The Billionaire's Baby (BWWM)...

Oleh TheColoredGirl17

2.8M 64.1K 4.6K

What if you needed money quick? You're still struggling with debt from your pricey divorce . You're drowning... Lebih Banyak

Prologue - Once Upon A Time
2 - Cookies Are Your Friends
3 - Marc Waters
4 - The First Is Always The Hardest
5 - Step One
6 - Boston's Evil
7 - Because She's Lydia Brooks
8 - There Goes the Neighborhood
9 - How She Makes an Appearance
10 - That's Why We Love Lydia
11 - Privacy Is My Policy
12 - Give Me Life, Give Me Death
13 - Meeting The Family
14 - The Bridge has burned
15 - Flames
16 - Open Up
17 - The Beast Awakens
18 - Angelic Healing
19 - In which Lydia Starts a Roast
20 - The Beast Takes The Kill
21 - Survival
22 - Deadly Lies
23 - An Assassin's Blood Lust
24 - Would You Have Told Me?
25 - Killer
26 - Rosemary Avery Jackson
27 - The Times Are Changing
28 - Hello From the other Side
29 - Mama Brooks Isn't Happy
30 - A Day As Lydia Brooks...Secrets and All
31 - Where We Go From Here...
32 - No Worries
33 - Breaking-Up is Hard Business
34 - Bad Timing
35 - Lydia's Revival
36 - Loading...Bad Ass Women
37 - Repent
38 - Start Over
39 - Remember the Time (When We Fell in Love)
40 - Truly Over It
41 - Castle
42 - A Broken Queen Doesn't Stop...Ever.
44 - Their Fate (Wade & Lydia) and (Mia & Lydia)
45 - Super Hero
46 - Mafia King
47 - Mia and Lydia go to therapy
48 - Saving My Life...
49 - Taken Wings
50 - Hard Times
51 - Bringing Him Home
51.2 - Body Type
52 - Familiar Air
53 - Billionaires and Assassins
54 - Hostage
55 - Lawn Chairs
56 - Lydia's Betrayal
56.2 - No Longer Broken
56.3 - Growing Pains
57 - Lydia's Hope
58 - Souls on Fire
59 - Loving Death
60 (Short) - Lydia's Push
60.1 - Anytime, Anyplace...
61 - Marriage Fates (Mia&Marc, Lydia&Wade)
62 - Epilogue Part One
Lydia and Wade's custody battle...
63 - Epilogue Part Two
1 - Sandy Beaches

43 - Lucy Ming

25.2K 520 55
Oleh TheColoredGirl17

Lucy's POV

*3 years ago*

I can't believe a year from now Marc and I have been trying for a baby. And yet again from another highly qualified doctor I have no chance to get pregnant. We even tried supernatural voodoo doctors in New Orleans that couldn't help me.

But who are we kidding? I'm half demon and angel, I can't have kids it would upset the balance of nature. Besides having a heir with an elite angel equals super kid that would give me boundless amounts off part I won't have to kill it. 


Marc is the one who's hurting the most of not having any children. He wants a kid so damn bad it's making me sick,

I think Marc is officially fed up with listening to doctors rejecting such an idea, he can't take it anymore. There he was on the steering wheel holding it so tightly his knuckles turned white. I'm against the window thinking about how I can get away from Marc without him noticing that I've left the country 4 times this week...

Once we pull up to the mansion he tells me that he'll be in his study, explaining business talk that bored me to death literally. Grabbing my things I murmur that I'm doing some retail shopping, when in fact I was plotting to leave the country again.

Driving to the nearest private runway, I'm greeted by Kristy. "Hello Mrs. Waters are you traveling to your usual spot today?" I smile telling her yes and soon after she radio's the pilots on the waiting plane, and I go through the door onto the pavement where I'm helped into the plane. "Good evening Mrs. Waters. To Ireland?"

"To Ireland,"

On the flight there I had changed into different clothes, let my hair fall, and finally took off my wedding put on another one that meant a lot more.

It was nightfall when I arrived in Ireland, and as soon as I came through the door. The sweetest voice rang through my ears. "Hey babe, how's our little bundle of joy during the flight over here. When I heard that my future fiance and mother of our child was coming for a visit I had to clean the place up a bit." Running into loving arms I kiss them passionately. " Gwen, the place is beautiful..." Rubbing my swollen stomach I giggle, "And she's doing just fine in there." We kiss,

"You look tired come sit down," She says pulling me gently to the sofa in front of the TV, resting my feet I do feel better. She wraps her arm around me, "You keep me warn." She whispers kissing my cheek and I closed my eyes feeling blissful...

