Uncle Seb

By SnapesKitten

67.7K 1.8K 323

Stories of Severus babysitting a young Harry through out his life till he goes off to Hogwarts More

Uncle Luc Saves The Day
First Play Date
A Harry Christmas
Chamber of...... really?
Prisinor of Chocolate
Triwizard- wait, there's four
Trusting the Family
The Pink Toad of Hogwarts
Half-Blood Prince
Begining of the End
Time to Go Home

The Photo Album

17.5K 305 50
By SnapesKitten

"Dad!" Harry calls down the steps from the attic. He was clearing it out for his dad was coming to live with him. His dad was is in his older years and Harry thought it was time he moved in with him. After the war, Harry didn't feel like marrying. Everyone thought him and Ginny would get married but, Harry thought of her as a sister like he did Hermione.

  Ron and Hermione got married and had kids. That was the day Harry realized that he too wanted kids, so he adopted. He has a five year old son who he named James. A set of twin boys Albus and Tom who are four and a little three year old girl named Lily. They loved there grandpa, and every time he came to visit or they visited him, he would spoil them rotten. The kids were so excited to have grandpa live with them. 

  "What's the matter son?" His dad says as he comes up the latter and into the attic. Harry walks up to him holding a photo album.

  "Who's... uncle seb?" He says trying to make out the handwriting. It looked like it was scribbled on with crayon from a young child. At the sight of the album, Severus' face lights up. 

  "You found it!" He says excitedly as he takes the album from Harry's hands and pages through it. Harry can see dozens of pictures pass by. Some have stickers next to them or writing. "Come, I'll explain in the kitchen," Severus says as he leads the way back down the latter, book in hand. Harry shrugs his shoulders and follows his dad.

  Harry doesn't remember much of his real parents. He knows they died when he was younger and went to his aunt and uncle's house for... He would say about a year. Then one day a man in black showed up and rescued him. That man was Severus Snape. 

  Harry and Severus entered the kitchen and sat down at the table. Severus conjured up some tea and biscuits for them to eat.

  "Okay, now explain who is this uncle seb?" Harry questioned the man in front of him.
  "That would be me," Severus answered the young man while taking a bite of a biscuit. Harry gave him a dumbfounded look. 


"Yes, it's true. You always called me uncle Seb when you were little." He confirms. 

  "How did that come about?" Harry asked while taking a sip of his own tea. Severus placed his hand under his chin and thought for a bit.

  "I think it was because of Lily. She called me Sev, which was her nickname for me. You didn't know who I was so you called me uncle. But once you heard her say Sev, you put it with uncle only, you couldn't pronounce the 'v' so instead, you said it with a 'b'." Severus explained to the young man.
  "Did you come by often then?" Harry's asks out of pure curiosity.

  "Yes. I used to babysit you quite often." At this new information, Harry gets a frightened look on his face, and Severus only smirks. "Oh yes young man, I have a lot of embarrassing baby stories about you that one day I'll tell your kids." Severus laughs at him. 

  "So what pictures are in there?" Harry asks moving to sit next to him. Severus opened up the cover to reveal the first picture. It was a woman with red hair in a hospital bed. She had a blue blanket in her arms. A man was standing next to him who had tears in his eyes and looked a lot like him. Then, there was a man who looked like Severus only younger who was leaning up against a wall with a tissue to his eyes. The picture was a wizard picture so the people moved. The woman moved a corner of the blanket to reveal a little baby boy crying.

  "The day you were born. I can remember it like it was yesterday."

  This was absolutely the worst day ever for Severus Snape. He was summoned to a Death Eater meeting at around four o'clock in the morning. The Dark Lord had sent Severus on a raid with other Death Eaters. They were torturing and killing innocent muggles. Well, they were, Severus refused to take part. They didn't return until almost nightfall. When the Dark Lord heard about how Severus refused to take part, he suffered the cruciatus curse for two minutes. Then he was sent back to the location of the raid to burn the bodies.

 When that was finished he made his way up to Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry to see there meddi witch Madam Poppy Pompfry. After every meeting he would go to Hogwarts and explain the meeting to the headmaster, Albus Dumbledore, and when he was injured to Madam Pompfry. After being treated for his injuries and explaining to the headmaster what the meeting had consisted of, Severus walked down past the gates to the appartation point and apparated home to Spinners End. He had just walked inside and sat on the couch when his phone rang.

  Now, Severus never really had a use for it. After his dad passed away and he inherited the house, he never removed the muggle phone from the wall. He gave the number to Lily when they were friends so they could call each other. Then when she married James, she made him put a muggle phone in their house. It was faster than an owl. She had forgotten his number, but when she became pregnant, he gave her the number again. He picked up the phone and was shocked to find it was James on the other end.

