Is this Love? (Daryl Dixon Lo...

By Kiirrsstty

568K 10.9K 2.1K

Sam is a 20 year old girl who was lost and broken, long before the apocalypse. During the outbreak she has to... More

Is this Love? (Daryl Dixon Love story)
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven..
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen..
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty..
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four.
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty Two
Chapter Forty Three.
Chapter Forty Four
Chapter Forty Five..

Chapter Thirty Eight

6.2K 149 33
By Kiirrsstty

Sam's P.O.V..

I lay down in the bed for around a hour before finally getting up and deciding to get things sorted with Harry. I slowly walked past everyone in the group before stopping at Merle's cell door.

"Do you mind if I come in and speak to him?" I asked Merle quietly.

"Not at all.. Do you want me to leave?" He replied, I shook my head and walked further in but Merle got up and left anyway.

I stood next to the top bunk and slowly ran my hand through Harry's hair.

"Hey little man.." I whispered. I waited to see if he would answer me but there was nothing but a small sniffle. "I'm Sorry.. I should never have shouted at you like that... Please don't cry." I added whilst slowly climbing up on to the bed and laying down next to him. It fell silent in the room, I thought about everything that was going on and a frown formed on my face.

I sighed after a few minutes of listening to him crying, deciding it was probably best to leave him alone. I was about to roll over and climb down when Harry turned around and gripped on to my shirt.

"Please don't leave me mom." He whispered and I turned around, immediately wrapping my arms around him.

"I'm Sorry.." I replied squeezing his tiny body a little bit.

"It's okay." He whispered as he pulled himself closer to my body and rubbed his eyes.

I placed a small kiss on the top of his head and pushed his hair out of his eyes.

"Get some sleep.. We have a lot of things to do tomorrow." I said quietly in his ear and he nodded.

"I Love You Mom.. Goodnight." He replied, closing his eyes. I waited until he fell asleep and held him closer to me.

"Goodnight my baby boy.. I Love You so, so much!" I replied placing another soft kiss on his head. I could hear footsteps coming in to the cell so I slowly unwrapped my arms from around Harry.

I went to slide off the bed but Merle put hand up to stop me.

"Stay with him.. My baby brother ain't back yet." He stated and I instantly felt a pain in my chest as I lay back down.

"Okay." I barely whispered in reply to him. I felt so guilty about all of this, I can't believe how stupid I was. I could see it was getting dark outside so I wrapped my arms back around Harry and closed my eyes.

"Everything okay with you two?" Merle questioned and I shook my head.

I knew he couldn't see me but it was the only response I had.

"Only he left in a hurry earlier.. He took the a truck and nobody's seen him since." He added.

"Yeah.." I replied quietly, tightening my arms around Harry. "I really messed up this time." I whispered, thinking that Merle had gone to sleep.

"He'll come around.. I aint ever seen my baby brother this happy before." He admitted but I chose to leave it at that. Merle didn't know what was going on, he didn't realise how bad things could get right now.

I heard Merle's loud snores filling the room and I pulled the pregnancy test out from my front pocket.

"How can you potentially cause so many problems?" I questioned looking down at the two lines staring back at me. "You're not even here yet." I whispered, slipping the stick back in to my pocket and rubbing my hand across my stomach. I sat up slowly and let my thoughts of Daryl and I take over, I needed him here with me now. I closed my eyes and yet again another tear slipped down my cheek as I thought about one conversation that we had a few months back.


"Did you ever want kids?" I unintentionally asked and I instantly regretted it.

"Yeah.. I guess." He whispered. I smiled at his response and kissed his neck.

"I bet you would have been a great dad." I whispered and he shrugged his shoulders in response.

"I suppose we'll never know." He sighed, almost sounding completely gutted at the fact he would never have the opportunity. I thought over what I wanted to say and approved it in my head before looking up at him.

"You're the closest thing to a dad Harry will ever have." I said as I laid my head on his chest. "And he loves you just as much." I whispered and he tightened his grip around me.


Why did Daryl run off like that? He wanted kids didn't he? I couldn't stop the endless questions that were circulating around my head, so I decided to just get up, it wasn't as if I was getting any sleep tonight anyway. I landed softly on the floor and quietly snuck out of the cell trying not to wake anybody.