** 2 Months Later **

He knows I'm lying, but he's not sure what I'm lying about. A part of me (who cared for Marc) was sad because I was angry but I was lying to Marc. Another part of me just wanted out of this marriage, this lie, and live with Gwen. 

Also I was huge with pregnancy and having added stress due to the fight I had with Marc isn't helping me at all. So as soon as he stormed off I got on the first flight I could get. Gwen wasn't at home by the time I got there though. 

Suddenly she comes through the door, and I stop pacing. "Hon what's wrong? Here sit down, don't work yourself up." She says pulling up a chair for me to sit in but I was so angry. "No! I don't want to sit." She backs off putting the groceries away,

"Okay I get it, you don't want to sit down. What's wrong?"

Well for starters my ex-husband that you don't know I'm still married to wants to know where I'm going off to months at a time. He's no longer buying the excuse that I'm traveling with modeling. He actually attended the last show and was shocked to find out that I was on maternity leave.

"Just...modeling." I lie biting my lower lip in nervousness. "What happened now? Are they still threatening to give your spot to someone else??"

I nod going with that answer, "Yup that's it."

Gwen walks around the island and puts her hands on my shoulders and comforts me, she kisses my shoulder. Taking my hand she leads me towards the stairs, "Let me take care of my fiance." She smirks at me...

Hours went by before I realized it was the next day, maybe around 6. And there was a knock at the door, wrapped up in a sheet, huge as an elephant I go downstairs to answer it. Opening the door wide there was no denying that my husband was standing in front of me.


He just looks at me head to toe before I actually see tears in his eyes, "Marc this isn't what it looks like. Sure I'm pregnant and I'm wearing a wedding ring that..isn't yours but-" He holds his hand up looking down at the ground. I did start to feel bad,

Picking his head up he looks at me, "Whatever you have to say to me you can say it to my lawyer."

With that he leaves,

"Hey why are you standing in the doorway like that?" Gwen's voice startled me, guess I was still in shock after what Marc had told me. "How long as I standing here?" I asked her and she shrugs her shoulders. "Not sure-"

I pull away from her, "I'm leaving." I say moving outside where I start down the path. Gwen called after me, "Wait watch out!" Her screams made me snap my head towards her as she reaches out for me, not turning fast enough I see myself slip and tumble down the pathway...

** 2 Years Later**

Sure I never wanted a child beside having one for my own personal gain, but the two people I gave my heart to (Marc and Gwen) both wanted children, both knew of my half bred nature, and knew I had trouble with getting pregnant. Well with Marc I did, with Gwen...well she's a witch. So she put a spell on my womb making it strong enough to bare a child.

I guess knowing that her magic didn't work hard enough to save the baby after the fall is what made me lose it. Not only did I miss my chance of prolonging my life, but I lost the chance to make the woman of my dreams happy.

But no more, I didn't care about killing babies to live longer, I had Gwen back home waiting for me....

As soon as I signed the papers and all my things were locked away in storage I got a 1st class plane ticket back to Ireland. In the last 2 years I couldn't leave the country and despite writing several letters to Gwen she never replied.

Now I was finally gonna get answers,

Not having the luxury of being Mrs. Waters meant that I would have to drive myself to Gwen's house. Ugh, when passing a creepy rehab center-what's it called...Saint Arts. That place gave me the creeps, but finally I hit a dirt road leading to Gwen's house.

Parking the car, climbing the stone path to the house, I grab the key from under the mat and open the door nearly falling over.

Seeing a letter on the counter I was scared to pick it up, knowing it was for me. I finally read it,

With my love Lucy we will find our way back to each other, but not today. Until we meet again I wish you the best of luck. - Gwen.

Hurt and confused I devised a plan, knowing that Gwen was still living here I wrote a note. Explaining how much I loved her, how that we will meet again, and that in a year and a half we will meet up at this place, our place Lover's Island in Ireland.

Where's a place she can find it but kept away from anyone finding it? Going into our room I find her jewelry box where I see a wedding ring. Dropping the note in there I put the ring on my finger before leaving the room. I spend a few more hours just memorizing the house as much as I could before finishing another letter for Marc,

You killed me, pushed me to do this very thing. You never loved me enough to fight for me. You never showed me true love. Good bye Marc, - Lucy.

Hoping this suicide note will be found by Gwen...