  "Snape? Look, Lily wants you to come to St. Michaels hospital in London. We were out and she went into labor. I'll meet you at the front." And with that, he hung up. Severus quick changed his clothing from the Death Eater cloak and mask to some casual muggle clothes. He then apparates to muggle London and takes a cab to the hospital. James was waiting outside, leaning against the brick wall.

  "Snape." He says as the only greeting to the man.

  "James." He replied. They weren't friends yet, but we're slowly trying. James leads Severus down a hallway and to the room at the end. Screams could be heard from it.

  "Now, Mrs. Potter I'm gonna need you to push." The doctor said when they walked in. James went to one side of Lily and held her hand. 

  "Severus get your ass over here!" She shouts at him. Severus makes his way over to her other side. She grabs his hand and he tries not to wince and the pain from how hard she's holding his hand. 

  "Yeah, I've been holding her hand for a while now. Stronger than we thouh-" he was interrupted by the sound of Lily screaming.

  "Almost there Lily." A New voice in the room says. Severus lifts his head to see Sirius Black and Remus Lupin leaning against a wall. Snape nods to the two of them and they nod back. Another scream comes from Lily as she tries to push her child into the world. With one final push, a baby's cry can be heard along with hers. 

  "Congratulations! It's a boy!" The nurse says while she places him on a scale. 

  "He weighs eight pounds. A healthy little baby. We're going to clean him up and then you can hold him." The nurse says as she takes him.

  "Thank you for coming Severus." She says to him breathlessly. She releases his hand and he can see the imprint of her fingers on his hand.

  "No problem," Severus says weakly. Lily looks closely at him and tries to sit up, but only gets up on her elbows.

  "Sev, are you alright?" She asks him her voice laced with concern. He nods weakly. She can see that he is having trouble standing up. Severus had been on his feet all day, plus with the cruciatus curse, he was feeling weak knees. "James, get him a chair." She says as she turns to her husband. James grabs him a chair and Severus nearly collapses in it. Remus gives him a glass of water. Severus gladly accepts it and takes a sip.

  "What happened to you?" Black asks as he comes to stand next to him. 

  "Meeting." Was all he said and they all knew. Death Eater meeting.

  "What happened?" 

  "There was a raid and I refused to kill some people, the Dark Lord thought it would be fun to cruciatus me a few times, then send me back to the site to burn the bodies." He replied as he put his head in his hands and rubbed his eyes. He felt a hand on his back and when he looked up, he saw that James was giving him a sad look. Lily looked like she was about to cry, Lupin was running his hands through his hair and Sirius swore quietly. 

  "Do you know why the raid took place?" Potter asked him. Severus just shrugged his shoulders.
  "To cause panic and strike fear into people I guess. Otherwise, he didn't give a specific reason."
  There was silence for a few minutes before there was a sound of a cry. Soon a nurse came into the room with a blue bundle of blankets in her arms. "Here you are." She says as she passed the baby over to Lily. Severus, Remus, and Sirius all gathered around the bed and looked at the little boy. He had a mop of messy brown hair, chubby cheeks, and a small little round nose. When he opened his eyes, they were all shocked to see he had Lily's emerald green eyes. James started to cry, Remus and Sirius were laughing, Lily was smiling. But Severus was just staring at those eyes, so round and innocent. When those eyes stare directly back at him, the little boy smiled and laughed at him. That was the moment when Severus started to tear up. He walked over to a small table and grabbed some tissues. He handed some to James who nodded to him in thanks, and Severus leaned up against the wall and dabbed his eyes. That's when a flash went off. He looked up to see Black and Lupin laughing and smiling, holding a camera.

  While those two were waiting for the photo to develop, Lily asked her husband to help her up so she can use the restroom. Lily handed the baby to Severus. He sat down on the edge of the bed and cradled the little bundle he had in his arms. The boy reached out and grabbed a strand of Severus' hair and started to chew on it. He laughed a real laugh, one he hadn't laughed in a while. When Lily came out of the bathroom, she leaned on her husband and just watched the two of them. Severus looked up at them and asked, 

  "So what are you going to name him?"

  "Well, we've been thinking and we decided to call him... Harry. " Lily said excitedly. 

  "Oh, that's perfect!" Black said from his place by the wall. Remus just nodded his head in agreement. Severus just smiled and looked down at Harry who was still playing with his hair. He corrected himself, this was the best day ever, not the worst.

"I was ready to murder Black for that photo but, I'm glad he took it. " Severus said as he took a biscuit of the tray and took a bite. 