The whole prison was silent, it was pitch black outside and I was alone with my thoughts once again. I crept up the steps towards our cell and rumaged through Daryl's bag looking for one item in particular.

"Bingo." I whispered, yanking out the poncho and pulling it over my head. I inhaled Daryl's distinct scent and collapsed down on to our bed with a sigh.

I lay on that bed for hours in silence just thinking about everything that was going on around here. Just as the sun was beginning to rise I could hear everyone shuffling about downstairs, I sighed and pulled off the poncho before making my way down the steps.

"Morning." I greeted as I stepped down and made my way past a few off the cells. I coyld hear a few tired replies before I stopped outside Merle's cell.

I popped my head around the door but nobody was in there, I felt my face scrunch up in confusion and I looked back at the group.

"They're outside." Dale called from his seat at one of the tables.

"Thank You." I shouted back before heading out the door to find them. The field was empty, the courtyard was empty and they were nowhere to be seen. I was about to head back inside when I heard the sound of an engine rumbling, getting closer to the prison.

Daryl's P.O.V..

As much as I hated this Cabin, it really was a good place to hide out and think. I sat on the edge of the bed that I shared with Sam and watched the sun begin to rise. I didn't manage to get any sleep last night worrying about what would happen when I got back to the prison, so I was knackered.

"What do I do?" I groaned, flopping back down on the bed and rubbing my hands over my face. I slowly pulled myself up off the bed and headed over to the door, taking one last glance around the room before leaving.It was time to go back to the prison.

I jumped down the last few steps of the stairs before heading over to grab my crossbow ready to leave. I bent down next to the cabinet, picking up what I needed and getting ready to leave. I was about to stand back up but something that had fallen behind the cabinet caught my eye.

"What the..." I started but quickly stopped when I looked down at the picture in my hands. This was it, this was the answer to the question that had been circulating my head all night.

Pulling the back off the picture frame, I quickly yanked out the picture and shoved it in to my pocket. I knew exactly what needed to be done as I sprinted back upstairs to the back of the bedroom. I slammed my foot on to the floorboard at the far end, sending it flying up and catching it with ease.

"Perfect." I whispered, picking the item up from under some hay. I returned back downstairs, grabbing my crossbow and placing the small box in to my pocket before leaving the cabin.

I started to speed back towards the prison, finally realising what needed to be done and soon the fences came in to sight.

"Sam." I whispered from inside the truck when I watched her pull the gates open to let me in. I sped in to the parking spot but paused when I tried to get out of my seat. Is this really the right things to do? I asked myself over and over before finally stepping out to face the situation.

Sam's P.O.V..

My heart started to speed up when the familiar blue truck started to come towards me.

"Daryl." I breathed out quietly whilst running towards the gate and flinging it open. The truck flew past me and went back to the parking spot before Daryl slowly climbed out. "Are you okay?" I asked, walking towards him. I was just about to step infront of him when he turned his back to me and held up his hand, attempting to walk away.

I stopped in my tracks and shook my head before swallowing the lump in my throat.

"Daryl." I shouted, making him slow down. "If you walk away now.. I.. I don't ever want you.. to bother us again." I said a little softer and he stopped, looking back at me.

"There is something I need to do." He replied, repeating the same words he said to me last night.

"I mean it Dixon.. You walk away and.. and..." I began to stutter but it was too late, he was already walking back through the prison's main door.

I followed behind him silently and put a small smile on my face as I pushed the door open. I was instantly greeted by the smell of food, which made my stomach turn before I slowly sat down on the steps rubbing a hand over it.

"Here.." Carol said, handing me a bowl of whatever she had made.

"I'm fine.." I whispered. "I'm not hungry." I added pushing it back towards her. Carol nodded slowly before turning on her heels and dishing up my food on to Carl's.

I placed my head in my hands just sitting in silence, trying to figure out what I was going to do.

"You need to eat." Daryl stated, dropping to his knee infront of me.

"I'm not hungry." I growled pushing the bowl out of my face. There was a short pause before the bowl was placed back under my nisr. "Are you deaf?... I said I'm not hungry." I snapped, finally meeting Daryl's burning eyes.

