Triwizard- wait, there's four

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After Harry's third year the triwizard tournament came to the school. Severus instructed Harry specifically not to enter and Harry gave him his word. During the ceremony where the players were chosen Severus stood near him. When Cedric Diggory was called as the Hogwarts champion, Severus let out a breath he didn't know he was holding. Dumbledore stepped back up to the podium to give the closing speech when the cup flared to life once again. A small, cream coloured paper came fluttering down into Dumbledores awaiting hands. He read the name a few times to himself before saying it a little louder.

"Harry Potter," he said once.

"Harry Potter!" He shouted a second time. Severus turned to him to find Harry with a look of shock and pure horror on his face.


"I remember that day. That was the day I thought you would really whoop my arse," Harry told his father as they sat in the living room. Lucius flipped to a page of Harry in Severus' arms. He asked what it was about and it was the day Harry was selected for the tournament.

"I was about ready to once I heard your name called," he told him, "but I took one look at your face and knew you didn't enter the tournament."

"Yeah but it still felt like that. And I made sure you knew it too,"


After Harry's name was called and all the teachers from the schools and the triwizard champions discussed the matters Severus leads Harry back down to his chambers. Severus sat Harry on the couch and told him to wait there for him. Now, what Severus meant was, he was going to get a calming draught and they would talk things through. But what Harry thought was he was going to get a belt or paddle and beat the living daylights out of him for going against his rule. He curled up on himself and started to cry. At first, it was silent. Then it grew louder and louder till he felt like he couldn't breathe. Severus heard him form two rooms away. Quickly he pocketed the vial of calming drought and came back into the living room.

"Harry?" He asked gently for he didn't want to spook his son. Harry lifted his head up and literally flung himself into his father's arms.

"I'm sorry dad. I'm so so sorry. I didn't do it. Please... please believe me. I didn't disobey your rule. I didn't ask anyone to do it for me I promise you," he cried into his father's chest. Severus just scooped the boy up in his arms and sat down on the couch with Harry on his lap. He held him like that for a good ten minutes before Harry's cries just turned into hiccups and sniffs.

"Harry I believe you. I know you didn't put your name in the goblet of fire," Severus assured the boy as he ran his fingers through the child's brown hair. Harry lifted his head and looked at him with big red puffy watery eyes.

"Y-you do?" He asked him.

"I do," he told him as he grabbed a tissue and wiped his face gently. Harry still didn't move off of Severus lap for the rest of the night and the two ended up sleeping on the couch. And that's how a certain blonde found them that morning.


"I was shocked when Draco owled me that Harry was in the tournament. I didn't who to pity, you are him," Lucius said as he placed the album on the table and stretched his legs.

"Well you should have pitied him," Harry said pointing to his father, "He was constantly frantic."

"Yes, but who kept crying to me constantly about how I should get you out of it?" Severus asked him as he raised his eyebrow and a small smirk tugged at the corner of his lips. Harry looked down at his lap as he fiddled with his fingers.

"That... um..." he stuttered as he tried to find his words. Severus looked at him still a hint of a smile playing on his face.

"I know you needed me during that time. I understand. It's just fun to tease you that's all," he told him.

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