I'd tell you the truth, But S...

By NotLostButWandering

41K 1.3K 158

[BOOK 1 IN THE HIDDEN AVENGER SERIES] Astrid Warren. Your average high school girl. Right? Only if every 14... More

Authors note- Skip
The begining of an unknown adventure
What is going on here? Part 1
What is going on here? Part 2
To sum up the events..
Finding Out
Where darkness meets light
This is only the beggining
A state of mind
The act of learning
Through Sorrow and Power- Part 1
Through Sorrow and Power- Part 2
Hard Truth and Acceptance
We will be Unbroken
It won't end like this
Revenge is best served when not dying
That solves that problem
Second book

A New Hero Rises

2K 73 9
By NotLostButWandering

Oh my gosh! 100 reads already? You guys are amazing! That just makes me so exited. I wasn't planning on updating yet, but here you go! In celebration of reaching 100 reads!


Chapter 6

"No." This couldn't be happening.

"No, no, no, no, no." My voice continues to rise. This could not be happening. The paper that I held in my hands was a curse.


S.H.I.E.L.D Classified Files

Profile number: 382

Astrid Warren; Level 7

-Through many trials of experiments, the desired powers, plus more, were given to #382. Subject (#382) Will not be told until needed. Training will begin then.

-All chemicals and serums injected in to subject did not do harm until the AB experiment.

-The AB experiment stopped the Subjects heart for a period of time. Not being able to restart it, an Arc Reactor that stands as an electromagnet was put in. Subject has no memory of dying.

-Heart levels rising can now trigger a transformation of the Subject since the Arc Reactor was put in.

-Experiments were done for the idea of the A.I.S (Avengers Initiative Solo). Was approved of the council

-All abilities and weapons (Excluding the Hammer and immortality) of targeted A.I members were given or can now be summoned by subject. Among unique abilities, such as spell casting and flying, that we will classify as part demon. (A/N Think of her similar to Raven of Teen Titans. They are completely different, yet similar.)


I feel tears start to fill my eyes. Most angry. The paper slips out of my hands. I just stare at them, wondering what other secrets they could be hiding.

"Agent Warren." I hear Fury's voice say. Though I didn't hear him come in and it sounded miles away. I back up. Cold metal presses up against me.

"Why?" I whisper.

"This is not-"

"Why!" I yell, getting angry. "Why did you do this?! Is this the only reason you wanted me in S.H.I.E.L.D? Why I am a level 7? So I could be some sort of experiment?!"

By know, most were confused, and I was glaring daggers at Fury. My data screen was going starting to beep, so I yanked it off and through it on the floor.

"We were going to tell you."

"When? When were you going to tell me what I am? I'm a monster! A demon! All because of countless experiments done that you wanted!"

I lost it. My eyes betrayed me and tears started to fall. So I did only thing I could think of. I fled. Running out of the control room, passing Stark who I didn't realize was never there.

I ran down blank corridor after blank corridor. Never stopping. My vision was blurred, wet tears streaming down my face. What did I care. I eventually stopped running and put my back against the wall. Sliding down with my hands gripping the sides of my head. No one would look here for me. The monster. I was in the deepest part of the ship, where my cries couldn't be heard over the engine.

----------Small time skip------------

I don't know how long I sat there. My eyes had dried up, most likely red. My hand were now resting on my knees, my head laying against the wall. I think back to the control room. How everyone's faces were in shock and fear when I got mad. I didn't blame them.

I think back to the paper. I guess I know why no one looked at me twice. It explains how I've gotten a lot better at P.T. And how I can understand any formula or theory thrown at me. I hear footsteps approach.

"Astrid, can we talk?"

"What is there to talk about, Phil?" I ask, my voice hollow.

"You know what."

"There isn't anything we need to speak about." He bends down to my level.

"Yes, there is. But before you say anything, let me explain. I did know about this. But I had no idea that we were going to tell you so suddenly. And if I had, I would have never just given you a packet. I know you are mad, but will you forgive me?"

I take a deep breath, "I don't know."

"Please?" I looked up at him. He was practically begging.

"I just don't know. I don't know what to do, Phil. What does everyone expect me to do?" I ask, my throat tightening up.

"I don't know, Ash."

"Do they expect me to be a hero, like it hints on the file?"

"That is completely up to you. If you do, you can count on me to be your first fan. And you would also be able to see your suit."

I crack a small smile, "I already have a suit?"

"I was on the design team."

I chuckled a bit. "Alright, I guess I will agree. And I guess I just acted like that because it was so sudden. Thank you for helping me."

"I agree with you, and your welcome. Now come on, lets go wash off your face."

I nod my head and get up, following him out.

A/N Here is moment I have been waiting to write!

"Really? This was why you were so exited that you were jumping around the room"

I was not jumping around the room. And yes, I was really exited to write this chapter. Its one of the first secrets spilled by S.H.I.E.L.D

"Your lucky that Fury is letting you do this, so don't spoil it."

Fine, go and damper the mood. But anyway

"Comment and vote!"

That's my line!


-On a side note, I will still try and update this weekend when I planned. I won't promise you, though. I still haven't finished writing it.

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