Something New III (Completed)

By Tweetyy95

130K 5K 5.3K

Beyoncé and Shawn have been married for 6 years and are raising 3 kids. Through it all they are happier than... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
New Story-Something New IV

Chapter 13

2.6K 111 71
By Tweetyy95

"Yo Bey what the hell you give this boy to eat?"

I turned my head from the TV and chuckled, Shawn was holding Sage away from him as he made a stinky face. It was clear as day Sage needed his diaper changed.

"He's a baby, he doesn't smell that bad."

"You a damn lie, come change him." He tried to pass him to me, but I blocked it. When he saw I refused to change our stinky son, he smacked his lips and got up from the bed. "The next one you're changing."

I continued to laugh as Shawn complained. He never has a problem changing the kids diaper when they have peed, but a shitty diaper? Yea, he bitches and moan about that.

While I was busy watching TV, there was a knock on the door. I already knew it was Lexi because of how high the knock was. I yelled for her to come in.

"It's pretty quiet in here, thought you guys were asleep." She stated. Shawn had walked backed over to the bed and sat down. Sage got out his father arms and crawled over to his sister.

"Just watching TV, what's up? Don't ask me to cook anything if that's why you're in here. It's Friday so you know I don't cook."

Lexi shook her head no, "No, I actually came in here to let you guys know that my dad said he couldn't come pick me up today."

"Are you serious?" I said with a frown. "He barely comes out here and the weekend he does, he can't come get you. That sounds like some bs to me."

"You know he can't never come through for Lexi. It's like pulling teeth to get him to do anything for his child." Shawn added his two cents. "He probably got an excuse lined up as to why he couldn't come."

All Lexi did was shrug, I know we shouldn't be talking about Kenneth like this in front of her, but it's irritating that he never does for her. I swear sometimes I wish I would have put him on child support.

"I don't know and I don't even care." Lexi admitted, "I was just wondering if it would be okay if I could spend some time with Michael since my dad isn't coming to get me anymore."

I should have known she was up to something. Lexi wouldn't have even came in here to let me know about Kenneth, I would have figured that out myself by walking into her room and seeing she was still here.

"Where you guys going?"

"Um we decided to just get something to eat since the both of us haven't eaten yet. Then after that we might find something else to do."

Before I made a decision, I looked over at Shawn to see what he was thinking. I know he doesn't agree with Lexi or even like for Lexi to spend time with Michael. And regardless if he's her stepfather, his opinion is needed just as much.

He turned his head to face me when he realized I was looking at him, "What? You waiting on me to decide?"

"Kind of."

"You already know how I feel about ole boy." He said with a shrug.

"So, is it a yes or no?" Lexi asked impatiently.

"Go ahead, Lexi and be safe. And don't do anything stupid because I haven't forgotten." I raised my eyebrow to give her a hint on what I was talking about. I trust my daughter but at the same time I still have a feeling she smoked the other day when she was out with this girl Jessica.

"Yes, ma'am." She put Sage down on the bed and he started crying for his big sister. The way he likes to be under Lexi you would think she was his mother. Shawn grabbed our son and laid him on his chest to calm him down.

"You already know your curfew so we shouldn't have to repeat the rules or anything to you." Shawn said to her. "And tell Michael to keep his hands to himself."

Lexi gave Shawn a look before blowing her breath, "Is that it?"

"Lose the attitude before you will be sitting in the house." He warned her.

I looked between my husband and daughter and wonder what was going on. They always had a good relationship and Shawn never really had to talk to her in a negative way so I'm curious to know what's going on.

"Is there a problem I need to be aware of?" Both remained quiet. "Okay, I guess I'm talking to myself."

"Mom there is nothing wrong. Shawn just doesn't like Michael for whatever reason." I looked over at Shawn to get conformation. He expression didn't reveal anything.

"Can I just go or am I going to be lectured all night for no reason."

I sighed, "Lexi go head before I change my mind and do lecture you for the night." Without saying another word, she left out our room.

Even though both Lexi and Shawn said that there wasn't anything wrong, I knew the truth. Shawn may not like Michael but I know it's more to it and I am going to find out. I turned the TV and faced my attention to Shawn who was putting his son to sleep.

"Baby, what happened between you and Lexi? And don't lie to me." I never wanted to experience my daughter and husband not getting along. I know Lexi is a teenager now and she will be having her attitudes and mood swings, but I don't want that to be the reason her and Shawn close relationship ending.

He sat up all the way and shrugged, "Nothing really happened, she just got mad because I told her to bring her ass when she was talking to Michael. She was mad because she felt like I was embarrassing her. I mean I could have told her to come on in a nicer way, but still she purposely had me and the kids waiting to talk to this damn boy."

"That's it? That's why she got an attitude towards you?"

He nodded his head "Yea, it didn't get too serious. She just upset because she feels like I don't like him for no reason and that's not true. I got a feeling about ole boy and it ain't a good one. I think we need to sit Lexi down and tell her she needs to either stop seeing him or slow down with spending time with him."

