First Play Date

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  "Harry! Uncle Lucs here!" Severus shouted up the stairs to his now six-year-old Harry. 

   "Comm'n da!" The small boy said as he came down the stairs. Harry was aging well. Severus didn't enroll in him a muggle school like his mother did with him. He taught Harry basic math, some history, science, how to read, write, speak he did it all himself. That was for two reasons. One, Severus really never wanted Harry out if his sight, call him a mother hen if you will. And two, Harry just simply refused to talk to other people he didn't know. It took him a good amount of time before he finally warmed up to Lucius and called him uncle Luc. Now today was different.

  "Da, who's d'is?" Harry asked him as he stopped at the kitchen door. He still had trouble with the 'th' sound but they were working on it. Severus came behind him and crouched down.
  "That's Draco. Lucius's son.

  "Why's he here?" The small child asked his father. Harry grew out of calling him Uncle Seb and called him dad. It shocked Severus the first time he called him that. But if little Harry wanted to call him that, then he would let him. Secretly he was happy Harry loved that much to call him that.

  "He's here Harry because aunt Cissy can't take him with her to the convention and I could not find a nanny on such short notice," Lucius explained to him. Lucius was over because he and Severus had a few things to discuss. 

  "Why don't you go play with Draco in the living room?" Severus said as he moved around his son to sit at the table. Harry awkwardly nodded his head and made his way to the living room. Lucius smiled at his son and Draco very hesitantly followed after the young boy. 

  When they arrived in the living room they both stood there awkwardly, neither making eye contact. Figitting or swaying from side to side was all their movements were. Draco's eyes moved all around the room, trying to avoid looking at the boy. He didn't even know this kids name who was standing in front of him. Cautiously he formed up enough courage.

  "W-what's your name?" Draco asked and cringed slightly because his voice sounded weak and barely above a whisper

  "H-harry. Yours?" The boy replied back just as weakly. 

  "Draco." After hearing the kids name, Harry gave him a small smile.

  "What do you like to do for fun?" He asked curious about the boy in front of him. Startled for a second, Draco began to think. "Well... I like to draw." He said finally. 

  "Really?! Me too! Da got me an art set for my birthday last year." Draco looked at him curiously as he walked over to a chest in the comer. Lifting the lid, Harry rummaged around for a bit before he turned around, holding paper, crayons, markers and coloured pencils.

  "Whoa!" Draco replied as he walked over to Harry. They set the supplies on the floor and began to colour and draw as many things as they can think of.

  "Lucius, don't get s head of yourself. You don't know her reasons." Severus said as he poured himself another cup of coffee. 

  "I saw her kiss him. And it wasn't the cheek. She's getting angrier every day it seems. I don't know what to do. I don't want Draco to grow up around that." Lucius said to him as he placed his head in his arms.

  "He can come over anytime he likes," Severus said to his friends as he sat near him and placed a hand on his back. Apparently, Narcissa  was cheating on Lucius with another man from France. And whenever she was home she would get angry at him and Draco for little things. He also noticed some money was missing from his accounts. 

  "Are you positive that he and Harry will get along? I mean, you can't even put him in muggle school because he's so shy." Lucius says to his friend as he lifts his head out of his arms and looked at him. Before Severus could reply, they heard laughter coming from the room next to them. Looking around the corner, the two men say the two boys sitting on the floor laughing and colouring. "Well, that solves my answer."

Uncle SebTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon