Electric Impulse

By AngeltheAuthor320

5.1M 150K 16.1K

*** This story is now FREE!!!*** After a traumatic breakup with her college sweetheart, Aria Davenport meets... More

Important Note - No longer a Wattpad Paid Story
book trailer, synopsis
chapter 1 | meeting sebastian's parents
chapter 2 | who's that?
chapter 3 | homies
chapter 4 | he said what?
chapter 5 | sebastian's barbecue
chapter 6 | runaway 18-wheeler
chapter 7 | waiting room I
chapter 8 | the envelope
chapter 9 | hashing it out
Chapter 10 | the big day
chapter 11 | what's coming
chapter 12 | gas station milk
chapter 13 | waiting room II, too much
chapter 14 | nowhere in sight, road kill
chapter 15 | at this hour?
chapter 16 | get away
chapter 17 | friends now?, we meet again
chapter 18 | troy
chapter 20 | twenty questions
chapter 21 | morning after, points
chapter 22 | anything but conventional
chapter 23 | romance
chapter 24 | free time
chapter 25 | waiting room III, new candidate
chapter 26 | blue skies
chapter 27 | touch down
chapter 28 | like the locals
chapter 29 | pretty penny
chapter 30 | out in the open sea
chapter 31 | behind closed doors, waiting room IV
chapter 32 | catching feels
chapter 33 | masquerade party part 1
chapter 34 | masquerade party part 2
chapter 35 | my turn
chapter 36 | at long last
chapter 37 | a hard landing, waiting room V
chapter 38 | missing in action, resounding ring
chapter 39 | long time, no see
chapter 40 | suspicions
chapter 41 | damsel in distress, waiting room VI
chapter 42 | not obsessed
chapter 43 | hot on the trail
chapter 44 | without warning
chapter 45 | it's done, waiting room VII
chapter 46 | dare to dream
chapter 47 | dreaded confrontation
chapter 48 | orange dream
chapter 49 | square one
chapter 50 | my love
chapter 51 | what is this, really?
chapter 52 | if at first you don't succeed
epilogue | closure

chapter 19 | paint the town

63.8K 2.4K 133
By AngeltheAuthor320

Three Months Ago

Saturday Night

Leaning closer to the mirror, I apply dark eye shadow and thick eyeliner for a dramatic look. Shifting through my makeup drawer, I search for my boldest, brightest lipstick. On second thought, a nude gloss will make my eyes pop, so I go that route.

"Ari, get dressed already!" Mia doesn't bother to hide her impatience.

"Tonight, I'm putting sluts to shame. My clothes are on the bed. I'm wearing that sleeveless black, bandage dress with the cute cutouts. Showing a little skin. Mainly boobage but the sides along the waist are also cutout. It's cute, take a look. I'm topping it off with black chunky heels and my black snakeskin clutch."

"That's hot! You're on fire tonight, chica!" Penelope yells from my bedroom.

Mia breezes past me in the bathroom reaching for the black cherry lipstick and bronzer. "How long has it been since we've been out?" She applies bronzer to her cheekbones.

"Close to a month."

"That's way too long. I feel like we're growing apart or something." Penelope stands at the bathroom entrance, popping her gum like it's the last piece she'll ever chew.

"That's why I pushed for us to get out tonight. We need girl time."

"This bathroom is not big enough for the three of us. I'll use the mirror in your bedroom, Ari. I feel like I have no idea what's going on in your world," Penelope yells down the hall. "I know Mia just got accepted into Marquette."

"Yay me!"

"Following in big sis' footsteps, finally! There's nothing new with me, really. My T-shirts are selling like hotcakes."

"That's good news," Penelope returns, leaning against the bathroom door frame. "Mia, pass the eyeshadow."

"Here you go. Well, I went on a date with—wait for it."

"With who!?!" Penelope and I yell in unison.

She wrinkles her nose as if she's just smelled cooked cabbage. "Ricky."

"Ew! People call me Pretty Ricky."

"That's so gross! He's more like Filthy Ricky."

"Or Stinky Ricky!"

"I know. He kept bugging me, so I caved. It was horrible. Never again."

I laugh. Hard. "That will teach you to listen to big sis!"

"So, Ari. What's with your love life, these days?" Penelope asks from the bedroom.