"Shawn if we were to tell her to stop seeing him, she will really hate us especially you. I do understand your concern though. I feel like Lexi has been doing things lately. The other day when she came from hanging out with that girl Jessica, she smelt like weed and her eyes were low. I used to smoke so I know when a person is high."

Shawn rubbed his chin, "Did you get after her?"

"No, she wouldn't be truthful about it. I want her to confess to me before I do anything because truthfully, I don't want to be right about her doing things she shouldn't be doing. I honestly want to keep my trust that I have for my daughter but I don't know. She hasn't been speaking or hanging with China lately and when I asked her about it she claimed that they were just wasn't seeing eye to eye."

He shook his head and sighed, "I don't want to think about this nor do I even want to say it, but do you think it's time for the sex talk?"

"I actually gave her a small talk about sex when we were in Dallas, but she claimed she wasn't thinking about it."

"Well it seems like it's time to have a depth talk because she doesn't need to be out here being reckless. I would hate to see her dealing with a harsh consequence because of her actions then we blame ourselves because we ain't take the proper steps in preparing her."

"You're right" I said with a nod. "I just need Lexi to be open and honest when I do have this talk with her."


"Damn you look fine." Michael complimented when I walked up to his car. He was sitting on the hood waiting for me.

"Thank you." I gave him a shy smile and leaned in for a hug which lead to us exchanging a kiss. He opened the car door for me and I got in.

"So, there has been a change in plans." He announced when he began driving.

"What's that?"

"I don't want to go to the party anymore. I just want to chill with you in a peaceful environment, not around a whole bunch of nosey people." I smiled at him wanting us to spend some time alone. It would be a great feeling with it just being us.

"What did you have in mind?"

"If you didn't mind we can just get high, order some pizza and wings and watch whatever is on Netflix." It sounded like a chill date so I agreed with it.

"Are your parents' home?" I know he has met my parents but I am not ready to meet his.

"Naw, my parents went to a friend's wedding in LA so they are gone for the weekend. It's just me in the house, they took my lil brother with them just so I can have the freedom and not worry about watching him."

"But don't worry in the future you will meet them." He said with a smirk.

"Wow you really love basketball." I said while observing his room. There was nothing but basketball decorations everywhere.

He chuckled and closed the door, "Yup, been loving it since I was a kid. My pops played it until he unfortunately tore his ACL in college. Hopefully I can be the one to carry the dream and go pro."

"You got big dreams, I'm still don't have an idea of what I want to do."

"It's cool, you just a freshman no need to rush anything." He said while turning on the TV. "You can take your shoes off and sit on the bed if you like." I had no problem with doing just that.

I sat on the bed as I watched Michael do whatever to his TV. He was turning on his play station and went to the main menu so that he could turn on the Netflix. When he got that settled he sat on the bed with me and handed me the remote.

"It's your pick."

"I don't know what to watch. I might pick something you find boring."

He shrugged his shoulders, "Doesn't matter to me, I barely watch TV anyways. All I do is play 2k when I come home then go to sleep."

"Alright." I searched throughout the category to find something good for us to watch. While I was doing that, Michael was on his phone ordering the pizza and wings online.

"You cool with buffalo wings and pepperoni pizza" he asked.

"Yea, that's fine."

It was hard settling on a movie that did not involve being a cartoon. I spend way too much time with Blue to remember what kids my age watch. But luckily he was okay with watching All about the Benjamins. The movie is old but it's still funny.

As the movie began to come on, Michael wrapped his arm around my waist to bring me closer to him. Being this close to him made me nervous but also made me feel all warm inside. I laid my head on his chest and got even more comfortable.

"Wanna get high before the food comes?" he whispered in my ear.

"Sure, why not." It didn't take him long to roll it up and light it up.

As we were exchanging the blunt back and forth, I felt my phone vibrating in my pocket. From the quickness and shortness of the feel, I knew it was a text.

Jessica: Damn girl where you at? I've been waiting for like an hour.

Shit I did just forget about her. Passing the blunt back to Michael, I replied to her message.

To: Sorry girl, Michael picked me up and took me to his house. Said he wanted to spend some alone time with me. 

Jessica: Aw okay get that D🍆💦👅

I rolled my eyes at her thinking that anything will happen. I know I am not ready for sex so I won't even put it in my head to do it now. I just enjoy the feeling of kissing and maybe touching here and there.

I put my phone away and went back to enjoying this smoke session with my boyfriend. By the time we were done with the first blunt, the doorbell had rung indicating our food was here.

"I'll be right back." He kissed my cheek and headed downstairs. Soon as he came in with the food, my mouth water. I don't know what it is but I get so hungry when I'm high.

"We can just eat it from the box, no need to waste paper plates." He suggested. He didn't have to tell me twice. I immediately dug in.

Once we were done eating, we smoked another blunt then we went back to cuddling and watching the movie.

As I was enjoying my high, I felt Michael kissing on my neck. The feeling of his lips kissing on a certain spot was making me lose it. It's like he knew because he kept on sucking and kissing.

