Uncle Luc Saves The Day

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Lucius chooses that moment to floo through. "Hey Severus, oh Harry what are you doing here?" 

Lucius asked as he sat down at the kitchen table and grabbed some tea and a biscuit.

  "Harry's moving me in with him," Severus answered him. 

  "Really?" He asked surprised. 

  "Yes. I have plenty of room in my own manor and he can be closer to the grandkids. I just don't want him to be alone anymore with me gone." Harry answered truthfully. He didn't want his dad living alone. What if something happened to him and he couldn't get a hold of Harry? He would never forgive himself if it did happen.

  "We just found an old photo album and are taking a small break and looking at the photos," Severus tells Lucius. He peers over at the book to see what pictures they are at.

  "So we made it to this time period eh?" He asks and you can see the sadness in the man's eyes.

  "Why? What happened during this time period?" Harry asks the two gentlemen sitting in front of him. 

  "You see Harry, I didn't get you right after your parents died."

"WHAT THE HELL IS THIS?" Severus screamed at the bloody Albus to many middle names to fucking care about anymore Dumbledore, the current headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. 

  "The boy must go to his relatives home Severus my boy. It will be the safest place for him."

  "You know he can be safe with me. H-he doesn't even know those people, he knows me, Albus." Severus begged him. He couldn't believe it. Just hours ago both his friend Lily and her husband were killed by the Dark Lord Voldemort. But supposedly, when the Dark Lord went to kill little Harry, the curse rebounded and killed The Dark Lord instead and Harry only got a scar the shape of a lightning bolt as a result of it. Now Albus was telling him that Harry must go to Lily's sister and her family to be raised. Albus didn't believe the Dark Lord was gone for good, and truth be told neither did he, so Harry had to stay there for the blood wards that would perfect him. Bullshit was all Severus had to say to that.

  "It has been decided, Severus. When the boy comes to Hogwarts you can protect him then, and tell him what you want. But for now, he must go to Privet Drive." Albus said in a tone that told Severus that this conversation was over. It was at that time and aroura flooed over with Harry in his arms. Severus avoided looking at the boy for he knew his walls would break. He had to be strong for Harry. 

  "When would you like for us to deliver him, sir?" The man asked. 

  "Soon. I wish to accompany you." Albus said as he cleared off his desk. The nose must have woken the small boy for he sleepily opened his eyes. But the first thing he saw was someone's back. This said person was wearing all black and had shoulder-length black hair. 

  "Uncle Seb?" The boy said quietly. Severus froze. He wasn't gonna turn around but he heard Harry call him again, more loudly this time. He could hear the panic and worry in the small boys' voice so he knows he had to turn around.

  "Yes, Harry?" He asked quietly. 

  "Wherf mama an papa?" 

  "They're uh, they umm..." how did you tell a one-year-old that their parents were murdered by a sadistic wizard? The answer, you don't! But,

  "A man told me t-that they paffed away. Whaft that mean?"

  "You told him what happened?" Severus said. Sadness briefly was forgotten, it was now replaced with rage.

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