
By Skullheaddd

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Published July 4th 2017 Memories of the mind can cause your mind to self-destruct, 21 year old, Mawi Henderso... More



124 4 2
By Skullheaddd

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"Get up, and get the fuck out!" My mom man yelled at me.

"The fuck nigga, get the fuck out of my face." I said groaning.

He kicked me hard in my stomach, my breath stop, this shit hurts."nigga, kick me again I'll shoot cho' face off ,fuck boy."

"Aight, Lil fake ass drug dealer." He smirked kicking me again.

Once he kicked me in whipped out my gun, I held his ass at gun point."What chu got to say now, fuck boy? Huh? Yo' ass quiet, you dick eater. Fuck out my face before I blast yo' shit off, ya' heard?" I said looking at him like he was crazy.

"Mõana, get out and don't come back here." My momma said, I looked at her like she lost her Damn mind.

"Momma, you gon choose this nigga over me?" I asked making sure.

"You to old, for yo' ass to be laying on my couch, leave now, or ima call the cops."

"Momma, im the only one paying yo' bills and you gon kick me out, for a nigga that dick is hella small, and ain't got shit? Alright, fuck both of y'all stupid asses." I said getting all my shit and getting out.

I was livid, walking the streets this late at night, I looked at my phone it was 3:40 am , and I didn't have no where to stay, I can't stomach the real thought of her kicking me out, her own blood, she even pushed me out, what a bitch.

I found myself outside of Mac's Apartment complex, I wonder if Mac was up. I knock hella hard, damn she's definitely high as fuck and knocked out.

I wanted to cry, I was so sleepy. "Mõana?" I turned to see Mawi, fuck ion want her to see me like this.

"Wassup, Mawi?" I wiped my tears, and looked at her, with a force smile.

"What chu, doing outchea so late?" She said eyeing me suspiciously.

"Nothing, just tryna sleep But Mac ass knocked the fuck out, off them drugs, what chu doing up so late?" I asked raising my left eye brow.

"Never was sleep, you can crash at my crib, I never thanked you for Helping me out that day, so thank you." She said sending a warm smile my way.

"C'mon, you look tired." She said walking up to me, grabbing my bags.

"So how's, school?" She asked when I started to follow her.

"Dropped out." I said as she furrowed her eyebrows at me this time.

"Why, I mean you don't have to tell me but damn, when?" She asked curiously.

"I had to do what I had to do." I sniffed referring to me taking care of my momma that kicked me out.

"You can always go back before it's too late, right?" She said with some hope, she walked to the back with my things I just followed.

"Yeah, I could but I just withdrawn really, Ion got time for school at the moment." I said as I shrugged my shoulders.

"I have a laptop, you can do K-12 here, I don't mind really, your a senior right, don't give up when you don't have that much left to do." She encouraged, some what convincing my ass.

I sent, my millon dollar smile her way."I'll think about it." I chuckled as she was changing the sheets.

"Hella' hoes I suspect ?" I said that because, the bed sheets being changed can only indicated that, Cum was on the sheets blah blah.

"Oh naw, trust me it ain't even like that, I just don't want you laying on semi- dirty sheets."she said as she flattened out the bottom of the sheet. I nodded understanding.

"I'll be on the couch if you need anything-" Mawi said as she rushed towards the doorway

"Wait, can we talk for a bit?" I spoke softly.

"Uh, sure." She said turning on her heel, to sit on the edge of the bed.

"You can sit by me ion bite." I chuckled as I patted a spot closer to me.

She looked so innocent, yet broken down."so, umm how you feeling?"  I asked sizing her up and down.

"I'm okay. You?" She said resting her head on her headboard.

"I'm Gucci, so you wanna tell me why you was bruised up?" I said jumping straight to the chase.

"I was just really drunk, and I fucked myself up, no biggie." She shrugged.

Liar liar pants on fire. Those bruises didn't look like they were from a drunk night.

"Sure, wanna play 21 questions?"  I said changing the subject quickly, as her mood shifted.

"Okay, you first youngin'." I rolled my eyes.

"how old are you?"

"21, how old are you?"

"18, going in 19." I smirked, feeling good about the age difference since it wasn't so much different.

"Where you from?" I asked.

"Originally from New Awleans, but now I live hea, in Florida." I stared at her for a long time.

"You mean New Orleans? I knew that thick accent was from some where."

"Ion got no accent. Where you from?" I just looked at her.

"I'm from the gutter, hea." She nodded.

"Do you stay in contact with your parents?" Just because my family was shitty, didn't mean hers was too.

She had an unreadable facial expression."Naw, do you smoke or drank?" She said changing the subject.

"Of course fuck you mean." We started laughing, hell in this world it's weird not to.

I got serious for a moment. Face hardened, "you got a girl?" I stared at her intently.

"Unfortunately, yeah. You?"

"Naw, why you said unfortunately?"

"No reason, you hungry or sum?"

"Thats still part of the game or nah?" She hit me with a near by pillow, I dodge it.

"You a whole joke I swear, im not talking bout the game." She smiled brightly.

"Kool-aid man, looking ass."

"Awe, you tryna grill? " She said grabbing her phone. "Oh shit."

"What?" I said concerned.

"She's coming over." She panicked.

"Who?" I raised an eyebrow.

"My girlfriend."


O.o any thought about what's going to happen?

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