I couldn't read them, they were burning with so many different emotions it was impossible to tell what he was thinking.

"It.. It isn't just about you anymore..." He snapped back at me. "The baby.." He added softly before dropping his gaze. "Our baby.." He barely whispered. I could feel a small smile play on my lips but it quickly faded when I thought about what he has been putting me through.

Daryl left me, the one time I really needed him and he just run off, leaving me to deal with this on my own.

"You don't care." I growled, causing him to finally look up at me.

"I.. Sam.. I.. It's not that I..." He stuttered before I stopped him.

"This..." I whispered, pointing down at my stomach. "This is nothing to do with you... You walked away.." I added harshly before moving slowly back up a few steps.

I watched him have an internal battle with himself before sighing and getting up to walk away from the steps. I instantly regretted what I was doing but I couldn't give in this time, I needed to do what was best for my family.

"Go get some rest.." Dale whispered from beside me, making me jump.

"I'm okay.. Honestly" I grunted, turning to face him.

"Sam..." He said as he gave me a knowing look, I couldn't argue with him and I really did need the sleep.

"Fine.." I yawned before walking up towards the cell and dropping down on to the soft matress.

I gently closed my eyes trying to get some sleep but all I could see was Daryl.

"Get out of my head." I grumbled to myself before hitting my head against the pillow a few times. I could feel my eyes growing heavier and the sleep started to take over, sending me off in to a ligh lt sleep.


I reluctantly opened my eyes and turned to see the sun was slowly setting, meaning it was late afternoon. I pulled myself off the bed and slowly made my way down the steps, but everyone except for Merle had left the cell block.

"Hey..." I greeted walking over to him and leaning against the wall.

"Morning mom." Harry yelled from inside Merle's cell before Merle could answer me. I went to step around him and walk in to the cell but he blocked it off with his hands.

I raised my eyebrows at Merle and he just gave me a small smirk.

"I'm afraid you can't go in there." He chuckled, pushing me slightly back. I could hear hushed voices coming from behind him but the conversation was too low for me to hear what they were saying.

"My son is in there.. I'm going in." I stated seriously.

"It's okay mom.. We're finished in here." Harry responded cheerfully before skipping out and wrapping his arma around my legs.

I looked between the two in confusion but turned my attention away from them when Dale and Daryl walked out of the cell.

"What's uh..going.." I started to question but Harry started to pull me away and led me to a table with his truck on.

"Can you play now?" He asked sweetly, giving me his best smile and I nodded. I started to push the truck around and then helped him place his army figures in a certain way.

We sat at the table for what seemed like hours, the rest of the group had come in and things were starting to settle down for the night.

"Mom.. can I ask you something?" Harry asked, pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah.." I replied quietly.

"What's your full name?" He whispered. "Mine is Harry James." He said, a huge smile spreading across his face.

"I know little man.." I chuckled. "My full name is Samantha Evans." I whispered and he nodded his head.

I watched him slowly climb down from where he was and he ran off up the steps towards our cell. I shook my head slowly before resting it on the table.

"Fancy taking watch with me?" A voice asked from behind me.

"Yeah.. Why not." I sighed, lifting my head up and turning to see Dale stood there with a smile. I slowly followed behind him, noticing he didn't have his rifle and pushed the door closed behind us.

It was silent between us as we walked and I was so lost in my thoughts I nearly knocked Dale over when he stopped suddenly.

"What's wrong?" I asked quietly.

"Daryl really does love you.." He whispered.

"Please Dale.." I began but he quickly cut me off.

"Sam.. Honestly, don't be mad at him for leaving.. I bet he had a reason.. You two are good together, don't let one little mistake ruin everything you have." He added quietly, squeezing my shoulder gently.

I shook my head and looked him in the eyes, even though it was dark I knew he could see me.

"You don't know what's happening.. Hell I don't even know what's happening." I whispered, defeated by my own words.

"I'm here if you want to talk about it.. I won't push you to tell me." He replied quietly. "I've forgotten my rifle, I'll be right back just go over to the fence and I'll meet you there. Just don't move." He added, spinning on his heel.

"Okay." I added, turning around and looking through the fence at the full moon that was out.

I linked my hand with the cold chain fence and placed my head against it.

"Oh and Sam.." Dale called from the door to the prison.