"You're giving me a hickey again." I said in a broken-up tone.

"Just do like you did last time to get rid of it." He said in between the kisses he was giving my neck. Instead of worrying about the hickey, I laid back on his bed and enjoyed it.

Soon his lips went from my neck to my lips. Feeling his tongue mix with mine was causing me to feel pleasure in between my legs. Like always I was feeling the wetness flow down on my thigh. It's still weird to me how much I can get turn on from just the littlest thing that he does.

I was enjoying making out with him until I felt his hand move from my waist to the front of my jeans. I put my hand on top of his to stop him from unbuttoning my jeans. He looked a bit frustrated but I didn't care. High or not I knew I couldn't allow him to think we were going to have sex or anything.

"Lexi, why you stop me?"

"Because you were trying to unbutton my jeans. You know I'm not ready to go there." Michael put his head down and sighed, he looked back up at me and gave me a look I couldn't describe.

"Listen baby, we been together for a month right. We have a nice lil relationship going so why not express how we feel about each other. I like you a lot and you like me a lot, right?"

I nodded my head yes as my answer, "Then why can't we make each other feel good then? That's what couples do. I mean we ain't gotta have sex or anything because I know you not ready for that, but we can do other stuff."


He shrugged his shoulders, "Ion know probably things like kissing, touching—

"We already doing that though."

Again, he let out a sigh, "I know Lexi, but I wanna take it a little bit further. Like pleasing each other by me fingering you and you probably can stroke me a bit."

"Then maybe when you feel a bit more comfortable oral can be next."

I frowned upon the things he was saying. I know in a relationship you become intimate, but just hearing someone ask me to do those things is just making my skin crawl. Fingering, stroking and oral sounds so disgusting.

"Michael, I don't know that sounds like a bit much." He nodded his head and moved from hovering over me.

It grew awkward and I didn't know how to make it any better. Excusing myself, I went into the bathroom he had connected to his room and pulled out my phone. I called the only person I knew who would help.

"Hello?" Jessica answered.

I took a deep breath, I can't believe I am about to talk about this with her.

"Hey, Jessica. I need your help."

"Ooh what's wrong?"

"Michael wants me to do things with me."

"Girl what?!" Jessica said with a laugh. In fact, she laughed for a minute as if I was kidding or something.

"I'm serious, he said he wants to take things to the next level and do more than kiss and touch."

Jessica calmed down from her laughter than spoke, "Girl, you really are fresh but look, it's natural for things to be kicked up a notched. All Michael wants to do is make you feel good and that's it. Take it from someone who's been with him, he's not a selfish lover so trust when I say it's all about you when it's comes to getting pleased."

"So, you're saying I should stopped being scared and go for it?"

"If you wanna feel good then yes. I'm sure you won't even be having sex tonight. He's probably going to do the baby step and finger you or something." I took in the words Jessica said and told her I would call her later. I just needed a lil bit of a prep talk from someone so that I could stop being so afraid.

When I came back in room, Michael was lighting up another blunt. Since my high was coming down, I wouldn't mind smoking again. I check the time and it was going on 8 something. Plenty of time to do whatever he had in mind.

He didn't say anything to me when I got in the bed or even when I took the blunt from him and puffed it.

Before I knew it, I made the move to kiss him. The kissing started off slow and then it picked up when he laid me on my back. He looked at me to get assurance when he went to the button of my jeans. I gave him the okay to unbutton them.

Softly his hands creep inside my pants and I felt him push my panties to the side. I gasped when I felt his finger slid into my love. I felt pain but pleasure began to take over when he slowly started to push a bit deeper inside. To increase the pleasure, he began to kiss all over my body even lifting up my shirt to expose my breasts. I was so lost in the pleasure I was receiving that I didn't even mind when he put his mouth on my nipple and sucked on it.

I don't know what was happening to my body, but it was shaking as I felt my body get warm as a tingling feeling was going on in between my legs. It's like it was begging to bust and Michael knew it because the pace he was going at went from medium to fast causing a scream to come out. It felt so damn weird when I felt something come out my body.

That something was an orgasm.

Coming down from that experience, I pushed Michael away from and quickly buttoned up my jeans. I don't know why I even let that happened. I wasn't in my right mind.

"What the fuck Lexi?"

"I shouldn't have let that happened." I said in a panic.

"Yo chill, its not that serious. You're still a virgin."

"It doesn't matter. I still shouldn't have let it get that far." I was completely aware now and right now I needed to leave and go home.

Michael smacked his lips and grabbed his shoes when he seen put on mine. "You know you really need to stop acting like a damn baby and grow up. All I did was finger you not fuck you."

I didn't reply back, wasn't no need to. He was upset and I was confused and felt dirty. We wouldn't be able to have a mature conversation right now.

"Can you just take mehome." I asked him. Without putting up a fight, he did like I asked." 

So I was go add Aaliyah to this chapter, but I wasn't go do y'all like that and add all that drama 😩 

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