"What love life? I'm a nun." I tap Mia on the arm. "Pass me that hair perfume?"

"Not even a person of interest?"

"Nope. Not a soul."

"Hmm." Mia purses her lips. Her tone is doubtful. She looks at me out the corner of her eye and gives me the spray. "What's that for?"

"It gives you fresh-smelling hair."

"Why don't you just wash your hair?" she asks.

"Because I already did, like two days ago. Plus, we're leaving in like twenty minutes. Are you nuts?"

"I'm just saying. If you're going to go so far as to use hair perfume, doesn't it make sense to just wash it instead of covering it up?"

"Washing it again would dry it out. Did you forget, we're black?" I talk to her in the mirror as I spritz my hair. "Oil doesn't build up in our hair like that."

Penelope pops her head in. "She's right, Mia. I don't wash my hair every day and you see what I'm working with." She turns around and flaunts her black, shiny waist-length mane. "Listen, even Kim Kardashian has a five-day hair plan and she's white or Armenian or something. Is that white?" Penelope squints, as she ponders her question. "Anyhow, what does that tell you, girl?"

"Alright, I get it. Use hair perfume on day old hair. Got it." Mia continues playing with her long curls in the mirror.

Penelope walks back to the bedroom. "Anyhow. I met a guy a few weeks ago. It was cool at first, but it fizzled. Fast. I'm on the prowl tonight. Need some fresh blood."

Walking to my bedroom to get dressed, I catch a glance of Penelope blowing kisses to herself in the mirror. She passes me in the hall.

"How do I look?"

"Loving the hair. The part down the middle gives you a classic look and that outfit is to die for."

"What this old thing?"

"Old thing? That black halter top is brand new." Mia snatches the tag off Penelope's back. "And so is this red pencil skirt." She pulls that tag off, rolling her eyes. "You ain't foolin' nobody."

"I was just wearing this for the night! Now look what you did!" Penelope picks up the tags, sighs and throws them in the garbage. "Forget it, I'll just keep the outfit."

Mia strikes a pose in front of me. "What are we thinking?"

"OK. Skin-tight, studded skull T-shirt and cropped black blazer. A definite yes. Super short, shorts. You'd be crazy not to. Four-inch stilettos. Hell, yeah."

"Give me five minutes, I'll be ready."

I get dressed and we jet out in Penelope's car.

The drive to the east side is a short one.

"Let's start at the Top Hat Garage," I suggest.

We get inside and head downstairs to grab a table.

"I love the ambiance. How did you find out about this place?" Mia asks as she checks out the scene.

Penelope licks her lips. "Yes, Yes! The eye candy, girl!"

"A friend from work."

"A friend? As in a guy?"

"Penelope stop fishing." I bat her away.

"Penelope's right. I didn't believe you at the house and I don't believe you now!" Mia exclaims.

"You seem different. Upbeat. Almost, hopeful? Like there's something brewing. Spill it."

Resting my hand on my hip, I stare back blankly.

"See? Something's up, I know it." Penelope cocks her head, trying to read me.

"She's been a little secretive lately."

"Stop being a buzz kill! Let's have some fun tonight."

"Whatever." Penelope flips her hair.

"I'm getting us a round," I announce.

"No, you don't," Mia says, rests her hand on my shoulder. "You're not at work. I got this." She searches the crowd for a waitress and flags one down. She orders us drinks.

I feel tapping on my shoulder. "Speak of the devil!"

"What? You were talking about me?" Phoenix flashes a toothy smile.

"You following me?" I playfully shoot back.

The girls know.

"I could say the same thing about you," he whispers seductively in my ear.

"You make it a point to see me a least once a week," I tease.

Mia and Penelope stare with wide eyes. It's like they're witnessing the mating dance of exotic animals in the wild.

"What?!?" I stare back just as intensely.

They exchange an I-told-you-so glance between themselves.

"I'm guilty. There I said it. I had to see you and you weren't at Lotus so, I had to come and find you. Please. Please, can I stay?" He pretends to beg.

"I don't have a problem with that." I try concealing my joy. "Who are you here with?"

"Riz and JC. Nixon is out of commission, as usual. Who's here with you?" Phoenix looks at Mia and Penelope.

Riz and JC arrive at the table with Coronas.

"This is my little sister, Mia. She just learned this morning she'll be attending Marquette come the fall. Too bad we couldn't be on campus together, which would've been the case had she started right out of high school."