"Yeah.." I replied not even bothering to look behind me.

"He really does love you." He said softly, before I heard the door close. I slowly rubbed my forehead and shook my head.

"I know.." I sighed, feeling the guilt wash through me. I felt awful for the way I treated Daryl but it was the only way I could stop myself, Harry and this unborn baby being hurt by him.

I started to shiver from the bitter cold outside until I finally heard the door open.

"Finally.. " I said quietly as the footsteps approached me. I left my head pressed against the fence and the footsteps stopped right behind me. I was about to turn around when a pair of muscular arms wrapped around me and instantly warmed me up.

"I'm Sorry.." Daryl whispered, placing a small kiss on the back of mt head.

"No.." I replied, pushing his arm from around my waist.

I turned around to look at him and his eyes were filled eith hurt.

"You don't get to do that... You walked out Daryl.. I needed you." I said quietly.

"Sam.. I.. I was..I still.. am sca.." He started to stutter but I raised my hand to stop him.

"You're scared?" I asked and he nodded. "You're scared.. How do you think it is for me Daryl?" I growled and he looked down avoiding my gaze. It fell silent between us and I shifted slightly pressing my back against the fence.

I watched Daryl shift on his feet and he finally looked up at me.

"I'm Sorry..I'm so, so Sorry." He asked quietly and took a step towards me.

"Don't.. Don't do this.." I replied attempting to push him away. I reached my hand out ready to push him but he pulled me in to him and turned me around, placing his hands over my eyes.

"Please.. Just hear me out okay?" He whispered in my ear which sent chills down my spine.

I slowly swallowed the lump in my throat and nodded slowly.

"Where are we going?" I questioned as Daryl led me blindly around the prison.

"You'll soon see." He replied and slowly came to a stop. I started to feel around me but there was nothing, which made me start to panic and shake. "Don't worry.. I'm not going to hurt you." He added, in barely a whisper as he removed his hands from my eyes.

I let out a gasp in surprise as I looked around the usually dull courtyard.

"You.. You did this?" I asked quietly, looking around. There were candles spread all across the yard with flowers and when I looked down we were stood in a huge heart, shaped out by candles.

"I would do anything for you." He said quietly looking straight in to my eyes. Daryl slowly wrapped his arms around me and pulled me closer so I we could see eachother in the light. "You willing to hear me out?" He asked, his voice full of concern and I just nodded because I was completely lost for words.

I felt his arms tighten slightly around my body and he gave a slight nod.

"I Love You.. You honestly don't know how much I Love You.. You are smart, funny, beautiful and just.. well just.. Perfect. This past year or so has been the best time of my life and I only have you and Harry to thank for that. This messed up world, it.. it doesn't matter because I have you, I have Harry and most importantly we all have that baby. I was a complete idiot yesterday.. I.. I should never have gone off like that. I want this baby and I want us.. the five of us to be a proper family. It's going to change, I promise you it's all going to change.. I'm going to change. From this moment on I'm going to do everything I can for our family.. Just please forgive me. I Love You so much Sam.. and.. and I have.. something I want to ask you.." He whispered, his eyes burning with pure love in the moonlight, making me nod.

I felt a tear slide down my face and Daryl wiped it away before putting his hand in his pocket. I felt my eyebrows scrunch up in confusion and then he pulled out a small black box.

"Miss Samantha Evans will you do me the great honour of becoming Mrs. Samantha Dixon." He whispered and slowly got down on one knee infront of me. "Will You Marry Me?" He added with that winning smile and I felt myself freeze.

I stood in a shock silence as I stared at the beautiful old ring in his hands. I looked around the yard, admiring all this work he put in for me. I didn't deserve this man.. He was way too good for me I thought as I finally locked my eyes on to his.

What was I going to say? I was honestly stuck for words.


Author's Note..


What do you all think she will say?

Please let me know what you think will happen, your feedback really does help me with my writing :)!

I really loved writing this chapter, I feel like it's one of the best one's that I have written so far!!

I hope you all enjoyed this one and I promise I'll try not to keep you waiting long for the next chapter!!

Please could you lovely people..

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Thank You all so much for the support.. It's just so crazy!!

Keep It Real Normanites:)!!♡

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