Putting my jacket on the hanger I grab my keys and leave my purse in the house and take my car, drive around the house to the cliff side. I reverse and take in the fresh air once more before driving off the cliff...


Present day...

Reappearing in front of the Ireland house I had built with Gwen, it had been a year and a half just like I predicted with my letter. While holding a quiet Rene in my arms I catch sight of the shimmering wedding ring I still wore the day I took it from Gwen's box. Knocking on the door it's open, going through the door I take a second to be hit with all types of wonderful memories.

"Gwen!" I say looking around the living room/kitchen. She appears from the back of the house putting on a shirt. "Lucy? I-I thought you were dead. I went to your funeral." She says utterly speechless and I run into her arms but not too hard because of little Rene. "You have a kid?-Our kid? I saw you fall down that very path outside! Explain right now,"

Sitting on the edge of the sofa, "I wont lie to you Gwen, we did lose our baby. We both saw the heartbeat fade away. But you left the room just at the point the heartbeat returned." I lied and it's not working, she shakes her head brushing off tears, crossing her arms over her chest. "No-"

"You never came back to check on me. When I was released from the hospital I was on a plane back to the states. I spent two years away from you, dealing with pregnancy, all while fighting my ex-husband. I came here hours after signing the papers. This is our daughter Rene,"

She looks at me before looking at me still not convinced, "Just like you said you've been away from me for 2 years, when you were taken from me you were 9 months pregnant. Wouldn't she be older?" Oh shit, think fast. "I'm not sure how that works Gwen, your magic must still be protecting her, preserving her life span."

"Put her down," She commands and I do so on the sofa, rounding the sofa I stand in front of Gwen. Tears down her face she's slowly letting herself crumble. Opening her arms wide she runs to me, and I hug her tightly as she kisses me passionately. "I love you so much," She sobs into my chest, I rub her back. "I love you too."

Pulling away from me, "God you just don't know how much I fucking love you. I wanted to kill myself when I heard that you killed yourself. I tried to, and to know that you are okay, alive, and well in front of me. That's all I can ask for," She says wiping her face before looking down at Rene, smiling. "Aww can I hold our little girl?"

Sighing in relief I nod, "Duh she is our daughter."

Picking her up she rocks her back and forth before leaning over to kiss me passionately. "I love you Gwen." She nods kissing my cheeks, forehead, and lips again. "I love too so much I can't put it in words." She sniffles some more before glancing back at me, "Take a load off, you're home now. I'll show her around alright?" She offers and I couldn't have been more zen, and I do as she says taking off my shoes and jacket. "I'm so glad we can start our life together." She says disappearing in the back, I take the time to pour a glass of water.

"Gwen she has your color eyes," I say and when I hear no response I repeat myself, still smiling. But again no response. "Gwen? Hey did you hear me?!" I say a bit louder but nothing.

Hmm that's strange...

"Hey bitch miss me?" She asks smirking holding a shot gun at me,

I step back, dropping the glass. Behind her in the shadows I see Gwen holding Rene, "How could you do this?!" Gwen just looks away before looking down at Rene, "Because you aren't the woman I loved." Lydia chuckles a bit before licking her lips.

With my hands out in front of me I'm scared, "Now wait a second Lydia, I'm not as strong as I use to be. Can't we just talk it out." She murmurs something to herself before taking aim.

"Do you know what happens to people who say my name?"

Knowing this was the end... "I do super assassin."

"Goodnight," She says before firing the weapon...

Lydia's POV

Seeing Lucy fly through the door had me twerking before I got serious and gloomy again. Looking back at Gwen, I had to ask. "What did Lucy's crazy ass call Mia's baby?"

"Rene, what's her real name?"


After the plane ride home to Boston, I successfully carry Camille back to Mia and Marc. She couldn't be happier to see both children alive and well. "Camille and Sebastian, aww you two make sexy babies. I'm a proud Aunite." I joke before leaving them alone to see Wade struggling to hold his phone to his ear. "Need help?"

He nods, I ring the number and put it to his ear. "Hey-what-you're in Lydia's hospital why? Oh is it the baby-what?" He says before looking at me with a weird look, "She wants to talk to you." Moving from the phone I put it up to my ear. "I'm dying of cancer,"

"Yea I know remember...-"

"Ugh, I mean that I'm dying of cancer and I'm asking-no demanding that you induce me. I want you to raise the child with Wade if I don't make it past the birth."







A/N: I love pushing my characters to insanity! Don't judge me! Just read: Bring Me Back to Life and Loving Rich for better examples....

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