"Stop busting my balls." Mia waves a polite hello.

"And this is Penelope. We've been girls since we were like nine. Our mothers are best friends. We grew up doing everything together."

Penelope gives Phoenix her hand, as if the clock just dialed back to a simpler time. When drag racing Chevys and Fords on back roads was all the rage and the kids' main hangout was the Ice Cream Parlor. She takes it to a time when the best shows were still in black and white. Standing there with a 1950s allure, she holds out her hand as if she expects him to kiss it.

I roll my eyes.

Girl, please! Always assuming the alpha male out of every pack is already hers. Her kill rate is like 99 percent. There's something about Latin women that drive men crazy but Phoenix will be in that ever-elusive 1 percent. He won't fall for her charms. I hope not. I pray not. Please don't.

"Hi and you are?" Penelope bats her eyes at him.

"Umm. This is Phoenix. I know him from work." I take a step back and watch intently.

Penelope's my girl and all, but I hope she falls flat on her ass with this one.

"Oh. So, he's the one from work," Penelope blurts out. Looking him up and down, she bites her nail flirtatiously.

"He told me about this place," I tell her, staring her dead in the eyes. If looks could kill. Phoenix, don't fall for it.

"You mean I showed you this place?" Phoenix corrects me, giving me a flirty glance.


Our eyes lock in a long gaze. My heart charges forward like a runaway horse. It's too intense, I quickly look away.

Yes, he is the alpha male of this pack.

"Well, that's a story I'd love to hear!" Penelope's purposely leans into him, pretending to be interested.

She'll do anything to keep him talking to her. She figures the longer he looks at her, the more likely that fishing line of hers will tug and come back with dinner. Penelope devours men. It's the one thing I absolutely hate about her.

"If we can share your table, I'll tell you all about it," Phoenix shoots back.

I give Mia and Penelope the look of approval. Penelope lights up, of course. Mia nods, giving me the OK.


Phoenix pulls up an empty chair right next to mine. Mia pulls up another, making room for six. Riz sits next to Mia and JC sits by Penelope.

Penelope gets up abruptly. "I need to use the little girls' room. You coming?" She looks at me and Mia.

"You're breaking the seal kind of early, aren't you? You start now, and you'll be going to the little girls' room all night. My butt is glued to this seat." I look around like she's asking someone else.

"Come on. It's important," Penelope stomps her heel like a toddler having a mild temper tantrum.

"I'll go," Mia gives in.


I roll my eyes. "Fine!" I grab my clutch and turn to Phoenix. "Be right back."

Through a closed bathroom stall and what seems like an endless stream of trickling water, Penelope asks, "So, what's the deal with Phoenix? Is he attached? Single?"

Noticing a shine on my forehead, I whip out my blotting papers. "Who, Phoenix? Well. Umm. Yeah. I think so. I think—he has a girlfriend. Actually, I'm pretty sure. Yes. She's been to the club with him."

"Oh." Penelope sounds disappointed. That must've put a kink in her plans, but it never stopped her before.

"And what about his other guy?" Mia asks. "The one with the tattoos is kinda cute."

"That's Riz. He is such a sweetheart. I don't know if he's single. I've seen him with girls, but no one that stuck around."

"So, that leaves me with the other guy? He looks like a black Jesus or something. I guess with me being Catholic and all, it could work."

"Your middle name is Mary too! Don't forget that!" Mia adds.

"She's right!" I laugh, unexpectedly. As soon as Penelope walks out of the bathroom stall, I slap her arm. "Funny you should say that. You won't believe me when I tell you his name."

She looks amused. "Whaaa? What is it?"

"It's JC."

"Shut up! JC? As in Jesus Christ? Get out!"

We bust out laughing. I feel relieved. For a moment, I wanted to wrap my hands around Penelope's throat and squeeze the life out of her.

But she's my girl. Always will be. Goddamn maneater!


A/N: Hey Lovers! This is the end of chapter 19. Do you have noisy friends/family like Penelope and Mia? Do you think they're budding in is for Aria's own good? 

I'm dedicating this chapter to @amethystamber87 because she's the best! She's been such a good friend here on Wattpad. It's nice to have someone to just chat with from time to time. This one's for you, Girl! ❤️❤️❤️

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