123(or not, whatever) then she is very stupid(she said this herself...) and forgot her password. So, her story is like, being neglected untill she can be bothered to make a new account. So, please pass the message on to others(I will post this on her wall for all to see :D) but when she does set it up, please don't give her crap about her being 'fake' or shit. 

Anyways, Thank you!



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