  "So, you really cried when I was born? "
  "A little. I wasn't bawling my eyes out in front of those three." He chuckles as he sips his tea. Harry flips the page to reveal a photo of Severus on a couch with what looked like a year old Harry sleeping on his chest. 

  "What's this one?" He asked him as he pointed to the photo. 

  "Ah, that I believe would be the first time I babysat you. "

Severus walked up to a small cottage in Godric's Hollow. He was watching one of his friends' kid while they went on a date night. He stopped in the front of the doorway and gave three faint knocks. Footsteps were heard from inside. They came closer to the door and soon it burst open. It revealed a woman with the most beautiful bright orange hair that went down to her shoulders. She was in a red dress that was very flowing.

"Severus!" she screamed the minute her eyes landed on him. She jumped into his arms and hugged him as tight as she could.

"Good to see you to Lily." he wheezed out for he was having a little trouble breathing.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I'm just so excited to see you! Come on in." she said as she leads him into the living room. She called to her husband upstairs to bring down the baby. We the man came downstairs and looked at Severus with a blank face.

"Severus," he said with no tone to his voice.

"James," Severus replied with the same tone. Right before they left Hogwarts Severus' family forced him to take the dark mark. When he had no one to turn to he went to Dumbledore but ran into Lily on the way. She tried to cut off their friendship because of it, but Severus begged her to come with him to Dumbledore so he could explain. On their way, they bumped into James and he tagged along. That was the day Severus became a spy for the Order of the Phoenix. Lily trusted her friend now more than ever. James grew respect for the man, but that didn't mean they had to be friends. But he is growing to like Severus more and more he spends time with him. He just won't admit to it.

"Here's my baby Harry. He started talking about a month ago so he may talk to you." Lily said as she took Harry from her husband's arms and gave him to Severus. He stared down into two little green emerald eyes. He had her eyes and his father looks. "He should be in bed by nine and at eight he needs his bottle. It's on the counter just take the stilling charm off of it. Oh, and fair warning. If you watch a movie, he's gonna ask to watch Lion King. We will be back at ten. Good luck! Bye Harry, bye Sev!" she shouted as she and James walked out the door. A few second later he heard the sound of apperation.

"Well Harry, do you want to play any games?" he asked the small child as he noticed a small table in the corner surrounded by different toys and games. Harry's eyes lit up at the sound of it. So for two hours, Severus sat on the floor and Harry and he built many things out of small blocks. They built small castles, spaceships, and some random things. They even built the Hogwarts express and Severus charmed it to go around the room. Harry was laughing and smiling all the while.

When eight o'clock rolled around, Severus took the stilling charm off the bottle and fed Harry while lightly bouncing him on his hip. When he was finished Severus suggested a movie. When he walked to the box they were in Harry went straight for the Lion King like Lily said he would. But, Harry didn't stay up for long for he fell asleep in Severus' arms at the part of the circle of life. He too closed his eyes and was out as well. He didn't know who long he was out, but at one point he felt a tap on his shoulder. He opened his eyes and was met with the sight of brown hair.

"Seems you two had fun." Severus heard James say. He looked down and saw Harry fast asleep on his chest with his thumb in his mouth.

"Oh, yeah. After I fed him we watched Lion King and he fell asleep. I should have put him in his crib.

"Oh it's fine Sev," Lily said as she collected her child in her arms. He stirred a little and smiled when he saw his mother.

"Well, thank you, Severus," James said as he stuck out his hand.

"You're welcome," Severus replied as he shook it.

"Maybe we can get a coffee some time?" he questioned.

"Sure. Goodbye Lily, James. Bye Harry." Severus said as he turned to the door.

"Bye Sev!" Lily called from the doorway. Just before he walked out the door, Harry lifted up his small little head and sleepily said,

"Bye uncle Seb." Everyone froze and stared at each other. James and Severus looked shocked out of their minds, while Lily was smiling. But soon the shock turned to laughter and the laughter caused the small little green-eyed boy to laugh as well.  

"So that's when I started to call you that?" Harry asked his dad. 

  "Yes, that was the first time you called me Uncle Seb," Severus told him. They looked through a few more photos and Harry noticed an age gap. 

  "Wait, why does this photo show me at one and then this one is a three?" Harry asked. The photo of him at one showed him in a small kiddie pool with James at a grill, and Lily and Severus in chairs talking. Then the one if him at three showed him in a living room, different then the other living room pictures of him, playing with blocks with Severus in the background sitting on a couch. Harry could see his dad pale at that question. 

  "That would be because of your parents being killed, " he replied slowly. 

  "But, I grew up with you, why would it start at three.?"

  "Because you didn't go with me right away," Severus replied as he relived one of his most horrific memories.

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